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pounce | 26.03.09 – 4:20 pm |
pounce your post is incorrect in so much as you missed out his conviction in 1996 at Manchester Crown Court where he was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment for possession of a firearm and banned from possessing firearms for life, which beggars the question, why did he get a suspended sentence when found in possession of another firearm at Manchester airport in 2008.
In his 1996 appearance he was aquitted on charges of conspiracy to cause explosions after explosives were found in his house. Which does not mean he was innocent. I believe two other were found guilty on that.
All just a coincidence isn’t it!
BBC’s Jihad poster boy Binyan Mohammed is the main headline exclusively on BBC “News” channel.
BREAKING NEWS : police are going to investigate MI5 over allegations of torture.
Why not investigate whoever let him into Britain in the first place? When was there a visa waver with Ethiopia? If the population of Ethiopia increases as much as is predicted, will we have to make room for 80 million of them over the next 20 years?
Mark 4:02
Nice one, laugh of the day so far !!!
BBC Poster Boy leads headlines again!
‘Wandering tourist’ Mohammed offers another exculsive to the BBC.
Funny that the BBC doesn’t offer any serious coverage of Mohammed’s friend Daub Abdullah, the deputy secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain, who recently defended anti-semitism and encouraged attacks on the Royal Navy. Or of Mohammed’s friend George Galloway, who was photographed engaging in criminal activity by handing money and supplies to the leader of anti-semitic terror cult Hamas.
It’s another VINTAGE day on BBC local radio.
At about 1.50pm on Solent, I heard a Christian being given a terrible time for suggesting that the latest round of ‘Hey kids, have a condom’ wasn’t going to achieve anything in the teen pregnacy campaign.
An hour later, Tony Robinson was being given a huge free advertising opportunity for the ‘ancestry’ website he plugs (at cost, I assume) on commercial radio.
So I thought, I’ve had enough of this. An hour later, I’m up the dial to BBC Radio Berks; Oh God, there’s a Milie Tant wimmin-type giving tongue (if you’ll excuse the phrase) all about the joys of being gay in Reading, the bars, the prejudice etc etc.
In despair, I’m back to Solent, where Hugh Edwards is advising up-and-coming newsreaders about his job. “The most important thing,” he explains, “is to hook the listener with the headline.” As in the hook that seems to be stuck in his top lip?
When one of the awe-struck youngsters asked why he became a journalist, I sprayed tea all over the inside of my tractor windscreen, and switched back to a CD.
Just listened to PM lead item on Benyamin Mohammed investigation. Followed by interview with David Davies.
Not once did Davies or the BBC interviewer even consider the question that Mohammed might be lying. Every question, every angle considered was form the viewpoint that his accusations are true and simply require exposure.
I wonder which group pushing all this global warming rubbish spent £1.5 million on taxis in a year ?
So, here are your listening highlights from this afternoon:
BBC Radio Solent:
Eeeeeeevil Christians at 48mins 50 seconds
Lovely free advertising at 1hr 49 mins 20 seconds.
BBC Radio Berks, Sarah Walker Show:
Enjoy grumpy dykefest from 2hrs 8min 10 seconds until (unbelievably) 2hrs 43 mins!!!
Oh God, there’s a Milie Tant wimmin-type giving tongue (if you’ll excuse the phrase) all about the joys of being gay in Reading, the bars, the prejudice etc etc.
Pounce & TPO are right, as I’ve said elsewhere, see the case of the UK charity is worrying as it reflects the whole UK attitude to extremist Islam. I find it scary that some of the weapons seized where made in Britain.
the beeb should investigate the whole affair…was it Charity Commission incompetency, government policy..what.
this is what the beeb is for. I’m sure if a right-wing charity was caught supplying arms and training children the bbc would be all over it, rightly. So why not in the Green Crescent case….I think we should be told 🙂
Blimey – sorry Ms. Tant!
Missed the article, but I found the reply interesting:
BBC database private
TV Licensing’s database is owned by the BBC, not the Government (“The big question”, 24 March). The information on the database is confidential, and used solely for TV Licensing purposes.
