Dan the Man

Hands up everyone who wants a thread just about Daniel Hannan.
Haven’t we exhausted the subject yet? By the time it gets going the BBC will have reported it. Or some of it.
Surely the BBC will be forced to mention it in a minute, even if only because of the ‘viral’ aspect. Bias by omission will then have to be downgraded to bias by sluggishness, then bias by selective editing, bias by dismissive editorials, then just bias; then it will be buried. Bias by premature burial.
Oh well. I suppose 600.000 youtube hits does deserve this thread.
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124 Responses to Dan the Man

  1. Mike Maclean says:

    Hannans youtube demolition of McSnot now has 712,860 hits. 1,000,000+ by the weekend?

    Of course as far as the MSM and Al BeebPravda are concerned, its just some little interwebbie thing and nothing significant at all.

    They really dont understand that the real world is totally estranged from theirs and by the day, they are becoming less and less relevent.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Mike Maclean: Truth is the left hate the freedom of the Internet. The web has been a great outlet for those on the right.

    The BBC is looking to dominate the internet and would hope that the next Labour Government would allow it to expand online in the same way it has with local news and is helping kill off local newspapers for example.


    The BBC MUST be stopped.


  3. Grant says:

    Llew 4:19
    Very perceptive point !


  4. Grant says:

    Martin 1:33
    Qoooze 1:37
    Are you, by any chance, related ?!!


  5. Roland Deschain says:

    Nick Robinson has made four entries on his blog in the past two days.

    Guess how many are about Daniel Hannan. And how many are about the wandering tourist Mr Binyam Mohamed.


  6. GCooper says:

    Anonymous 4:35 is right. And not only will ZaNuLabour help the BBC try to dominate UK news on the web, they are doing everything in their power to control and spy on all web activities.

    How quickly these superannuated hippies have turned into the Stasi!


  7. TPO says:

    From the oddest of sources comes a possible reason why the “tory” in Thurrock defected to Labour, a story that the BBC chose to give prominence to whilst excluding any reference to Dan Hannan.
    There are rumours that this “tory” jumped before he was pushed. Corruption? Well if it is he’s found the right home with labour.

    Just in passing for those who can’t bring themselves to look at Draper’s shite at labourlist, They tried to do a hatchet job on Hannan and it has quite spectacularly, for them, backfired. Given that very few people bother to leave comments there, every comment so far condemns their attempt to smear Hannan, and that’s labour supporters.


  8. emil says:

    why bother, they’re busy finding no marks in North and South America who still think the great leader can save the world. I know we aren’t forced to pay for Sky but they’re nearly as bad. What a hold NuLab have over the MSM, and we used to shake our heads as new manipulation in Soviet Russia….


  9. Beeboid says:

    Binyam Mohammed’s story is extremely important: it is necessary for us to fulfil our quota of giving all races and religions equal coverage.

    We cannot persecute Muslims just because they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or because they happen to express views which may be unpleasant for us.

    In Islamic culture this sort of complicity in torture by MI5 would never be allowed. Islam is a religion of peace which displays respect to all faiths and creeds.


  10. Robin Horbury says:

    Daniel Hannan is very well known by the BBC. Before he became an MEP, he was a regular contributor to the Telegraph, and was also a leader writer there. The reason they ignore him is because he has openly said he wants the UK to leave the EU – treason to the BBC. And anyone who thinks thus is branded by them as an extremist loony.


  11. David Preiser (USA) says:

    TPO | 26.03.09 – 5:31 pm |

    Is Thurrock a mere back-bencher whom nobody has heard of?


  12. TPO says:

    Is Thurrock a mere back-bencher whom nobody has heard of?
    David Preiser (USA) | 26.03.09 – 5:48 pm |

    He’s a local councillor on the town council. Haven’t researched it but his ward will probably have about 4 to 500 active voters at best.
    You’re right in that nobody outside of Thurrock has ever heard of him.
    However the BBC seem to think this story merits prominence.


  13. TPO says:

    Oddly enough there don’t seem to be any posts from the BBC’s assorted ‘useful idiots’ on the subject of the BBC’s refusal to show Hannan.


