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newsnight covering up for labour now.
lead item is some care home scandal.
afraid to look into expense fiddles are we newsnight – especially fraudulent ones committed by the Home Secretary?
let me guess – you wouldnt be so reticent if the Home Sec was a Tory , would you?
archduke writes: “…afraid to look into expense fiddles are we newsnight – especially fraudulent ones committed by the Home Secretary?
Yes. Contrast and compare the endless coverage given to Nannygate by the loathsome Crick.
BTW – Haloscan is up to its usual tricks, losing comments – be warned!
newsnight just about to cover Ireland.
will be interesting to see how they cover it.
my god – a TORY – on the BBC…!!
(john redwood)
archduke: Yes you think with all these Government Ministers and in particular 5 bellies that Prick would be all over it.
Clearly not. The BBC has decided to move the agenda on (as they do).
Does anyone really think that if these were Tory ministers the BBC would be so soft?
As for the ‘it’s within the rules’ crap can we now expect the Government to say that it’s OK to have a couple of pints then drive as technically that’s not breaking the ‘rules’ so long as you’re within the legal limit?
The BBC POV messageboards are now directly linking to these pages.
Reimar: D’Ancona is a Blair-style wanker. He’s completely bolloxed up The Spectator, inviting morons like Hardep Singh Kouli and that bimbo off newsnight to write diary columns (mercifully they always get short shrift in the comments). I think he was editor of The Sunday Telegraph a while back when that started moving over to a Blair-type agenda
Interesting that Dear Leader’s vision (worth checking the linked stories… and comments!) is shared in one of the premier news outlets in the UK… the Indy. And then on-quoted by Aunty (but also others, such as SKY, with all the investigative rigour one has come to expect).
Anyway, this at first glance looks a win win, and hence welcome.
However, the elephant in the room, or the 500kg flat battery in the middle of nowhere, is the not so small enviROI issue of what produces the ‘leccy for now and into the foreseeable future.
At least there is a suggestion that the UK exports most of these vehicles to countries where the power to the wheels does not come with a carbon consequence, but I’d be keen to find out more on this as it is currently ‘vague’. And many in the MSM seem unchallenging on this.
I am sure things can happen in complement, but wouldn’t it make more sense for emissions to have the power supply sorted first (which can surely have the knock-on of helping micro-generation networks?) or at least well in advance?
There is also the not so small matter of what no to low carbon is actually going to be developed to generate this ‘leccy; a matter I fear not best decided by desperate pols looking to score a short term point with the media (Mr. Brown’s green commitment seems the only high-speed revolving system that could possibly be harnessed reliably) and hence public, egged on by EU targets, subsidy-addicted lobbyists, etc.
5Lives phone-in on attitudes to homosexuality is the usual fare and I can’t be bothered to listen to it all. The last bit I did listen to seemed to be people attacking an evangelical Christian for the Biblical proscriptions on homosexuality. I assume that the same criticisms will be made to a representative of the ROP for the aspects of Sharia Law that are in place in Islamic Countries today and which certain high profile British Muslims want to see implemented in the UK; or maybe not…
This morning on BBC Breakfast news they were promoting electric cars, and Brown’s ‘creation’ of green jobs, whatever that means. I guess in their little marxist world electricity floats down from the sky, the same way as money for funding big government and all their social schemes. No thought about producing anything. In the case of electric cars where is the electricity to recharge them all the time going to come from? From their beloved renewables no doubt?
One of the terms BBC always throw about when talking about energy is ‘renewables’. In their eagerness to promote the Labour government directives that there is global warming and caused by us, the BBC’s ‘scientific correspondents’ and various ‘experts’ gabble on frothily to fill up air time, with no clarification or explanation of what ‘renewables’ are. But then given the level of ignorance exhibited on BBC generally, beeboids probably don’t know, they just follow orders. In the UK only small scale renewables are possible which supply insignificant amounts of power.
Renewables are :
Hydropower : NOT POSSIBLE IN UK as we have no resources (e.g. river dams and waterfalls like Niagara)
one of the large scale renewables used in over 150 countries and represents more than 90% of the total national electricity supply in 24 countries and over 50% in 63 countries.
