You have to hand it to the BBC, they are great at grovelling to terrorists. On Today this morning, in the lead up to the big interview with IRA leader Gerry Adam, there was a helpful contribution in the “Thought for the Day” slot from the Rev Joel Edwards suggesting that the Northern Ireland peace process is Biblical in tradition. ( Blessed are the bombers…?) Leaving aside that little theological aside, Naughtie was granted a few minutes in the august presence of Grisly Adams. True to form, his “interview” was pathetic, allowing Adams the chance to blacken the reputation of the British Army whilst piously expressing his formulaic regret at what has happened. Naughtie COULD have asked Adams is it ever right to kill British soldiers – but he didn’t since Adams would have to qualify that answer. (Right for the IRA to do so, not right for others) Naughtie came across as a useless sycophant, afraid to put any hard questions to Adams and in that regard, on this issue, the BBC stands indicted.
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Exactly, David – the bias of omission. It’s as much as what they don’t say, as what they do say, that condemns them. The free rides that these critically-challenged BBC “interviewers” routinely give to their ideological bedfellows is so blatant to everyone. How anyone can come on this blog and seriously argue that there is no bias inherent in this insidious practice – well, it’s simply mindboggling.
I reckon beeboids get turned on by terrorists. Why else do they support these scumbags?
I was struck by the way Naughtie failed to challenge Adams’s assertion that Republican families nursed the same grievance as the families of the dead servicemen. This was tantamount to saying that British troops operate a policy of indiscriminate murderin NI.
Surely even Naughtie might have raised a sceptical eyebrow at that?
Yes, I found Naughtie’s interview to be utterly spineless. He didn’t pull Adams up on several points which he should have done. Not surprised. It’s always been my experience that the BBC has always given the more violent Irish Republicans an easy ride.
The BBC are the main perpetrators in feeding ordinary Britons and the planet via their various world services the false image of the IRA being a romantic, liberation movement as opposed to a violent, murderous gang of sub-human thugs. Why would they change now? The BBC are disgusting.
I lost all respect for Naughtie (not that there was much anyway) when he and some Bangladesh bint did a demolition job on US human rights record – totally ignoring her own country’s violence against women and non-muslims.
Supporting terrorists is al-bbc’s job and they carry it out with an aplomb.
what a loss to society Adams would be if the SAS met him in a dark alley…
We all hate Brown, Blair, the BBC etc., but he’s even worse. It would’ve been nice to have General Sir Richard Dannatt in there for the civilised point of view.
Francis (of assisi )- nursed lepers, for many Gerry is one. 🙂
i switched off when i heard adams describe the british army as “unaccountable” and the deployment reconaissance regiment as “shadowy” and “unacceptable “.
hmmm….. why didn’t naughtie ask him where all the IRA murder victims are buried ?
maybe in 20 years I can become politician too like nice man Gerry Adams!
Give it about 3000 deaths, Binyam, and your dream may come true….
David Vance: It will happen.
So, you disagreed with Gerry Adams? Hardly a revelation but what’s this got to do with the BBC?
Oh Yes. they interviewed him. Good job David, keep up the sterling work.
Bobo, the problem is not that David disagrees with Adams, but that the BBC agrees with Adams to the extent that it cannot hold him to account or provide viewers / listeners with and objective view.
To hang on to its reputation as the worst news bringer, the BBC has to beat this report of the recent coldblooded gunning down of two soldiers and others in Northern Ireland, heard on a European radio station – “Shots were fired at a barracks and two soldiers died”.
Maybe the soldiers died from something other than the shots being fired then? Flue?
I actually think the Beeb response to this has been reasonable. Certainly at this point inflaming NI by hammering Adams and McGuinness on national TV about past misdeeds would be unwise (not to say it shouldn’t have been done at some point previously) – this isn’t some far flung conflict that can be analysed dispassionately, it’s in the UK and the Beeb has responsibilities. I note that pretty much everyone on all sides has shown a lot of responsibility thus far.
Adams and McGuiness should have been hammered years ago, and with a real hammer, not with words. Down the years, assorted lefties (including everyone at the BBC) prevented this from ever being done. Much blood is consequently on their hands. As far as I can tell, “showing responsibility” means they are merely being neutral, i.e. not ruffling any terrorist’s feathers. This was ever the case. Terrorist murder is not something to be neutral about.
Bobo: Hey Hillhunt’s back. bozo or whatever you call yourself, perhaps if the BBC asked Adams right out if he felt it was wrong to gun down two soldiers and would he like to say sorry to their family as Adams represents the republican element in NI.
Of course the BBC never will. The BBC are scum.
On the World at One, the BBC presenter says that one of the Army’s special operations units was ‘particularly hated in Northern Ireland’. But the subsequent report from a non-BBC reporter tells us rather that the unit was particularly hated by the IRA. This subtle reinterpretation shows that IRA opinion is the only one that counts in Ulster for the BBC.
Well Mr Vance, raising the way the morally repugnant James Naughtie interviews terrorist policiticians definitely is an example of BBC bias!
Oh, and if you send me an email, I’ll give you a good tip on what MP might be worth contacting to solicit a view on the BBC’s coverage of Israel.
Since the two soldiers murdered were to be deployed in Afghanistan was the IRA contracted by the Taleban.The guys were leaving Ireland,surely the BBC could ask why this particular target.
