Gotta love Today. This morning I heard Thought for The Day pass off Obama’s teleprompter gaffe on St Patrick’s Day as proof he is human (don’t recall Bush getting the same generosity?) and then the BBC ran the spin that Obama “couldn’t believe” that AIG were going to pay out bonuses. Since the legal provision for this was signed into law by Obama, and drafted by a senior Democrat, he is either incompetent or else he is lying – which is it and why does the BBC choose to swallow the entire Obama propaganda line? Bias – it’s always there.
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The BBC has been a total joke over this whole matter. You have to watch Fox News to see the facts behind this story.
The BBC were quite happy to see the new boss of AIG slaughtered by corrupt politicians yet he was appointed AFTER it was agreed to pay out these bonuses.
I just wonder if politicians think their pensions and pay rises should be based on performance as well?
he is either incompetent or else he is lying
…odds are he’s both. Many of the apparatchiks manufacturing news at the BBC can identify with that, and it shows.
It was a delight to hear on the BBC news this morning that Obama had “charmed” America and is now going to flirt outrageously with Iran. It seemed to me that he was just talking unconvincingly to them but maybe I’m just frigid.
Later on we had Justin Webb saying it is not clear whether Tim Geithner knew about the AIG bonuses beforehand.
Of course it IS clear. It is now well-known that he and Chris Dodd knew, I have posted the info from the US several times on earlier threads. Here is a link to further developments on the story.
Public knowledge in the US , but deliberately clouded for the BBC audience by Webb and his ilk. How they hate the truth about The One and his administration.
The BBC is a totally untrustworthy news source. Which we are forced to pay for.
It is getting worse over there. Obama’s new Homeland Security Secretary now calls terrorism “man-made disasters” :
barrys latest gaffe.
That’s nothing, the News 24 report was a proper jerkfest just after 9, with minutes of praise and only the odd line of criticism given a token airing
not a squeek about barrys gaffe in the bbc’s report.
JohnA: The BBC are a total joke over this. Millions of Americans are losing their jobs and homes and Obama is going on a TV chat show to spout shite.
Could you imagine if Bush had done that?
The BBC is also LYING over the AIG bonus story. As you and others have pointed out Dodd, Geitner and Obama all knew. The Dems took OUT a Replublican change in the stimulus bill to cut out these bonus payments.
This bill that got so well cheered on QT last night about taxing these bonuses is probably illegal under the US constitution and certainly can’t be used retrospectively. Just more pointless waffle by Obama.
But hey he can read a tele prompter well. Sometimes.
Bill Ward – surprise, surprise, there is no report of this gaffe on the BBC, in spite of the fact that they have devoted two whole articles to his appearance on the Jay Leno show.
But never fear! We now know what Obama thinks about his new dog, and that it is ‘pretty cool’ to fly in Air Force One.
US President Barack Obama has offered “a new beginning” of engagement with Tehran in an unprecedented direct video message to the Iranian people.
I hope he’s got the right region code this time.
Rachel Miller | 20.03.09 – 11:15 am |
imagine the headlines if this had been bush.
leno show ‘bush in handicapped jibe row’
accident prone bush in disabled joke
The BBC are falling over themselves to advertise the Obamessiah doing his modern 21st century version of appeasing the Nazis, the chosen one adressed the Iranian people praising their ability to build and create!
The only things the Iranians have been busy creating are nuclear warheads, funding and building IEDs and bomb technology to kill thousands of US troops.
Way to go there Obambamamba, you just played right into the hands of imadinnerjacket and his crazy yank hating mullahs!
The mullahs must be p*****g themselves laughing at the Obamessiah, all those American troops blown to pieces with Iranian technology/cash/expertise and they are on the verge of deploying long range ICBM misslies tipped with nuclear warheads, they have already tested the launch/delivery system under the cover of a fake sattelite test, when will Obama wake up? when the mushroom cloud appears over Israel or chicago?
