I see that BBC are pushing the line that “Asians” are getting more and more into football but apparently racism still plays a part from deterring some of these “asians” from going to a game. Looks like soccer is also institutionally racist, just like every other UK institution. How lucky we are to have the BBC to point these matters out to us.
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When are the BBC going to stop talking about “British Asians”. If you consider someone Asian, you can’t possibly consider themselves British, because Britain isn’t in Asia.
Nobody minds people coming to Britain if they’re willing to cast off their old identity and homeland and embrace their new one. It doesn’t help that the BBC are fostering division and separatism with this absurd contradictory categorisation.
the BBC want enforced in the UK to ‘settle disputes’
when did they say this martin?? maybe they talked about the possbility of it ( which is not the same as supporting it). show me where/when the beeb try to push sharia law?
They are always talkin bout sharia law you flaming idiot, its their way of helping the moslems get power. They get elected off of moslem votes for years, now theyre trying to set up moslem laws in place of our laws.
Why can’t the BBC call the scum in paki land terrorists? Oh cuz their moslems and remember, moslems love peace, not terrorism!!
Bloody hell – how clear do we have to be – avoiding the word ‘terrorist’ is not de facto – it has been an instruction – but take my word for it – those superannuated students cling to that philosophy anyway – as they did in their woolly minded minds during the 70s.
Never mind the squabbling – make sure the next Tory govt does something about the useless idiots (see University Challenge farce) – dont the clowns realise that they ought to start amending their ways now – considering the lead time of TV programmes?
“That tends to be the residual C18 faction at West Ham and the Yorkshire teams (before they all gor relegated).
Cockney | 03.03.09 – 12:29 pm”
Tell that to a ‘Boro fan!
The BBC misrepresent the true nature of Sharia – why did they sack Kilroy for mentioning punishments carried out under this law? Because they do not tell the truth, they hide the bits they don’t like and pretend its not there, or if it is its only done by a few “militants”. They dont show you the punishments carried out in Iran, which are there for everyone to see.
“Many Muslims, however, hold a different view. In the Islamic tradition Sharia is seen as something that nurtures humanity. They see the Sharia not in the light of something primitive but as something divinely revealed. In a society where social problems are endemic, Sharia frees humanity to realise its individual potential.”
This is the BBcs view.
And this is the reality
pity they dont show such reverence for christians
British football must be one of the most racist businesses in the UK. The black population of the UK is less than 2% but a very much greater percentage of football players are blacks. Since all races are equal in every conceivable aptitude, this over representation can only come about because of the vicious racism of the football club owners. I am amazed that the Race Relations Board, or whatever it is called nowadays, hasn’t instituted an enquiry into this blatant racism.
LP Gasse | 03.03.09 – 6:57 pm |
pity they dont show such reverence for christians
Only the right-on ones who express approved thoughts, like the ArchB of C.
Silly me!…how could i have forgotten his beardyness?!…..what a wet pillock! –now Archbish of York – John Setamu — now theres a proper bloke…..
Jesus Christ revealed himself the only way to God. “I am the way the truth and the light”.
Therefore by default all of Islam is a sin against God. It is a religion of pride. Whether they realise that or not, thats what the beeb support (pride), its why they support Islam and why they are the cancerous organisation they are.
Its an extension of GK Chestertons “when men stop believing in God they dont believe in nothing they believe in anything…” quote.
The BBC as an organisation hate God. Just like Islam. Thats why they hate Israel because subconsciously they have substituted God for Israel.
anyone who thinks English football has race problems needs to go to spain where they call all the black players monkeys. those days are gone here in the uk. it the beeb shit stirring again isnt it?
still, staying on football, we need to introduce a rule to ensure the teams play a minimum numberof english players – too many damn foreigners. funny how football emulates reality…
This old story comes out every year under some new wrapper.
It used to be that “Asians were excluded” from signing with big teams.
That one didn’t work even though they tried it five years on the trot.
New angle, same old crap from the BBC.
Asians are welcome to football, in fact they can have it as indigenous support dwindles rapidly as people realise what a rip off the whole football thing is.
They can have it because the working class do not go anymore.
football is way more diverse than the beeb
or the public school and red brick universities their employees went to
BBC lies | 04.03.09 – 4:19 pm |
New angle, same old crap from the BBC.
Yes, too true. In a few years, the angle will be that the sport is full of racists because there aren’t any Asian managers.