Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely
Could any imagine if a Conservative prime minister recieved a similar roasting while on a self congratulary world tour that the BBC would not be broadcasting it on high rotation?
No mention of BBC’s lack of coverage of the most watched Youtube video in the world (over last 24h)?
Daniel Hannan MEP: The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government
Yet all those complaints about people taking no interest in politics?
Where is this on the BBC?
Tomorrow on the Daily Politics, the ‘Battle of the Bloggers’, two fat ladies, Guido Fawkes and Dolly Draper fight it out. Live Chat at THE BATTLE OF THE BLOGGERS, GUIDO VS DOLLY, THURSDAY MARCH 26TH, 11:45AM, WordPress users and everything.
Also come visit THE TELEGRAPH’S MAN IN STRASBOURG, THEY PAY HIM AND SO DO WE, Stanislav’s Blues we need the cash.
Homepage error, Doh.
A rainy morning.
Gordon Brown breaks down and cries
Into his porridge.
Who Is a Terrorist?
You may have seen the following guidance from the BBC, but it was new to me:-
“A barrier to understanding” • who says, and on what grounds?
The BBC Guide to the Political Spectrum
Word-searching on the BBC website can be instructive. For example, the words “extreme left” produce several pages of responses. These continue through separate occurrences of “extreme” and “left”, but by my own observation the last combined occurrence was on page 6. With “extreme right” however the last combined occurrence occurs on page 11. Significant? “Far left” went up to page 15, “far right” to page 33. I leave you to draw your own conclusions.
I have mentioned this before and it is getting worse. The fall in inbound and outbound container traffic is accelerating.
This means that whatever the pundits say there can be no pick up in economic activity till this reverses.
It puts us on track for a depression not just a recession as the fall in trade reflects future activity not just current activity.
I suspect the powers that be are fully aware of this no wonder they are panicking.
Hannan’s speech was headlined at Drudge – a huge US readership – and also at HotAir.
Is there any sign of it at the BBC yet ? It certainly wasn’t on the radio news sessions I heard today.
The longer this goes on, the harder it is for the BBC to explain away their efforts to suppress Hannan’s barnstorming success against McBean.
I suppose they are praying it all blows over.
I’m praying it doesn’t. Not only does it damage the prime mentalist but its absence from our screens further exposes the BBC as the propaganda division of the corrupt ZaNuLabour party.
The absence of comment (re Hannan)from the B-BBC at this stage proves that it is not merely biased but is actually trying to censor what news we get.
…And its senior staff can still refer to it as the nation’s Public Service Broadcaster?
…And it’s DG thinks that he can still justify the licence fee for censored information?
…And what else has been censored in the last few months; years?
Funny that the BBC luvvies that hang out here have gone very quiet all of a sudden.
Not only did McSnot look like a total mad man grinning away the other day but we then get Justin Webb clearly telling lies about Obama.
Meanwhile, the BBC has just started making a song and dance about a Conservative councillor from Essex, who has left to joint ZaNuLabour.
Quite beyond parody, they really are.
BBC 1 10PM News. Not one single dissenting voice about McSnot and the Liebour party making an utter mess of the economy.
I have now seen Hannan’s acid attack on Brown featured in at least 10 US websites.
Still nothing at the BBC, radio or TV. Total blackout.
Remember all those thousands of articles filed each week for the website ? Nothing there either. Total blackout.
BEEB = Thou art not even trying!
The BBC’s Obama Diary exists solely for the BBC to gloat over how wonderful The Obamessianic Age is compared to what Matt Frei referred to on air as “the grim last eight years of the Bush Administration”. The manifesto at the top says it all.
Here’s another change from the previous Administration they will not tell you about:
Reines storm: Clinton conflict brews
The incident’s aftermath was one in a series that roiled the State Department press corps as it adjusts to a new administration whose tendencies • in this one area • are more restrictive than its predecessors. This may not be by accident: One government official said State and the White House have been discussing reducing the amount of information the State Department releases about the secretary’s words and meetings, which by long tradition is more expansive than what’s released by some other agencies.
What? The Obamessianic Age is somehow less open and more restrictive than Boooosh? Why, two days after the election, the BBC was celebrating The Obamessiah’s“an unprecedented level of openness in Government”.
That’s change you can believe in. You just can’t believe the BBC.
