I listened to this interview with Nicholas Young, chief executive of the British Red Cross, on “Today” this morning. He was on to argue for more financial help for Gaza and to ensure that those pesky borders aree opened up to allow for the flow of all that “humanitarian aid” which the inhabitants of this moral sewer require. It’s interesting to listen him get through the interview without having to even once deal with the fact that the genocidal Jew-killers in Hamas rule Gaza and that Hamas are directly responsible for borders being closed and for IDF military intervention in Gaza ! It’s almost as if the Red Cross and the BBC deliberately obscure the reasons for the condition in which Gaza finds itself! But that could never be….could it?
Yesterday, a rocket from Gaza hit a school in Ashkelon. Fortunately no casualties.
I would suggest that donors keep their money in their pockets – as they will anyway, as what we hear is mostly declarations. There could be quite a bit of destruction to come.
bbc is the official voice of Hamas and Hezbollah in the UK.
OK, we in the UK are still fortunate that many of us have alternative sources of information and can (thanks to sites like this) separate wheat from the chaff, but bbc is a global news organisation and is still held in high regard in many commonwealth countries as a beacon on neutrality and fair play. Many in these developing countries unfortunately, do not have access to the Internet or other alternative sources of information, so are in no position to obtain an alternative viewpoint.
Therefore, it is in these countries that most lasting damage is done by the incessant demonisation of Israel by the bbc. Rise in anti-Semitism, hatred of Israel and support for islamic terrorists in developing countries are down to the irresponsible and institutionally biased reporting by bbc.
Channeling through the UN just perpetuates the problem. The UN has kept the whole “refugee” thing going for 60 years, it has a vested interest in perpetuating the whole sorry mess.
As someone said the other day – there were 12 or 13 million “displaced persons” in Europe at the end of WW2. This huge problem was dealt with, promptly and humanely. If it had followed the Palestinian pattern, there would now be 100 million or more “refugees”.
If there was any even handedness in BBC reporting, they would have to add something like “An organisation comprising a disproportionate number of states hostile to Israel” every time they mention the UN.
Well, they append every mention of Israel with something like “Israel’s recent military offensive flattened Gaza and killed (various numbers of) civilians and children”
I always wonder what people make of these reports. I mean normal people who are all vague about such things, but are nevertheless ready willing and able to be made very angry.
For example, when Sarah Montague was telling us all about the £600 million cheque Hillary Clinton is handing over she speculated as to how it was going to be spent, because of “limitations on the ground, not least a blockade, and the fact that the money cannot go to Hamas.”
She said that as though it was just a silly rule in a silly game, like “offside” (joke)
You’re not allowed to put it on the black square and you can’t move diagonally. Okay then. Sigh.
Jeremy Bowen was particularly inarticulate in today’s interview. He must have had a rough night out last night; he said “Frankly” several times, and “What’s needed is a ceasefire.”
Worthy words of wisdom from the BBC’s Middle east Editor.
“Life in Gaza is particularly abnormal.”
Well, whose wouldn’t be, with Hamas breathing down one’s neck all the time.
But they don’t mean that, and they don’t even mean compared to the abnormality of people’s lives in Sderot for the last God knows how long. No, they mean that in Gaza City the houses and schools have been flattened, and can’t be rebuilt because there is no ceasefire.
Do they mention who was persistently preventing the lack of ceasefire?
No, they only plead for the borders to be open. “The main priority is to lift the blockade! There should be a ceasefire!” “By the way,” Sir Nicholas Young almost forgot to say, for the all-important balance, “there’s problems on the Israeli side, too. Action must be taken to get the borders open!”
I wonder what would happen to an NGO if one of its reps were caught badmouthing Hamas on the airwaves?
At worst I imagine they would be kicked out of Gaza. At best, their staff on the ground would be endangered.
I think quite a lot of the guests on programmes like this therefore have to mute their criticism. If this is so, don’t the BBC have a duty to find a way round the problem?
What is needed is a fundamental change to how Palestinians are funded.
Or to put it bluntly…no funding until you reject religious fundamentalism!
