…go back to your constituencies and prepare for victory! So goes the BBC narrative on behalf of the Labour government this morning, with useful fools like the CBI chipping in to try and help the hapless Darling. It’s amazing to listen to the Today programme shill that the UK has “almost certainly” left the worst of the..shall we call it a downturn to save blushes? – behind it. Even Nick Robinson popped up to declare that after an “awful” post G20 period, (Even though everyone agrees the G2O was a great success for the Gordfather, he swiftly added) it was back to business as usual today. But I disagree. EVERY day is business as usual as the State Broadcaster does all it can to big up the pro-Labour narrative – and between now and the end of this week the mission will be to implant the idea in the general population that green shoots are now everywhere and that Darling has thoroughly prepared the Nation for recovery. All delusional, of course, but also all part of why the BBC exists.
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Snoose 24: Yep I posted on the general thread. I missed most of it but I got the impression it was a personal attack on Cameron and ‘toffs.
Anonymous | 20.04.09 – 6:40 pm |
You wanna bet there is. Hopefully I will not be one of them, as my order book is full, as is my bank account.
However even my better competition is now falling like flies, almost as quick as I am increasing my margins and my customer base.
Rampantly cruel STAGFLATION, here we come.
This rock is so incredibly shafted that it truly defies description, and certainly defies a polite one.
The BBC does not of course give a toss what happens to the general public, as the BBC’s primary allotted task is to create or facilitate world fascism. Preferably on the quiet as much as possible, or at least until the public have absolutely no choice other then to accept it.
The BBC will not let up for one second on its mission to remain the worlds mouth piece for the here and now NEW WORLD ORDER represented by The EU and the UN, and run by people it is best not to mention.
The BBC is currently the biggest and most well funded international establishment propagandist known to mankind , and the BBC has every intention of keeping it that way.
IMO the BBC has shown itself to be very much up to any particular task its P….t masters assign to it.
The BBC’s top brass, must be feeling mighty proud of themselves, and greatly relieved that the public is clearly as stupid, confused and over trusting, as the BBC have spent a very long time making them.
This is good stuff: the BBC and the Regime tell everybody that all is soon to be well. Now, if a regime is going to lie to the people, it should lie about something which the people themselves cannot see and feel as a lie e.g using advanced graphics, the BBC/NuLab could have said that the UK has landed a man on the moon. But, in this case, they are lying about something which everybody knows to be a lie – and that is a good thing!
Sod all to do with BBC bias, but a funny from Guy Fawkes blog:
Administration Co-ordinator.pdf – 38.7Kb
Mail Room Assistant.pdf – 36.8Kb
Facilities Co-ordinators.pdf – 36.8Kb
“Please note that the reference to the weight of the downloadable file does not in any way refer to the salary being offered for the job advertised.”
Only in the public sector…
About all these cuts – what happened to the pre-budget media blackout that used to take place?
Seems rather heavily leaked this time – heard on the radio that Treasury sources said he would cut £15bn – that’s a direct statement of what’s happening (or at least said to be happening), secrecy bedamned.
Weight? -Weight- of a downloadable file…?
Atlas shrugged | 20.04.09 – 8:06 pm |
The BBC will not let up for one second on its mission to remain the worlds mouth piece for the here and now NEW WORLD ORDER represented by The EU and the UN, and run by people it is best not to mention.
You mean, like Freemasons? It’s awfully suspicious that your business and bank account are doing well when everyone else is struggling. You’ve bragged before that you were a wise businessman where your competitors were not, but as a Freemason, you’re automatically suspect in collusion and behind-the-scenes machinations.
Yet, you’re always pointing the finger elsewhere. Misdirection, perhaps?
I remember the gleeful BBC acquiescence to the Labour “£12 billion of Tory cuts” attack line at the last general election. I remember the BBC parroting the lines straight from the spin doctors own notes – how the vile tories would deliberately attack as a priority 1) nurses, 2) doctors, 3) meals on wheels, 4) baby lambs and bunny rabbits 5)ETC.
And of course the only reason for doing this was that toffs enjoy hurting the working class.
The BBC swallowed whole the lie that a reduced rate of growth was the same as throwing pensioners out into the snow with no shoes on.
More saliently – why the **** hasn’t the BBC pointed out that only last week we were still being told by the regime that the only way to get off of this fecal mountain of debt that they have created was to borrow more to spend on public ‘services’ and that ‘borrow your way out of debt’ was a concept of superhuman genius.
Doesn’t this predicted set of cuts kind of undermine the entire rationale of Browns bailouts and substantiate the conservative policy of reducing debt? Or are we having another 1984 style re-write of recent history
Yes the state has increased the chocolate ration by -25%. remember less is more, unless less really is less in the case of tories……..
I wonder where the BBC think a “recovery” is going to come from. Manufacturing, agriculture, fishing, financial services, tourism ?
3 of the businesses I deal with have re-located this year. 2 to Dubai, 1 to Hong Kong.
