The BBC never misses an opportunity to evangelise on behalf of the Nanny State. And so it is that following the continued horrendous revelations concerning Haringey social services, the utterly ineffective Lord Laming is wheeled on to inform us that the logical conclusion to this sordid tale is ….that the State needs to become even more active in the role of parenting. No counter view required. None offered. Well, allow me to provide one. The guy that raped the two year old child needs castrated and put away for life, end of. The useless social workers need sacked. The politicians that presided over this should resign, Parents need to be held reponsible for their kids. How about some REAL debate?
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An interesting one this. The BBC seem to be so locked into a statist mentality that whenever the state fails, their only questions revolve around what the state can do differently, or more of, in future. They don’t have the independence of intellect to be able to stand back and look at the bigger picture – not least of all because they ARE part of the picture itself.
An interesting one this. The BBC seem to be so locked into a statist mentality that whenever the state fails, their only questions revolve around what the state can do differently, or more of, in future. They don’t have the independence of intellect to be able to stand back and look at the bigger picture – not least of all because they ARE part of the picture itself.
An interesting one this. The BBC seem to be so locked into a statist mentality that whenever the state fails, their only questions revolve around what the state can do differently, or more of, in future. They don’t have the independence of intellect to be able to stand back and look at the bigger picture – not least of all because they ARE part of the picture itself.
Notice how no one dare suggest that the chav scum who abuse and murder their children should be sterilized. Just how do the liberal elite justify allowing these subhumans to carry on breeding?
Notice how no one dare suggest that the chav scum who abuse and murder their children should be sterilized. Just how do the liberal elite justify allowing these subhumans to carry on breeding?
Notice how no one dare suggest that the chav scum who abuse and murder their children should be sterilized. Just how do the liberal elite justify allowing these subhumans to carry on breeding?
“Just how do the liberal elite justify allowing these subhumans to carry on breeding?”
They are a valuable client class of Labour-voting benfits scum.
“Just how do the liberal elite justify allowing these subhumans to carry on breeding?”
They are a valuable client class of Labour-voting benfits scum.
“Just how do the liberal elite justify allowing these subhumans to carry on breeding?”
They are a valuable client class of Labour-voting benfits scum.
Did anyone at the BBC comment on how we now have semi-SECRET state trials in the UK these days?
I mean, the name of the accused scumdent is never to be revealed, right? For bogus “legal” reasons.
Now seeing that the purpose of a legal system such as our is for “jutice” to be served publicly without fear of favour, it would be nice if the BBC pursued that matter.
So when this guy is let out after a few years, he could set up house next door to you or me and our kids, and we have NO RIGHT TO KNOW.
Welcome to the United Kafkadom
Did anyone at the BBC comment on how we now have semi-SECRET state trials in the UK these days?
I mean, the name of the accused scumdent is never to be revealed, right? For bogus “legal” reasons.
Now seeing that the purpose of a legal system such as our is for “jutice” to be served publicly without fear of favour, it would be nice if the BBC pursued that matter.
So when this guy is let out after a few years, he could set up house next door to you or me and our kids, and we have NO RIGHT TO KNOW.
Welcome to the United Kafkadom
Did anyone at the BBC comment on how we now have semi-SECRET state trials in the UK these days?
I mean, the name of the accused scumdent is never to be revealed, right? For bogus “legal” reasons.
Now seeing that the purpose of a legal system such as our is for “jutice” to be served publicly without fear of favour, it would be nice if the BBC pursued that matter.
So when this guy is let out after a few years, he could set up house next door to you or me and our kids, and we have NO RIGHT TO KNOW.
Welcome to the United Kafkadom
Well put, Hugh Oxford.
All I got out of that was “Throw more money at the problem,” and then, “We need another level of bureaucracy to ensure that more money is being thrown and more bureaucrats are in place.”
Montague listens to that and asks if the government needs to spend more money, or do they need different bureaucrats throwing it at the problem.
And it sure sounded like once the lame-ass Lord Laming got on a roll talking about throwing money and bureaucrats, he started talking faster and got more and more excited.
Well put, Hugh Oxford.
All I got out of that was “Throw more money at the problem,” and then, “We need another level of bureaucracy to ensure that more money is being thrown and more bureaucrats are in place.”
Montague listens to that and asks if the government needs to spend more money, or do they need different bureaucrats throwing it at the problem.
And it sure sounded like once the lame-ass Lord Laming got on a roll talking about throwing money and bureaucrats, he started talking faster and got more and more excited.
Well put, Hugh Oxford.
All I got out of that was “Throw more money at the problem,” and then, “We need another level of bureaucracy to ensure that more money is being thrown and more bureaucrats are in place.”
Montague listens to that and asks if the government needs to spend more money, or do they need different bureaucrats throwing it at the problem.
And it sure sounded like once the lame-ass Lord Laming got on a roll talking about throwing money and bureaucrats, he started talking faster and got more and more excited.
But ‘nanny’ state must do this because a lot of the British population are infantile.
But ‘nanny’ state must do this because a lot of the British population are infantile.
But ‘nanny’ state must do this because a lot of the British population are infantile.