“I have now seen Hannan’s acid attack on Brown featured in at least 10 US websites. Still nothing at the BBC, radio or TV. Total blackout.”
But they do have time for this piece of shocking news…
The BBC is a joke!
The longer this goes on, the harder it is for the BBC to explain away their efforts to suppress Hannan’s barnstorming success against McBean.
I suppose they are praying it all blows over.
GCooper | 25.03.09 – 10:34 pm |
I believe in the parlance of the Biased Broadcasting Corpse it’s called ‘closing down the debate’.
someone please write an offical complaint to the bolshevek broadcasting commisar
What gets me, arguing on another forum is the belief that the beeb is not biased at all. I’ve shown this example and countless others. It doesn’t matter, they won’t have any of it. Imagine this was David Cameron? It would be the main news. This is our PM? Incredible.
Unemployed Tory – the problem is the supreme arrogance with which the BBC treats any complaints. They have absolutely no effect.
Scandalised by the fulsome coverage given to the absurd Copenhagen political conference on AGW and the complete lack of coverage afforded the Heartland conference by the BBC, I lodged an official complaint.
I also made the point that the headline on Richard Black’s website article was absolutely unjustified by the content of either the report, or any scientific findings presented at the conference itself.
In response I received a one-liner from Black, trying to pretend that the headline was justified by ‘the tenor of the article’ (even Pravda wouldn’t have tried that one).
Even better (and I’m not alone in having called Black a naked propagandist for trying to claim this) was his pretence that the Heartland Conference wasn’t going to have any political impact, so it wasn’t worthy of coverage.
Well that was guaranteed when the BBC and other eco-loon media outlets made damned sure that it received the full benefit of a news blackout.
The BBC are liars. They know they are liars. They know we know they are liars. They think there is nothing we can do about it.
So far they have been right, but the tide is turning.
Mark: That’s because people that are left of centre see that position as the ‘norm’
The fact the BBC is funded by the whole of the public which of course includes millions of floating voters and those of the right doesn’t bother them. They don’t think these people have any right to have their views on the BBC.
It’s frustrating though because they put you down as a rampant tory. I have some right leaning opinions and some left leaning opinions.
I’m quite centrist on Europe, but the beeb is far more pro European than me. Ask yourself who is more comfortable debating on the beeb Polly Toynbee or Richard Littlejohn?
I dislike this Gov and the reason I’ve got more in line with you guys is that I fear they’ll have a big say on the outcome of the Election because people “trust” them.
Mark | 26.03.09 – 1:28 am |
Its because they dominate everything – they are a giant left wing propaganda machine. All it needs is just one view that goes against their agenda, even if 99% of your views are in line with the left – and your labelled a xenophobe, racists, little englander etc. Youv’e got to sell your soul a hundred percent to the BBC line, otherwise your persona non grata
Obama is a loser
I have just send the bolshevek broadcasting commisar an email of complaint, (not that I think they will do anything) just to make me happier. However if tomorrow morning you hear that Chris Burley has been arrested for ‘political’ reasons then my suggestion would be to emigrate and the last person left please turn the light out!
Perhaps Daniel Hannan should lob a brick through the window of 10 Downing Street if he wants to be taken notice of by the Brown Broadcasting Corporation (although I doubt if he’s at all boverred). Yesterday’s Victoria from Derbyshire programme on 5 Comatose was given over as a platform to the SWP and anarchist half-wits who trashed Fred the Shred’s house and car. Both of them got more airtime than Cameron’s lot has been given in the whole week with Victoria from Derbyshire reliably parrotting the government’s talking points.
Of course all calls were carefully screened for possible mainstream or sensible opinions. When I called in to suggest that violent protest has achieved nothing I was confronted by a fruity-voiced male who was unusually combative and proffered the example of the 1917 Russian Revolution (of course he did not mean the relatively peaceful transition from an absolutist monarchy to a pluralist democracy that occurred in March but the relatively less peaceful imposition of a one-party dictatorship that occurred in November). When I pointed out that that regime had collapsed after imposing over 70 years of human misery. He replied by saying:
“A lot of people think that government achieved quite a lot”
He also pointed to the example of the English Civil War and I replied that, despite that interlude, we still had
a monarchy in this country. Needless to say, my call was not returned.
The BBC – providing a platform for violent, extremist minorities – this is what we do.
