Looks like the BBC has decided that the big story tonight is the emergence of another video of police activities at the G20 event. It’s obvious to me that the only stand out story from that event was the death of Ian Tomlinson.
The BBC, it seems, has been looking for an excuse to demote ongoing revelations about systematic abuse of power within the Labour Government. The question of whether insiders like Nick Robinson, Robert Peston or others knew anything about the campaign is an interesting one…
yep! BBC not even mentioning that their favourite big nosed Geordie twat was also at that meeting with Draper, McPoison and the head of Liebour.
The BBC are doing their best to kill this story.
Note as well unlike ITV news (and Sky) the BBC didn’t bother to mention the polls that are in the papers showing the fat one eyed snot eating Scottish moron is falling even further behind in the polls.
As I posted in the general thread, expect to see more of this on the Marr show tomorrow.
Funny that Shami hasn’t been seen on the BBC either. I wonder why?
Funny that Shami hasn’t been seen on the BBC either. I wonder why?
Martin | 18.04.09 – 10:55 pm | #
Yes that is funny! Universal Shami has her own seat on all the BBC political programs and has been granted hereditary appearance rights in perpetuity by the BBC.
Perhaps she’s over in Afghanistan campaigning for Womens Rights.
The Government is in the process of falling and the nation’s media outlet decides the news is of minor importance.
The BBC is in the process of imploding along with it’s masters.
New revelation in the Sunday press about Smeargate.
Just look who was in attendance when it was being planned.
Now how was Kevin MaGuire described on the BBC the other day.
Ah yes, a journalist with integrity.
Well BBC if that’s your idea of integrity you must be in the gutter with him.
Someone on his blog said that MaGuire’s moral high ground was the nearest floater sailing by in the sewer.
And here from the Times:
Ed Balls ‘ran’ Labour’s smear unit
ED BALLS, the schools secretary, used Damian McBride, the disgraced spin doctor, to smear ministerial rivals and advance his own ambitions, a Downing Street whistleblower has claimed.
In an explosive new twist to the e-mail affair, a No 10 insider has revealed that Balls was the mastermind behind a “dark arts” operation by McBride to undermine colleagues.
He claims the education secretary is running a destabilising “shadow operation” inside Downing Street to clear his path for the party leadership if Labour loses the next election.
Watch it all unravel in the next three months, but not on the BBC. their main story will be how often the new White House dog is shitting and what colour it is.
TPO: notice that whenever any shit hits the fan the one eyed tosser always makes sure nothing comes his way, others have to fall on their swords.
But I just wonder if that will continue? I wonder if someone will decide that McSnot is toast and the future isn’t with him and perhaps spill the beans?
New poll
Tories 43%. Labour 26% Dim Libs 23%
Labour heading for oblivion.
Emails smears: Now Brown pays the price
The silence from BBC/labour is deafening.
Make the Dim Libs 21%
However, and its a big however, what is the BNP share in places like Barking where the odious Hodge bitch is MP. Labour for oblivion.
I’m posting this here because the general thread always seems to be halway down the page these days.
Interesting blog in the Telegraph highlighting the fact that any dissention whatsoever from Obama is now viewed as a ‘thought crime’.
Also any BBC terror plot will always contrive to have the mild-mannered grey haired Christian white male as the dastardly eveil genius plotting to blow up the ROP.
Tories 43%. Labour 26% Dim Libs 21%
Despite the BBCs “damage limitation” efforts
McStalin has pretty much emasculated any opposition within the party. Hes a mean ruthless old git beneath that charming snot gobbling persona.
Maybe our 13 year Foreign Sec will have a go?
13 year old
BBC running the ‘this is just silly boys’ story again.
Some fat female Liebour MP whining on Radio 5 about silly boys, accusing Guido Fawkes of hacking Drapers account (she is clearly backbench fodder sent out to try to spout crap) and that Jacqui Smiff is the best Home Secretary we’ve ever had because she’s a woman.