Small scale renewables are :
Solar power : Unreliable in UK
Tidal Power : Possible in a few places in UK, no plans, expensive
Wave Power: different to tide power. Possible, difficult to harness, expensive
Wind Power : Inefficient, expensive, ugly
Geothermal : No resources in UK
Biomass : Creates greenhouse gasses
Biofuels : Controversial • food or fuel
Politicians and ‘experts’ blithely blather on that in UK we must use a mix of fossil fuels and ‘renewables’ to reduce MGW.
The fact is that we have to continue using coal, oil, gas and hurry up and build more nuclear power stations, otherwise where does that leave us? In the dark, and nowhere to plug in our electric cars.
Susan Franklin
One slight addition to your list is the incineration of sewage sludge, a million tons a year in the UK. But a few years ago the water companies all turned down looking at a very efficient method of clean-burning the sludge, they chose to divert from dumping at sea to dumping in landfill.
I suppose that would count as a renewable fuel – there is a constant supply ! But as you say, the whole stack of renewables is pretty useless in the UK, especially if a real backlash starts against ruining our landscape with wind towers.
This morning’s Today includes
Oxfam are to launch a policy that details how the government could use the current economic turmoil as an opportunity to create a more “equitable, sustainable society”. Cabinet Office minister Liam Byrne and Jill Kirby, director of the Centre for Policy Studies, discuss if charities should engage in political campaigning or concentrate their efforts on helping people in need.
Byrne is allowed to drone on about “Tory cuts” without interuption or comment from Naughtie (who could at least have suggested that even ZaNu will have to cut something, sometime, somewhere). Ms Kirby’s attempts to point out that too many charities have ceased doing good works, but merely act as lobbying organisations, result in her being interupted every few words by either Naughtie or Byrne.
And not only could Naughtie not restrain himself from constantly interrupting Kirby, he was clearly angry and indignant. After all, she had the nerve to challenge Byrne’s (and, evidently, Naughtie’s) view that taxing us to pay “charities” to lobby the government to do something the government wants to do is helping charities rather than the government.
In the Spectator, Rod Liddle slams the archbishop of canterbury – and has a side-swipe at the BBC as well
Under Rowan Williams particularly, it seems to have swallowed whole every convenient shibboleth of modern liberalism, every transient political fashion — just as have, by the way, our judiciary, our social services, our education departments. It has become an institution which is more politically correct even than our government; you look to it for moral leadership and it offers none whatsoever.
Jack Hughes:
See Matthew 7:9
will2001 | 08.04.09 – 10:25 am |
Of course, Jill Kirby was inroduced as being from the right wing think tank, Centre for Policy Studies.
a good news story i’m sure we wont be seeing anytime soon on the bbc.,2933,513102,00.html
It is a story you probably won’t hear about in too many other places. A program launched by former President George W. Bush has saved more than a million lives.
A study by two Stanford University doctors states that Mr. Bush’s AIDS-fighting campaign reduced deaths by 10 percent in targeted African nations, saving roughly 1.2 million people.
In beeboid land only the Tories cut services/slash spending, newlabour of course never cut services even if they do.
Think tanks are reported as ‘right wing’ if they are Tory, if they are newlabour/socialist they are just ‘think tanks’.
The BBC/newlabour axis line of attack will be to press any Tory for details of ‘cuts in services’ and if the answers differ slightly it will be evidence of a split and heartily flogged to death.
The Tories are mincing into yet another bear trap set by the axis comrades, time after time the Tories just waltz into the killing ground and dont even realise that they have been had, WTF? are they stupid, do they like being sabotaged and made to look like handwringing weaklings with nothing to say but boring drivel?
Cassandra – that is great analysis and I would love to hear from a Conservative spokesman as to why they continue to fall into the same trap.
The BBC always seems to lie about the Dalai Llama and Tibetans’ relationship with him.
This latest report about two Tibetans getting the death sentence in China prompted me to check and see if the BBC still tells the same lie they always do. There’s nothing wrong in this report, but a quick look at one of the linked “Key Stories” shows that the BBC is still lying about the Dalai Llama:
Chinese policy ‘working in Tibet’
The problem here isn’t the article itself, but in the caption below the – totally not intended to have an emotional impact, yeah – photo of Chinese soldiers in riot gear:
Tibet’s spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, fled days later and crossed into India on 31 March 1959
No, BBC, that’s only partially correct. In fact, the Dalai Llama was the leader of the Tibetan Government as well, and will be again if you get your way.