Do what the allies did to Germany and Japan after WWII…force the defeated societies to change and move away from extremism.
So the same should be applied to Gaza. Renounce extermism, and you will get funding. Change your society, and you will get funding. Stop indoctronating your kids in hatred against Israel, and you will get funding.
It really is as simple as that.
One might wonder why al-beeb and the disgraceful al-Bowen never ask just exactly how much cash has already been dumped on Palestinians since 1948. What have they done with it? They’ve built a democratic free captialist society and encouraged moderate religious beliefs!
Brought to you courtesy of the Tooth Faerie.
My opinion of the Red Cross was fixed by that great supporter of “international law” deciding to ignore that law by providing an illegal immigrant staging post at Sangatte.
“..What is needed is a fundamental change to how Palestinians are funded…”
Good one.
Here’s my solution.
Stop sponging off the rest of the world and sort your own mess out you bone idle bastards…
Ok…I was trying to say that without sounding so harsh Marty 🙂
You are right though. What happens to you when your every need is looked after not from the fruits of your own labour, but by the UN?
Give generously Dhimmi’s. £1 buys a tube, £5 buys rocket propellant £7 buys fuses. For every £100 HMG taxpayers pay we guarantee to hit an Israeli civillian preferably a child.
The BBC and lefty liberal idiots. Fund terrorism thats what they do.
Is the border crossing into Gaza from Egypt, Raffah I think it’s called, still closed? If it is why are these Red Cross people not up in arms about that blocking this humanitarian aid? If it is open then bung all the guns, er sorry, food through there.
Before they even got to the interview, Jeremy Bowen made an editorial statement. He said that “in the six weeks since the big Israeli military offensive has ended, the war ended, there’s been no kind of reconstruction…”
So it was a “war”, was it, Jeremy? Is the BBC normally allowed to just declare these things as they see fit? I guess that’s what John Humphrys meant when he told Sir Peter Green that, even without the license fee, the BBC would “interpret the news” as best they can.
It’s obvious that all the Beeboids agree with him anyway. They can do anything they want now, since declining to show the DEC appeal has proven their impartiality bona fides beyond any self-doubt.
That was a very good question put by Velvel: just how much money has been given to the Pallies since 1967?
I don’t pretend to know much about Palestine; so perhaps someone will enlighten me. What’s the point in us donating money for the reconstruction of Gaza city • when Hamas are still firing rockets into Israeli?
Eventually Israel will tire of this bombardment and (as before) they will launch counter-strikes into Gaza. In the process they will flatten any reconstruction work that may or may not have been completed. So from where I’m standing, it all seems rather pointless; the international community might as well flush their £2 billion down the toilet, for all the good it will do ordinary Palestinians.
Indeed, won’t the aid be counter-productive? Some will be siphoned off by Hamas to build more rockets etc… thus speeding up the Israeli retaliation – and even if money does filter down to the grass-roots level • this will only perpetuate the status quo by helping to sustain support for the Hamas GVN.
As mentioned elsewhere • shouldn’t we in the West, insist on no aid until a permanent cease-fire has been concluded? At the very least, we should demand a visible demonstration of appreciation for Western humanitarian support (I understand that the EU pays to maintain much of the Gazzan utility infrastructure). For instance, how about a bit of school-textbook book-burning; you know those textbooks that describe Christians as dogs etc… Perhaps we could demand that the children of Gazza follow a multi-cultural educational path. You know like the one our kids are forced to endure. I look forward to seeing the first Hamas sponsored nativity play… just like those Eid festivals that are paid for by London rate-payers every year. When this happens • I might consider a donation, but not before…. And why our GVN is coughing up, when our banks are broke and companies like Woolworths etc… are going to the wall, is quite beyond me…
FFFFFFFFFFFFS – Jezza Al Boheme is going lyrical on PM – got to be a Booker Prize for the hard copy.
What a complete mammary.
I am confused, does not Egypt have a border with Gaza?, if the Israelis are being attacked by the UN, why not Egypt?.
I tried to post this question on todays HYS regarding additional financial aid for Gaza, as normal my post was rejected, personally, I do not think my comment was that off topic.