Tom h: On the World at One, the BBC presenter says that one of the Army’s special operations units was ‘particularly hated in Northern Ireland’.
Perhaps the BBC wants to imply the IRA is particularily loved!
nrg: I don’t think they were hated by the Protestants and they make up the majority.
Then again, the BBC never lets the truth get in the way of a good lie.
I see a copper has been shot dead in NI tonight.
Jesus. Gordon Brown f**ks up EVERYTHING he touches doesn’t he?
It’s hardly Gordon Brown’s fault the coppers been shot it is?
I haven’t seen any evidence of bias in the BBC news channel’s reporting of the NI issue so far.
Omar: If you take your nose out of Brown’s arse you can see.
Brown was only there today.
okay he was there; so how did that lead to the shooting?
or are you saying that actions of the british state lead directly to terrorism?
Omar | 10.03.09 – 12:46 am |
I think martin is eluding to “jonah” Brown – see Guido Fawkes for info.
“or are you saying that actions of the british state lead directly to terrorism?”
No ,the inaction of the British State leads directly to terrorism.Theses pantywaist liberals are getting people killed.
psni officer shot dead in craigavon tonight.
okay he was there; so how did that lead to the shooting?
Omar | 10.03.09 – 12:56 am |
the “curse of jonah”.
its a well known blogger meme about gordon brown.
everything he touches with ends up in shit.
“its a well known blogger meme about gordon brown.
everything he touches with ends up in shit.”
A Fecal King Midas.
Yes. Everything the fat one eyed one touches turns to deep shit.
Are we right in thinking that Adams, McGuinness and friends, in their prompt and forthright condemnation of these latest murders, keep on studiously falling well short of using the word “terrorists”. Just like their friends at the BBC.
Rev Joel Edwards…….On 30 May 2008 it was noted that: “The retiring General Director of the Evangelical Alliance will bring his passion for justice for the poor to two new roles as he joins Tony Blair’s Faith Foundation and becomes the first International Director of Micah Challenge.
“The Rev Joel Edwards, who is also a commissioner for the Equality and Human Rights Commission, resigns from his post at the Evangelical Alliance in September, and is currently on tour presenting his vision for evangelicalism to churches around the country.
“He has been appointed as a member of the International Religious Advisory Council to the Faith Foundation, which will give advice and help to Tony Blair on the Foundation’s work and plans.
“Steve Bradbury, Chair of Micah International, said: “The board of Micah Challenge International is delighted to be able to appoint Joel Edwards as its International Director, from January 1, 2009…
“Mr Edwards, a British immigrant from Jamaica, is an honorary Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral. He was a probation officer for 14 years and the senior pastor of Mile End New Testament Church of God for 10 years.
“Mr Edwards was offered the post of General Secretary of the African and Caribbean Evangelical Alliance in 1988, becoming UK director for the Evangelical Alliance UK four years later and General Director of the Evangelical Alliance UK in 197. He received a medal of appreciation for services to Jamaica in 2003, an honorary doctorate from St Andrews University last year, and is a published author.
So it is obvious why he fits the BBC Weltanschauung…in fact if you look at Thought For The Day cast on the site you can see the usual Rainbow Coalition of Worthies
Tomtom I just don’t see it.
That is BBC bias how exactly?
It seems more to the point that you don’t like him because he was originally from Jamaica and is presumably black.
He is a Christian, given the BBCs dislike for that religion you would hardly call him part of the BBC Weltanschaung.
In fact having been general director of the evangelical alliance qualifies him for detestation by the BBC.
Unless your excuse is just to be racist, which I would condemn utterly, then I cannot see any other reason for your post at all.
TomTom | 10.03.09 – 8:35 am
I know Joel Edwards and his views on most subjects would horrify the average beeboid.
The Evangelical Alliance under JE was the closest thing this country had to the religious right in US politics.
Gerry Adams has spoken out against the terrorist attacks. Does it only count if he uses exactly the words you would like him to David? Again, this is not about BBC bias in the slightest – this is you ranting, you telling us your views. Go do that on your own blog, it has no relevance to bias on the BBC.
Gerry Adams is very very precise in his use of language.
If he is truly wantint the whole community to stand together, he should not avoid the T word – even occasional use of it.
He deliberately avoids using it.
Omar: Rubbish. Please reply with a specific quote where he says he feels sorry for the families of the dead soldiers or Policeman.
It seems more to the point that you don’t like him because he was originally from Jamaica and is presumably black.
I’m glad you are Anonymous because otherwise you would have to put a name to your inane drivel. You are obviously a nonce with nothing more than gibberish in your vocabulary.
I have heard Joel Edwards on Radio 4 and disagree with his views. I am allowed to do that even if he is black and from Jamaica though I realise it is increasingly risky to dare to criticise anyone with such geographical and racial qualifications even if his views as expressed on Radio 4 are pathetic and banal
Anonymous | 10.03.09 – 1:39 pm |
In fact having been general director of the evangelical alliance qualifies him for detestation by the BBC.
Except he’s, you know, black and from Jamaica. In case you didn’t realize, the BBC doesn’t look at religious people of color as knuckle-dragging cavemen, unfit for public office, the way they do white religious Christians. Race trumps pretty much everything in PR fascism. Having this guy on is perfectly typical of the BBC’s policy of what George Bush called “the soft racism of lowered expectations”.