Despite the contortions they go through in order to get away with accusing other so-called racial groups of racism without looking a little tarred with the same abomination of a brush, that particular conjuring trick can never truly be pulled off. Even if they stand on their heads and don a burqa, they can’t avoid looking a tad hypocritical.
But, hey, what’s wrong with that? Don’t take that as a criticism. These days admitting to a bit of racism is almost the new honesty. Accepting antisemitism is already the new honesty, as in Dinner Party Antisemitism which I’m told is all the rage.
To be honest – as everyone seems to say so very frequently these days -Israel is, after all, the “Jewish” state; everyone hates Israel; why not just be honest and admit they hate Jews too?
Jews = Zionists and Zionists = racists. And, let’s all be honest, so are they!
Everyone knows that ‘To be honest’ is the new ‘Basically.’ Also popular, “If I’m being honest,” which is weaker as it begs the question, “Are you? Or not?”
Honesty is a virtue after all. Come on out, tell your granny, she’s probably one already.
Who cares what the EUMC has to say about antisemitism? Definition or no definition. Definition shmefinishon. Bring it on. Freedom! Throw off the shackles of P.C.! What a relief!
All together now. “We hate Jews. We’re out and we’re proud. Antisemites R us!”
That’s what the BBC + Jeremy Paxman would say if they were being honest.
But not Martin Jacques. He hasn’t quite come out yet. To him racism is still taboo!!!!
“No people like to admit to their own racism; the response is invariably one of denial. This makes the UN conferences on racism – and there have only been two this decade – important and worthwhile events. “
Time to get it off your chest Mr. Jacques, and come on out! You, the UN, and the BBC. The closet is overcrowded already.
And to pre-empt those waiting to pounce with allegations that this has a tenuous or spurious connection with BBC bias, I contend that it has very much to do with it. You reap what you sow. The BBC sows and we all reap.
Sue, this is not remotely about BBC bias, this is just your obsession with zionists.
Go find some pro-Israeli forum to post this sort of crap on.
Oh i forgot, you’re already on some small minded forum for zionists/nut jobs. My bad.
Have you heard of Andrew Keen? the cult of the amateur? a book about morons spouting crap on forums, ill informed opinions disguised as editorials. That applies to you Sue.
Wow something stung there..
Ah is this why the Rwandan government had to suspend the bbc’s programmes ?
Start denying the Rwandan genocide then move on to others ?
“Parts of today’s “Imvo n’Imvano” show as broadcast in a trailer on BBC’s airwaves on the evening of April 24, and the subsequent show on April 25 amount to blatant denial of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi of Rwanda, and constitute unacceptable speech,”
I didn’t quite get the point of this post. Are you against racialism or not? I thought this blog should be anti-leftist hence not on the Marxist anti-racist train, but it seems you are using the ‘racist’ card just as much as they do.
Get a clue: the leftist criticism of Israel is not racially inspired, it is because they think the Israelis are oppressing the Palestinians. Whatever else you think about the situation, this is pretty obvious.
And if you oppose BBC bias, perhaps you should think about taking a different line to the anti-racist monotony of the establishment.
Fair play – lost me in the ‘basically’ & ‘to be honest’ thing but yeah, yer darned right.
I think there’s a media clan that thrive on excitement but not reckless endangerment.
The UN has a bitch slapped political wing that got beaten for Iraq. China don’t play ball & India’s checking its borders. Sounds like a good day to pick on Israel. It is completely acceptable to be pro Palestinian – I had a stand up row with a Chief Inspector of police in a cafe and he ended up calling me a racist at the very end – the sucker punch.
I guess it’s mis-placed fury at the Iraq war – a kind of inferred guilt which you may have to put up with for time to time. They do like to have causes rather than fixing stuff.
This blog is littered with examples of B.B.C bias on a world wide scale, The current SL situation is being well discussed for example.
However it would seem that a virulent anti-semitism is spreading and becoming chic almost, in certain political classes, and their prejudices are being incontinently pumped throughout the world via meedya sub types that inhabit the corridors of beeboidland.
Its serious. And wont help anyone, certainly not the Palestinians. But thats not the point, is it?
Gavin Bare ass | 27.04.09 – 6:17 pm |
“Sue, this is not remotely about BBC bias.”
No, not remotely. Closely.
“this is just your obsession with zionists.”
No, not just MY obsession.
