More pro-Tamil Tiger propaganda from the BBC here with touching images provided, ahem, “by pro-Tiger media” allegedly shows a government air strike inside a no-fire zone and civilians fleeing. The BBC is proving a very helpful media outlet for the terrorist Tamils as they face a welcome extinction at the hands of the lawful forces of the government.
I remember the Al Beeb coverage of the Bandaranaike Airport attack by the LTTE.
A beeboid was interviewing, by phone, one of the British tourists who was caught up in the violence. The Beeboid asked the tourist if it had all been ‘terribly exciting?’!
In a somber voice the tourist replied: “No, it was terrifying.”
I bet the Beeboid would’ve loved to have been there, assisting the LTTE in their slaughter (well, reporting it anyway).
How can a rebel army in Sri Lanka be more aligned with the UN and Western countries than the government? Isn’t Sri Lanka a UN member? Did they side with North Korea or something when I was out with visiting relatives yesterday?
BBC World Service. Charles Haverland “L.T.T.E listed as a terrorist group by many countries including several Western countries”. Listen to the whole broadcast here
At last count 32 countries including India (since 1992); United States (designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations by the Department of State since October 8, 1997. Named as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) since November 2, 2001); European Union (since 2006; 27 countries);Canada (since 2006); Sri Lanka (from January 1998 to September 4, 2002, and again from January 7, 2009); Australia (since 2001) and other countries have listed the LTTE as a terrorist group in accordance with Resolution 1373. Canada does not grant residency to LTTE members on the grounds that they have participated in crimes against humanity. Last and apparently least the United Kingdom (designated as Proscribed Terrorist Group under the Terrorism Act 2000 by the Home Secretary since 2000)
Sri Lanka. Who gives a shit?
Even their correspondents report that refuges say that they prevented of leaving by the tamil tigers. But stil the BBC uses the word trapped, implying that the people can’t leave because of the conflict.
“The LTTE had tried to stop them escaping, one told us.”
Lal Wickrematunga says the people are held by the LTTE.
Why does BBC hate the Sri Lankan goverment? Where they supportive of Bush?
Maybe its because Israel has been very supportive of the Government, and has supplied them with Kfir strike/fighter planes and UAVs, which have been crucial.
Beeboids are so bitchy and predictable in their loves and hates ho ho.
The LTTE are the only terrorist organisation I can think of that have an airforce:
Any others?
Usual BBC relativism, justified by the “One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter” moral imbecility. The Tamil Tigers have reportedly killed 70,000 people over many decades in their twisted war for independence. We all recognise the “fighting for independence” fraud from ETA, the IRA, and every other wannabe terrorists/seperatist group.
Now they are going to be pushed back into the ocean everyone should be cheering, but no, BBC, “lets hear it for the underdog, the rebels, the freedomfighters, the protestors” Its the student-politics view of the world as seen from BBC-land
Why have the BBC suddenly discovered Sri Lanka ?
Because their local arbitary “fave liberationist group” are having their arses terminally kicked?
“Why have the BBC suddenly discovered Sri Lanka ?”
-because Darfur is to tricky for them.
Perhaps because their M.E narrative is increasingly in disarray and being discredited, so they must seek suicide bombers new.
BBC Political Reporting #101
Any terrorists = brave freedom fighters who have a point
Any legit government = oppressive ‘regimes’ who need to be criticized
Any demonstrators = the people expressing their rights (except Tea party people who don’t exist)
Any police at demos = the aggressive arm of the State (except Chinese police in Tibet who are ‘keeping order’)
The USA = bad under Bush, good under Obama
Gordon Brown – holier than Obama (if that’s possible)
That’s the way it is, folks!
When 911 happened, or July 7 attck happened, no matter what was the political reasons we all felt sad and angry about terrorism
The BBC is on the other hand clearly came alquida and muslim extreamist as terrorists, ans LTTE tigers as sepretist rebels
The BBC them selves call the most independent and respected Media in the west
LTTE which had only a killing motive , sea wing and air wing.They are the originators of suicide bombing who taught muslim terrorists how to do suicide killing.
BBC never talk about 30 years of misery of Sri Lankans,How many moderate tamils the LTTE have killed
When human bombs were exploded, inside public transport, or national leaders were bombed like animals, no BBC was ever present to open the eyes of international community.