Ian Fannon
TV Licensing, London WC2
Now, it may just be me, but…
Before the US election, I kept saying the The Obamessiah has serious Marxist leanings, and was bad news. I was scolded by a couple of defenders of the indefensible, including one who declared that He would govern as a centrist. The defenders of the indefensible kept laughing it off.
So now we have President Obamessiah’s new letter, printed in no less than 31 international publications, entitled A Time for Global Action
Before anyone even stops to consider the quasi-Marxist language of such a title, I give you the words of the President of the United States of America:
I know that America bears our share of responsibility for the mess that we all face. But I also know that we need not choose between a chaotic and unforgiving capitalism and an oppressive government-run economy. That is a false choice that will not serve our people or any people.
And now, I give you the words of the first congress of the Communist International (March 1919):
It identified in the latter the germs of the internal decomposition of the system: “A new epoch is born: the epoch of the dissolution of capitalism, of its inner collapse. The epoch of the communist revolution of the proletariat” (Platform of the CI). Humanity as a whole is faced with the threat of destruction if capitalism survives the proletarian revolution:
“Humanity, whose whole culture has been devastated, is threatened with destruction (…) The old capitalist ‘order’ is no more. It can no longer exist. The final result of the capitalist process of production is chaos”. (ibid) “Now its not only social pauperisation, but a physiological, biological impoverishment that is presented to us in all its hideous reality” (Manifesto of the CI to the proletariat of the entire world).
And here’s something from Cedric Robinson, radical, Marxist, and professor of Black Studies at UC Santa Barbara:
I have never conceded the notion that the West has ordered the world in a rational whole: no coherent order, no singular whole, has ever been forged under the authority of capital and the unifying language of world systems theory simply does not capture the chaos of capitalism.
President Obamessiah has Marxist leanings, uses Marxist language, and is bad news.
I would imagine that the BBC will be incensed by the President of Brazil’s racist comments today about people with white skin and blue eyes being responsible for the world recession.
Spineless little Gordon , no doubt, just displayed his sickly grin throughout.
i was going to post on that grant.
will be interesting to see the bbc interpretation
While I’m on the subject about how some of us were saying that a President Obamessiah would be dangerous, here’s a little more unhappy proof that we were right:
Expanded Americorps has an authoritarian feel
With almost no public attention, both chambers of Congress in the past week advanced an alarming expansion of the Americorps national service plan, with the number of federally funded community service job increasing from 75,000 to 250,000 at a cost of $5.7 billion.
Any US citizens should have a stiff drink before reading the rest.
During the election campaign, Candidate Obamessiah called for the creation of a national civilian cadre. According to the campaign website:
Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year.
Require. And Candidate Obamessiah publicly stated on more than one occasion that this civilian corps would be “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the military. I can’t find it right now, but I commented at the time how dangerous this sounded.
Like so many other accidental revelations of his frightening intentions, this was sent down the memory hole by His campaign minders.
Now he’s actually trying to do it. All the defenders of the indefensible who told me otherwise have been proven tragically wrong.
QUOTE: I know that America bears our share of responsibility for the mess that we all face.
Guess who said the above. Some municipal bin collector, perhaps?
The One, The One, The Eloquent One,
Oh, where’s the eloquence gone?
I have to laugh when I recall the ecstatic praise for the intellect and powers of expression of The One.
And how they rushed to gush that he was so…presidential.
The above does not constitute language that could be described as such. It’s not even up to the standard of the dopiest dodderer of a bored backbench MP dozing off after a liquid lunch. More what you would expect to hear trotted out in some casual inconsequential chatter in the pub. More Prescott than President. And we all knew HE was a buffoon who mangled the language.
Jeez, he was a community organiser, wasn’t he? And that wasn’t warning enough!
I look forward to seeing how the citizens of America deal with all this as it begins to seep out into public consciousness.
The toady show gave a prime slot to the monarchy and how it dicriminates, Brown is mentioned and a BBC poll ‘suggesting’ support for reform.
Of course the historical reasons for such discrimination is not mentioned, the toady comrades dont want us to know why catholics are banned from being monarch, a catholic owes loyalty to the pope, the British monarch is defender of the church of England, a catholic mornarch would make the UK a catholic nation owing its loyalty to Rome and the pope.
The religious independence from papal dictates would be finished, we would end a sensible tradition going back centuries.