She got a totally free ride from the dopey 5 lite lot. tHen on News 24 some mincing queen of a journalist from the Independent was telling us how great Gordon is.
Listen BBC tossers, no one believes the shite you pump out.
I would love to see the e-mails between newlabour and the BBC commissars, how they colluded and plotted together to pervert,control and diminish the smeargate story, the BBC desire to ‘move on’ is palpable, the BBC narrative is too much like the newlabour narrative to be independent of each other.
All of a sudden the BBC interprets its charter to mean that it cannot investigate the newlabour dirty tricks and smear unit, who was involved and who knew about it all, did Nick Robinson know about this unit and did he play an active part in it? Nick certainly had close contacts with those in the smear unit and he undoubtedly gained many scoops that could have only come from those involved in the smear unit, the old proverb(Roman I think) ‘who benefits’ is very apt here, Nick Robinson benefitted hugely from this for years and I would love to see the contents of his e-mail account.
The BBCs main politcal reporter just happens to go away for the duration and has nothing to say, the BBC reports exactly what newlabour wants reporting no more no less.
Proclamations of shock by those newlabour and union leaders ring hollow indeed and are proving to be false yet the BBC reports these ‘not me guv’ excuses as though they were gospel, it just happens to peddle ‘nobody knew anything’ and all the while more and more newlabour bigwigs are implicated.
The delay between new revelations and the BBC response is almost the same if the BBC were colluding with newlabour before airing these new revelations.
FOI requests and whistle blowers will find out the truth in the end, in the end the truth always finds a way to come out, I believe the BBC is heavily implicated and its employees are heavily involved in the scandal, they cannot hide forever, the truth will out in the end and the longer they hide from it the harder it will be for them!
“The delay between new revelations and the BBC response is almost the same if the BBC were colluding with newlabour before airing these new revelations.”
Cassandra- exactly so. The idea that they are simply fact checking or allowing for the full story to emerge is not tenable. The BBC are delaying, foot-dragging, dissembling, and generally acting to diminish the impact of genuine news revelations on the public.
Its called damage limitation and the BBC is expert at it, I think the BBC is heavily implicated in this scandal, the junior ‘clean skin’ it brought in to cover the scandal shows us that the BBC fears what may come out about exactly what was Nick Robinsons role was in all of this, the BBC must be s******g itself right now!
IF somone talks(ferrets in a sack) IF some e-mails come out that directly implicate Robinson, it would do huge damage to the BBCs reputation, they cant sack him because he was only acting on orders given to him by the top BBC leadership and if Robinson goes down he will name names you can be sure he will not go down alone!
The timing of Robinsons ‘holiday’ is very interesting as the media were fully aware of the scandal BEFORE he ran away, surely he would have cancelled his holiday in a new York minute and covered the scandal of the decade in full, he is a political journalist, they crave the scoop like a heroin addict craves his next fix, I find it impossible to believe that he would walk away willingly and hand over to a junior, to grab the story, a career reporter would crawl from thier death beds to cover a story of this magnitude not just shrug and jet off to some secret holiday hideaway with no internet connection. Not only did he run away almost certainly with prior knowledge that the story was about to break, he has stayed silent, his blog has been abandoned, the silence from Robinson is deafening, I fully realise that this is only circumstantial evidence but its very compelling isnt it?
I think that Nick Robinsons knowledge and role in the smear gang is the sword of Damocles hanging over the collective heads of the BBC high command, I think that this could well be the end of the BBC as a political force.
IF Robinson talks IF Robinson is grassed up IF Robinson turns on the BBC, IF IF IF eh?
Well as Guido points out big nose Maguire was in on this story as well.
Nick Ferrari presenting sky News today!!!!
The BBC and the G20 demo is becoming so boring with more protestors (many violent and in the front of the trouble) coming forward saying they were hit. So what!
As far as I’m concerned the Police did a sterling job at stopping the G20 anarchists, troublemakers, thugs and crusties from destroying the centre of London. That is why they are yawping so much; they were denied their aim.