  14. Preposteroso says:

    Good to see that somebody has the backbone to publicly wipe the floor with the miserable destructive cyclops. We need more of this. Conservatives on the offensive. Confident and plain speaking. The BBC are probably seeking not to screen this video fearful that Cameroon might see it and get some ideas as to how he should be treating those bringing the country to its knees.


  15. Oscar says:

    Caroline Quinn has just mentioned Dan the Man in PMs opening headline.


  16. Betty Swollocks says:

    I really hope Daniel Hannan is mentioned on QT tonight, but i bet it’s not!


  17. Oscar says:

    Predictably the trailer for Hannan’s slot on PM was this comment from Quinn: “The Conservative MEP who’s gone viral” – making it sound as if he has a disease.


  18. Gerald Brown says:

    In all the excitement one thing I did pick up on the ten o’clock news programme on Radio 4 last night was that with the fall of the Czech government due to the desertion of the ultra euro socialists? the chances of the Lisbon treaty being ratified in the Czech Republic have dropped to just about zero. Anyone else noticed the spreading of this good news on any other BBC programme or site?


  19. Sam Duncan says:

    The BBC thinks nobody knows who Hannan is, and will do its damnedest to keep it that way. If it can’t, the character assassination will start: they’ll make sure everyone has heard of him. And his bald head. And funny voice. And staring eyes. And boring obsession with – yawn! – Europe and – zzzzz – fiscal policy.

    By the way, from the end of that Glenn Beck interview, I loved the idea of “defecting” from the EU. That’s the way things are headed, folks…


  20. Peter says:

    La la la! I can’t hear you Mr Hannan.
    Nick Robinson | 26.03.09 – 4:15 pm | #

    And one excellent way to ensure this is to have posts on the Nick Robinson (News – sic) blog removed, even after being moderated in, for being ‘off topic’. Beats ‘not newsworthy’.

    How very Catch 222. It wasn’t mentioned, so in asking why it wasn’t, you get deleted.

    As suggested…. La la la.

    I’m surprised they have any means of locomotion left, they’ve shot their feet off so often.


  21. Oscar says:

    Well PM did play a very decent clip from Hannan’s speech and then went on to give him a very fair interview, even though it didn’t dwell on the shortcomings of Gordon Brown. Hannan was excellent – articulate, charming, engaging, courteous. If he does have a failing it’s that he is far too modest.


  22. Millie Tant says:

    Andrew Neil is one of the biggest B’oid luvvies going and he presides over a great deal of fluff, gossip and insubstantial non-stories on both the Daily Politics and that THursday night show he does. I mean, it has been known to descend to reality tv shows, such as Big Brother. Say no more, eh?

    So it ill becomes him to cloak himself in some sort of pretend lofty disdain for those who took up an actual political story that happens to be about something of substance.

    I must just get in a mention of the bias against literacy so often displayed on his programme and on BBC TV. Yesterday’s example from the Daily Politics was a caption that missspelt “Noisy Neighbours” as Noisey. This was in reference to some B’oid luvvy WHO WAS ON THE DAILY POLITICS SHOW because he was suffering – poor dear – from the neighbours doing some building works. Boo hoo, waaaaaaaaahhh… waahhh…!

    Haven’t we all had neighbours’ builders? I certainly have and deary me, but mine turned up again only last Saturday morning and well, you know, disturbed my slumbers, created a bit of mayhem etc etc. And then back again on Monday and so on. Oh, well, I am not going on The Daily POLITICS to moan about it, am I? This what licence tax is paid for, is it?


  23. Rob says:

    This speech strikes me as being Brown’s Ceausescu moment. It had to happen sooner or later. Like il Ducator, he turned up at the Palace of the People expecting to give his standard speech on tractor production and the glorious grain harvest, to be received with the standard applause. Instead he learned what people really think of him, and like Ceausescu, who was still waving at the crowd because he just could not believe they were booing him, Brown just sat there like a numptie with an inane grin on his face. He really is a clueless waste of space, and I feel a NuLabor coup will happen shortly. Let’s hope the People’s Court dishes out suitable punishment to the unelected tyrant.