I am currently planning to re-locate my own to Dakar.
Many businesses are now internet-based so location is not so important.
But the Beeboids are still stuck in their London mind-set. Or should that be Salford !
Twizzle 11:29
Is this the same Craig Murray who was sacked as British Ambassador to Uzbekistan for selling visas for sex ?
One show bias now available on iplayer
(starts about 2 mins in)
Green shoots? What green shoots. According to Karen Nye (any relation to Robert Peston’s friend Sue?), unemployment is still a lagging indicator, and nobody is sure if the banks are starting to stabilize or not. We won’t know, according to Nye, until they are put through Timmy Geithner’s “stress tests”. Only then will they be allowed to pay back the TARP money.
Now, leaving aside the dishonesty of her description of the TARP proceedings and “stress tests”, Nye is talking down both Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and Citigroup. Okay, but, why are we supposed to be skeptical about the recovery of these banks, but not UK banks? If one uses the same indicators – bad asset write-downs (everybody), losses in credit cards and consumer loans (Barclays, HSBC), digestive problems of a bank which has absorbed another large institution (Lloyds, which still isn’t Mr. Brown’s fault, I’m sure) – how is Britain seeing green shoots of recovery here?
Just like when Mr. Brown was first talking about how his economic stimulus scheme (well, one of the earlier ones) was going to lead the way to recovery, the BBC quoted Nobel Prize-winning Bush-basher…er…economist Paul Krugman. Nye quotes him again, specifically about the unemployment lag, to support here contention that the US is not seeing green shoots of recovery.
Yet, if one looks at her UK domestic colleagues’ reporting, none of this applies to Britain. I’m sure there’s some logical explanation.
Cassandra and others.
As usual you all seem to miss the point.
Brown is not only, not the savior of this or any other universe, he is clearly NOT operating on his own, to say the very least.
Brown could not care less if the whole lot of us died tomorrow. It is not his job to care, whether it is supposed to be or not.
Politicians are not selected for high office because they are honest, or intelligent or because they have a natural sympathy or empathy for the common man.
In the real world, the ability to lie through there teeth so much, and so often, that they actually start believing their own lies, is the ONLY essential requirement for the job.
Top politicians are corrupted BY DEFINITION, because if they were not the establishment would not promote them to the top of ANYTHING, never mind the lower levels of government, for example the House of Commons.
If a top politician has for some strange reason, what is known as a ‘Road to Damascus’ moment ( JFK for example ), they swiftly get very publicly assassinated, just in case anyone else important was also thinking of going ‘temporally insane’. The British public throw rotten eggs, however the people who really rule the world, blow up large old hotels in Brighton.
GB’s bosses are the same as The BBC’s. Gordon Brown is a minor puppet who’s strings are being pulled by forces no one dare challenge, and even less dare mention.
World government is what this is all about. For better or worse.
Nick Robinson clearly believes that World government is a good thing. However what he also knows is that the British people are not going to exactly like their money, future earnings, life, liberty and certainly their democracy being forever sacrificed in the name of a one world fascist dictatorship.
Which is why The New World Order was carefully set up to ‘possibly’ or theoretically represent the right, the left, and the middle, all at the same time. this of course is impossible. In reality and practice it is Authoritarian Feudalism, which is in practice human SLAVERY on a global scale. With nowhere to hide, or run to.
Which is IMO not left or right or middle, it is just plain EVIL, and a deliberate insult to god and his innocent creations.
People like Nick Robinson in company with the entire list of BBC correspondents are not evil, they are just incredibly stupid and wholly corrupted individuals. Working within and for, an incredibly evil system. The same of course can and should be said for Edward Heath, Tony Benn, Tony Blair, George Bush, George Galloway, Michael Foot, Gengis Karn, Pol-Pot, Joseph Stalin and as good as all of the rest.
They don’t know what the new world order is, or who is really running the entire show, THEY JUST THINK THEY DO. They also know, that they cant tell us the plebs what is really going on, not only because they don’t fully understand themselves, but because they have been ordered to never allow the public to look beyond Prime Minister level for any answers at all. ( The PM level of government, being equal to a stand in assistant Patrol Leader, working within the entire worlds boy-scout movement. )
Get used to it. You have been betrayed, by the very people you once trusted the most. Is it not always so? Gordon Brown cares about the Labour Party and the common people that voted for his party or not, infinitely less then a double glazing salesman cares about his particular VICTIMS.
However he evidently cares intensely about the people who really selected him to power, for very understandable reasons. They would put a bullet through his ugly head or worse, if Brown even muttered a word of salient TRUTH.
Enclose yourself in perpetual darkness and keep obediently munching away on your establishments BBC bullshit, if you wish, but remember this.
Only the truth can set you free.
The truth is also the only thing these people are actually afraid of. Especially if enough people started to finally open their eyes and minds at the same time.
