We all know from the start that the winner will be the best looking, and the first ones to go will be the unprepossessing ones, and the annoying ones with grating laughs and raucous voices will be kept on for entertainment purposes till they get too gross. The one with a misplaced faith in her own infallibility and a glum expression got fired first.
There’s a parallel with our leaders in there somewhere. I caught Harriet Harpy on the radio rubbishing some proposed Tory policy, presumably the one about inheritance tax. “It’s a tax for millionaires!” she was shrieking. Oh those wicked millionaires, she had to say, because she was supposed to be in the labour party. How ironic that sounded when all her labour colleagues are doing their best to rake in as much as they can via allowances for multiple unnecessary extra homes and all.
Then there’s our new hero Daniel Hannan. What a speech, and without a single teleprompter. What a shame the BBC omitted to show it. It’s the editing you see. Policy. Not newsworthy. Never mind, we all saw it on the internet. Despite his eloquence, his clear fluent delivery, his open features and ringing tones, there still lurks the matter of his fondness for The One. Can such steely powers of judgment have deserted him altogether when apllied to the telegenic one? Oh well we can’t all be perfect.
The most unnerving thing in that clip was the shot of Gordon’s terrible grin. What a haunting image. “Gordon, what was you doin’? You put yourself up for project manager, you’re a total disgrace. You’re fired.”
Imagine the lot of them in the boardroom, all trying to make the other person take the blame for their incompetence because they’ve failed the impossible task they were given that none of them knew the first thing about, with the voters baying for blood and Sir Alan waiting to point.
You have to take into account the BBC tactical and strategic anti Tory plan,
Everything the BBC does EVERYTHING, is very carefully planned to diminish and minimize the Tories and indeed any of their ideological enemies.
A Tory is invited on the BBC only when they can either be led up a cul de sac of minutia and petty detail and /or made/encouraged to make a slip of the tongue and/or used by the BBC interviewer to highlight any miniscule policy interpretation difference so this can be expolited as proof of Tory splits!
I dont think even the targets of this expert propaganda are aware of the depth of the BBC hatred toward them, the Tories seem willing to walk into the BBC traps.
Now remember that the viewer/listener always look/listen for passion,self belief and confidence in a polititian, the public doesnt like pettyfogging,boring,evasive and unsure stuttering, the BBC exploit this by highly selective editing and selective guest invitation and combined with a selective subject matter they can easily portray their enemies in the worst light possible and heres the thing, the BBC are a multi billion pound media empire employing highly experienced and skilled propaganda experts who are also fervent socialists/Marxists/leftists, that poisonous combination of unlimited funds,political prejudice,arrogant self belief and a burning hatred of capitalism is a highly toxic and dangerous mix!
The Tories seem unaware of just what kind of enemy they face, the fluffy bunny coming up against the starving wolf!
Whenever a Tory makes a confident and vital speech the BBC will censor it, whenever a Tory appears unsure or dithering or inconsistent the BBC will allow it, this proves bias but the Tories seem hell bent on playing into the BBC hands and playing by the BBC rules.
Just an extra thought on the above post, the Tories should boycott the BBC and only give interviews with SKY where they would be given fair treatment, they should state clearly that no Tory will appear on the BBC untill they are given fair and even handed treatment, they should clearly state that unless the Hannan speech is shown by the BBC they will not give the BBC one single interview!
The only way to deal with the bigoted bullies at the BBC is to stand upto them!
This in the Telegraph by Daniel Hannan : extract :
‘When I woke up this morning, my phone was clogged with texts, my email inbox with messages. Overnight, the YouTube clip of my remarks had attracted over 36,000 hits. By today, it was the most watched video in Britain.
How did it happen, in the absence of any media coverage? The answer is that political reporters no longer get to decide what’s news. The days when a minister gave briefings to a dozen lobby correspondents, and thereby dictated the next day’s headlines, are over. Now, a thousand bloggers decide for themselves what is interesting. If enough of them are tickled then, bingo, you’re news. (Huge thanks to all those who linked: Guido, Iain Dale, Tim Montgomerie, James Delingpole, Donal Blaney, Dizzy, Devil, James Forsyth, PoliticalBetting, Gerald Warner and the rest. And jumbo thanks to all the American bloggers: you chaps are way ahead of us in this regard.)’
the problem is cameron.
he likes the bbc and wants to keep it as it is, so it will his machine if he wins.
untill we get a tory who will stand up to the bbc we are screwed and sadly so are the tories.
if only they realized that.
Cassandra – I don’t think everythings carefully planned. It’s a culture thing – or as Jeff Randall put it, it’s visceral. It’s a world-view – about good and evil, in the end. The Tories just fit into the evil box.