  24. LP Gasse says:

    Read this garbage on the Guardian website – they finally got around to mentioning the internet hit – but not for the obvious reasons….
    more waffle from the usual youthful know-nothing pricks…


  25. LP Gasse says:

    oops – forgot the link – its the excitement you know….



  26. Roland Deschain says:

    I’ve got to say I thought it was a good piece about Dan Hannan on PM.

    48 hours late.


  27. TPO says:

    10 Downing Street posts the kiddy fiddler’s speech to the EU on the web and how many hits does it get? Less than 500. You’d have thought that after all that BBC propaganda and publicity he’d have made it to 1000.
    Meanwhile Hannan is close the three quarters of a million and counting.


  28. Wessexman says:

    Let’s get it up to a million hits and then inundate Auntie with demands to know why it is being so unrepresentative


  29. GCooper says:

    With all the grace of a pregnant rhinoceros essaying a particularly ambitious entrechat, the BBC and its partners in grime, the Guardian, have finally started to pretend they knew about the Hannan story all along.

    Only, of course, it wasn’t really news, was it? It was just a few Right wing bloggers getting excited because someone was rude in public to the great leader.

    There are two good things to have come out of this, beside Mr Hannan’s elevation to the godhead. The first is that it proves the BBC can no longer censor the news it doesn’t like.

    The second is that it is still so arrogant that – for all our millions it hurls at its online propaganda activities – where the Internet is concerned, the BBC still just doesn’t get it.

    And that’s the Left’s Achilles heel.


  30. Grimer says:

    “the BBC and its partners in grime”



  31. GCooper says:

    Sorry, Grimer! Mea culpa.


  32. David Preiser (USA) says:

    TPO | 26.03.09 – 6:00 pm |

    He’s a local councillor on the town council. Haven’t researched it but his ward will probably have about 4 to 500 active voters at best.
    You’re right in that nobody outside of Thurrock has ever heard of him.

    That’s QEFD, then.

    The Daily Politics Beeboids stressed repeatedly that Hannan was a nobody MEP whom nobody has heard of, which is why they didn’t report it. Yet, a local councillor switching parties is newsworthy according to BBC editors and producers.


  33. Jon says:

    “Yet, a local councillor switching parties is newsworthy according to BBC editors and producers.”

    I agree – it is newsworthy – why does a tory councillor jump onto a sinking ship – there must be more to this than meets the eye.


  34. GCooper says:

    They have all heard of Hannan – he was a noted leader writer and journalist for the Telegraph, before becoming an MEP.

    It’s just an act. A bad one, at that.


  35. Jon says:


  36. JohnW says:

    Listening to Hannity – the Republicans are going crazy, praising Hannan’s attack on the Moron. Hannan is on the TV show tonight, so this messsage is getting spread far and wide.


  37. Atlas shrugged says:


    Please do not let your natural sense of optimism blind your common sense.

    The establishment have not forgotten the power of the internet. They have very successfully subverted it, and by so doing so, greatly confused the real issues.

    We all should by now know for certain that our government is acting in a secretive conspiracy and at a level well above anything remotely democratic in nature.

    However we do not. All papist agents like David Icke, and Alex Jones do is confuse the issues involved.

    As we all do surly know. News is ONLY important when it is TV. Until conspiracy REALITY becomes mainstream, anything a relatively small amount of politically motivated internet geeks consider to be the truth, can and therefore will be ignored by the great sleepwalking majority of the population.

    Try this experiment.

    Go down your local pub. Then interrupt the conversation on football or the barmaids tits with the latest conspiracy theory, and see what sort of response you get.

    If you are lucky and you don’t get told to ‘shut the F up,’ therefore the group already have an understanding of what the bugger you are talking about. You will without doubt soon find that the left still blame the right and the right still blame the left. Thus you swiftly come down to the same old problem.

    We are divided by left, right, Blue Team, Red Team BBC/MSM propagated long term mind control nonsense, to such an incredible degree, that very little gets sorted.