Change one law for modern PC reasons and the whole system has to change, perhaps thats the whole point?
Naughtie provided a fine display of his leftie credentials on this morning’s Today programme, when he interviewed Michael Meacher MP & Fraser Nelson of the Spectator about the future treatment of bankers. Meacher, a socialist & a proven loony (e.g. he more or less claims that Bush was responsible for 9/11), was allowed to make his argument for recovering PAST year’s bankers’ bonuses without interruption or comment from Naughtie.In contrast Nelson was never allowed more than a sentence before challenge by Naughtie. The challenges followed the Labour Party line such as the failure of Torys (perhaps Nelson is one) to have warned about the inadequacy of banking regulation in this country – as if the Labour GOVERNMENT is excused their failure because they hadn’t been alerted by the Opposition.
will2001 | 27.03.09 – 11:18 am | #
Missed that Meacher/Nelson interview.
Was Meacher asked if MPs should repay past year’s expense claims which, whilst within the rules, are morally indefensible?
David Preiser 10:55
If your post is correct, I find this quite terrifying.
In the UK, we can’t even get a government to require the unemployed on benefits to do community service !
Will 11:18
Is this the same socialist MP Michael Meacher who has a portfolio of investment properties ?
Grant, even better it is this Meacher. He even lost a libel action against a journalist who said he wasn’t quite the horny-handed son of toil he had claimed to be and branded him middle class.
Continuing with Today. Margaret Beckett was interviewed by Humphrys about the plight of tenants getting evicted at short notice when repossession action was taken because of default by the landlord.
Becket was spectacularly ill briefed & couldn’t say how tenants would be informed of intended repossession action. Humphrys was gentle with her, perhaps he had sympathy because she was suffering from a cold. He didn’t press, neither did he employ the usual line of asking questions away from the minister’s brief (e.g. he could have asked about Mc Bust’s mental health). However ill Beckett was it didn’t stop her getting in her “do nothing Tories” dig.
Anybody listening to radio 2.
J Vine has that Sri lankan post master who was sack for demanding people speak English.
Who do they have as a counter?
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown who is playing the racist card by telling this man she cannot understand what he is saying and that she speaks better English than him.
Funny how the bBC leaves out that the folks who got this brave man sacked belonnged to the same faith as Yasmin.
will2001 | 27.03.09 – 11:18 am
Naughtie interrupted Nelson NINE times, often badgering him with follow-up questions before 3 or 4 words had been uttered in reply to the previous one. Meacher on the other hand was free to speak without any interjections by the the Today presenter. Shameless unfettered bias.
This earlier exchange between John Humphrys and one of the BBC’s many US correspondents Jonathan Beale about Obama’s Afghanistan plan was also quite interesting:
John Humphrys: Is anybody whispering into his ear “Vietnam”?
Jonathan Beale: I don’t think so. Certainly there have been people in the past when George Bush was president who warned that it could be another Vietnam.
Yes, and the Today programme had most of them on as guests. It’ll be cheerleaders all the way from now on, though.
pounce | 27.03.09 – 1:50 pm
Is that the same Yasmin Alibhai-Brown who complains that the BBC never have her on? The same Yasmin Alibhai-Brown who just narrated her own book for R4’s Book of the Week? The same Yasmin Alibhai-Brown who does the paper reviews on BBC News with shrinking violet Iain Dale?
Yasmin – so little to say, so much BBC airtime to say it.
Grant | 27.03.09 – 11:53 am |
In the UK, we can’t even get a government to require the unemployed on benefits to do community service !
Video of Candidate Obamessiah stating his desire to create a “people’s army” is widely available.
As soon as word got out, the word “required” was removed from the campaign website, and other language was watered down. Watch the video for yourself and decide what He meant.
Now, on its own, this sounds very lovely. Who wouldn’t want to volunteer and work hard to improve the community, and help other people, and make this country great again, etc.? Except, they don’t mention how this is a fig leaf to stick on top of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which was signed into law by President Obamessiah. This is on top of the millions already being given to ACORN, an organization with dubious connections and a history of criminal activity.
Remember, this is not the National Service like they used to have in Britain. Nothing of the kind. I do realize, of course, that it could all turn out to be lovely, and I hate being paranoid like this.