“Go find some pro-Israeli forum to post this sort of crap on.
Oh i forgot, you’re already on some small minded forum for zionists/nut jobs.”
So are you.
“Have you heard of Andrew Keen? the cult of the amateur? “
I hadn’t. But I have now.
“a book about morons spouting crap on forums, ill informed opinions disguised as editorials. “
“The Cult of the Amateur
How blogs, MySpace, YouTube, and the rest of today’s user-generated media are destroying our economy, our culture, and our values.”
Written by Andrew Keen
“That applies to you Sue.”
I can do all that? Thanks Mr Bare ass. I’ll start straight away.
James | 27.04.09 – 6:51 pm |
I didn’t quite get the point of this post.
Was it a bit convoluted? I should have added some smileys.
It was about hypocrisy on the whole. And about the effect of BBC bias on people’s opinion of Israel of course; again.
Dead right, Sue –
Anti-semitism has been the Left’s racism of choice for years now. They’re just getting more brazen about it.
Meself, I can’t wait for the IDF to go ape-shit again.
You’ve spot on Sue, so lefties are worried
I wouldn’t want to watch something I agreed with tho! Whoops… I bloody well wouldn’t, it’d be really boring. At least the BBC gets you up in the morning – turn Toadt on and it’s better than a shrill wife – anger guaranteed within 8 minutes or your money back.
You totally misunderstand what Paxo was getting at the other night. For the anti-racists Israel is racist because it is a Jewish state for Jewish people. Judaism is a religion but it is also an ethnic group. Ergo, Israel is racist. For the anti-racists the ontological realities of Israeli life are beside the point, it is “racist” and therefore anathema.
The anti-racists hatred of all humanity’s many ethnic groups is completely indiscriminate and to be applied equally. All ethnic groups must be destroyed and Judaism and Israel is no exception.
I think we are coming to the point with that post. This is why the beeboids have airbrushed “Englishness” from much of their content, because they find it offensive. However in beeboid central some enthnicities are more equal than others.
“However in beeboid central some enthnicities are more equal than others.”
They are regarded as more equal if the politics of these ethnic groups advance the aims of multiculturalism/anti-racism. For example “Palestinianism”. The Palestinians are Muslims and as such are really members of the transnational “Umma”. Islam, according to the idiots in life, some of which are highly influential mainstream politicians, is a religion of peace known for it’s “tolerance” of others. As such it is an ally of lefty liberal multiculturalism, in a kind of contemporary version of the Brezhnev doctrine.
Further reading: Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Origin of the Myth of a Tolerant, Pluralistic Islamic Society
So….if one actually reads the Zionist ‘manifesto’ written in the days of yore, are we to self-edit the sections wherein the original writer(s) proclaimed the world should be enslaved and ruled only by and for Zionists?
The problem with the public’s merging Judaism and Zionism is predicated on the fact no one bothers to read the original Zionist writings/goals and then flippantly associate the Zionist movement with Judaism damaging the Jewish populations own ignored edicts which contradict Zionist goals.
In the US, the subject of Zionism is banned from any and all university studies…the same ban is held in any and all Theologian studies provided in religious academia.
One has to be tenacious and studious to dig up those truths and risk being fired, berated as the generic anti-Semitic if daring to discuss the issues of Zionism vs Judaism.
So much Kafka, so little time.
WoAD | 27.04.09 – 8:39 pm
“The term race or racial group usually refers to the categorization of humans into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of heritable characteristics.[1] The most widely used human racial categories are based on salient traits (especially skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture), and self-identification.” Wiki.
The benign interpretation of the term, what I called ‘categorisational’ on the Paxo thread, and I didn’t even know that was a proper word.
So there is such a thing as race. But there is no ‘ergo Israel is racist’ with the discriminatory implication within the pejorative use of the word.
For one thing Jews are not thought to be a race, and for another, though Israel is the national homeland for the Jewish people, it is not reserved exclusively for Jews. Israeli Arabs and other non Jews reside there too, and the ontological realities of Israeli life are not beside the point at all.
So we shouldn’t even have to call it call it ethnicist.
All ethnic groups must be destroyed? What can that mean?
Why stop at ethnic groups? Why not destroy all categorisation? No more people, furniture, fruit, spaceships or central heating boilers. Just molecules. Or particles. I’m not very good at physics, but if we are to do away with all categorisation, who cares.