    It is virtually impossible to get people to understand that their adopted team is equally as responsible as the other one, for where we find ourselves today.

    This is why, what we mistakenly believe are our own freely considered opinions have been systematically and deliberately divided in almost perfect halves.

    The right pillar and the left pillar hold up the establishment favorite place.

    The former denotes strength and the later to establish, and when conjoined stability, for God said that ” in strength I will establish this mine house to stand forever.”

    Democracy was from its very conception planned to be only a stepping stone to world establishment controlled, authoritarian dictatorship.

    Our own establishment cut off our rear legs at birth, then spent our money and lifetime crippling the front two, while seriously mashing up our individual and collective intellects. As we have now become useless to even ourselves, while our ruling class have found a new bunch of submissive slaves in China and The sub continent, they really don’t need us anymore.


  38. Jon says:


  39. Atlas shrugged says:

    With reference to the my above comment and on the subject of Hannan I have this to state.

    Hannan, got as close to exposing our ‘conspiracy reality’ as a known main stream politician, has so far got, with the possible exception of Ron Paul.

    However just like Ron Paul, Hannan will be either ignored, sidelined, misrepresented, or swiftly shut up ASAP. Hannan came very close to overstepping the mark. His youthful ego and inexperience got the better of him. In my opinion he will either live to regret his words or god forbid, not live a whole lot longer.

    His days, in an reasonably prominent position in the Conservative Party, are now numbered. This I believe is not his beginning, but the beginning of his end.

    I very much do hope I am wrong on this one. However I regret to say that I am very rarely wrong, when it comes to politics.


  40. Chuffer says:

    Atlas, you are completely and utterly bonkers.


  41. Dave S says:

    sadly I also fear we will hear little more from Mr Hannan. The media whirl will bury his words in hastily contrived trivia
    He has shown Brown, and by extension every other leader, to be the charlatans they are.
    They may not be evil conspirators but they are certainly at the service of money and power.
    They always are and it is our misfortune to be always at the mercy of incompetent and venal rulers.
    The saving grace of the English in particular is that they have always had the healthiest of contempt for them.
    At heart they know this but simply do not care.


  42. TPO says:

    Chuffer | 26.03.09 – 11:22 pm |
    I’ve never had the time or inclination to wade through Atlas Shrugged’s prodigious output. Would you be so kind as to give me a precis.


  43. David Preiser (USA) says:

    GCooper | 26.03.09 – 10:45 pm |

    It’s just an act. A bad one, at that.

    As I said, QEFD.

    Surely this is worth a couple of sentences in the B-BBC book?


  44. Libertarian says:

    In 24 hours, 380,000 people had watched a video before a word appeared on the BBC or in any newspaper.



  45. Atlas shrugged says:

    Atlas, you are completely and utterly bonkers.
    Chuffer | 26.03.09 – 11:22 pm | #

    So your point is?

    My mental state of affairs is of no consequence. As unfortunately for yourself I am not a politician. Nor do I hold any position of power or influence in public life.

    The thing that should only concern you, is whether I am essentially or specifically right or not. You will never find out if I am on the money if you do not read my comments.

    Perhaps if you were as right as much and as often as I am, you also would be as filthy rich, highly successful and far more importantly than these things, as independently so as myself.

    The truth is often stranger then fiction, it also hurts a fools ego.

    I fully understand that being informed that you have been fed a whole pack of lies all of your life and been suckered in hook line and sinker, is very hard to take.

    Perhaps you should try reading my many words of solid GOLD wisdom, it costs you nothing and could make you as rich as myself.

    For example. I put my money where my mouth is.

    I sold all of my spare properties 4 years ago, and bought gold at £274, which is now trading at around £660.

    I am a completely self made British business man. I own quite possibly the most profitable small manufacturing company in the country, with an overfull order book and no bank borrowings. So busy in fact that I have stopped taking on any more new accounts, while my competition are falling like flies all around me.

    Your great leader has never made a pound note in his entire life and has effectively bankrupted your entire future existence. Yet you still listen to him, do you not?

