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Bushy bearded arseholes using benefits to supply Taliban.
Why am I not shocked.
BBC report:
“UK aid convoy crosses into Gaza”
-Note at the end of this euphoric BBC report:
“On Sunday, there were reports that some Viva Palestina vehicles – which include a fire engine, ambulances and a boat on a trailer – had been pelted with stones and defaced in El-Arish which lies about 40km away from Rafah.
“Vehicles had been daubed by anti-Hamas slogans, said British broadcaster Yvonne Ridley, who is one of the organisers.”
‘Spectator blog’
Melanie Phillips:
“It couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch”
its way higher than 750k, thats all i know
well into the millions
disillusioned german already made a comment about Justin Webb’s latest biased blog post, but I have to say just how many levels of bias he’s revealing all at once.
First, the title of his post encompasses one of his favorite topics:
Faith vs. Science
Ol’ Justin has done many reports on religiousness and Creationist belief in the US. He has openly declared this particular Christian religious belief to be false, something he would never do with another religion. As we all know, Justin Webb declared Sarah Palin unfit for high office because of his interpretation of her religious belief. He also said that she was someone whom rational, educated Americans regard with ever-increasing horror. Webb has also done several blog posts sneering at conservative, Christian religious belief in the US.
The thing is, he admits that he has a personal reason to be biased in favor of embryonic stem-cell research: his diabetic son. This is also his justification for being biased against certain Christian religious beliefs. What this means is that Justin Webb and the BBC think that, because he has admitted his personal connection to an issue, we understand his bias – have compassion for it, even – and it’s thus acceptable.
If the BBC had any integrity, ol’ Justin would recuse himself from reporting on the issue ever again. There are plenty of other Beeboids in the US who could report on it. Surely the BBC editor in charge of the region’s reporting would….oh, wait.
This leads to the obvious question for the BBC: Now that you’ve established that it’s perfectly okay for a BBC reporter to use their position to speak out against one point of view on an issue because they have a personal reason for doing so, what other issues are Beeboids allowed to report on from a personal perspective?
Answers on the world’s largest postcard…..
Frank Fisher: What do you expect? The liebour party is full of fat ugly short haired men hating ‘wimmin’
Martin | 09.03.09 – 11:45 pm |
Bushy bearded arseholes using benefits to supply Taliban.
Why am I not shocked.
Notice that the BBC report doesn’t mention that they were using their dole payments.
I bet you’re not shocked by that, either.
BBC – about to provide MORE ISLAMIC PROPAGANDA at bedtime tonight (11:35 pm, GMT, BBC 1 TV) at the expense of the British BBC licencepayers, who the BBC brainwashes.
Note how typically, the BBC delegates to a Muslim the propaganda for Islam. Official synopsis of BBC programme:
“Celebrity Lives – Sharia style:
“Ajmal Masmoor, a British Muslim and London imam, explores the pros and cons of accommodating some parts of Sharia law to the settling of civil disputes”
Where’s the non-Muslim, anti- Islam, anti-Sharia law, anti-BBC viewpoint? The likes of Geert Wilders and ‘Jihadwatch’ are censored.
BBC censors reports of anti-Sharia demo in London on its website:
David Preiser (USA): Not really David. Considering the BBC were funding some of the last lot!!!
David Preiser: Thanks for your more in-depth comment. I didn’t have the time to put more than a few thoughts together earlier.
Did Al Beeb actually comment on the snub Barack gave Brownnose? I watched Glenn Beck earlier and he was asking his viewers to write letters of apology to the British Embassy in DC. Now here’s a man I have a lot of respect for (Beck).
Those responsible for tonight’s Panorama need to understand one simple fact. To most of us an illegal immigrant is just that- illegal.
That one word renders all further discussion as to their status irrelevant.
Either we live under the rule of law or we don’t. As with the subvertion of our history and our education the liberal elite will undermine our law if it suits their purpose. The end justifies the means. Marxist totalitarianism in action or rather that peculiarly British weepy touchy feely version of it.
At least Lenin was more honest.
disillusioned_german: On Fox the other night on one of their panels they had Charles Krauthammer on who was unimpressed with Obama’s treatment of the fat one eyed one.
CK commented that Britain was the USA’s only real ally. But some dopey Democrat woman then had a go at the UK for not providing soldiers to Afghanistan!!!!!!!!!!!