The same little white lie is in the BBC profile of the Dalai Llama. He’s merely the “spiritual leader”, which evokes sympathy.
The truth is that the Dalai Llama is the leader of the Government. Even The Government of Tibet in Exile” admits this:
The Government of Tibet was headquartered in Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet. It consisted of a Head of State (the Dalai Dalai Lama), a Cabinet of Ministers (the Kashag), a National Assembly (the Tsongdu), and an elaborate bureaucracy to administer the vast territory of Tibet. The Judicial system was based on that developed by Songtsen Gampo (7th Century), Jangchub Gyaltsen (14th Century), the Fifth Dalai Lama (17th Century) and the Thirteenth Dalai Lama (20th Century), and was administered by Magistrates appointed by the Government.
The Government of Tibet levied tax, issued its own currency, ran the country’s postal system and issued postage stamps, commanded Tibet’s small army, and generally conducted all affairs of Government. It was an ancient form of government which had served the needs of Tibet well in the past, but was in need of reform in order for the country to keep pace with the great political, social and economic changes that were taking place in the world.
In short, the Dalai Llama was a feudal lord, and will be again if Tibet ever gains its independence from China. The BBC doesn’t want you to know that, and always lies about this in its coverage. All you need to know is that he’s the “spiritual leader”. It’s a purely emotional ploy, just like that photo of the troops in riot gear, under which they misrepresent the truth, as always.
David Preiser
Are you saying its o.k. that China invaded Tibet and claims Tibet as its territory?
DP: I think you may be on the wrong side of this one.
Susan Franklin and NotaSheep,
My opinion of China’s dealings with Tibet is irrelevant. This is about the BBC deliberately misleading people regarding the Dalai Llama, and the reality of Tibet’s history. The Dalai Llama is not only the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, but is also the leader of the government. He was the leader (as the Dalai Llama) of the Tibetan government before China invaded. He would be again, and not in the same way the Queen is the head of state. Whether one approves of that or not, or favors it over China’s ethnic cleansing techniques is entirely beside the point. Regardless, the BBC ought to tell the full truth and not hide certain things.
The BBC is biased against China’s rule over Tibet, and in favor of the Dalai Llama. In order to support their bias, they misrepresent and hide facts.
The moral issues of whether or not China’s current forced rule is better than the potential of a somewhat reformed system under a feudal lord are totally irrelevant. This is about the BBC playing fast and loose with the truth due to bias, no matter which side of the China/Tibet argument any of us is on.
The truth is that at the same time they are supporting the spiritual leader of Tibet and half of Hollywood, they are supporting the return to the throne of a feudal lord, the past and future quasi-hereditary leader of government. This is the one time the BBC is pro-monarchy, but they can’t admit it.
David Preiser
I agree that Tibet had been feudal. But so had China just a few years before.
And yes the Dalai Lama is effectively a monarch as well as a spiritual leader.
But I would imagine that if the Tibetans ever won freedom from China, the new society there would now be less feudal. Certainly the very large Tibetan communities in Nepal and India do not appear these days to be deudal.
Did anyone see The Speaker on BBC2 last night? It’s apparently a programme to find a young person with good speaking ability.
I recorded it accidentally and was flipping through without paying too much attention. However, I did notice the beginning – examples of “wonderful” speeches – JKF, Martin Luther King and of course, Obama, all in full rhetorical flow in well rehearsed, and in Obama’s case teleprompter-helped speeches. And then a clip of George W Bush – not in the same situation – very flatly stating – that if our enemies can do despicable things, then so can we. It was pointedly picked up as example of eeeeeevil “speech”.
Sorry, guys, but my BP is not up to watching this sort of stuff closely. But what I also noticed were the sheer numbers of non-ethnic Brits. Some were very good news – particularly the ones who went so off message – that the totally liberal judging panel had a bit of a hissy fit. No, not with their speaking ability but the ideas young people were thinking. Bring back capital punishment?? The very thought.
The judging panel is Joe Brand (total lefty) some drama teacher (total lefty) and a former basketball player (moderate lefty) – from the bits I saw.
