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General BBC-related comment thread!
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File on 4 Radio 4 (8pm) now giving a platform to Shiner the “human rights lawyer” to spout about allegations of serious misconduct – including alleged murders – by British troops in Iraq. Nothing he says is challenged. But he immediately starts challenging the Royal Military Police spokesman – who cannot say anything about the investigation because it is sub judice and up for judicial review next mont (loads of fees for Shiner ?) , and the interviewer then exhoes criticisms of the RMP generally.
Further to the posts on the anti-Army protest in Luton, the BBC Radio 4 PM program carried a very strange report from a BBC East Anglia reporter.
First she failed to question the idea of a ‘protest’ at an event like this – surely deliberately inflammatory and the possible subject of a police ban?
As far as I remember, she gave no indication of the ethnicity of any involved parties until she referred to a group of anti-protest protesters as ‘white, for want of a better word’ (perhaps the better word was English, banned of course from any but historical contexts on the BBC). But did that mean that the other people were not white? Actually, we knew that they were probably brownish, but only because of the name of one of them who the BBC had interviewed (no interview from the other side). She also said of a group of ‘young white men’ that she ‘did not know where they came from’ (Enlgand again possibly?) – as if there were something illegitimate about their presence, unlike of course the original protestors. Were they young and male or old and female?
She then referred to ‘extreme views on both sides’. I agree that the idea that the British army are murderers is extreme – but so according to the BBC is the view that people who say that at an army parade should be protested against.
Another case it seems of ‘protesters of no appearance’ confronted by ‘white’ people who seemingly had no right to be there.
I was so dissatisfied by this cryptic report that I had to look it up on a proper news website.
In the BBC’s favour, at least the story was covered, and the introductory piece identified the protestors as Islamists.
JohnA: Shiner is a wanker for many reasons. But those gay boy glasses are the main one.
Lots of reports today on Radio 4 about the Copenhagen climate conference. ENTIRELY ONE-SIDED.
And of course nil coverage of the New York conference also happening this week.
came across this on youtube, just though i would share it.
thick as **** Beeb employees meet a scientist
Time for revolution?
The BBC’s political propaganda for Islam and for Muslims who insult the British army on a parade in Luton, continues and gets worse:
“Two”[ ? ] “held during parade protests”
The BBC ‘report’ mentions that the arrests:
..” happened as anti-war protesters held placards saying ‘Anglian Soldiers Go To Hell and ‘Butchers of Basra’.
“The two, thought to be members of the public watching the parade in Luton, were held for public order offences.”
Brilliant reporting BBC: “the two, thought to be members of the public”…What a cop out, you dhimmis.
You call yourselves ‘journalists’?!
The BBC, true to its appeasing line on Islam, calls the Muslims inaccurately ‘anti-war’, whereas they are pro-Islamic jihad Taleban.
[These Muslims never protest against the Muslim Islamic jihad attacks on other Muslims which occur almost daily in the Middle East, including today. These Muslims are anti-infidel in the host infidel land.]
The ‘Telegraph’ has:
“Muslim extremists shout abuse at British soldiers during home-coming march”
The ‘Mail’ has:
“Muslim anti-war protesters abuse British soldiers as ‘baby killers’ during homecoming parade”
Thanks to Labour stealth ‘policy’ of mass immigration, and the ‘liberal’ media support of such a policy (including appeasement of Islam, notably at the BBC), Luton today is a portend of most parts of Britain tomorrow, given demographic and immigration trends.
A non-BBC report on LUTON (inc. video clip):
“UK Muslim demonstrators: British government is ‘terrorist'”
In fact the BBC is playing into the hands of the BNP in it’s increasingly desperate attempts to preserve community cohesion by misereporting events like those at Luton. I truly think the BBC still believes it has a news monopoly and can set the agenda. In this it is delusional.
It seems unable to realise that the video images speak for themselves and defy any attempt at misinterpretation.
I wonder just how many voters have now decided just which way to vote after watching what happened in Luton.
Our army occupies a unique place in our society. It is ours not the governments and is composed of our sons and daughters. Strong feelings are aroused when it is insulted and even more so in an English town.
It is a measure of the disconnection from reality of our leaders,police and the BBC that this was not appreciated and that the Jihadist protest was permitted,protected and misreported.
Eyes have been opened throughout the land
This US report sums up the REAL reason our governments are bailing out the banks:
Brown is no different from Paulson IMHO, a corporate shill stealing money from hard-working people and giving it to his corrupt friends in the City.
Obama has made four mistakes:
1. Not sacking the incompetent and corrupt Ben Bernanke.
2. Hiring a Goldman Sachs employee to the Treasury. Has Obama learnt nothing? If a person has “Goldman Sachs” on his CV he should not be allowed anywhere near high office. Geithner is in favour of bailing out banks, wow that’s a surprise coming from a banker.
3. Not sacking Robert Gates, who has done nothing about the Pentagon’s disgusting abuse of US taxpayers money. Throwing away trillions of dollars like confetti, we see clear evidence that Eisenhower’s warning that the millitary industrial complex would screw the US taxpayer if allowed to. The Pentagon’s budget needs to be cut by 30%, as does the entire US government spending budget.