Unbelievable. If I could remember her name I’d drop her an email with the list of British dead and wounded.
If the Democrats was to tell the Brits to eff off then fine. But when Obama tries to get France, Germany, Spain, Italy etc. to actually put THEIR soldiers into the meat grinder of the south of Afghanistan he’ll realise he HAS NO FRIENDS in Europe.
George R: its not propaganda, its just crap television. hilarious to watch though, ive got it on now.
From the BBC:
Many people, including Muslims, misunderstand Sharia. It’s often associated with the amputation of limbs, death by stoning, lashes and other medieval punishments. Because of this, it is sometimes thought of as draconian. Some people in the West view Sharia as archaic and unfair social ideas that are imposed upon people who live in Sharia-controlled countires.
“Many people, including Muslims, misunderstand Sharia. It’s often associated with the amputation of limbs, death by stoning, lashes and other medieval punishments. Because of this, it is sometimes thought of as draconian”
“Sometimes though of as draconian”????????????????
Immigration will continue no matter who is elected.
The CBI supports immigration and thus the Tory party does too.
Oh lordy, here they go again:
“‘More bad news’ on climate change”
Wonder how many of the “2,000 climate scientists” are actually climate scientists?
Please do not give me Islamic lessons in how wondertful it will be if Muslims are allowed to impose Sharia law in the West, aided and abetted by the publicly financed BBC.
Roland Deschain: 400 of them will be beeboids for starters.
BBC ‘Panorama’s immigration quiz for BBC viewers:
“How tough would entry to Britain be if you were in charge?”
BBC viewers’ immigration quiz for BBC ‘Panorama’:
“How soft would entry to Britain be if you were in charge?”
TheBBC doesn’t do irony but this mornings Radio 5 phone in is just priceless.
Do we respect our armed forces?
Well we know the BBC doesn’t, but the BBC of course totally ignore any claim that the BBC is anti the forces.
A dhimmi assessment of Sharia finance by BBC:
“Faith Diary: Banking on Sharia”
Of course, just as most BBC non-Muslim journalists have not undertaken an independent study of Islam (what such journalists pick up on Islam is usually fed them by Muslims), so the BBC’s Mr. Piggott seems oblivious to non-Muslim critiques of Sharia finance, such as provided here in this comment by ‘Shariah Finance Watch’ on an article:
“Farewell Britain” (by Frank Gaffney)-
[Extract from article]:
“Particularly worrying are British concessions to the repressive and seditious theo-political-legal program authoritative Islam calls ‘Shariah’:
“Shariah-Compliant Finance (SCF): Even though promoters of this industry, like ‘Shariah advisor’ and al-Jazeera host Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, have described SCF as ‘financial jihad’ and al Qaeda has publicly embraced its practice, Mr. Brown has declared he wants Britain to be the world capital of Shariah finance.
“Shariah courts: Brown’s government has begun institutionalizing the practice of separate legal systems for Muslims with the proliferation of ‘family law’ courts where women can be treated, in accordance with Shariah, as second-class citizens – less-than-equal to male Muslims and entitled to a fraction of the property due the latter in the adjudication of divorce or testate matters.”
“Blogger confronts Michigan banker about Shariah-Compliant Finance”
Hugh Fitzgerald:
“The economic development made possible by Islam”
“From an article, or rather, a book-review and summary by Daniel Pipes of Professor Timur Kuran’s indispensable study, ‘Islam and Mammon’:
“[…] Now teaching at Duke University, Kuran finds that Islamic economics does not go back to Muhammad but is an ‘invented tradition’ that emerged in the 1940s in India. The notion of an economics discipline “that is distinctly and self-consciously Islamic is very new.’ Even the most learned Muslims a century ago would have been dumbfounded by the ‘Islamic economics.’
… (more from Prof. Timur Kuran):
“‘[T]here is no distinctly Islamic way to build a ship, or defend a territory, or cure an epidemic, or forecast the weather,’ “so why money? He concludes that the significance of Islamic economics lies not in the economy but in identity and religion. The scheme ‘has promoted the spread of antimodern currents of thought all across the Islamic world. It has also fostered an environment conducive to Islamist militancy.'”