Why is it that the comrades always reach for the appeasement manual straight away, havent they realised yet that it has never worked with crazy maniacs like imadinnerjacket? he would sacrifice his entire population to destroy Tel aviv or Washington, hate filled maniacs like him will never be bought off, you have to send a B2 squadron over Tehran loaded with MOABs and flatten the houses of the mullahs while they sleep, they wouldnt be a problem then would they? But oooooh no, the comrades will be played like a cheap guitar untill the mad mullahs have enough warheads and then itll be a mushroom cloud party courtesy of imadinnerjacket, I can assure you that he will not shed a tear about the nuclear response IF Obambama grew the balls to launch one!
Sky News just mentioned the “special Olympics” gaff from the chosen one, so expect a bbc stealth edit any day now..
Latest is that Tim Geithner is on his way out!
If so how will they explain it after Obama said he was doing a good job.
Obama is another Tony Blair, but possibly even more accident prone.
Obama is a black Brown, except he has two eyes. But everything Obama touches turns to shit.
Just in case you haven’t caught it yetObama’s Teleprompter has its own blog.
I fear it may be the mushroom cloud such is the staggering ineptness of the new Obama regime. Israel will be forced into acting pre-emptively and the sooner the better in my book. Just imagine the HOWLS that will come from Al Been should Israel target the Mullahs nukes!!.
First,you have to ascertain which side Barrack Hussein Obama is on.Remember all those strange things Labour politicians did that seemed to benefit the USSR rather than Britain?
Obama has kicked all America’s friend in the balls and is cozying up to Iran ,Venezuela Syria,the Axis of Arseholes.
the GIVE legislation makes compulsory public service for school children,shades of Castro.
Now if you posit Obama as being on the other side,releasing fanatics from Guantanamo and prohibiting commercial pilots from carrying guns makes more sense.
Some time ago a blog visitor stated that Obama would be a one-term President.
At the time I thought it very unlikely, but now I am starting to believe this person could have something.
He also stated that it would be a long time before another black President followed him.
For America,Obama is the dog you picked up at a party. You broke up with a long time partner,things had been rocky,and you went on the piss to forget.Today is the following day,when disheveled and hungover,you view the object of the previous nights desire disappearing out of the door with your money and your car keys having crapped in the shower.
Another little story the BBC has passed on – I wonder why?
Will Obama, McCain, Dodd Return Contributions From AIG Employees?
AIG Gave More Than $630,000 During the 2008 Political Cycle
March 18, 2009
AIG employees kept doling out donations to politicians, including presidential candidate Barack Obama, after getting bailed out with federal funds last year, raising the question of whether those politicians will now return the money.
Will politicians who received AIG cash during the 2008 political cycle give the money back?
AIG executives gave more than $630,000 during the 2008 political cycle even as the company was falling apart
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks campaign finance reports, more than $120,000 of that money was donated after AIG received its first $85 billion in federal bailout funds in September. The company has since received a total of $170 billion in taxpayer cash to prevent its collapse.
Their generosity included more than $23,000 to Obama’s campaign.
Both Obama and Republican presidential candidate John McCain raked in much larger sums from AIG earlier in the year. Obama collected a total of $130,000 from AIG in 2008, while McCain accepted a total of $59,499.
Just as an update – the BBC is now covering Obama’s gaffe about the Special Olympics as part of their discussion of US media coverage of Obama’s appearance:
They even add at the end: ‘The president performed well, apart from his tasteless Special Olympics reference, which would have been criticised much more if his predecessor had made it.’
Better late than never, I suppose!
Rachel Miller | 20.03.09 – 6:06 pm |
They even add at the end: ‘The president performed well, apart from his tasteless Special Olympics reference, which would have been criticised much more if his predecessor had made it.’
The BBC would have criticized it more than anyone, and they know it. So they hide this in an article about the US media. Very disingenuous, typical Beeboid sub-editor.