4. Bailing out banks. Split the banks up, separating the banks from the investment banks (thus protecting the ordinary American), then let the investment banks die.
If the investment banks don’t die, they will continue to sponge off the taxpayer forever.
Zevilyn | 11.03.09 – 2:15 am |
Obama has made one big mistake. He won the election. Did you know that he sleeps next to a teleprompter just in case?
Omar | 10.03.09 – 5:08 pm |
David, you would equate ‘
rising unemployment, the healthcare crisis, the crumbling infrastructure, the collapse of consumer spending and the near-collapse of the banking system, but wars on two fronts and signs of problems bubbling to the surface in any number of trouble spots around the world’
with Obama giving Brown a crap gift, and making some bad cabinet picks?
Thats insane. The cabinet picks and gifts are mistakes yeah, but you would have to be moronic to compare these in magnitude to the economic crisis and problematic wars that Obama has inherited.
You’re not very bright, are you? What has any of that got to do with the fact that the BBC is lying about what’s going on in the US? What do our personal opinions of George Bush have to do with the BBC’s failure to report on several key issues? What does my opinion of anything George Bush did have to do with Kevin Connolly making editorial comments? What does your opinion of George Bush have to do with Kevin Connolly and his colleagues not only hiding the truth, but actively denying that the President has made some pretty serious administrative errors? They are real errors, which show up the false message put across by people like you that in and Obamessianic Age we would have smarter diplomacy, more transparent government, less corrupt officials in the Administration, etc.
Comparisons of Bush’s deeds over eight years and President Obamessiah’s (nearly) eight weeks are irrelevant. The issue at hand is whether or not the President is exhibiting “sure-footedness” and that “most of the doubts relate in one way or another to the sheer scale of that inherited task”.
Comparisons to Bush are irrelevant. Don’t try to distract from the issue at hand. Even if it’s just that you didn’t get that and focused exclusively on criticisms of somebody you think is better than Boooooosh, you’ll need to debate my actual words, not your religious beliefs.
People like you made a consious decision to go after Obama from the word go. That is somewhat biased of you isn’t it? Feel like a hypocrite?
Why am I not entitled to an opinion? You sound like an intellectual fascist. I decided a long time ago that I didn’t like The Obamessiah’s re-distributionist politics, nor his foreign policy ideas, nor most of what he campaigned on. I’m on record here as saying so many times, and I don’t like it now.
How is that hypocritical at all? That makes no sense whatsoever. You’ll have to explain where and how I had an opposite position before you can make such an accusation. Or don’t you actually understand the meaning of the word “hypocrite”? Unless you can prove otherwise, I say that you’re so ignorant that you think a hypocrite is just someone who says things you don’t like.
I think you are having an emotional reaction, with no logic or reason behind what you’re saying. It’s all based on your personal beliefs, and things you just made up.
The point is that Kevin Connolly suggests that all is swetness and light, that Obama is regarded as successful in his first weeks.
There is a huge mount of criticism – from supporters as well as political opponents. He is a total economic stumblebum – compounded with dangerous and naive foreign policy views.
Two articles in Newsweek, strongly Democratic, criticise Obama roundly and totally. People are getting very worried they made a mistake voting him in. Buyers’ remorse.
On the Luton incident, this video as filmed from a mobile phone is more accurate than the BBC. Proof beyond any doubt that the BBC is not only biased but absolutely mendacious.
Love how the man holding the placard’s face is cut out of the picture.
Love how the protesting Koranimals are described as “protesters”.
Love how the headline diverts attention from the actual abusive demonstration itself
Love how this is relegated to England – Beds/Bucks/Herts on the BBC’s website.
Love it!
BBC report:
-no mention that the perpetrators (and victims) were Muslims;
-no ‘anti-war’ demonstration by Muslims in Luton (or anywhere) against this Islamic jihad suicide bombing in Iraq.
“‘Dozens dead’ in Baghdad bombing”
This is, rightly, a main story in the ‘Daily Mail’, with even the PM now involved; but the BBC, in its extremist dhimmitude*, relegates the story under ‘Bedfordshire’:
‘Mail’ (Front Page):
“Home from the war… and our troops are greeted by abuse from Muslim protesters”–troops-greeted-abuse-Muslim-protesters.html
BBC: hiding under the ‘Beds’ –
[a revised report, which edits out previous vague refereces to ‘members of the public’; see 12:07 am on this thread, above.]
“Parade protest troops march again”
Someone else has pointed out that -as usual – the BBC left out the fact that the Muslims were shouting “Allahu Akhbar”.
Your point about the editors of the website relegating the story to the obscure Beds/Bucks/Herts page is important. The story contains strong condemnation of those Muslims fifth-columnists by the Prime Minister, the Defence Secretary and the Shadow Defence Secretary. So “just a little local matter, eh?”
It’s also on the frontpage of The Sun and The Times websites. Will this be another case of the BBC finally being dragged screaming and spitting to report a story that they’d really rather pass over in embarrassed silence? Or will they continue to censor the news?