“If one wants some guide to what Islam means for the economy, simply imagine Saudi Arabia, or the U.A.E., or Kuwait, or Qatar, or Libya, or Iran, as they were before Western economies had a need for oil and gas, and discovered it, among other places, in the Middle East and North Africa, and developed those fields, and organized the transportation by ship or pipeline of that oil and gas.
“Just take Saudi Arabia. Without oil, it would look like…Somalia.”
In this BBC report, about more new financial subsidies from the British taxpayers to other E.U. member states, the BBC has this misleading headline:
“Darling urges mutual EU support”
-There’s nothing “mutual” about it: the financial subsidy is all one way, from British taxpayers, to East European EU member states.
No wonder we are not allowed a referendum.
From the Daily Politics:
“Can We Trust The Polls?”
It’s a bit rich when the BBC fails to mention them, either on the News Channel or online.
So the BBC are ignoring them, then question the polling system itself. Maybe they are waiting for another “Brown Bounce” before polls make it on the news – I think they have some wait.
Dopey Anaita Anand on the Daily Politics. “How can we stop young people being radicalised on the Internet?”
Young people?
Doesn’t she mean bushy bearded arseholes who worship a paedophile who lived in a cave and took drugs?
When are we going to see more political coverage from the likes of the excellent Tory Christopher Chope who says there is increasing hostility to the despised annual television tax aka licence fee.
And less coverage for the likes of Nulab Barbara Follett who thinks that the licence fee is the least worst option.
But most of all far less coverage for donkeys like Tory arts spokesman Ed Vaizey who says the Conservative Party fully supports the licence fee.
and they say poetry is dead! Have you ever thought of applying to speak on the wonders of Islam on Thought for the Day?
Im sure this will be on the BBC soon…
Robert: If only 🙂
Sharia law in action again. Don’t expect the BBC to report it though.
I’m not sure, but there seems to be something missing from this report, not sure what it is.
If nothing else, it’s good to see the Beeb use the ‘T’ word for once, if only for the wrong reasons.
A leaked copy of a letter sent by a fan to a senior member of the BBC.
From: The Palace of the Great Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
To: The Director of BBC News
Dear Helen Boaden
I hope you are well. I am very well and not ill or dead like running dog capitalist press say. I am still healthiest man in all North Korea. Strongest person, fastest person and best golfer.
As you are aware my country will soon make glorious launch of satellite Kwangmyongsong 2, which is for entirely peaceful purposes, honest. With this satellite we will broadcast to the world the wonders of the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea. Only trouble is, not enough journalists who speak English.
I was wondering if you might be able to help, Helen Boaden. For many months now I have been following your BBC journalists who report on Barack Obama. He not quite left wing enough on some issues for my liking, but I very impressed with the support and loyalty your correspondents show him. They report positively on everything he does and defend him with honour against any and all criticism. These qualities I am looking for in my journalists. I also very jealous of the many BBC internet pages which are all for the glory of Barack Obama.
So, Helen Boaden, how much for the following people?
Kevin Connolly. I like very much his summary of first 50 days of Obama presidency. Is just sort of glorious propaganda I want reporters writing about me. You come and tell everyone how wonderful I am, Kevin Connolly.
Matt Frei. He makes me laugh the way he gets angry if anyone criticizes Obama, like when old man McCain mentioned all that pork in the president’s stimulus bill. Oh boy, Matt didn’t like that for sure, Helen Boaden! You come and defend me and make me laugh, funny guy Matt Frei.
Justin Webb. He won’t have to worry about running dog right-wingers in glorious Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea. I like way he used his blog to attack enemy of Barack Obama Sarah Palin during election campaign. I like way he joke about BBC being just as sceptical of Obama administration like any other administration. Very funny man. Also, we have best socialized health care in world. You come and blog for me, Justin Webb.
Katty Kay. She says Obama is “ridiculously good looking”. You come and tell people how ridiculously good looking I am, Katty Kay.
James Naughtie. He loves Democratic Party. Always room for devoted Party follower in People’s Republic of North Korea, James Naughtie.
Anonymous person who writes blog for BBC America. Person gets very angry when British running dog press criticizes Obama. You come and get angry at my critics, anonymous person who writes blog for BBC America.
Gavin Hewitt. He like a poet the way he describe Obama’s campaign. You come and write poetry about me, Gavin Hewitt.
Richard Bacon. He screamed like little girl when he saw Barack Obama. You come and scream for me, Richard Bacon.