When school kids were military trained and sent to face an army , or suicide bombers disguised as pregnent ;ladies blow humen in Colombo there was no BBC to tell the world , about the ruthlessness
When the LTTE killed Mr Laxman Kadiragamar the Oxford educated Srilankan TAMIL foreign min ister, bbc was sleeping
Now when the army of sri Lanka clean up the mess created by LTTE terrorists, LTTE puping the oxygen to save the killers
If so impartial why dont LTTE talk about the rest of the Sri Lankans who collectr thier own cloathing, and food to sent to thier internally displaced Tamil brothers and sisters, BBC reporter having observered all this keep is bias reporting at will
Britishs partly responsible for the origin of the Tamil mess ,when they brought Tamils from south india , who represent less than 10% of Sri lankan population and asking to devide the country.
For BBC, my message is, SHAME on you BBC, We learn how impartial you are, you all like countries like Sri Lanka ever live in war.
Britsh tax p[ayers money and British media is advocating this terrorists by interefering Sri Lankan internal matter.
Once for all LTTE will be wiped out , and BBC will have a paycut on tiger payrole.But stay tuned we will provide you how BBC support them in the next few days
BBC , terrorsits are terrorsits, just like we all expereince in July 07.Dont try to support them or provide oxygen to these polpots by your Impartial media coverage
Shame on you , shame on you
piggy kosher ,jon
Spot on !! It really makes me want to be sick. The spineless, corrupt, dishonest Beeboids play with death, but don’t risk their own lives.
They think it is a game. God I hate them . Rant over !!
John Bosworth 8:31
A perfect summing up. I have nothing to add !
SL Sec Def tells it how it is..
Now only if Milliband was so forthright.. 🙂
Mango 11:39
Thanks for that link. The question about Miliband is not forthrightness, it is about “cojones” !
Hezbollocks have a few microlights and 9unconfirmed) reports of a couple of Iran made (quite inferior) copies of Israeli Searcher UAVs. i think a hezzboll. microlight was shot down by an F16 (!) in 2005.
The IDF F16 that did the deed has a hezbollocks kill symbol, from a pic I have seen.
Not quite on thread , but read “” today. Item: “Armed Israeli guards thwart pirates attack on Cruise ship, BBC glosses over the fact”. Apparently the report leaves out the nationality of the security crew by attributing the “crew” of the ship with fending off the attack. Some amusing and pertinent comments on the BBC follow.
The No Fire Zone was meant for civilians.
When it was created/demarcated and the leaflets were dropped to inform the civilians population trapped in the war zone (the LTTE tried to shoot that aircraft down) where to go in order to avoid the fighting, the LTTE decided to heroically join them, moving all its fighters, leadership and heavy weaponry into the zone to take cover behind the civilian population who heeded the Governments call to move into the zone for safety, i.e. the LTTE was using them as a human shield and a weapons launching pad.
However no one seems bothered to ask whats the LTTE doing in the no fire zone meant for civilians in the first place. All those preaching to Sri Lanka ignore this face slapping fact.
The LTTE started liberally shooting from within towards the Army, hoping for retaliation so they can get their buddies like the BBC to castigate Sri Lanka for “war crimes”. When this didn’t happen and the civilians started escaping they started shooting at the civilians, taking pictures of the dead they created and posting the images on the internet saying “lookie here, look what those evil Chingalam army lot did”, thus providing the much need ammunition for those annoying “protestors” in Toronto, Ottawa, Oslo, London, Paris, Sydney and Canberra to make a mess on the local streets.
Whats left out from the media is that hundreds of soldiers died from artillery and mortar “rain” as they tried to open a passage (which they finally achieved last Monday) for the civilians to escape.
When their was an exodus of 50,000 civilians last week, live UAV footage shows the LTTE shooting at them to prevent them from leaving, the BBC cuts this footage out from its report and does not mention it in any of its articles.
Its more than obvious the LTTE is using them as a human shield, yet the fault is the SL Governments? Worst still is the fact the Governments claim that the LTTE is using a human shield is constantly ridiculed and made to look like a lie, while anything coming out of the “freedom fighters” is accepted as the gospel truth, including their propaganda videos shown in full.
Janaka Mendis | 27.04.09 – 6:48 pm |
Can you please provide a link to UAV footage showing what you describe? That would be very useful to bust the BBC for censoring their video.