    Carry on being rude if you wish, but believe me I am not only having a laugh now, I am 100% sure I will be having the last one as well.

    The main problem with you so called ‘educated’ types, is that sometime in your life some one convinced you that you were intelligent and that what you believe had some kind of worth insight or validity. When in fact nothing could have possibly been further from the truth.

    Intelligence is realizing that you actually know as good as nothing of any importance and that far smarter people then yourself still hardly know their right hand from their left.

    Understand however that THE SYSTEM is collectively far smarter then any single individual, and the most powerful thing in the known material universe. Far stronger, cleverer and braver people then ourselves have earnestly tried to take on this monster sometimes also known as The Firm, absolutely none of which have come close to succeeding in doing so. Those that have usually get their brains blown out in public, or have mysterious accidents. Some go for long walks in the woods and then slit their own wrists for no seemingly sensible reason. Others have simply wised up, and then swiftly shut up.

    Also understand that believing that your worlds destiny is decided by the likes of overblown egomaniacs such as G Bush, B Obama, T Blair or indeed M Thatcher, is not only very stupid, it shows a complete non understanding of the world and how it has actually been run since civilization first began.

    Indeed to seriously believe that any single or elected group of politicians would actually be trusted by the establishment to run so much as a window cleaning company free from virtual absolute establishment control, never mind a countries budget measured in trillions, is dangerously ignorant and over trusting to the point of insanity.

    This is the truth, so get used to it asap, because soon you will not have a choice anyway.

    We are run by a secret government who achieve through the armed forces, military intelligence, civil-service and corporate ownership. While brainwashing the people using the education system and its favored mouthpiece, the BBC. It hinds the whole highly dishonest smoke and mirrors con trick from behind a highly controlled, so called democratic process.

    I do not guess these things, nor do I make it up as I go along, in the manner Gordon Brown often has too. I take these long since been so facts of life for granted.


  46. Robert says:

    But Atlas, you STILL havn’t answered the question we’re all asking:
    Have you got a girlfriend yet?


  47. LP Gasse says:

    …well, follow that…..

    ..I see that it is being reported on BBC as simply an internet hit – like performing kittens or stupid dancing – they tell of the 30,000 hits Clarkson locked in the toilet has – with 700,000 Hannan is not in the same league – and its all driven by CONTENT and ELOQUENCE.

    Whether the media are ignoring this by guile or ignorance is frightening.
    The dismissal of the fact that almost 700,000 are inspired and agree with the content is a major item of news in itself – this issue mustnt be allowed to fizzle out.


  48. Chuffer says:

    My point, Atlas, is simple.
    I know we’re all supposed to be nice and polite since DV read us the riot act a few months ago…but…

    Your posts are overlong, boring, full of contradictory paranoia, childish, appallingly written and do nothing to enhance this site or contribute to any sort of debate or discussion. They are the web equivalent of the letters journalists get, written in green ink on lined, spiral bound paper, complaining that ‘they’ are poisoning the writer’s water supply.

    As you are now one of the country’s wealthiest and most successful businessman (and jolly well done, too!), you should just get on with counting your millions, and leave us ignorant, poor, ill-informed fools to comment away (concisely and succinctly) on our nice little blog.

    That’s my point.


  49. Tom says:

    TPO | 27.03.09 – 12:40 am

    I’ve never had the time or inclination to wade through Atlas Shrugged’s prodigious output. Would you be so kind as to give me a precis.

    Here goes:

    From his vantage point of being half secular Jewish and half CofE, and at the same time a Freemason, Atlas has discovered that the entire world is run by a self-perpetuating power elite, centred on our royal family and involving MI5, MI6, Parliament, the BBC, Uncle Tom Cobbley an’ all. These people control not just the commercial economy and the political superstructure too but also drug-dealing and organized crime. They are hard bastards and feel no compunction about contriving wars, floods, or a global recession bringing famine and misery to millions, if that’s what serves their interests. They take pictures of us constantly and sit around giggling at them at meetings of the Bilderberg group, or after dinner at the Bohemian Grove.

    I think that’s the general thrust.