Listening to the United Nations, their spokesman mentioned that the reason for these 80 countries coming together was to highlight the Israel ‘blockade’, not one word was uttered about Egypt.
Not only does Gaza have borders with Israel and Egypt it also has a coastline… er, is it not possible to put stuff onto boats and tip it off at a quayside cunningly built on Gaza’s shoreline?
To be fair there was a good bit on fiveline today (at least I think it was 5live, not sure what station’s on at work) about aid not getting through cos of Hamas. Still it is the main unreported story on this issue – Hamas are the ones holding their people to ransom, yet the media don’t take a strong line against it.
The BBC asks a question:
“Who will rebuild Gaza?”
-Let the Arab rich, not we infidel poor, subsidise the Arabs of Gaza.
Here is an alternative answer to the BBC’s dhimmi answer:
Hugh Fitzgerald:
“Still more Infidel Billions for Gaza?”
“How fearful Infidels have become in their inability to cut aid, to Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, to Iraq and Afghanistan (where we have lavished tens of billions, and spent in both places more than two trillion to save Muslim countries from the political and economic and social consequences of Islam itself), and of course, to the ‘Palestinians.’ Just look. Here are the sparsely-populated sheikdoms of the (Persian, Arab — choose one) Gulf. They receive, without lifting a finger, tens or hundreds of billions. Saudi Arabia continues to get a free ride, despite being one of the most sinister countries on earth, and with the Islamic Republic of Iran, for Infidels the most dangerous — for the Money Weapon that pays for mosques and madrasas and armies of Western hirelings to conduct propaganda all over the Infidel world is a largely funded by Saudi Arabia.
“Why not withhold Western, Infidel aid, and ask the Gazan Arabs, and the Jordanians, and the Egyptians, and the Pakistanis, tutti quanti, to go ask for aid from the fabulously rich Saudis and other Arabs of the Gulf, in the U.A.E., in Kuwait, in Qatar? If they turn their fellow members of the Umma down, that will cause division, and possibly worse. If they do not turn them down, whatever they offer will be taken, but with the feeling that ‘the rich Arabs’ can still do more, and more and more. Whether the aid is forthcoming or not, it will help to foster divisions and resentments among the Arabs, and even by the poorer non-Arab Muslims (as in Pakistan) against the rich Arabs. These kinds of resentments and divisions are useful to Infidels.” ( Hugh Fitzgerald.)
Why am I not surprised that the BBC didn’t ask the Red Cross why no one from the Red Cross has set eyes on Gilad Shalit in the last two and a half years?
Captain Fatty | 02.03.09 – 6:14 pm |
Surely you realize that the nasty Israeli naval blockade is stopping any and all support sent by the rest of the caring world. Except, of course, for a couple of boatloads of “Free Gaza” activists and Tony Blair’s sister-in-law.
Other than that, the Israelis are really evil and never let any fishing boats do anything. It’s probably them and not Hamas who are hijacking and stealing all those aid trucks, too.
How about building a runway where the Israelis have very thoughtfully flattened the ground? Then … they could fly guns, sorry supplies, in. No. Wait. Something’s telling me there will be a flaw with that too.
Since 1993 the Palis have received billions in aid from the US, UN, EU and others. Indeed, per capita the Palis have had far more money showered on them from the Infidel west than they have received from their Arab brothers. Not only that, they’ve received significantly more per head than other “crisis” areas – I’m thinking here of Tibet in particular.
Now there’s a thought – why doesn’t the BBC concentrate its campaigning efforts in attacking China’s human rights record in the brutal occupation of Tibet? This has far more credence in terms of a being a real human rights tragedy compared to the pantomime story of Gaza. I think we know the answer to that.
“THE TRUTH is, there is NO Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there IS a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an indentifed entity…The country behind this propaganda is the US.”
Robin Cook – Former British Foreign Secretary – RIP
Gus is getting more loopy ?
Why do the hacks at Al-BBC never ask why
Egypt doesn’t just absorb Gaza back into being part of it’s territory. After all
Gaza WAS part of Egypt until the Six Day War…why don’t they stop this “Palestinian” B.S. ?