Ms Sue
I’d be surprised if many here doubt for a second that urban liberals under the BBC/Guardian flag are normally anti-Israeli and, often, anti-Semitic.
I agree the BBC is starting to show signs of flop sweat, but it has nothing to do with posts like your latest. Bigotry is often worn as a fashion accessory, nothing new there.
Water’s wet. Shit smells. What’s your point? Nothing wrong with a rant,I know, but this one doesn’t do well in daylight.
Perhaps you’d feel better if you blew something up?
PM Sharon ordered and funded a global study of Jewish DNA in order to validate a Jewish “race”.
The study’s results: no genetic link exists.
Rather blew out of the water the mythical protocol that the bloodline was passed down through the females of the creed.
Linky or it never happened.
(please dear god, dont link to the huffpo! 🙂
For the anti-racists Israel is racist because it is a Jewish state for Jewish people.
This will come as quite a surprise to the members of the 18th Knesset 4 of whom are Israeli Arabs.
Will the Islingtony Lefties require the Arabs to resign from their elected office?
Similarly should the Arabs who live work and form part of Israeli society perhaps all commit suicide to make these lefty cretins happy?
I await confirmation of the number of Jews in the Iranian, Saudi and Syrian legislature.
Dinner party preachy socialists. So feckin up their own behinds it’s comical.
Ps I’m in the UK athiest but I can do Wikipedia. So whats their excuse for dumbness?
Incidentally thats 4 out if 120 which is 3.333%
However given that the Israeli’s have Proportional Representattion quite possibly some of the indigeonous Arabs (the invisibles according to idiot lefty racists) must have voted for non arab MK’s and vice versa.
Seems to me that lefties need to do some research to justify their ugly racism…
Israel is a nation state that acts like a nation state. That is in it’s own interests at all times
The liberal creed has as rule 1 the destruction of the nation state by any means.
Otherwise the absurd idealised dream of one harmonious world will never be realised.
Israel is a special target precisely because it is founded on the old Western values and resolutely defends them.
Western Europe, dying of guilt and ennui, cannot bear to see a successful nation state thrive.
Not so much anti Semitism but a loathing of any people who reject the defeatist values of the west.
Thats spot on.
Actual scientific evidence about Jewish genetics can be found here.
This is old news, but there are still deniers.
“All ethnic groups must be destroyed? What can that mean?
Why stop at ethnic groups? Why not destroy all categorisation? ”
Yes, why not do away with categorisation and ontological reality. That’s exactly the meaning of equality and non-discrimination.
Now, 41 years after Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech, 10 years after the rape of Serbia, even Israel is getting the anti-racist treatment. You wouldn’t know it was once a darling of the left.
The left has changed, felt the need to “adapt”.
Zionism essentially hasnt, because it has not needed to, in order to maintain its core support.
Thats the fundemental strength of Zionism. It transcends brief involvements between “left” and “right”. One can quite comfortably have a right and left wing Jew (politically) at a Zionist rally, aka any national Israeli event.
Zionism has survived because it is more than “left” or “right”, its personal.
“Ahmadinejad’s Jew-hatred is common throughout the Islamic world”
“This is fueled by the fact that the Qur’an teaches that the chief enemies of the Muslims will be the Jews (5:82). Tiny Minority of Extremists Update: “When hatemongering is common currency,” by Barbara Crook in the ‘Ottawa Citizen’:
“It’s a pity being a racist has such a stigma attached. People go to any lengths to avoid being thought of as one.”
Everyone is racist to some degree or another – anyone who says they aren’t is either a liar or a fool. That said, most of us are not deliberately or consciously racist wheras those who claim to oppose racism usually are.
James 6:51
The BBC’s hatred of the Israelis is because the BBC is institutionally anti-semitic, pure and simple. It wouldn’t matter what the Israelis do, the BBC would condemn it. They disgust me.
Ethan 10:30
I suspect most Arabs would prefer to live in Israel than in an Arab country.
Grant – yep.
Many Jews in power in Saudi then? I suspect not. Bet al-beeb keeps this ‘inconvenient truth’ flippin quiet.
‘Jihadwatch’ comment on ‘Daily Mail’ report:
“My Muslim members don’t want you because you are Jewish”
“Islamic antisemitism, rooted in many Qur’anic injunctions, notably the charge that the Muslims’ worst enemies will be the Jews (Qur’an 5:82), comes to Britain.”