Since this is a thread for discussing all things the BBC is covering up for President Obamessiah, I’ll just ask if the BBC has mentioned the “Tea Party” protests yet?
Taxpayers Strike Back With ‘Tea Parties’
Police in Cincinnati say at least 4,000 people showed up Sunday for a grassroots protest of wasteful government spending in general, and President Obama’s stimulus package and budget in particular.
It was one of many tea party protests around the country — inspired by the Revolutionary War era Boston Tea Party protesting British taxation. Protesters had signs reading “Give us liberty, not debt” and “Where’s my bailout?”
One report states there are more than 150 tea parties scheduled across the nation in the upcoming months. The events so far have been largely ignored by the mainstream media, but several blogs are tracking them.
Here’s a list of upcoming protests the BBC won’t tell you about:
The BBC is currently following – as usual – the lead of their friends in the Leftoid US media, who have also been covering up these protests. But back in January of 2001, the BBC was happily reporting on attempts to disrupt Bush’s inauguration:
Bush: Who’s protesting and why
The BBC couldn’t wait to take George Bush down, even before he took office. But we’re supposed to give the new guy some time to settle in? Now, they are shilling for The Obamessiah, and no mistake. Come see the bias inherent in the system.
David Preiser (USA):The BBC are like Hitler in his bunker. They deny the truth facing them.
Obama has been an utter disaster so far, his economic policies are a joke, his treatment of the UK (even if it was McMental) was a disgrace and this prat can’t say anything coherent without an Autocue present.
Tossers like Webb and Frei can try to spin the truth but most people have access to other media outlets and sooner or later even the BBC will have to start reporting the truth.
What the BBC fears is being found out for NOT giving Obama a hard time in the election campaign.
Remember all the attacks at Sarah Palin about her only being a Town Mayor and State Governor? I bet she’d have made a better jog of getting the economy sorted than this corrupt Chicago spiv.
But hey Obama’s a cool looking guy so who cares if the US economy is sliding down the u bend?
The Obama gaffe got one sentence buried in an otherwise sickly supportive report on the 6 O’Clock news.
The correspondent called him a “consummate performer who knows how to get good ratings” at the end.
O.T but good for a laugh.
There are millions of Americans who are starting to bitterly regret voting for a showboating facade, an empty vessel, the manufactured product of spin merchants and dodgy soap powder salesmen.
The grovelling to the Iranian psychopaths put the tin lid on it didnt it? If Obambamamba had only kept his stuttering mouth shut and faced the Iranian crazies down but Oooooh no, the imbecile just had to go crawling and creeping and now imadinnerjacket has the upper hand, he is going to play Odumbo like a cheap guitar!
His administration is going to creep and crawl to every evil crazy fruitcake the world has to offer, he is going to get bitchslapped from here to eternity by every tinpot whacko regime out there.
Putting the serial fantasist and self regarding preening liar Clinton in charge of foreign affairs has made the USA into a laughing stock, the American public believed the empty slogans about ‘change you can believe in’ they are about to experience the full flavour of his toytown plasic marxist mumbo jumbo.
bill ward
Those gaffes by Obama and Biden are not OT – they typify the buffoons the US has elected. Both out of their depth, motormouths without a shred of exec experience between them.
God help us all, said Tiny Tim.
Martin | 20.03.09 – 6:55 pm |
Too right. If it had been Bush giving Mr. Brown a bunch of DVDs he couldn’t play, Frei Boy would have had a field day. If The Obamessiah had given a Tory PM the same stupid thing, the BBC would report it, but spin it as a sign that the Tory PM was useless and was not respected abroad.
But check out how the Beeboids are reporting on President Obamessiah’s apology over his retarded gaffe:
Obama sorry for disability remark
Apology accepted (as it should be, I suppose). But then the Beeboid sub-editor explains just how and why He was unhappy with His bowling score, just the tiniest bit of help in explaining away the unfortunate remark.