Terry Johnson | 03.03.09 – 2:53 am
Egypt never absorbed Gaza from 1948-67. The Gazans never received Egyptian citizenship and suffered heavy restrictions. As Gazans could not work, receive medical treatment etc. from Israel, Gaza really was ‘the world’s largest prison’ under the Egyptians.
The Egyptian administration sees Hamas as the sister organization to the banned Muslim Brotherhood (brother organization?) and don’t want Hamas to enter Egyptian territory for fear of an armed alliance.
On the other hand what benefit would Egypt gain from Gaza?
This Palestinan Victim-fest just never ends does it? Every week, every day we get it rammed down our throats by the BBC. It’s relentless – on the hour every hour. I’m sick to death of it.
Why don’t they do equal, if not greater, coverage of the ethinic cleansing carried out by the Chinese in Tibet? The numbers killed there far exceed Palestinians who have lost their lives in the Israeli conflict. The Tibetans have a solid historical and moral claim to autonomy that the Palestinians will never have, despite the BBC’s attempt to re-write history. The scandal of how Tibet has been invaded and how an entire culture, religion and language has been systematically “cleansed” and subjugated by brutal Chinese dicatorship should be meat and drink to good, objective investigative journalists. Why doesn’t John Simpson, for example, get his backside over there? Come on Paxton – let’s see you interviewing the Chinese leadership in your inimitable aggressive style. Or are you too much of a coward and prefer only soft targets that can’t fight back?
Better still, why don’t the plastic revolutionaries with their bloody stupid checked Arab scarves around their necks sod off to China and confront the Chinese security forces in Beijing to protest against the violation of the Tibetans’ human rights?
Anything – even a change of scenery – has to be an improvement on this endless Palestinian Victim-fest.
“THE TRUTH is, there is NO Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida…”
OK, Gus – what name do we call them then? Does it matter? We just need to eliminate them.
Gus: great move, quote Robin Cook, the mega-hypocrite who coined the bullshit concept of an “ethical foreign policy” and couldn’t even manage a mid-life crisis affair with the office bike… Just the person to provide incisive analysis of the Muslim terrorist threat
Terry Johnson | 03.03.09 – 2:53 am
Gaza was not ‘part of’ Egypt before 67. It was occupied by the Egyptian Army but Egypt exercised no claim to the territory and didn’t annexe it as Jordan did with the WB.
Tom | 02.03.09 – 12:12 pm |
Fantastic point! To expand it a bit, when it comes to news organisations, if they cannot report freely in an area they shouldn’t report there. At the very least every time the report is broadcast there should be a ‘health warning’ issued. There never is. Israel never insists on ‘minders’ shadowing and determining a reporters every move.
When it comes to the BBC, I’m sure that Hamas and Hizbollah have a *lot of confidence in them to report what they want them to.
With regard to NGO’s any impartial news organisation would recognise the dilemna they face in places like Gaza and South Lebanon and report it as a major issue in the reliability of NGO statements. Again though, as with the BBC, a lot of these NGO’s and their members are perfectly willing partners in helping the likes of Hamas pave the way to a second Holocaust.
Cash for the Palestinians over the years?
I don’t have an exact answer, but the beeboids might get an inkling if they went here:
Then this is quite comprehensive:
I suppose it depends on where you stand and what your agenda is.
Puzzled in Gaza
I love the way its now a debate here on whether the palestinians waste aid or not. they may well do, but why do they need aid in the first place? oh yes, its cos the zionists pushed them into one tiny little corner and every now and then bomb the shit out of them. israel created the mess in palestine, thew refugee camps etc.
so no it couldnt be israels fault could it? i dont like hamas one bit – dont accuse me of that, but the palestinian people need aid, and they are the ones whose voices are ignored in the world today. they are the ones who suffer as a result of israel’s security state that justifies military action at any cost to protect itself. shortsighted ignorant leaders in israel keep this crisis going from generation to generation, and the israeli people back it cos they live in a state of fear.