Yesterdays (Wednesday) Today show on Radio 4 was interesting with a big item (over 5 minutes) on the G20 protests next month. The item started with the news of a vandalism attack on the home of the ex-RBS chief and included a phone interview with a protest leader who went on about bankers handing over their power or being hung in the streets ! But throughout the item there was no mention of possible reasons to be angry with NuLab or Gordon Brown.
What is fascinating here is how the Beeb realises there is going to be trouble but is trying to keep any anger focused on the “bankers” and well away from Gordon. If the past is any guide expect this to continue with anger being whipped up the closer we get to the G20 summit.
To help them with their reporting, beeboid journos could take a look at this article in today’s Times headline ‘Brown forced into reverse on stimulus plan’
I was in Europe earlier this week. Happened to watch BBC World. A lead item was the fact that “the good news is that the death penalty is only legal in 47 countries”. Pardon me, I thought the BBC was supposed to report impartially not put their liberal spin into news? Whether it’s good or bad news is not the point. Ever heard of objective reporting, BBC?
The daily dose of global warming alarmism by the toady show, is that ‘God demands’ that we tackle the ‘crisis’, the handwringing cringing bearded weakling and moral coward Rowan williams has realised that to get BBC airtime he has to dance to the BBC narrative like a good little puppet! I wonder if the God botherer would have got airtime if he had said the opposite of what the BBC comrades wanted to hear? perhaps instead of preaching about a failing political theory he might want to stand up and fight for his faith and the millions that are being persecuted because of that faith!
See? toe the BBC line and airtime is yours, your voice will be heard, just as long as you say the things that the BBC want to hear, the BBC now broadcast for themselves, they use the tax billions to employ their own kind, speak to their own kind and usse their power to attack and discredit their enemies, a world media empire built on extorted funds that in effect speaks to itself?
Turned on BBC 1 this morning. I thought I’d tuned into Al Jazeera.
Some weird looking female dressed all in black.
Then I realised. It was the BBC’s education day and they have to have ‘representative’ people on.
Here’s how to get your book promoted on BBC.
Adopt a ‘Islam is goooood’ position.
Drive a Greenie car.
Worship Obama.
Criticise American efforts in Afghanistan.
You’ll then get a full page on the BBC website to do some self-promotion:
And in the last line, you can beg the BBC for a job – mind you, if you’ve ticked all those boxes, you’re a dead cert.
[Note how BBC can’t decide if he’s called Ahmad or Ahmed – followers of the RoP are probably all shying away from Ahmed, thank to a certain popular dead terrorist puppet ]
BBC radio news headlines have a Newspeak quality in refering to “Pregnancy Advisory Services”, the online report does however get quickly to the fact that terminating pregnancy is the focus of that advice.
Pregnancy advisory services – including abortion information – could be advertised on TV and radio under proposals due to be released.
660 000 hits and still not on BBC.
Chuffer 9:57 am
Yes; the daily drip of BBC propaganda for Islam:
“Hello America, I’m a British Muslim”
-in BBC Magazine section, which you refer to, but which I won’t repeat.
My response: ‘Hello BBC, I’m one of the vast majority of Britsh BBC licencepayers who is NOT a British Muslim, and I oppose Islamic ideology being propagandised by the BBC daily.’
Does anyone know if the commercial channels reported Hannan’s demolition of Brown ?
For BBC:
Where’s your report of a British infidel going around Pakistan, criticising all the barbaric evidence of Islamic jihad there?:
‘Hello, Pakistan, I’m a British infidel’
“Pakistan poses greatest threat of terror”
Chuffer 9:57
Thanks for that second link. Now, why don’t we see more of that kind of comedy on the BBC ?
“green shoots…clutching at straws… hope on the horizon…..clutching at straws… more green shoots, just look in awe and wonder as the recovery starts… green shoots of hope?
The BBC repeat the same lines again and again, heard the one about the shock rise in US durable goods(cars), the BBC are flogging it like theres no tommorow, ahem! perhaps they forgot to mention the cause? hmmmmmm, it turns out that the facts dont match up to the BBC line!
The spike in sales was caused by manufacturers dumping unwanted old stock at giveaway prices plus the federal government embarking on a buying spree to buy up these stocks as did rental companies and fleet opperators the equivolent of a fire sale is what actually caused the spike, over production and overstock of unwanted goods and stokists/suppliers wholesalers dumping it onto the market at prices so low that they will move, this is a usual and normal effect of any depression/recession and temporary it is NOT a sign of recovery or ‘green shoots’ in fact its the opposite!