But then again, where on earth was the white tribe? I left the UK in the winter of discontent (1978) has it changed that much? Or is this BBC Britain?
David P
I don’t quite understand your point, sorry. I’m also a bit biased about China’s rule over Tibet. I don’t think its right. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of the Tibetans. If a place was feudal does that mean they should be taken over by bigger neighbours? And in the context of Mayahana buddhism, I don’t believe the Dalai Lama is a feudal lord or tyrant. He’s the top monk. All the Tibetans I’ve met in Nepal love the Dalai Lama and want their country back.
JohnA | 08.04.09 – 6:43 pm |
But I would imagine that if the Tibetans ever won freedom from China, the new society there would now be less feudal. Certainly the very large Tibetan communities in Nepal and India do not appear these days to be deudal.
I did say “somewhat reformed”. But again, that’s entirely beside the point. The Dalai Llama was and is the head of the Tibetan government. It was in every sense an oligarchy, even more so than modern Iran. The BBC deliberately hides this fact, repeatedly defining the current Dalai Llama as only the spiritual leader. This evokes sympathy and hides the full truth.
I don’t care if he’ll rule as the most benevolent leader ever in the history of mankind. The BBC is being willfully dishonest about the facts due to bias. I suppose you should take some small comfort in the fact that the Beeboids are for once pro-monarchy, and support the rights of a religious group other than Islam. But that doesn’t mean they should misrepresent the situation.
Melanie Phillips.. “An aghast Amil Imani, an Iranian who always tells it how it is, registers his profound shock at Obama’s appeasement of the Iranian regime
But then it is beyond amazing that such a man could ever have been elected President in the first place”.
dumbass of the week (if not the year)
Photographers caught Britain’s most senior counter terrorism police officer, Assistant Commissioner Bob Quick, clutching sensitive documents as he arrived at 10 Downing Street for a briefing.
Among the papers under his arm was a white document clearly marked “secret” and carrying an outline briefing on an ongoing counter-terrorism operation.
The information included the names of several senior officers, locations and details about the nature of the overseas threat.
Susan Franklin | 08.04.09 – 6:57 pm |
I’m on record here as being very critical of the Chinese government. But that shouldn’t matter, nor should your bias against Chinese rule of Tibet. Our personal opinions are totally irrelevant to facts. Facts which the BBC will not report, and work to obscure.
The fact is that the Dalai Llama was, is, and will be head of the Tibetan government. The rights or wrongs of China’s invasion doesn’t change that fact. He was head of a feudal state, utopian or not. The BBC will not say so. Instead, the BBC intentionally plays this down and describes him – at all times – as spiritual leader only. This is not the full truth, no matter what you or I feel about Chinese rule. It is possible for the BBC to be biased and misrepresent the truth, even if it’s something you agree with.
I don’t see what’s so hard to understand here. The rights and wrongs of China’s invasion and rule of Tibet are totally irrelevant. That has nothing to do with demonstrating BBC bias, except that the BBC has taken sides on the issue. The BBC isn’t supposed to take sides, even if it’s the one you’re on. They especially aren’t supposed to misrepresent history or present day facts.
Here’s another reason why the BBC loves President Obamessiah, and will work tirelessly to support Him:
‘Common Purpose’
Yes, Common Purpose has come to the US.
The Common Purpose meeting every Tuesday afternoon at the Capitol Hilton brings together the top officials from a range of left-leaning organizations, from labor groups like Change to Win to activists like, all in support of the White House’s agenda. The group has an overlapping membership with a daily 8:45 a.m. call run by the Center for American Progress’ and Media Matters’ political arms; with the new field-oriented coalition Unity ’09; and with the groups that allied to back the budget as the Campaign to Rebuild and Renew America Now.
Unlike those other groups, however, the Common Purpose meeting has involved a White House official, communications director Ellen Moran, two sources familiar with the meeting said.
It gets stupider:
Common Purpose is formed as a 501(c)(4), which leaves it focused on policy, rather than electoral, work. Its political director is another former Obama aide, Miti Sathe.
These are the connections we need to pay attention to.
i wont go into the details of the “protestor killed by police” story
but one thing does stand out that is quite disturbing, no matter what stance you take on the issue –
When did the British bobby start wearing balaclavas on the streets of London?