A couple of evenings ago the BBC Central news team was at a Children’s Hospice to report that, due to a reduction in funding from voluntary and charitable donations, the Hospice was having to reduce staffing levels and close for periods to reduce running costs. Some 85% of the Hospice’s funding is charitable with the other 15% coming from the local authority.
The credit crunch is blamed for the reduction in giving leaving a shortfall of £2-3million pa.
Will I see a follow up BBC programme with a tough investigative reporter confronting the local labour MP on behalf of the parents, preferably at the Hospice with an audience of staff and parents, asking why their taxes instead of being spent on their own suffering children are being siphoned off by a grandstanding PM to support a regime that celebrates the death of Jews and teaches it’s children to hate?
Perhaps we could ask those famously wealth Arabs who are prepared to buy a United Nations football team ( a game about which they know FA) based in Manchester, and spend over £100million for one more foreign player to come to the aid of their own kind?
More lies from Al-BBC..in the online article entitled…
“US Israel support ‘unshakeable’
which covers Hilary Clinton’s visit to Israel, some Al-BBC left-wing hack or islamist has inserted this paragraph..
“Mr Netanyahu has not endorsed this view, and he campaigned on pledges to concentrate on economic development of the Palestinian territories, which were occupied by Israel in the 1967 war, rather than political deals.”
There were no “Palestinian territories” in 1967 , the land occupied by Israel was in Egypt and Jordan. Why are Al-BBC rewriting history ? How did our national broadcaster become a front for radical Islam ?
Gus Haynes | 03.03.09 – 1:38 pm
Your silly post must be a joke. Why would you advertise your ignorance so blatantly?
No, I don’t care.
What is intriguing is why you bother to opine on something you know nothing about? Attention-seeking I expect.
I don’t care, though, and I hate people who write ‘ cos.’
Tell us you got your info from the Beeb, and we can more or less rest our case.
well sue, what was incorrect about my post? inaccurate was it? which bit?
COS i didn’t see you debate any of my points…
Gus Haynes never has any ‘debating points’. I suppose it must just be pure coincidence that someone who holds Israel responsible for anything unpleasant in Gaza is also someone who is a kneejerk defender of the BBC?
…and the israeli people back it cos they live in a state of fear.
Gus Haynes | 03.03.09 – 1:38 pm |
And why do you think that the Israeli people live in a state of fear? It wouldn’t have anything to do with the thousands of qassam rockets that fly into there would it?
and why do those rockets fly into israel every day Ian? cos Israel attacks the people of gaza. its a reaction.
and why do those rockets fly into israel every day Ian? cos Israel attacks the people of gaza. its a reaction.
Gus Haynes | 03.03.09 – 5:39 pm
So there you have it. BBC troll justification of terrorism – its them joos. They deserve it.
PS I hope your not a paid troll Gus ie BBC employee.
Dont have a licence myself – hey dont have a tv, but I’d hate to think the good people here who do are defacto supporting terrorism.
If you are, then your statement above is enough justification for not paying the teletax.
its not cos they are jewish – its cos they carry out an insane foreign policy which isnt working ,and is the root cause of all islamic fundamentalism today. you complete prat – someone citicises israel and you accuse them of being anti-jewish/anti semitic. idiot.
its not cos they are jewish – its cos they … is the root cause of all islamic fundamentalism today.
Gus Haynes | 03.03.09 – 6:23 pm |
Wow. I’ll forget about the ad-hominems but what was it you were saying about Martins debating style…?
I think you’re rocking there Gus!
Are you paid by the BBC Gus?
Gus Haynes | 03.03.09 – 4:40 pm |
i didn’t see you debate..
What’s to debate in your vacuous list of misinformation? Go on, admit you got it all from the Beeb.
…any of my points..
You’ve only got one point . The shape of your head. Debate that.
03.03.09 – 6:23 pm
You’ve discovered the root cause of islamic fundamentalism! It’s ‘cos of Israel’s foreign policy!’ Staggering depth of research! Did you get that from the BBC or was it just a guess.
No more debate. Please.
Just so we are clear, can you point out which foreign policies you are referring to?
Thanks mate.