“Labour Party embroiled in race row after candidate told she was ‘too white and Jewish’ to be selected,” by Emily Andrews in the ‘Daily Mail’:
The BBC’s hatred of the Israelis is because the BBC is institutionally anti-semitic, pure and simple. It wouldn’t matter what the Israelis do, the BBC would condemn it. They disgust me.
Grant | 28.04.09 – 1:03 pm | #
The left supported Israel to start with, it was only after they were perceived to be oppressing the Palestinians that the left turned on them.
If the BBC and other leftists were really anti-Jewish then they wouldn’t always be beating us about the head with the Holocaust narrative and they would be criticising Jewish influence/presence in Europe and America.
James – if the BBC was not so anti Israel then they would release the Balen report. Not spend hundreds of thousands of our money on lawyers to keep us from reading what we actually paid for.
Further Jeremy Bowen would not have had a mild slap on the wrist for his overt anti semitic bias but would be looking for another job.
Bowen works for al-beeb therfore his already proven bias becomes the beebs bias.
IMO the BBC anti Israel bias is pretty blatent. You’d have to be living on Mars in a cave to miss it.
I’ve been reading the debate here about Israel/Zionism etc here with interest. I have experience of living in Israel, and I can tell you that whoever said here that Arabs would prefer to live in Israel than an Arab country is talking utter rubbish I’m afraid. But that’s just a moot point, just an observation that struck me as nonsense.
The state of Israel is unique, and flowing with contradictions. It is arguably the only democracy in the Middle East, and must be applauded for this. Yet remember also that Israel’s foreign policy – deliberate overreaction to show military strength – have helped to breed some of the terrorism and violence that exists in the region. I wouldn’t chose to join the side of Hamas, Hizbollah etc. – these organisations have equalled destablised the region. The problem is that Israel must set more of an example in the region – it is a democracy, and a state whose very existence is constantly under threat. But aerial bombardments (like the campaign in Gaza this year) play right into the hands of it’s enemies. Israel had, and I pressume still has, one of the world’s finest special forces units, not to mention intelligence agencies. These organisations must take a more active role in covertly dealing with the terrorist threat in the region – as the all out war approach is both madness (in terms of civilian casualties) and in the sense that world public opinion seems to swing against any Israeli action, however justified. A covert war, snipers etc, that was more ‘under the radar’ would be more productive in the long run.
Politically, a ‘two state solution’ is the buzz word these days, and it might be the best idea, I’m not 100% certain, but something needs to be done. The Palestinian people are the ones who suffer the most in the country – and Hamas must take equal blame for that. Israel needs to take the high road and try to make the Palestinian people reject the hardlines like Hamas, in favour of the moderates. A diplomatic world figure like Obama may one day be able to get both sides to the table – that may be the only option. Some would call that appeasement, and that is one view – but I would call it compromise, and a compromise (however hard to swallow that may be) is surely better than war which just takes lives on both sides.
Fat Face, thanks for the lecture. I mostly agree with what you say, even though you make the classic lefty error of assuming the Arabs (and all “darkies” generally) simply behave as a result of what whiteys (ie joos in this case) do to them. They don’t. They, like us, have their own historical narrative. The Muslims think it is their God-given destiny, duty and right to triumph over the world, and rule it in Allah’s name.
But be that as it may…. do you feel the revolting BBC explains and reflects this political, cultural and philosophical complexity?
It doesn’t, and that is the point of this blog.
James – if the BBC was not so anti Israel then they would release the Balen report. Not spend hundreds of thousands of our money on lawyers to keep us from reading what we actually paid for.
Further Jeremy Bowen would not have had a mild slap on the wrist for his overt anti semitic bias but would be looking for another job.
Bowen works for al-beeb therfore his already proven bias becomes the beebs bias.
IMO the BBC anti Israel bias is pretty blatent. You’d have to be living on Mars in a cave to miss it.
Ethan | 28.04.09 – 4:29 pm | #
Yes they do tend to side with the Palestinians, I was just arguing against the foolish idea that the BBC are ‘racist’ towards the Jews, that they have a bias against the Jewish race in itself; which is what some people including the OP are saying.
The BBC see the world through a Marxist lens of oppressor-oppressed and unacceptable inequality. That is all that is needed to explain their leaning against Israel, not ‘racism’.