People like David Icke, Alan Well, Michael Moore, Leo Zagami, and above all Alex Jones are CON MEN, and highly clever ones at that. David Icke is EX BBC for gods sake, Jones, Moore and Zagami are all CIA trained maniacs. In common with all great TRAINED agents of disinformation, they tell the truth most of the time, and also display true insight.However they still lie and willfully confuse, when it really matters, in true BBC style.
However as always, DONT PANIC, and above all DON’T TRUST ANYONE, including myself. Trust your own eyes and ears, and above all what remains of your own common sense.
May I suggest that the evidence of your own eyes and ears over the last 11 or more years, working in collusion with even a fraction of your remaining common sense, should in itself force a rational human being to agree with at least half of what I state? Which should form the basis of some kind of INFORMED debate, for a change, instead of pointless personal attacks and insults.
I fully understand that this is not easy. It requires courage and a reasonably free, highly intelligent and adaptable mind, but at least some of you should have given it a go by now. Or has the BBC truly done for the lot of you, in ways that you no longer have the imagination to imagine?
Gee thanks, Atlas
Michael Moore was trained by the CIA? Someone’s apron is on too tight again.
Please understand it is not the personal attacks and insults that bothers me in the slightest, that is only to be expected. What bothers me is the pointlessness.
David Preiser
Are you suggesting that a Hollywood movie, promoted and distributed as widely as M.Moores, evidently was, on the highly politically charged subject of 9/11.
Would have been so, or allowed to have been so, if it were not first authorized by The CIA, and payed for by the very big money that completely controls ALL HOLLYWOOD production?
Cos it just don’t happen that way, in this country or yours.
Moore hides far more truth then he exposes. This is why he must be working for, or been authorized or instructed by, The Central Intelligence Agency. Who better to fool innocent youngish Democrat/lefties, then someone who professes so convincingly, to being one himself???????????
M Moore only makes sense to the people he is supposed to make sense to. Which is youngish democrats with the attention span of a flee, and the intelligence of a dead one.
Unfortunately ONLY liars get to the top in this, yours, or any other country. Real talent for anything other then telling porkies with a straight face, bending over, or opening them up, is not even half of the real secret to success in this nightmare world of THEIRS.
Being honest does not even get you past the first round, never mind into the finals, except sometimes in certain sporting events, athletics, not usually being one of them.
Atlas shrugged | 21.04.09 – 2:19 am |
Are you suggesting that a Hollywood movie, promoted and distributed as widely as M.Moores, evidently was, on the highly politically charged subject of 9/11.
Would have been so, or allowed to have been so, if it were not first authorized by The CIA, and payed for by the very big money that completely controls ALL HOLLYWOOD production?
Yes. Don’t be silly.
Cos it just don’t happen that way, in this country or yours.
Why not? You’ve never offered one single shred of evidence for any of your rantings. In fact, I’ve shown that some of your so-called KNOWN facts are lies.
Moore hides far more truth then he exposes. This is why he must be working for, or been authorized or instructed by, The Central Intelligence Agency. Who better to fool innocent youngish Democrat/lefties, then someone who professes so convincingly, to being one himself???????????
M Moore only makes sense to the people he is supposed to make sense to. Which is youngish democrats with the attention span of a flee, and the intelligence of a dead one.
Yes, but one can say the same thing about Russell Brand, and he’s not a CIA plant.
Unfortunately ONLY liars get to the top in this, yours, or any other country. Real talent for anything other then telling porkies with a straight face, bending over, or opening them up, is not even half of the real secret to success in this nightmare world of THEIRS.
Being honest does not even get you past the first round, never mind into the finals, except sometimes in certain sporting events, athletics, not usually being one of them.
Yes, that’s nice. How is that any proof that Michael Moore is a CIA plant? None of that is proof of anything other than the fact that you’ve got nothing.
CIA agents are all bipeds. Michael Moore is a biped. Therefore, your apron is on too tight.
On the Freemason thing – they do say that the BBC is full of them but how does that square with the fact that lefty types normally hold their hands up in disgust at Freemasons and their jobs for the boys – and that the BBC is top heavy with women?
Ah, got it – those right-on types at the top may be married to masons…so I suspect those principles go out of the window when family wealth is concerned.
David Preiser 2:55
How do you know Russell Brand is not a CIA plant ? Please don’t give Atlas ideas, that will be his next topic now !
Liquid P Gasse | 21.04.09 – 8:35 am |
No, no, the BBC is full of Common Purpose members. That’s why the Masons don’t like them. Actually, that’s a pretty good reason.
The BBC has never claimed the recession is over, nor have they ever claimed Gordon Brown has somehow achieved this.
This is misleading biased reporting by you.
Atlas shrugged
you should don your shell suit and go and live in a nuclear bunker with david icke.
And another thing.
There are those who claim to object to nation-states in general, not only when it comes to Israel. These people should be reminded that the alternative to nation-states is Empire. There are those who do understand this; for instance the Muslim Brotherhood.
Oops, wrong threa. Never mind.