Here’re the videos.
in English:
They were shown live to various ambassadors and foreign news crews, in the Air Force Ops room. To prove that the footage wasn’t faked, reporters’ request that the UAV be moved closer were granted.
Mango | 27.04.09 – 8:53 pm |
Thanks for the video links. The BBC has been stressing that the government is really the main culprit doing this kind of thing.
Too bad the BBC has been though all this before. See if any of this sounds familiar:
Truth, bias and the BBC
This was the “From Our Own Correspondent” item on Saturday on Sri Lanka and the LTTE. Overall – not too bad ?
That was a good piece indicating the current problems and how long SL has to travel to get to an equitable future.
My complaint about the BBC TV news is this: most normal people don’t read blogs or obsessively follow the news agenda. If they’re lucky, they’ll see 10-15 minutes of News At Ten. Their views about world events will be shaped by the news given out by the Beeb during that time. So, the Beeb has a duty to be accurate and report all salient facts about a story and not omit key facts simply because it doesn’t fit with their world-view.
Oh, read this by Dayan Jayetillke. The headline says it all.
Hands up or feet first: The only deal in town
Why won’t the Beeb interview Dayan? I think they’re scared of him, as he’ll pulverise the interviewers. It’s far easier to interview a European NGO or some LTTE supporting MP who’ll parrot the party line 🙂
Mango | 28.04.09 – 11:38 am | #
Good points all.
Sadly, viewed by not so many on a.. blog.
But it’s all worth it as others do take note.
Here we go again. Lots of tranzis, all funded by western taxpayers, rushing to hotspots around the world, disbursing our money. This is what makes these tranzis important, as well as guarantees their employment.
It really is time this civil war (going on for over 25 years), is brought to an end. The longer it continues the greater will be the casualties, death and misery, not just at the present, but for children not yet born. It seems the Shri Lankan army is close to victory. I sincerely hope this is the case.
To be kind to the Tamils and Shri Lankans, the EU and other do-gooders, should let this war come to a finish asap.
What is it in the make-up of these NGO-tards who seem to like unending war rather than this crushing annihilation of the LTTE.
Is it some kind NGO-specific Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy where they feel more alive when they’re helping the ‘suffering civilians’ rather than working to help end the suffering once and for all, by not impeding the destruction of the LTTE?
There’s a brilliant story in JG Ballard’s ‘War Stories’ where the warring parties want to make peace, but the UN keeps the conflict alive. I’m now certain that real-life yet again triumphs over fiction.
Just like the UN has celebrated “Palestinian” refugees for decade after decade.
Mango wrote: Is it some kind NGO-specific Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy where they feel more alive when they’re helping the ‘suffering civilians’ rather than working to help end the suffering once and for all,
I hope you are right. My own thoughts are far more cynical – they are safeguarding their jobs. This is particularly for those who sit in fine offices in Geneva, Rome or NY, get huge salaries, and travel first class to Geneva, Rome, NY, Paris etc on fact finding missions. The genuinely kind hearted people who end up in Darfur etc, are just good people who wish to do nothing but good. They are not responsible for the continuation of any crisis. They are just the ones used in the adverts by the fact cat tranzi executives to get more funds.
Agree with both of you, but it does seem almost too obscene to be true that they will deliberately prolong a conflict to safeguard their jobs!
Anyway, more news you probably won’t see via the Beeb.
How to administer a bitch-slap to Milliband.
“When Miliband interrupted him to say that Britain had information that civilians had been harmed due to the army’s firing, the Defence Secretary said Britain should not be duped by the disinformation campaign the LTTE was carrying out. “Even BBC is dishing out LTTE propaganda material without verification,” he told Miliband.
Miliband said his claim was not based on BBC reports but credible information elicited from sources in the LTTE-held no fire zone. Apparently annoyed, the Defence Secretary said anyone who knew the LTTE would not believe that any reliable information would emanate from that area under its jackboot.
All the stories that were disseminated from the no fire zone, he told the British delegation, were all doctored by the LTTE for the consumption of the international community and the western media. “Do you think a terrorist group like the LTTE will allow anyone to express independent views detrimental to its cause?” he asked.
The Defence Secretary said it was up to the British delegation to decide whether it should believe what a terrorist group said or what a responsible officer of a legitimate government told them. “The choice is yours,” he said.”
I’m sure Milliband will get his revenge on these uppity ex-colonial subjects for showing him to be the fool that he is.