Was the same outrage from the BBC and Guardian shown when the Countryside march took place where many demonstrators were hit? We saw many police whacking away on heads, but there were no calls for a root and branch reform of Police tactics.
It seems that the crusties, left, and anarchists wish the Police to do nothing or just disappear from the streets back to their stations during their marches so that the anarchists and thugs can damage, destroy and fire bomb the city with impunity, as they no doubt think is their legal right.
If I were a Police officer on that demo I would have done more than push people with my shield! I’d give the Police tear gas or dye coloured water cannon so no toe-to-toe confrontation would ever take place. But the left and the BBC/Guardian would condemn that as well.
Good point martin, a smear unit is no good without moles in the MSM, the fact that the smear gang tried to absorb ‘new media’ experts is telling isn it?
In many respects I am quite slow on the uptake BUT my bullshit detectors are twitching like mad, all the ingredients to this poisonous mixture have yet to identified, everyone involved had a specific role and is linked to everyone else, the frankly desperate pleading that nobody knew anything about what McBride/Draper was up to is full so of holes as to be comical.
The BBC has something to hide, I can almost smell their corporate fear, the BBC is caught in this sewage, upto their grubby necks in it, one or two e-mails could sink them and they know it, one slip up, one revelation by a scapegoat that doesnt feel like drowning alone, all it takes to bring down the BBC will be proof of BBC collusion with the smear unit.
There is plenty of circumstantial evidence and perhaps Nick Robinson is the key to this, if he is implicated or he decides to come clean then its game over for the BBC even if they decide to use Robinson as a sacrificial lamb the risk of him outing the higher ups is huge.
We live in interesting times eh?
So now we have Marr talking to Paddy Pantsdown about hung Parliaments and coalitions with the Lib Dems.
The BBC are getting desperate in the hope that somehow the Lib Dems can hold the balance of power.
Problem is BBC twats, the Libs are most likely to take seats off Liebour not the Tories.
Oh and BBC ignoring story about BBC deputy having a chauffeur driven car to take him from the tube to work. Paid for by you and me of course.
Just to ask is anyone else having trouble getting to guidos blog been trying but no joy ?
What a joke the BBC are. So 5 bellies decides to spin a story about Hillsborough and release some crappy files a few years early.
So what does BBC News 24 do? Run it as the No1 story.
If ever proof were needed that the BBC is up the arse of Liebour, this is it.
sky still running Smeargate as story 1.
Oh and BBC ignoring story about BBC deputy having a chauffeur driven car to take him from the tube to work. Paid for by you and me of course.
Martin | 19.04.09 – 10:45 am | #
There’s a thing. Equally oddly, SKY had a bit of fun with it about an hour ago in their paper review. Ironically, I think the bloke was a Maguire as mentioned above. Same one? It’s all getting a bit ‘The Importance of Being Named Damien…’
Speaking of which, Shami…. C was there, and seemed to be sympathetic. Had some trouble with the difference between what private companies pay for, and those funded by the public.
Perhaps best to scoot back to Aunty’s comfort zone and get in on a bit of groupthink trashing before retiring for a nice afternoon on expenses.
I see the queen of morning radio (Nicki Campbell) is spouting on about Catholics and homosexuality AGAIN.
Funny they NEVER mention how understanding Islam is about a bit of man love and anal do they?
Did a google and this looked fun…
Click to access RFI20090030%20-%20final%20response.pdf
I think Cassandra is right on the money with this one, would a FOI request work? Must admit to thinking where is old Nick when the story broke but never thought he was in hiding. Seems very likely to me!
Mention was made of Robert Peston, it seems he is on the board of the creepy ‘Common Purpose’, his name is clear as day, I assume it is the same RP?
McGuire is always on the ‘newspaper’ bit of breakfast, never a hint theat he might be a tad biased. bring back Fred Forsyth I say!
Smeargate hasv double page spread in Sunday Times – what would have been the BBC tv/radio/internet equivalent of such a thing?….