And Al Beeb is running with this story on Radio two. Even to the extent of allowing Anjem Choudary to speak his mind.
Even the moderate muslim Al Beeb brought on was Anti British.
Well I wonder how the folks who are going to phone in going to react:
Al Beeb building an even bigger divide between Islam and everybody else in the Uk.
Update, not from the BBC, but from ‘Evening Standard’:
“Extremists in Iraq demo are linked to banned preacher of hate”
Update on Radio Two
3 e-mail comments read out.
All supportive of the right to protest
2 phone ins
1 ex bootneck says that he was beaten up by white anti war protesters when he returned in 2002 and some white non muslim allowed to rant about how this was an anti war protest
4 e-mail comments
3 anti military
1 pro.
now the wife of a serving soldier is speaking out
Now a Fatima Shah is speaking out out about how the media is making this into an anti-muslim stance.
and my view the bBC has made this into an anti-war debate and that muslims have all the right to protest.
(Which they have)
Now i wonder how the bBC would report if I protested outside the bBC mosque calling them all rapists, work dodgers and homophobic.
Why I’d get arrested for breaching the peace.
Al Beeb and its mission to have us all bend over for Allah.
I’m shaking with anger having been listening to this lop-sided charade on R2. Like you, I wonder how much my right to free speech would be protected by the same authorities forcing us to live with these bastards until they have the numbers to do without protection.
Pounce: You should have listened to Radio 5 this moring. Towel head lover Asmar Mir (filling in for nicki Campbell) was wanking on about the protesters. For some reason Radio 5 still refuses ot use the word MUSLIM even when confirnted by a caller that told her it was organised by that wankstain Chowdry who as we know wants Sharia Law in the UK. Mir denied that claiming the caller could’nt assume that all the protesters were Muslims!!!
Funniest thing though was Gordon Brown being outed as being gay!!!!!
A regular caller (Dan a black bloke who hates England hates white people and is pro terrorist) said that Muslims didn’t want all this rights for women, abortion or ‘gay politicians’ like Gordon Brown.
I kid you not. Take a listen to it on iplayer. I nearly crashed my car I was pissing myself laughing so much.
Fact remains the BBC have tried ot play down the bushy beared morons.
The BBC seems to have forgotten about this:
“Spain commemorates Madrid train bombings”
What an utter, utter wankfest that was this morning on Today after 8:00. I try to moderate my language on this forum but it’s difficult when such one-sided reporting is allowed to go on. Not one dissenting voice was allowed to suggest that we’re not all doomed, doomed I say.
The nearest we got was when James Naughtie asked the woman from the Met Office what she would say to the sceptics’ “familiar argument”. That sounded like a pre-planted question, or certainly one she was ready for if it was “familiar”. Perhaps some elementary research on the internet might have produced a less familiar argument for her to deal with. Then he might have countered her assertion that Antarctica was warming up with evidence that the figures behind that statistic had been made up in the absence of actual data.
We also had a scientist who contended that the seas are becoming more acidic. The effects of this were demonstrated by visiting an area where geological CO2 has been released into the sea for millennia, “bubbling like a jacuzzi” and turning the water more acidic. Apparently by 2050 all the sea will be as acidic. Now, I’m not a scientist, but even I can smell something fishy there, if you’ll pardon the pun. We are producing CO2 equivalent to bubbling it into the entire world’s ocean’s like a jacuzzi? Seems unlikely.
The thing is, there may be some merit to this argument. But as long as I’m fed only side of the argument in such a partisan and obvious way, I smell an agenda and will treat it with disdain.
Any chance of a new general comments thread, somewhere people might see it?
Non-BBC comment:
“The good, the bad and the very, very, ugly”
Roland Deschain: Now you know how I feel. I promised David Vance I’d be a good boy this year and cut out the bad language, but just listening to the BBC over the last few days is enough to want to make ME take up arms!!
If they have British passports then withdraw them and boot these Enemy Within out of the Britain.
Islamist extremists in the UK are plotting to repeat their protest of yesterday in which they held up banners labelling British troops on their homecoming parade as “cowards” and “butchers”.
The Islam for the UK group, believed to be a spin-off of the extremist al-Muhajiroun, called for similar rallies against other regiments coming home following protests in Luton town centre targeting the 2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment.
Politicians of all shades, and the media, are being mealy-mouthed about the muslims in Luton abusing the soldiers. That group of bearded, hate-filled scum are the enemy; they are taliban supporters; they are anti-British. To try and pretend they were anti-war protestors, wanting to have an intellectual debate about the rights and wrongs of invading Iraq, is delusional.
That youtube video linked by Allan&Oslo is powerful and shows how the public feel.
Im also sickened by the implacation by some that its one homgenous whole of all asian Britons who think this way.
It is not.
I know plenty of other asian britons of different religious faiths or none who are appalled and outraged.
Hell I even know some muslim ones who are very upset, but I note too kowtowed to do anything about it.
And that just a straw poll from my workplace, Im sure its mirrored elsewhere.