Disturbing isnt it?
David Preiser (USA) | 08.04.09 – 7:58 pm |
oh boy… definitely one to keep an eye on.
archduke | 08.04.09 – 7:42 pm |
UK: Ten arrested in anti-terror operation
Apparently those arrested are of Asian appearance
I wonder if any of them have attended the Pakistan Holiday Camp
BBC report:
“Ten men arrested in terror raids”
Of course, it’s early days, but the BBC is reluctant to tell us anything about the political/religious affiliations of these ten men, arrested in North West England.
But ‘Sky News’ does:
Sky News report:
“The suspects are believed to be British men of Asian* origin.
[Sky reporter] “Brunt said: ‘Everybody I’ve talked to are suggesting this is one of the biggest terror plots unearthed in the past few years.
“‘I think we’re talking about a threat or threats to the UK.
“‘Some kind of terror plot aimed at buildings or people in this country, rather than people planning terror abroad, which has been the picture of more recent terror arrests.”
[ * In an earlier version of this Sky report, a few minutes ago, it was stated that the men were of ‘Pakistani’ origin, but this has been revised to ‘Asian’.]
We may eventually learn whether the suspects are Muslims or not. We will not hold our breath.
Let’s pretend it’s not happening, Brown. Continue with your stealth mass immigration. Finish off what used to be our country.
archduke: Are they doing it to cover their faces or to prevent inhaling or swallowing spit from protesters?
I was watching a programme on Gitmo and spitting in the faces of the guards was a common assault by the prisoners there, so the guards wear plastic face shields.
Not practicable for riot plods.
George R: Yes the BBC report makes no reference to the men being Muzzie’s or even Asian. So perhaps it’s BNP supporters planning something?
Unlike Sky who make reference to the mens background and suspect links to Bin bum Bandit
oh right they’re of “asian” origin so.
Chinese Chow mein terror plot from the League of Sweet N Sour Pork?
The BBC’s vacuous Obama Diary continues to go from strength to strength. The latest entry is about a wax figure of Michelle Obama.
The last one before that is about some defense budget cuts. Beeboid Adam Brooks says that the F-22 will end production. They cost a lot of money, and Sec. of Defense Gates wants to save lots of money. Brooks explains this particular cut as being due to the fact that the F-22 isn’t used in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Seeing as how neither theater involves air combat, this is a fatuous statement. Typical military ignorance from the BBC.
According to the mission statement of this ridiculous Diary, “Barack Obama was elected on a message of change. Now he is in office, change is expected both in foreign and domestic policy.” Judging from previous entries, this includes changes in the First Lady’s wardrobe as well.
Now here’s a change in US domestic policy the BBC will not tell you about:
President Obamessiah has not only decided to continue the wiretaps and privacy invasions of the Bush Administration, but is increasing them to the point that individual privacy is no longer protected by law.
The BBC’s Obama Diary exists for propaganda purposes only. They’re trying to form the desired opinion of a foreign leader in the minds of the British public. Why?
Update from ‘Telegraph’ on BBC’s ’10 men arrested’:
“Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Bob Quick was photographed entering Downing Street carrying a briefing note headed SECRET, on which details of an undercover operation against a suspected Al-Qaeda cell could clearly be seen.
“The document set out the strategy for the operation, an investigation into a suspected cell based in the north west of England and allegedly plotting an attack in the UK, including details of suspects and how the police intended to arrest them.”
So, BBC, this report is about Al Qaeda, you know, the Islamic jihad organisation.
The egregious Ms. Smith, who some hoped would be sacked by now, is to make some profound statement at 9:30 pm UK time on this. We are hanging on your every dhimmi word.
Taking of sackings, shouldn’t the rather inappropriately named Asst. Police Commissioner Bob Quick, be quickly banished?
BBC report: 10:05 pm, BBC News tv channel –
-The genie’s out of the bottle: at last, BBC talks of some of the arrested being ‘Pakistan-born’.
Who knows, maybe next the BBC will catch on about the Islamic jihad threat involved in all this to British people. (Maybe that’s a step too far.)
Where’s Smith got to? Has she rightly been sacked, along with ‘Quick’?
The BBC must consider that Paxman is losing his powers as they considered it necessary to team him up with Livingstone in order to ensure that together they kept up a barrage consistent enough to prevent Grayling uttering a sentence. The gang approach was necessary to ensure that Labour’s copper Quick was supported. Whilst the loathsome Livingstone harangued Grayling about how if he expects to become a minister he should be able to take a decision, Paxman giggled into his fist.
“ethical man” from newsnight turns up in rural Michigan to lecture them about global warming.
in the middle of a blizzard.
and with the local lake under over a foot of ice.
i kid you not.
will2001, archduke
Yes, BBC ‘Newsnight’ tonight; two items of bias to report, so far.
1.)Paxman smirks, and joins in with Livingstone to try to ridicule Tory Grayling over whether he (Grayling) thinks Asst. Police Commissioner Quick should be sacked. Livingstone thinke not, because (and he may well know about these things), he thinks such a sacking would please Al Qaeda.
The issues of the Al Qaeda threat to British people, and the responsibilities of Ms Smith are bypassed.
2.)A huge amount of BBC licencepayers’ money is still being spent by the BBC’s self-styled ‘Ethical Man’ (more accurately, ‘Pompous BBC Man’)on an expensive American tour, a hectoring long piece of made-made global warming propaganda. Another BBC repeat performance, an inconvenient lie.
now , thanks to the European “human rights” convention, we’re now sheltering genocidal Rwandans.
“The high court judgment was the first time an English court had blocked an extradition request from a foreign government on the grounds that it would violate Article 6 of the European convention on human rights, which safeguards the right to a fair trial.”
So there you go. If you are a genocidal maniac, come over to Britain and we’ll look after you. No expense spared. We’ll even pay your legal fees.
archduke | 08.04.09 – 11:12 pm |
One day there will be a massive loss of life perpetrated by terrorists who have been allowed to stay in Britain by the bleeding heart liberals, who will be safe in their luxury villas paid for by you and me.
archduke: Yep if Bin Laden turned up at Dover docks (if he isn’t already here) we would not be allowed to extradite him to the USA or back to Saudi Arabia.
It’s a joke, we should simply kick all this scum out.
Richard Bacon on Radio 5 wanking on about how we need to understand mass murderers. What a prat.
archduke | 08.04.09 – 11:02 pm |
“ethical man” from newsnight turns up in rural Michigan to lecture them about global warming.
in the middle of a blizzard.
and with the local lake under over a foot of ice.
Out of sheer masochism, I just switched over to the repeat broadcast of BBC World Propaganda America, and that’s what’s on right now. First words I heard: Coal is the worst polluter, and soooo much of the US’s power comes come the nasty “black stuff”, while Britain gets only a third from it.
First words I didn’t hear: The US doesn’t use anywhere near as much nuclear power as we could because we haven’t built a nuclear power plant here for 30 years. Why? Because of pressure from stupid Jay Hunt environmentals like this “Ethical Man” idiot.
Lead story on BBC London news this morning was Livingstone’s views that Bob Quick should not resign.
Last time I looked Livingstone wasn’t an elected official of any sort. Why is his view more valid or noteworthy than any of the other 8 million people living in London?
Were lead stories giving Steven Norris’s views on the topic of the day broadcast between 2000 and 2008?
The BBC, taking its political line from Livingstone, appears to have largely decided to reduce the news of the arrest of 12 men in the North West of England to a question of whether Asst. Police Commissioner, Quick, should resign.
The BBC is less interested in exploring any links these men may have to an Al Qaeda Islamic jihad plot against the British people.
For more information on the Islamic jihad issues, ‘The Times’ has:
‘The student who tried to run a holy war from council’
Cheetham Hill has been the centre of terror investigations before now.
“In November 2007, Abdul Rahman, 25, from Pakistan, became the first person in Britain to be convicted of disseminating terrorist information.
“He was also the first to be convicted of helping another person to breach a Home Office control order.
“He ran a cell of disaffected and radical young Muslim men, which was largely based at a council house in Cheetham Hill, recruiting them for a ‘holy war’ against the coalition forces in Afghanistan. At least one of their number travelled there and sent home a message in which he encouraged others to follow him.”
2.)’Major MI5 operation against al-Qaeda endangered by security breach’
3.)’Police move quick to arrest terror suspects across the North West’