Rhod Sharp. He says Michelle Obama “is so good looking and so intelligent.” I have many women – you come and tell the world how beautiful and clever they are, Rhod Sharp.
Anita Anand. She wore Obama hat when reporting for BBC. I have many Kim Jung-il baseball caps • you come and wear my hats Anita Anand.
Rajini Vaidyanathan. She write about the Obamas like she working for Hello magazine. You come and write lots of fluffy words about me, Rajini Vaidyanathan.
Dotun Adebayo. Second thoughts, no – I not that desperate. You stay where you are, Dotun Adebayo.
Many more to choose from but this list will do for now. So, like I say, how much? How about 5 kilograms of weapons grade plutonium for all of them? Also I have many DVDs of Hollywood films just like President Obama gave to your Prime Minister. We can do deal, Helen Boaden?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Kim Jung-il
The Great Leader.
PS Do you have address for Jon Snow?
BBC: Anti-war group protests at parade
The reality: Fury as Muslim anti-war protesters hurl abuse at British soldiers during home-coming parade
So the BBC is now shielding muslim filth.
How do you know they are Muslim ?
Today’s letter from Paul to the Corinthians….um…I mean report by Kevin Connolly….is a classic example of why I believe he is the front-runner to take over Justin Webb’s slot as North America editor. It’s all full of biased Obamessiah worship, and certain inconvenient truths are ignored.
Fifty days of the Obama presidency
By announcing the closure of Guantanamo Bay and reversing Mr Bush’s ban on the use of federal funds to pay for embryonic stem cell research, Mr Obama sent a signal that at all sorts of cultural, diplomatic, moral and political levels the United States under his presidency was going to be a profoundly different place both at home and abroad.
Aside from Justin Webb’s personal connection to the cause of embryonic stem cell research, that one’s mostly a fig leaf issue. It’s mostly a dead-end these days because there are more, better ways to create stem cells without messing with embryos at all. The issue has become nothing more than a bludgeon with which to beat Bush and conservative Christians, both of which are BBC enemies. Except for Justin Webb’s personal issues, the BBC doesn’t give a damn about the science involved. All Connolly and his ilk care about is the political/religious angle. Same in the US, same for The Obamessiah and his people. A meaningless gesture, but a triumph for the Bush haters and the BBC (but I repeat myself).
Now more crap:
Mr Roosevelt, who took over as the Great Depression ground the confidence and vitality out of American life, was relentlessly upbeat.
Mr Obama – coming to power at a time when many voters are bewildered by a financial collapse they barely understand – radiates competence and confidence.
He grasps the importance of looking presidential, and already plays the role convincingly.
This is either highly inappropriate editorializing, or just an impartial description of the view from inside the President’s colon. The Obamessiah is playing the role of someone campaigning right now, Kev. I realize it’s confusing for you because that’s what you fell in love with last year.
What about this load of garbage:
Not just rising unemployment, the healthcare crisis, the crumbling infrastructure, the collapse of consumer spending and the near-collapse of the banking system, but wars on two fronts and signs of problems bubbling to the surface in any number of trouble spots around the world.
The political boldness and the personal sure-footedness are unmistakable.
ROTFLMAO. What about the non-stop series of errors in the failed nominations of corrupt and/or tax-dodging people to key positions? What about his total bungling of the meeting with Mr. Brown? What about his weakness regarding Iran? What about the growing opposition to the Spendulus Bill (which the BBC doesn’t want you to know about)? What about saying that the US invented the automobile? What about the incompetence of his financial planning? What about the fact that he can’t even give a short announcement without a teleprompter? I guess the idiotic – and totally unavoidable – “reset” error from his Sec. of State doesn’t count as a misstep by The Obamessiah because it was done by Hillary. In Connolly’s mind, “political boldness” is little more than telling Nancy Pelosi to do whatever she wants with the Spendulus Bill. I could go on.
And then, like a typical Beeboid, he goes for the superficial to bolster his claims:
Michelle Obama so far has struck all the right notes as First Lady and America has been charmed by the Obama children and their (so far still unrequited) search for a new first puppy.
The family occupies newspaper and magazine front pages in a way not seen the heyday of the Kennedys back at the start of the 1960s and their position in the public’s affections seems secure.
Which has F all to do with the rest of it. But hey, it supports the idea of a new Camelot, which is what the Leftoid press has dreamed of for eight years.