I think the BBC take the following approach when it comes to Israel: It treats Israel’s side as the dominant narrative, and therefore decides to focus/explore more the other side. This is good at times (it is essential we hear the voice of the Palestinians as well) and dreadful at other occasions, namely when the BBC appears to equate Hamas and Israel, missing the obvious point that while every story has two sides, sometimes one side is just worse than the other, enough said. I don’t believe there is an anti-semitic bias, I’ve not seen evidence of that on the mainstream reporting that I watch. What I do see is an obsession with ‘telling the other story’ – which sometimes misses the elephant in the room.
James :”The left supported Israel to start with, it was only after they were perceived to be oppressing the Palestinians that the left turned on them.”
Are you sure it’s not the fact Israel doesn’t share their hatred of our western democratic societies & their plans for world domination ?
I’d have thought this explanation is more likely wouldn’t you ?
Fat Face Penguin Seal | Homepage | 28.04.09 – 4:58 pm |
I have experience of living in Israel, and I can tell you that whoever said here that Arabs would prefer to live in Israel than an Arab country is talking utter rubbish I’m afraid.
Does living somewhere really give you comprehensive knowledge of such things? I live in the UK and I have no idea where Brits would prefer to live, (other than ‘anywhere else than here” at the moment.
“Overwhelmingly Majority of Israeli Arabs Would Choose to Remain Israeli Citizens Rather Than Become Citizens of a Future Palestinian State”
James and a couple of others, no doubt following my lead, have expressed comments which I embrace and endorse. It seems, that as usual, I will carry the day.
There is an islamic “iron curtain” behind which people are denied freedom of religion, free expression, sexual equality, education, etc etc
If this curtain fell, how many millions would convert to other religions, even freely choose to go to Israel and the rest of the free world?
Will the BBC be reporting this case on its news website, or is there an unstated political reason why it won’t?:
“‘Gang of barbarians’ go on trial for Paris torture and murder of Jewish man”
“A gang of 28 Muslims known as ‘the barbarians’ go on trial today accused of the 24-day torture and murder of a younge Jewish man that appalled France due to its brutality and apparent anti-Semitism.”
(By Henry Samuel in Paris).
Racists, realists, take your pick.
If you live in Israel you’re called a realist.
If you live somewhere else you’re called a racist.
…and the beat goes on…
Ain’t no doubt that a favourite tactic of the anti-Semites is to point a finger at the Jews and yell “racists” to divert attention from their own racism. I’ve seen this a lot on the Internet lately. Hopefully regulars will forgive me if I repeat yet again a powerfully anti-Semitic episode from the World Service. It’s highly relevant to this thread:
The World Service blared out the “results” of a questionable poll by a far-left Israeli organisation that found that the majority of Israeli Jews are racist towards Israeli Arabs. It was trumpeted on the hour and half-hour for at least ten hours and was also discussed on the same day on, I think, World Briefing and was on the BBC website.
(No such treatment is given to the Palestinians, of course. There is a total absence of any World Service report on polls conducted by Palestinians that consistently find the majority support suicide bombing against Israeli civilians.)
The BBC was not being anti-Israel here (after all, Israeli Arabs were part of the equation) but simply demonstrating its anti-Semitism, as it did with great relish during the Israel-Hezbollah war in 2006:
*James Reynolds (I think) began his TV news report on the war with these words: Staring down the barrel of an Israeli gun. (I’m not making that up.)
*Paul Adams insisted that UN officials had expressed their “contempt” for Israel over the shelling of the UN post, which killed 4 UN workers:
*Nick Thorpe fiddled with the David vs. Goliath tale to express his dislike of the Jews: Kassam rockets are pinpricks on the ankles of the Israeli giant; Katyushas are poisoned arrows that drive him mad. (Funny how anti-Semitism results in truly awful prose in those who can’t write to begin with.)
*Jim Muir (or perhaps it was Hugh Sykes) mangled the English language in the same fashion: Israeli warships lurking on the horizon. Israeli missiles lurching towards Beirut.
*A day or two into the war a headline on the BBC website triumphantly screamed out: Israel kills Lebanese civilians. (Or words to that effect. It was quickly altered to something a little less obviously biased.)
*Right after the war a lying BBC hack stood (on radio, so nobody could see that he was lying) in the ruins of the Israeli border town of Kiryat Shmona, which had borne the brunt of Hezbollah’s Katyushas, and casually stated that he could see four or five damaged houses. (The actual figure was close to two thousand, and many of them were destroyed, not simply damaged.)