Then the tongue gets firmly inserted:
Mr Obama also talked about his economic policies in the interview, as well as engaging in discussions about his family, and his efforts to find a pet dog for his daughters.
The BBC’s Rajini Vaidyanathan said the smooth segue in conversation from economic policy to more personal matters demonstrated Mr Obama’s so-called “Barackstar” status, as a man equally happy to play the role of politician and personality.
Shameless, and a totally unnecessary gilding of what’s supposed to a brief about the apology.
Now for one more lovely new development in The Obamessianic Age:
Obama White House bars press from press award ceremony
Barack Obama was elected commander in chief promising to run the most transparent presidential administration in American history.
This achievement and the overall promise of his historic administration caused the National Newspaper Publishers Assn. to name him “Newsmaker of the Year.”
The president is to receive the award from the federation of black community newspapers in a White House ceremony this afternoon.
The Obama White House has closed the press award ceremony to the press.
Simply awesome.
One last item for the Obamessiah Day thread.
Justin Webb defends President Obamessiah, Part 56:
Obama’s humour problem
Maybe he has spent too much time in the basketball locker room, where tough guys laughing at less-tough guys is part of the whole deal.
It is not a sign of moral turpitude, for goodness’ sake….
Why the need to find some explanation? Keep digging further up his rectum, Justin.
Of course, to show he’s unbiased and so totally not shilling for the President of another country, he links to something he calls “a wise piece on an unexpected problem.
Obama struggles as communicator
Unexpected by whom, Justin? I seem to recall that quite a few people here remarked on Candidate Obamessiah’s uselessness without the teleprompter. Are we so blind that we did not see, Justin?
Apparently so, because the article ol’ Justin links to isn’t so much a piece critical of The Obamessiah, but rather an explanation of how the problem is mostly other people’s fault.
The selective blindeness about Obamas nasty and hurtful insult to disabled people shows how two faced the BBC really is, they put up a fake front of caring about the disabled yet when ‘one of their own’ makes fun of a wonderful event and demeans those highly skilled atheletes who overcome huge personal obstacles to compete and showcase their undoubted talents, the BBC laughs it off and ignores the insult spinning it as a harmless mistake!
If McCain had made such a nasty and cruel remark the BBC would be whipping up a storm, there would be a massive queue of guests invited to vent their spleen on TV and radio.
The BBCs double standards can be seen plainly, laughing at disabled people is fine as long as the ‘right people’ do it?
Insulting and demeaning the wonderful efforts of disabled atheletes is acceptable, but only if the person doing is a political ally?
Obama shows his nasty side, his bigoted and cruel side but the BBC doesnt mind, cracking jokes about how disabled people are somehow less graceful and more clumsy than able bodied people is fine and dandy? Hmmmmm, why dont the BBC do one of their cutting edge comedies about spastics falling over,limbless people stumbling around, blind people bumping into things and falling over?
But hey, if the chosen one can make fun of the disabled then why not everyone?
The BBC, pretends to care about people the disabled, it fakes its caring attitude but in reality they are bigoted, cruel and nasty, the mask they wear slips and we see the real face of the corporate monster beneath!
‘Choked up with emotion’ wasn’t he?
PM did a long interview with Charles Kennedy about the benefits and pitfulls of Obama’s appearence on Leno without once mentioning his crass remark about the disabled.
Move along nothing to see here.
David Preiser, Cassandra and others. Excellent posts all. Really not much to add.
Obama’s naivity, dishonesty, stupidity and weakness will make the World an even more dangerous place. I am looking forward to his first confrontation with Putin. I suspect it may be over Ukraine.
Word is he (Barack) proposed to Michelle with the help of a teleprompter.
Having said that… using a teleprompter isn’t very helpful when you’re talking a lot of b******s in the first place.
And, remind me again, why is it that the relations between the US and Iran got strained? Could the fact that the Iranians stormed the US embassy and held the people there as hostages for over a year have something to do with it? Barack should read more history books or ask his mate “Peanut” Dhimmi Carter.