And Connolly closes with this:
The interim judgement has to be that Mr Obama has seized the task with energy and imagination. Most of the doubts relate in one way or another to the sheer scale of that inherited task.
No, Kevin, most of the doubts relate in one way or another to the sheer scale not only of the missteps from His Administration, but of the Spendulus Bill, and the fact that the new guy is in way, way over his head, you silly Jay Hunt.
May as well be reading this.
May as well be reading this.
David Preiser (USA) | 10.03.09 – 4:44 pm
Great fisk. Reading Connolly’s article triggered the exact same thought in me.
David, you would equate ‘
rising unemployment, the healthcare crisis, the crumbling infrastructure, the collapse of consumer spending and the near-collapse of the banking system, but wars on two fronts and signs of problems bubbling to the surface in any number of trouble spots around the world’
with Obama giving Brown a crap gift, and making some bad cabinet picks?
Thats insane. The cabinet picks and gifts are mistakes yeah, but you would have to be moronic to compare these in magnitude to the economic crisis and problematic wars that Obama has inherited.
People like you made a consious decision to go after Obama from the word go. That is somewhat biased of you isn’t it? Feel like a hypocrite?
Re- Anonymous, 4:28 pm above.
What the dhimmi BBC isn’t bothered about:
“The mystery is explained: why with the enemy inside the gates, acting as the enemy, Britain still doesn’t react”
(by Lawrence Auster, with links to many articles on this theme):
“Peter Hitchens suggests that there is nothing to be done about this ongoing surrender to Islam, because the problem is not that official Britain hasn’t realized what is happening. The problem is not that official Britain has realized what is happening and doesn’t like it but is too cowardly and intimidated to do anything about it. The problem is that official Britain has already consciously accepted what is happening and has signed on to it. Hitchens writes:
“‘The real menace to this country does not come from terrorist bombs, which a calm, resolute people can cope with. It comes from the liberal elite’s decision to appease Islam.'”
(Ears burning, BBC?)
This typically brilliant BBC analysis manages to discuss ‘extremism’ and ‘redicalisation’ without mentioning ISLAM, and the inspiration which the Koran provides for violent JIHAD, even once!
“Online extremism tactics ‘crude'”
Watch the video.
Look at the clothing.
Traditional Bedfordshire garb?
And the general look.
Its nice to see so many of gorgeous george’s supporters taking a timeout from kissing the ground in hamastan to abuse the very troops and police that protect them isn’t it.
Free cars all round…
“The five, thought to be members of the public watching the parade in Luton, were held for public order offences.”
Well as the film all too briefly showed the members of the public lining the streets were there in numbers.
The “five” were stood on their own.
Why? Because the members of the public were in uproar at them.
Perhaps the police and military should have gotten out of the way and allowed a “full and frank exchange of views”.
Before someone says its racist, I’m not, the mayor of Luton is Asian and has no problem welcoming the Anglians, and if you look very carefully there are Asians in the crowds.
And how do I know these ‘protesters’ were specifically muslim, well one give away was them telling the soldiers to go to hell, a second was comments on british oppression, but another was the poster saying it was a crusade against islam, dont you think that was a tiny giveaway.
but the BBC say they were anti war protesters, hardly they agree with war just not the side Britain is on, they were jihadists pure and simple what does it take for the bbc to say it.
Yet more evidence of the BBC’s consistent mendacity over ‘global warming’.
On Sunday evening the second Heartland Conference on AGW was opened in Manhattan with a speech by Vaclav Klaus. Not even the fact that Klaus is currently President of the BBC’s beloved EU made this a newsworthy item in the minds of the serial liars at the BBC.
Has there been a single mention of this historic event, which has seen a claimed doubling of attendees? I certainly haven’t see one, and yet we have the same tired old pro-warmist nonsense dragged onto the BBC’s phony news website. For example: which appeared today posted by, of course, the egregious David Shukman.
How can anyone still pretend that the BBC is anything more than a wilful purveyor of lies and distortions, when it behaves like this?
David Presier
All we get from the BBC is glad tidings about their chum Obama.
But every day now I am seeing apocalyptic warnings about the economic damage Obama could be doing to the US – and therefore to Britain. In short – he has taken his eye off the ball, is pursuing several socialust ideas (health card, heavier taxes, climate change etc) instead of having total focus on fixing the economy. Indeed his socialist objectives will make the economic and financial situation even worse – or have already done so.
