I see the health fascists in the SNP are trying to stop alcohol being priced “too cheaply” – whatever that means. This kind of Nanny Statism is beloved of the BBC since it embodies the central meme that the State always knows best.
I see the health fascists in the SNP are trying to stop alcohol being priced “too cheaply” – whatever that means. This kind of Nanny Statism is beloved of the BBC since it embodies the central meme that the State always knows best.
even if labour cured cancer tomorow you’d claim it was only so they could win the cancer vote….
Gus seems to have an obsession for martin ?
Gus Haynes: Oh dear off you go again. If you notice ‘Gus’ baby I didn’t comment about British Power’s posting.
However, I don’t go around (like the other regulars on here) DEMANDING that people are not allowed to post or be banned just because I don’t agree with them..
Even a total arsehole like you Gus should be allowed free speech here.
“ts okay to live our lives in fear and mistrust according to your rulebook.”
We do already,RIPA,the Civil Contingencies Act,CCTV,the Clause 152 data sharing,being slipped through now.the ID cards,the denunciations for offences against PC,even spies in the dustbins.
About the only ones who do have free speach are radical preachers.
Nice to see the BBC spinning Brown’s pencil sharpner present to Obama and laughing at John Major’s Cricket bat to President Bush..
Note to the fat one eyed one. Obama is no fan of Churchill.
Perhaps he is gimp in search of a master?
Gus Haynes,
Do you really want to curtail freedom of speach ?
They should maybe think of lowering the price of booze in Scotland so that Boredom Brown can afford a pint when he’s out of work and sods off home.
Don’t feed the troll. Back on subject.
“Perhaps the most egregious example uncovered as yet is Alcohol Concern. Out of an income in one year of just shy of £1 million, 57% came from the Department of Health…and yes, Alcohol Concern has been and is quite vociferous in its lobbying of the Department of Health on how access to alcohol can and should be restricted. Private donations were a tad shy of £5,000 (yes, that’s five thousand, not five hundred thousand nor even fifty thousand) so their income from real people actually supporting their efforts was less than 0.5% of their total income. It’s extremely difficult to see that this is a charity and even more difficult to see why they should be given any credence whatsoever in the media.”
Preposteroso | Homepage | 03.03.09 – 6:26 pm |
I don’t think so – Brown will get a cushy job either in the EU or the Lords so that he does not have to be accountable to the poor voters.
I see the Spelman story has finally come to a conclusion. However, the BBC’s reporting compared to that of Sky’s Jon Craig is very interesting.
Craig highlighted this section of the report.
“…14. Finally, the Commissioner concludes that there is:
… no evidence that it was a calculated breach on Mrs Spelman’s part. I have received striking evidence of Mrs Spelman’s personal integrity, probity and standing in the community and among her colleagues. She must have been under intense personal and professional pressure when she was first elected in 1997. She had very little time to prepare. She had to move home and her family in the space of a few short, and what I am sure were frenzied, months. She had to manage the pressures of a new constituency, a backlog of casework and her family responsibilities, and to adjust to the distinctive environment of the House of Commons which puts pressure on any new Member.[21] …”
This is missing from the BBC story.
Also, the BBC state that she’s been ORDERED to repay nearly £9000, yet the report only states this.
“…. Using the figure of £4,800 in the Commissioner’s memorandum, which has been accepted by Mrs Spelman, we recommend that Mrs Spelman repay the House the sum of £9,600…”
BBC quote.
Caroline Spelman must repay £9,600 of the Commons expenses she used to pay for nannying work – but any breach of the rules was “unintentional”, MPs say.
Even the BBC must know there is a difference between MUST and RECOMMEND.
The BBC can be relied upon to lie and spin this story.
I’m sure Michael Prick (can someone please send this man a bottle of hair shampoo) will try to spin this as a great victory for the BBC when in fact it’s little more than a minor knuckle rap.
Will the BBC now go after five bellies spliff over the hundreds of thousands she’s taken off the tax payer for telling porkies about where she lives?
I think we know the answer there.
Gus Haynes: Just how far can you spit your dummy?
I need a drink
What’s driving people to drink up in Scotland, that’s what they ought to be finding out.
Reasons to drink in Scotland :
The climate.
The absolutely appalling politicians in the Scotish parliament and the corrupt local authorities.
The other inhabitants.
The worst television in the UK. Many popular programmes on the BBC are not shown in Scotland so that poorly made local programmes, of little or no interest, can be shown as well as local football matches in the Scottish Premier league, attended by crowds less that those in the lowest English Division.
I hope nothing comes of this noise about draconian taxation on alcohol in Scotland. I just recently had some awesome Ola Dubh Special Reserve (12, 16, 30 and 40 – from Harviestoun of Alva, aged in whiskey casks), and I might never see that again. I turned a few friends onto it as well.
If the Nanny Staters clamp the screws down on alcohol as they’re threatening to do, it will be real restraint of trade, shutting down commerce and reducing employment. And make my life the poorer for it, even over here in the US.
Instead of putting prices up why not pull down unemployment benefit and cap above inflationary rises in public sector salaries – that should achieve the same effect in Scotland. Or strip away the beaurocracy that prevents employers dealing with staff who can’t do their jobs properly because they’re turning up hungover.
“next thing is they ‘ll be telling us not to sell alcohol in moslem areas! I used to work near edgeware road in London blah blah bollocks bollocks”
The irony is that the Edgware Road (sp)is the binge drinkers’ best friend as anyone who has had experienced the delights of a 4am halal lamb schwarma with extra chilli after a heavy night out will agree.
if this is what the SNP is like when still part of the UK,roll on scottish independence :+: