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David Preiser (USA)
I can only apologise on behalf of all the normal red blooded males in the UK about that freaky ponce “ethical man”
He does seem to fly about the planet a bit though, or perhaps he uses a magic carpet?
It would be interesting to see what the BBCs yearly carbon footprint might be.
weren’t doing too well at this point and doesn’t Paxo look like Clarkson in 2007?
The BBC and its obvious sympathy for a fellow left-wing idiot, the comment below is incredible, how on earth was this allowed to be used in the profile of twat of the yard?.
“Last December the Mail on Sunday ran a story in which he claimed the Tories had mobilized the press against him in the Damian Green affair.
Could it be that the story originated from a disgruntled officer with more traditional views about counter-terrorism policing?”
This is a clear breach of the BBC impartiality rules, especially when Quick had to apologize to the Conservative party for another politically biased statement about his own family business.
Now he has resigned lets see how long it takes the BBC to blame the Conservatives !
After checking the link supplied by Joseph, the reporter who wrote the article should be sacked.
Here is another section of Mr Quick’s profile
“It is suggested that when he ordered the arrest of Damien Green, and the search of his offices, he did not see the political storm it would cause.
The inevitable result of being at the centre of such a storm is that every aspect of your life is examined – particularly by tabloid newspapers with right-wing sympathies.”
Words fail me.
Joseph: So far the BBC have blamed the photographer, Boris Johnson, Margaret Thatcher (OK I made that one up but I’m sure they would if they could) and any other Tory.
The BBCs ‘ethical man’ goes to America after his year on a carbon diet finishes, he only managed to cut his carbon emmisions by 20% ooooh dear me, oooh the humanity! the conclusion is of course that individuals alone cannot ‘stop climate change’ of course they cant beacause its natural! the BBC narrative is clear and was decided from the start, its governments that must introduce crippling reductions in law to force us, hey ho, isnt that neat eh? a conclusion that just happens to match the preset narrative.
So now ‘ethical man’ goes to the USA to bleat on about how the Yanks sre major polluters etc and how Obama is fantastic etc and how dirty coal is evil etc and how living like a third world peasant is great etc, its all there folks all the BBCs prejudice/ignorance/bigotry/stupidity/dishonesty/anti capialism all wrapped up in a childish formula better suited to a childrens show.
Mr Ben and the magic roundabout type trash dressed up vile propaganda filled with political lies and prejudice, I hate these scumbags so much I can taste it!
Re the Bob Quick profile – Danny Shaw’s byline has now been removed. Embarrassed by his own lack of objectivity, perhaps?
frankos | 09.04.09 – 8:48 am |
It would be interesting to see what the BBCs yearly carbon footprint might be.
Funny you should say that, because tonight’s installment is going to have the “(un)Ethical Man” throwing candy bars all over the stage at some Midwestern auditorium. Apparently, this propaganda artist will be telling me that our carbon footprint is so huge because the average United Statesian uses the equivalent of 800 candy bars’ worth of energy every day.
I wonder what he’ll do with all those unhealthy sugar bombs afterwards? Give them to the homeless? The local school? The fifty percent of the audience who are obese, thus driving them further into adult-onset diabetes? Whatever he does with them, I’m sure it’ll be real ethical-like.
Also, I can’t wait for the part where he says that ethnic minorities use less energy.
I challenge the BBC to send this fool to China and do the same thing, and show it to a Chinese audience.
David Preiser
The chinese wouldn’t tolerate his stupidity for long.
I notice that people who have asked inconvenient questions about the Global Warming theory (Johnny Ball and David Bellamy) are no longer welcome to air their opinions.
We need a champion of common sense