It never ceases to sicken me the way in which the BBC seems to be besotted with the loathsome Keith Vaz. In this story, note how they use Vaz to try and undermine Boris Johnson. Pathetic stuff – ever since Boris won the BBC have been doing everything possible to try and get their pal Livingstone back into office next time round. That’s one reason why Red Ken is never off the BBC. I know Boris has his frailties, and he says many things I do not agree with, but quite frankly this sort of petty nonsense is just a bit of character assassination.
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The BBC were gutted when ‘the people’ voted for Boris. How dare they.
Yep, this is how nutso the Beeboids are: they release a story about BoJo telling a sleaze to go **** himself, and they think the mayor comes out of it badly?
Run for the hills, everybody! We can’t compete with Supa-brains like that! Plus how does a diversity obsessed employer get to the point where there’s no one there to tell them ‘this story sucks’?
i often think that David Icke and his “reptilian” stuff is the making of an insane mind.
then i hear Keith Vaz on the radio, and i’m not so sure.
Yes, the BBC attitude to this recent report about VAZ is: ‘Move along, these activities of a Labour MP are of no concern to BBC licencepayers’:
“Keith Vaz and the damning letter: How senior Labour MP ‘abused his position’ to help crooked lawyer in court”
So dopey Boris said the F-word ten times? Sounds like an average episode of Little Britain to me.
In any reasonable society, a repellent crook like Vaz would be in jail.
The BBC’s constant attempts to keep the man afloat simply add to the weight of evidence proving it is institutionally biased.
I’m sure that if I’d been on the phone to Vaz I’d have used the F word ten times. At least.
Anyone who follows Christopher Booker’s column in the Sunday Telegraph has been aware for years that Vaz is a downright liar. (It seemed shocking at the time, but it now appears that it’s standard practice for his party.)
So my first instinct is not to believe the story. My second is that in the unlikely event that “Keith” is telling the truth, and BJ did accuse him of “bulls***”, he was probably dead on the money, and an excellent judge of character.
I’m sure that if I’d been on the phone to Vaz I’d have used the F word ten times. At least.
me? fucking 12 times before he even picked up… 🙂
🙂 🙂 oh lol.
Why did he need to tape the call? How did it manage to make it on air?
BoJo was entrapped.
London Evening Standard ran the other day with the front page headline “Boris’s Headmaster watched Porn Movies”
Turned out to be to do with the headmaster of an Islington school popular with the politerati. I would guess there are two hundred other parents names you might logically replace “Boris” with.
Still, Jaqui Smith got duffed up for hubby watching porn (in his shoes wouldn’t you?). So its a balanced equivalent, as long as you don’t stop a second to think.
And who do the ES go to for comment on the G20 “policing” – Boris? No, Ken, who can be relied on to serve up sour grapes dressed with marxist relish.
BBC London in print.
Keith Vaz accusing Boris of behaviour unbecoming eh. Do I hear the dread rattle of blackened pots and kettles?
The BBC is scraping the barrel …
It was just a dry run for the duplicity and sheer mendacity that the bbc knew they would be forced to employ when the full extent of nulabours wrong doing over the Damian Smith arrest fiasco became public knowledge !
Anyone who thought the bbc could be returned to an acceptable degree of objectivity must have been disuaded by this !
DJ | 16.04.09 – 11:47 pm
Yep, this is how nutso the Beeboids are: they release a story about BoJo telling a sleaze to go **** himself, and they think the mayor comes out of it badly..
Excellent point.
They just don’t get it.
Maybe we should all just stand back, sip a nice cold beer, and let the beeboids shoot as many holes in their own feet as they want.
Knew this was going to kick off when i listened to p.m last night,mayer was a total one!.
Red Ken get voted back in? No chance, no matter how strenuous the efforts of the BBC.
He is a bitter old fart that cannot accept that he was beaten fair and square by Johnson and rejected by Londoners themselves.
That’s all a once-upon-a-time like him can hope for – become a full-time rent-a-gob for the BBC.
yes, I note that they’re no stripped off Boris’ comments to the effect that “..I used to think that you (Vaz) was someone with whom one could work, not a petty minded idiot..”
Anyone noticed how they’re bleating about the closure of the postbus this morning.
Firstly they speak to someone who uses it regularly and claims he’ll now have to walk 14 miles to get milk. Errrr, no, you can either pay for home delivery or pay for a cab yourself rather than everyone else having to subsidise you for living in the middle of nowhere.
Secondly they speak to someone in a small village, again bleating about the loss and claiming everyone uses it regularly. Well, sorry, but if it really was popular they wouldn’t be scrapping it!
Finishes with a line that they’re putting profit before service. Sorry, but last time I checked the posties were getting a fat public subsidy. Perhaps a more apt description would be to say that taxpayers are no longer willing to subsidise people who buy dirt cheap property in the middle of nowhere?
They just don’t get it.
Tom 9.34 am
Tom, they get it all right, they get it. You don’t seriuosly think they are doing this accidentally, do you?
The only thing they don’t get is the disgust felt by a mass of the electorate at this revolting Government.
Not yet, anyway.
Twizzle | 17.04.09 – 12:03 pm
What I meant by saying they don’t get it is essentially the same point DJ made – and you too in a different way.
The beeboids think that stories about Boris giving Vaz a tongue-lashing make Boris look bad.
In reality, most ordinary people’s reaction is “Good on yer Boris, give the oleagenous creep some more.”
Far from preparing the ground for a Red Ken comeback, the BBC’s constant sniping at BoJo makes him ever more popular.