But His words are out there, ACORN and other organizations are already out there working quietly behind the scenes, and The Obamessiah has already tried to mobilize a civilian force to knock on doors to get people like me to support His policies.
Not only that, but I haven’t forgotten all those videos of people who “pledged their allegiance” to the President – not to the country, but to the man. Including Chris Matthews.
It doesn’t take a paranoid mind to question how that adds up. It takes only a student of history.
Except, they don’t mention how this is a fig leaf to stick on top of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which was signed into law by President Obamessiah.
The trouble with all that stuff in the link is that you need someone to translate it. It is all so obscure. Who actually gets the money? What’s it for and what do they do with it?
BBC report:
“Pakistan mosque attack kills 48”
And ‘Jihadwatch’:
‘Christian extremist kills 48 at Pakistan mosque — no, wait…’
‘A government official accused Islamist militants of carrying out the bombing in revenge for a recent offensive aimed in part at protecting the major supply route for NATO and U.S. troops in Afghanistan that passes in front of the mosque.’
“Remember this one the next time you hear a story about Muslims outraged over Americans or Israelis returning fire from a mosque, or over alleged desecration of a Qur’an, etc.”
Pounce –
I heard the Vine piece too and was glad lunch wasn’t far off so i could walk my anger off. She really is the smuggest snootiest interloping bitch this side of Kampala, one I’d love to see crashingly brought down several pegs. Among brazen hacks only David Aaronovtich has a comparable effect upon me.
‘Spectator’ blog:
Melanie Phillips:
‘The real lobby and its acolytes’
“Those who are regularly left open-mouthed at the way in which the British media puts across an overwhelmingly Arab narrative about Israel and the Middle East, trasmitting lies and distortions as facts and reversing victim and victimiser to present Israel as the regional aggressor and the Palestinians as their targets, may well also scratch their heads at being told with monotonous regularity that ‘the Jews control the media’.
“Well now Arab Media Watch lifts a curtain to show us the real lobby at work. It boasts:
“Some 200 guests gathered at Kensington’s Royal Garden Hotel on 21 March 2009 to attend Arab Media Watch’s fifth annual fundraising dinner, and to mark its ninth anniversary. Among the guests were almost three-dozen senior journalists from the BBC, Al Jazeera English, Financial Times, Reuters, Daily Mail, Independent, Asharq Al Awsat, Al Quds Al Arabi, Al Hayat and others.”
BBC report:
“Brown warning over G20 ‘cynicism'”
Will Brown be eating halal humble pie at the London conference?
Or is that cynical, Gordon?:
‘Evening Standard’:
‘Pork is scratched off the menu for Jamie Oliver’s diplomatic dinners’
“JAMIE Oliver may have lobbied us to buy British pork but he won’t be serving it to the world’s most powerful leaders at next week’s G20 banquet in Downing Street.
“The chef, whose recent TV series Jamie Saves Our Bacon saw him champion pig welfare, has removed pork from the menu of his six-course meal because it could offend Muslim guests.
“The Saudi Arabian, Turkish and Indonesian delegations are said to have requested that no pork be served and that halal food is available for leaders such as King Abdullah of the Saudi royal family and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, president of Indonesia.”
3:51 pm was me.
More responsible headline-grabbing by the BBC.
I thought one of their remits was to promote peace? Or is it just climate change?
David Preiser 2:58
Thanks for the link. I didn’t have time to watch the whole clip, but , on the face of it , it sounds like a plethora of “initiatives”.
I don’t think you are being paranoid about this. There would seem to be some kind of ulterior motive behind Obama’s words.
I just wish I knew more about US politics. Or is it just about creating a client state and buying votes ?
Of course the speech was July 2008, before the recession really started biting.
I aint so sure about that Mosque suicide bomber in Pakistan!!!
It doesnt add up.
The death toll is really high for 1 suicide bomber and Mosques are very strong buildings, which normally are the only things standing after earthquakes and Tsunami’s.
Me thinks given its proximity to the Afghan border that it was an accident and quite a bit of High Explosive held at the Mosque (A bomb factory?) went up.
Am I alone in this theory (I am an explosives expert by the way – with a great deal of knowledge of the types of devices used by the terrorists)!!!!!!!!!???????