*A World Have Your Say programme was broadcast from an Arab café in Glasgow, with an Israeli rabbi as a guest, or rather a punching bag. The fact that he was left-wing and pro-dialogue with the Palestinians didn’t help him. Here’s the BBC host: Rabbi, some people here would like to speak to you. Others would not like to speak to you…. (It was necessary to mention that? Those who did speak were insulting in the extreme, without any attempt on the part of the host to intervene.)
*And of course no discussion of the BBC’s anti-Semitism is complete without Jeremy Bowen, who was yelling war crimes at Israel when the smoke from the first exchanges of fire had hardly cleared.
However, it is possible that the BBC has learned something from the complaints over its gross bias. At the very least, it must have learned to become more adept at covering it up. Hence the refusal by Mark Thompson to broadcast the DEC appeal for aid to Gaza in January. I guess by so doing he wanted the BBC to appear to be even-handed in its coverage of the Israeli-Arab conflict. But of course the reporting in Gaza in 2009 mostly echoed Lebanon 2006 with the BBC concentrating on Gaza’s civilian casualties without a word about the Hamas death toll, not even to speculate on it. A BBC “editor” had the gall to claim that the BBC had two outstanding producers in [its] Gaza office, Rushdi Abu Alouf and Hamada Abuqammar.:
In fact, from what I heard from these two they did little but become anguished about the plight of civilians in Gaza, thereby keeping their BBC masters happy.
The “editor” also had this to say:
They have been well trained, not least by Alan Johnston, and are giving calm, accurate, accounts of what is happening. Hamas has not imposed any restrictions on their reporting and they have been a model of impeccable journalism, in terrible personal circumstances.
With deluded thinking like that, there is no hope for the BBC.
I’ve always thought that To be honest is a weird expression. It’s as if the speaker is admitting that he/she is habitually dishonest but occasionally deviates from that norm.
An entirely relevant Contribution Sue. The BBC incites anti-Semitism. Its as simple as that. Each day they make it more and more likely that people are just going to plain come out with it and the BBC will embrace those who do. Jeremy Paxman is proof of that.
With regard to that overgrown spoilt child, I’d never seen much of him covering the Arab-Israel issue. I remember him once conducting an interview with a PLO rep and Binyamin Netanyahu and Paxman acted as Netanyahu’s spokesman! I wondered whether Paxman really is pro-Israel or just a huge coward who was just too intimidated by a heavy hitter like Netanyahu to be biased against Israel. Well, now we know.
Fat Face Penguin Seal | Homepage | 28.04.09 – 4:58 pm |
I have experience of living in Israel, and I can tell you that whoever said here that Arabs would prefer to live in Israel than an Arab country is talking utter rubbish I’m afraid. Who were you talking to in making this categorical statement?
1) Poll: 77% of Israeli Arabs would rather live in Israel than in any other country in the world
2) Daniel Pipes writes contradicting you here. Palestinians Who Cling to Israel
3) Sami Smooha writes contradicting you here. more than two in three Israeli Arabs (67.5%) would be content living in the Jewish state on condition that it existed in the pre-1967 borders alongside a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
4) Israel doesn’t prevent its Arab citizens from emigrating to the Palestine Authority, Jordan or any other country yet the population figures for Israeli Arabs have risen not fallen since 1948 (i.e. Those who didn’t leave in the exodus essentially have stayed put).
Will the BBC be reporting this case on its news website, or is there an unstated political reason why it won’t?
George R | 28.04.09 – 10:51 pm
French Jewish murder trial opens Interesting wording. I would understand the headline as implying the Jews had killed someone.
Although there are plenty of hints the article follows BBC practice and does not use the words Islam or Muslim although Jew or Jewish appears four times.
A group led by an Arab speaker shouting “Allahu Akbar” kidnapped, tortured and murdered a Jewish man for no explicit reason, it would appear. Just another crime, move along.
deegee 7:56 pm.
Yes, ‘Jihadwatch’ is more forthright in its reporting:
“Paris: Leader of Muslim gang that tortured and murdered Jew smirks at victim’s relatives and shouts ‘Allahu akbar!'”
“‘Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans…’ (Qur’an 5:82)
“‘Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.’ — Sahih Muslim 6985”