It’s not particularly even about money or “the rich” – Beeb people like (taxpayer) money as much as anyone. At the extreme, the attitude is that described by David Brooks in ‘Bohos In Paradise’ :
“To calculate a person’s status, you take his net worth and multiply it by his antimaterialistic attitudes. A zero in either column means no prestige, but high numbers in both rocket you to the top of the heap. Thus, to be treated well in this world, not only do you have to show some income results; you have to perform a series of feints to show how little your worldly success means to you…. You will ceaselessly bash yuppies in order to show that you yourself have not become one. You will talk about your nanny as if she were your close personal friend, as if it were just a weird triviality that you happen to live in a $900,000 Santa Monica house and she takes the bus two hours each day to the barrio. ”
Which is why we’ve been watching Sting and Annie Lennox since 1985 !
Harman went to a very exclusive school. I presume her parents were very very wealthy?
I wonder if she’d happily take money off her parents or just Tories?
good to see Labour using our taxes wisely
until some government supports the ordinary hardworking non benefit scrounging family so applauded by the BBC, we will always feel noone stands up for us!!
This country has noticably crumbled both morally and financially under Labour. This is because they don’t respect the working and middle class elbow grease and savings culture.
Wow – great stuff today! – especially from Cassandra and Laban.
It is a culture thing – working at the BBC is an extension of student days – a big womb like organisation in which ‘political’ beliefs taken up as a student are never tested and so prejudices and left wing ‘badges’ from the 80s continue to develop.
Look at the comedy efforts – written/performed by studenty Edinburgh Fringe types – for cushioned studenty types.
So it looks like we’ll pay for an organisation for the rest of our lives – that has no relevance to us.
The Tories do need to show a big stick – to be used after the election.
Once again, an excellent summary of the situation by Cassandra – although by failing to mention the response to Hannan on Drudge, the beeboids will hopefully become the story itself in the dead tree press.
The shots of brown gurning to himself, were truly disgusting !
As another example of ‘news management’, only the beeboids can present a handful of people calling themselves ‘the badger trust’, and without pointing this fact out, give their unchallenged opinion the same weight and air time as the cheif vet for wales !
That badger thing – those BBC folk are …..just ignorant pillocks.
But Brown’s chilling grin?! – it hit me – where ive seen it before….its the original incarnation of the Joker from BATMAN….
LP Gasse,
The Tories have shifted left, this we know, they are more akin to a liberal/social democrat party now, they moved left to inhabit a new consensus zone in order to appeal to a more leftwing audience/voter.
Its done them no good BTW, all its done is to make them appear like a weak and wishy washy version of the old Blairite newlabour, their narrative is weak, their principles watered down, their political agenda is diluted, look at their manifesto(or lack of)and you see a big empty space in effect a defence of the new consensus/status quo.
The Tories listened to their beloved spinners/focus groups and tried so hard to shed the nasty party image, they were led to believe that if they would only shed their right wing Tory principles they would somehow become more loved and the attacks by the leftist dominated media would stop, in fact they played right into their enemies hands because they are now without clothes, they stand naked before their ideological enemies who walked them into this trap.
The BBC runs rings around the Tories like a cat playing with a mouse, the Tories can appease the BBC monster till the cows come home, appeasement of the bully doesnt work, will never work, in abandoning their old core beliefs in order to become somehow more palatable and acceptable to the new BBC engineered social consensus the Tory high command thought that they could modernise the party, what they have actually done is to disarm and prostrate themselves in front of an implaccable and bitter foe!
The BBC had a long term plan and stuck to it, they have castrated the Tory party in effect, the Tory party is in no fit shape to fight, the BBC has become so dominant now that any show of fight by the Tories is unthinkable, so big and powerful has the BBC beast become, they can and do pervert our very democratic proccess.
Spot-on Cassandra
I couldnt have put it better myself! – although I never would – you can obviously type better and faster than me!
Excellent posts all. I agree with Cassandra that the Tories should boycott the BBC totally. That will pull the rug from under their feet.
The BBC loves Allan Sugar. Is it because he is an enthusiastic labour party donor? I had not heard of Daniel Hannan (thanks to those biased bastards at the BBC no doubt) – he is outstanding and makes Cameron look like cold porridge.
I think that the Hannan speech and the BBCs failure to report it (over 600000 youtube hits) deserves a Main Board post of its own.
Live Chat of bunfight in just over an hour from now:
“Full Text of Daniel Hannan’s speech to Gordon Brown”
‘The First Post’:
“Daniel Hannan mugs Brown in Strasbourg”
‘EU referendum blogspot’ today:
“Hannan’s speech has been an extraordinary event. He thus has a point when he observes that political reporters no longer get to decide what’s news. The days when a minister gave briefings to a dozen lobby correspondents and thereby dictated the next day’s headlines, are over, he says. Now, a thousand bloggers decide for themselves what is interesting.
“With 2,990 entries on the web and 521,123 YouTube ‘hits’, against 18 on Google News, we could just be seeing a turning point. ”
‘The devalued Prime Minister’
LP Gasse,
Thankyou for the kind words and encouragement, thankyou indeed!
cassie K.
“Hannan hits where it hurts” (inc. 3 min:39 sec video clip)
What the BBC Wouldn’t Let Guido Broadcast
My apologies. I replied in the thread above without seeing this one below, where you make the point on ‘newsworthiness’.
George R – the defence of the MSM by the author in comments is… telling.