……than the BBC leads with the truly shocking UK unemployment figures now showing two million + unemployed! Do you share my surprise that the BBC has been LEADING the news agenda today with the release of Sean Hodgson, convicted of murder in 1982, based on new DNA evidence? I can understand that his release is not a minor story BUT I would have thought that with hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs that was deemed a more significant news story for the UK public? Perhaps the BBC was doing the Dear Leader a little favour today by elevating a story about the miscarriage of justice that so concern our dear liberal BBC friends?
When this abysmal Government get kicked out you can bet the BBC will try to look back at the ‘triumphs’ of the Labour party….which i cannot think of any at the moment.
As those under 18 or over 65 do not go onto the unemployment register and those on incapacity benefit (shot up in the past few years hasn’t it) are not on it either, is it not true that the unemployment figures under Labour are somewhere around the four million mark.
I remember just before Labour producing the longest suicide note in history, their 1983 manifesto, the BBC did a labour luvvie extravaganza.
One of the luvvie shirtlifters there did a poem called Tories unemployment figures, and it went like this:
Tories….(pause for effect)
Unemployment….(pause for effect)
Figures……..(rapturous laughter from BBC luvvies)
Lets hope that just before the 2010 election the BBC screens a Conservative version where some luvvie does a Labour’s unemployment figures.
No…too much to hope for.
Radio 5’s phone in of the day was the benefits of immigration (again) and how without millions of them the NHS would collapse.
Endless teachers saying how wonderful it is that 90 languages are spoken in our schools (unless you happen to be white and English of course) and no mention of the thousands of British NHS workers who have jacked it in to do other things or move abroad to the USA, Canada or Australia.
The unemployment figures hardly got a mention, after all public sector workers (the only ones the BBC cares about) are doing rather well. The Guardian jobs section is as full as usual.
I also saw that shit McNulty (I’d really love to stick one on him)
When the BBC does mention the figures it continually refers back to the last Tory government. What relevance is that other than to try to say ‘The Tories were worse’.
Why not refer back to the 1930’s then? or Liebour in the 1970’s?
DV “Perhaps the BBC was doing the Dear Leader a little favour today by elevating a story about the miscarriage of justice that so concern our dear liberal BBC friends?”
Indeed – and to justify it’s elevation this lead story was shamelessly padded out on the 6pm ‘News’ by the BBC’s resident expert telling us that DNA testing was now able to obtain results with very small amounts of material, complete with charts and graphics – followed by a boffin from Leicester saying sustantially the same thing – followed by our expert repeating at length what he had said immediately before the interview. Like this part of the story is really newsworthy and a tremendous scientific breakthrough that none of us have heard before………doh
Valuable time being taken up with this meant less time to cover PMQT re unemployment figures so quess whose questions and repostes were talked over by the commentator? (Clue – it wasn’t Gordon) – although ample time to feature speaker’s rebuke to DC.