Warren Buffett – an Obama supporter – was saying this yesterday :
and this piece by Tony Blankley says there could even be total meltdown if Obama does not get a grip :
The BBC did of course give publiciry to a different conference this month – pro-GW.
Omar: why have you chosen an Islamic name with which to comment here? Are you not guilty of “reinforcing cultural stereotypes” by glibly supporting the BBC in all their cliched pet-loves and ranting against all the standard criticisms of same?
There is an international conference on climate change(ICCC) in full swing you would have thought that the BBC would be there covering it wouldnt you?
Aaaah but this is a ‘sceptic/denier conference attended by hundreds of experts and scientists who work in climate science plus a head of state, many of whom do not buy into the AGW/MMCC alarmism. The BBC chooses to ignore this conference because it doesnt fit their corporate prejudice, the ICCC is invisible to the BBC and yet there is full coverage of an alarmist conference in Denmark and the BBC are there mob handed because it fits with the BBC corporate prejudice.
The BBC give full airtime to the alarmists with a scare mongering report about supposed sea level rises, they are unsurprisingly supposed to be far higher than previously thought(what a surprise)!
Alarmist claptrap and anti science mumbo jumbo dressed up to look like the truth, comrade liar in chief Shukman even went to my old stomping ground of Lowestoft and got out his tape measure showing how much sea levels were going to rise, all rubbish and plain lies of course but since when did that stop the BBC propagandists, Lowestoft is subject to coastal erosion which has nothing to do with sea levels, its all about currents and tides, if Shukman had walked a few hundred yards futher down the coast he would have seen an embankment of about a hundred feet, on top of this embankment just below the thin topsoil is beach shingle and sand laced with seashells(not yet fossilised) and if he had bothered to vist the port now almost deserted(thanks to the EU) he would have noticed the tidal gauge on the port walls and he would have seen that actual tidal high and low levels have stayed pretty much the same for decades and even the cyclic tidal surges that flow down the channel from the north sea have not increased, hmmmmm! I wonder why Shukman failed to show us this? could it be that sea level rises and falls are cyclic and natural and go far beyond the alarmist guess work scaremongering?
According to comrade liar Shukman the pole is melting and the Greeenland ice shelfs are collapsing, scary eh? Well it would be scary if it were true which it is most certainly not!
Greenland is gaining ice mass NOT losing it and polar ice levels are almost back to decadal norms, Shukmans melting is in actual fact just another ‘IF&MAY’ forecast/computer model exageration so beloved of the BBC, so out of control are the BBC now they substitute forecasts for actual reality, so far down the grubby road of lies and propaganda have the BBC travelled they lie and cheat without even bothering to cover their lies!
Stoking up fear and uncertainty and spreading alarmist lies using the cover of world TV/radio media and hiding behind the ever fading old BBC reputation for honest reporting, this multi billion pound propaganda mouthpiece using strong arm bullying to feed its ever growing hunger for money and power, a monsterous cancer growing out of control and destroying the nation that bore it!
Even Newsweek, staunchly Dem, is now criticising Obama’s lack of focus. But not a peep from the BBC – even though there are loads of articles like this :
We are forced to pay for a large news operation in the US. But they don’t bring us the news, fon’t give any balance in their commentary.
Robert: Omar is just Hillhunt back again.
True to the internal directive not to mention the ‘M’-word, R5’s ‘Drive’ programme tried to cover the Muslim anti-army protest in Luton without actually telling listeners what was going on.
The result? A ludicrous piece of broadcasting where the Beeboid studio hack had to ask the chuckling inarticulate idiot reporter on the spot to clarify just WHO had been arrested, such was the opacity of the euphemistic tale he had told about one group protesting against the protest made by “one section of the community”.
The national broadcaster – a fucking disgrace.
Reimer: You can bet if it was the BNP protesting you’d have known who it was.
Martin – I’ve become acclimatised to having to perform amateur Kremlinology on the BBC’s output (and other media to an extent), but still occasionally marvel (through my horror) at the fact that nearly 20 years after the much-vaunted fall of the Berlin wall, the national broadcaster seems like the slick child of news agencies in defunct ideological states that supposedly had no place in the “free world”.