And every time the BBC puts Red Ken on the radio or the telly, another hundred voters who didn’t vote for Boris last time decide they will next time.
I’m coming close to believing that the BBC’s blatant bias towards Ken/Gordon/Jacqui Smith etc. might just turn out to be the best recruiting sergeant the Conservative Party ever had.
Tom: I’m coming close to believing that the BBC’s blatant bias towards Ken/Gordon/Jacqui Smith etc. might just turn out to be the best recruiting sergeant the Conservative Party ever had.
Tom | 17.04.09 – 12:20 pm | #
That’s all very well, but why are they being allowed by the BBC Trust, among others (notably the guardians of public funding and public broadcasting standards) to carry on with blatant bias and promotion of favoured politicians and parties?
Surely it is wrong on many levels, and must be stopped, regardless of which party benefits?
Millie Tant | 17.04.09 – 12:29 pm
why are they being allowed by the BBC Trust, among others (notably the guardians of public funding and public broadcasting standards) to carry on with blatant bias
I just read the BBC Trust’s judgment on the Bowen complaints.
It’s a real eye opener.
The degree of sophistry the BBC uses to defend its bias, line-by-line, is awe inspiring.
Most of us just don’t have Jonathan Turner’s stamina. It took close to 2 years to get even a very limited result on that Bowen article.
The beeboids know that in two years time their current pro-Labour bias will seem stale news. The election will be over. They don’t care. They don’t need to care.
I’ll probably get flamed for this by all parties, but I suspect the BBC would be much, much happier if we had (or when we’ll get) a Conservative government
Just think of all the govt. aimed bile it could then unlease!
Or maybe I should have said “more comfortable” rather than “happier”? I don’t think it’s terribly comfortable being the pro-govt establishment, it would rather kick against the pricks. As ’twere!
I just read the BBC Trust’s judgment on the Bowen complaints.
It’s a real eye opener.
The degree of sophistry the BBC uses to defend its bias, line-by-line, is awe inspiring.
Most of us just don’t have Jonathan Turner’s stamina. It took close to 2 years to get even a very limited result on that Bowen article.
The beeboids know that in two years time their current pro-Labour bias will seem stale news. The election will be over. They don’t care. They don’t need to care.
Tom | 17.04.09 – 12:44 pm | #
I haven’t managed to force myself to read it yet – it’s such an offputting document that I parked it for later.
We don’t have the stamina, that’s true, but I am sick of the BBC bias and I am, reluctantly, prepared to give up my TV set rather than continue paying for the BBC’s poison and pollution.
I wish more people would, but Idon’t sense a mass movement with momentum to do that, probably because people still want TV, even if not the BBC.
And probably many people do still love the BBC. I mean, even people who hate it, watch it or listen to it and don’t want to be without it.
PS: I agree, they don’t care. They don’t need to, because they always get a settlement for years ahead, nobody stops them doing their poison and they always outlast the government of the day.
the only correct response to Vazoline is to swear at him, repeatedly.
with his track record the only thing any sane person can do is swear long and hard at this peice of corrupt nulab scum.
Sutekh: 17.04.09 – 12:54 pm
i think you are right. they will go back into the mode they were in in the mid 90s and endlessly seek out small differences between conservative MPs.
only difference is that before they were riding the zeitgeist and post june 2010 they will be going against it with licence fee funding withdrawl hanging like the sword of damocles…
Given the recent survey that 1 in every 2 London voters under 35 intend to vote for David Cameron, it just shows how out of touch the wealthy, feather-nested elite are at the publicly funded, creaking broadcaster fast becoming the British Broadcasting
They simply adore their own kind – anyone on the make, no matter how slimy is welcome. After all, they all share the same habits and all are on the make, liberally living high on the hog at our expense.
That’s why they prefer to interview Liberal Democrats & Labour members, but interrogate Conservatives – that’s if they can even be bothered to invite them on in. The culture of arrogance is so rife, they simply like to talk amongst themselves. And we pay.
And best of all, they all police themselves – so no guilty verdict for any misdeeds, whatsoever.
“In any reasonable society, a repellent crook like Vaz would be in jail.”
In any decent society he would not have got as far as he has.
“BoJo was entrapped.”
It’s a criminal offence for a private person to tape a phone call without the other party being aware of it.
Nearly Oxfordian | 17.04.09 – 10:11 pm |
I think your right
“Can I record telephone conversations on my home phone?
Yes. The relevant law, RIPA, does not prohibit individuals from recording their own communications provided that the recording is for their own use. Recording or monitoring are only prohibited where some of the contents of the communication – which can be a phone conversation or an e-mail – are made available to a third party, ie someone who was neither the caller or sender nor the intended recipient of the original communication.”
I remember when Vaz defenestrated Filkin for merely doing her job and from then on, for me, the die was cast. An oily lying bastard, but what a perfect metaphor for Labour? I’m sure that most BBC viewers are as repelled by the slimy reptile as I am. That faux plummy, nabob voice as if coated in chip fat, with a large side order of extra fat? But on the positive side I happened to catch Boris in action during a televised session of the Assembly. Far from being the dimwit, lord of chaos portrayed in the lefty media, he deftly swatted the labour trolls this way and that. They did the lumpen prole head on, he did the masterly swerve and it worked magnificently, exposing them as the idiot dullards they are. Livingstone thought that he was born for the job, it was his entitlement and in true marxist style was astonished when Boris unseated him. His face as the results were read out was pure gold. Now he just embarasses himself hanging around the old haunts like a jilted lower revisiting ‘that pub where we first met’. Pathetic!