The BBC comrades have done this ‘green shoots wishful thinking before and every time they have done it worse news comes along to burst their wishful thinking bubble, new home sales in the US is also highlighted by the BBC BUT again they fail to mention that because of the low interest rates and lack of safe investment opportunities people looking for an investment are hoovering up new builds instead of the more normal investments, this again is a symptom of recession NOT green shoots.
The BBC spew out the propaganda that is so obviously false in the hope that nobody will notice? Scum arent they?
Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 600
> employees and has the following employee statistics:
> 29 have been accused of spouse abuse
> 7 have been arrested for fraud
> 9 have been accused of writing bad cheque’s
> 17 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
> 3 have done time for assault
> 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
> 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
> 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
> 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
> 84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year
> Which organisation is this ? It’s the 635 members of the House of
> Commons,
> the same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to
> keep the rest of us inline.
> What a bunch of bastards we have running our country – it says it all. And
> just to top all that they probably have the best ‘corporate’ pension
> scheme
> in the country!!
> If you agree that this is an appalling state of affairs, please pass it on
> to everyone you know. It’s time to stand up to this lot !
The BBC’s politically-favoured newspaper, ‘The Guardian’, is argues Melanie Phillips:
“Britain’s First Sharia-Compliant Newspaper”
It could be added that the BBC is among the first of the West’s Sharia-compliant, dhimmi broadcasters, undemocratically subsidised by the vast majority of non-Muslim BBC licencepayers.
Mandrake in the Telegraph has: “Someone who works on the Today Programme, World at One, World Tonight, World this Weekend or Broadcasting House is a thief. The latest Ariel, the BBC’s house mag includes a letter from Gillian Dear of World Tonight saying she had to abandon a wine-tasting after four bottles were purloined from her desk. She says she has witnessed “pilfering” over a long time at the corporation. At Broadcast Centre it’s just as bad. A researcher named Andrew Dickson says he has his food stolen every time he puts it in the communal fridge. “Frankly it wasn’t the sort of behaviour that was tolerated at school, let alone in the workplace,” he harrumphs.”
I don’t know what to say.
Q: “What do you call a Pakistani cloakroom attendant?” A: “Ma-hat-ma coat.”
A vile racist joke? Absolute Radio, what absolute bollocks.
Too much from me already today. David V must be busy knitting the new website.
frankos: So few!!!
Sue 1:03
When I was at scholl , it was an Indian cloakroom attendant, not Pakistani !
school not scholl !
Surprise, surprise! The BBC thinks this merits being the number one news story.
Astonishment factor zero captain!
“When I was at *scholl* , it was an Indian cloakroom attendant, not Pakistani !”
Was he a shoe-thrower then ?
The bBC, its love for terrorists and a third of the story.
Charity chief focus of arms probe
Bangladeshi police investigating a huge arms haul in the south of the country are investigating the possible role of the head of a British charity. The whereabouts of Dr Faisal Mostafa are unknown, although some unconfirmed reports say that he is in police custody in Bangladesh.
The weapons cache was found at an Islamic school, or madrassa, allegedly run by a charity based in Manchester. Newspaper reports in Britain say that Dr Mostafa – the head of the Green Crescent charity which runs the madrassa – had previously been tried for plotting explosions in the UK.
Bangladeshi police say they have unearthed a mini ordnance factory
He was cleared in 2002 of planning to cause terrorist acts by using high explosives. In November 2008 Dr Mostafa was found guilty by a court in Manchester of possession of dangerous weapons and making a false statement about baggage cargo at the city’s airport.
Well the bBC finally gets round to reporting on yet another innocent man. Thing is the bBC doesn’t mention how in 1996 this man was aqquited of having explosives on his person or that that last charge was how he was caught trying to board a plane with a loaded weapon when he was banned from keeping one.
The bBC, its love for terrorists and a third of the story.
The UK has had 12 years of Labour. How the BBC report the latest council tax rise.
Lowest tax bill rise for 15 years
The Mail.
Families pay £720 more in council tax as bills rise 105% since Labour came to power
Both are correct, but what the BBC fails to say is that any increase on a par with previous years would have led to riots and Labour’s suicide at the polls.