Hello and welcome to the brand new Biased BBC site! It’s a revolution in design and I hope you will have a look around and settle in to this new look site.
Of course these things take a lot of work and that’s why my first responsibility is to express my sincere thanks to Geoff – he from All Seeing Eye – without whose enthusiasm, good humour and sustained effort this would not have been possible. I also want to publicly thank G.O.T. (Warning; sweary blog!) for his excellent and visionary work here. We owe these two fine gentlemen thanks for bringing this work to fruition and I doff my cap to both. This is also a work in progress so please bear with us as we finesse and complete. Now, to deal with the BBC…
Just logged on. Thought I was still pxxxssed.
Good job!
Just logged on. Thought I was still pxxxssed.
Good job!
Just logged on. Thought I was still pxxxssed.
Good job!
Having a few problems. The gap between publication and moderation is a bit disconcerting
Having a few problems. The gap between publication and moderation is a bit disconcerting
Having a few problems. The gap between publication and moderation is a bit disconcerting
Good luck in your new home
Good luck in your new home
Good luck in your new home
Good work all, the site looks great!
What a crap ‘new look’. Matches the content really.
Good work all, the site looks great!
What a crap ‘new look’. Matches the content really.
Good work all, the site looks great!
What a crap ‘new look’. Matches the content really.
It’s not finished yet, anonymong…thats why they call it work in progress.
It’s not finished yet, anonymong…thats why they call it work in progress.
It’s not finished yet, anonymong…thats why they call it work in progress.
Looking good David and co
Looking good David and co
Looking good David and co
Please tell me you haven’t erased the thousands and thousands of comments detailing BBC bias over many years.
Please tell me you haven’t erased the thousands and thousands of comments detailing BBC bias over many years.
Please tell me you haven’t erased the thousands and thousands of comments detailing BBC bias over many years.
Looking good. Thanks to all who put in hard work. Just one little quibble- I think the label cloud slightly dwarfs the main bit….. but maybe that’s something one will get used to.
Looking good. Thanks to all who put in hard work. Just one little quibble- I think the label cloud slightly dwarfs the main bit….. but maybe that’s something one will get used to.
Looking good. Thanks to all who put in hard work. Just one little quibble- I think the label cloud slightly dwarfs the main bit….. but maybe that’s something one will get used to.
Please don’t tell me that either, DB.
There’s an archive section on the right going back to 2002, which is when the site started. With great trepidation, I’m about to go and check on it.
Please don’t tell me that either, DB.
There’s an archive section on the right going back to 2002, which is when the site started. With great trepidation, I’m about to go and check on it.
Please don’t tell me that either, DB.
There’s an archive section on the right going back to 2002, which is when the site started. With great trepidation, I’m about to go and check on it.
We’ve trimmed the cloud twice…once by restricting it to only words which have been used more than 5 times and just now by font size. Hopefully more manageable now.
We’ve trimmed the cloud twice…once by restricting it to only words which have been used more than 5 times and just now by font size. Hopefully more manageable now.
We’ve trimmed the cloud twice…once by restricting it to only words which have been used more than 5 times and just now by font size. Hopefully more manageable now.
Fantastic new look! And goooooood riddance to the awful Haloscan comment system.
It really is great to see the new site up and running. At it’s core though, it’s the good old Biased BBC we know and love….complete with the obligatory sneering of inadequate turds like Mr ‘Anonymous’ above…great!
Fantastic new look! And goooooood riddance to the awful Haloscan comment system.
It really is great to see the new site up and running. At it’s core though, it’s the good old Biased BBC we know and love….complete with the obligatory sneering of inadequate turds like Mr ‘Anonymous’ above…great!
Fantastic new look! And goooooood riddance to the awful Haloscan comment system.
It really is great to see the new site up and running. At it’s core though, it’s the good old Biased BBC we know and love….complete with the obligatory sneering of inadequate turds like Mr ‘Anonymous’ above…great!
Oh by the way, my only gripe so far….the pointless graphic links to YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and Yahoo on the left. Pretty, but ultimately out of place. And a bandwidth hog (think of us who sometimes view on mobiles!)
Oh by the way, my only gripe so far….the pointless graphic links to YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and Yahoo on the left. Pretty, but ultimately out of place. And a bandwidth hog (think of us who sometimes view on mobiles!)
Oh by the way, my only gripe so far….the pointless graphic links to YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and Yahoo on the left. Pretty, but ultimately out of place. And a bandwidth hog (think of us who sometimes view on mobiles!)
Thought I'd help celebrate the new look by sharing this great liberal-mocking song by the one and only Jeremy Taylor.
Never heard of him? You're in for a treat:
Thought I'd help celebrate the new look by sharing this great liberal-mocking song by the one and only Jeremy Taylor.
Never heard of him? You're in for a treat:
Thought I'd help celebrate the new look by sharing this great liberal-mocking song by the one and only Jeremy Taylor.
Never heard of him? You're in for a treat:
One thing – what’s the deal with the proboards forum? I know it’s been around for a few years and I even read it myself from time to time…is that now affiliated with Biased-BBC or were they always connected? I had thought the two sites were completely separate. Anyway, it’s good to see it here because it never got enough traffic which is a shame because the regular contributors to it write some excellent posts.
One thing – what’s the deal with the proboards forum? I know it’s been around for a few years and I even read it myself from time to time…is that now affiliated with Biased-BBC or were they always connected? I had thought the two sites were completely separate. Anyway, it’s good to see it here because it never got enough traffic which is a shame because the regular contributors to it write some excellent posts.
One thing – what’s the deal with the proboards forum? I know it’s been around for a few years and I even read it myself from time to time…is that now affiliated with Biased-BBC or were they always connected? I had thought the two sites were completely separate. Anyway, it’s good to see it here because it never got enough traffic which is a shame because the regular contributors to it write some excellent posts.
Hmmm. Not able to post links properly? Need to sort that out!
Hmmm. Not able to post links properly? Need to sort that out!
Hmmm. Not able to post links properly? Need to sort that out!
Ouch, help. How does the computer-challenged post a link?
I’m using the name/URL option.
Ouch, help. How does the computer-challenged post a link?
I’m using the name/URL option.