I am finding the Obama presidence to be a re-run of the disastrous Carter years.
But it is worse now. At least in Carter’s time there was one dangerous opponent. These days the risks are wider.
Most of the world is richer because of the USA (& other 1st world capitalist countries). Iran, without oil, would be a fly blown, dirt poor, medieval cesspit. Yet the BBC & the left expect the USA to grovel for Iran’s co-operation.
The BBC’s Sadeq Saba says the Iranian supreme leader’s demand for the US to withdraw support for Israel is clearly unrealistic.
But any easing of bilateral sanctions or a freeze on Iranian assets could signal to Iran that the US is serious, he adds.
The USA must act before Iran, it seems.
JohnA | 21.03.09 – 1:17 pm |
I agree. Everyone could agree that the Russians / Eastern Block were the enemy. The same can’t be said for islam / islamists. Obama’s worse than I feared!
Yes, and you don’t have to listen hard or look for long to pick up the coast-to-coast revulsion — except, of course, on the BBC, where nearly all is silence.
Even Frank Rich of the NYT has dumped on One. Rich is so loathsome I can’t bring myself to link to the article, but it’s out there if you can stomach the search.
Better choice: Mark Steyn.
The first two months of the Age of the Hopeychange have been an eye-opener. I expected it to be ideologically distasteful to me, but I didn’t expect it to be so inept. Not because I had any expectations of President Obama’s executive skills. But I assumed he’d have folks around him who could take care of details like governing, while he pranced around as the smiley-face hopeychange frontman. But the bench is still empty save for a handful of mediocrities. And the disconnect between the smoothly scripted mush and what’s actually happening makes the telepromptered cool look even more ridiculous.
Steyn’s being polite, too.
Interestingly I made some adverse comments on Obama’s inept start to his presidency, and the attitudes of the bbc / Webb.
Have to admit that the comments printed, but then an attack was almost immediate.
You must be an idiot not living on earth to say such things about our Obama?
Sad really – is this the dawn of a new form of McCarthism, and free speech on Obama not condoned?
Alot of US conservatives are hypocrites on the issue of spending, being very silent about the Pentagon’s traitorous ponzi schemes and wasting of taxpayers money on toilet seats and buying expensive crap they then dump.
Wall Street have shown their true colours, sponging Welfare off the taxpayer and displaying no gratitude at all. If they had integrity they would fall on their swords rather than be hypocrites.
Wall Street believes that profits are private but losses should be dumped on the taxpayer. They deserve to receive death threats.
I have little time for Obama; he should have appointed an economist to Treasury Sec, not yet another Goldman Sachs crook, and he should have sacked the disgraceful Bernanke the instant he entered the WH.
Zevilyn | 22.03.09 – 10:20 am |
Make that “A lot of US Republicans”
… most conservatives were against the bailouts in the first place.
I just remembered that Sarah Palin has a child with Downs Syndrome. It’s no exaggeration to say that the BBC vilified her, because of their own prejudices about her religious beliefs, as well as because she was not the slick package that Beeboids like. Yet, she and her child are now victims of an offensive, on-air remark by the President of the United States.
And the man whom practically the entire BBC worshiped for months on end, and continue to cover for, made a thoughtless, highly insensitive, classless remark. At first, they censored their own reporting to hide it. Once word got out, they attempted to dismiss it, and swept it back under the rug.
Carol Thatcher was fired from her job at the BBC, vilified by her co-workers and bosses, yet her remark was not made on air, nor was she an elected public official.
I say that this is magnificent evidence of supreme bias at the BBC. Where are the big, main news items? Where’s the condemnation, BBC? Unless the BBC doesn’t think insulting the mentally disabled is a big deal, by the leader of the free world, no less. What a disgrace.
David Preiser
Justin Webb’s blog kept putting the boot into Palin, he was obsessive.
But he now neglects to mention that Palin has directly criticised Obama for his asinine remarks.