Don’t know if you caught TFTD on Today this morning but is was a blatantly political appeal for a “Two-State” solution to the conflict between Israel and the “Palestinians.” It’s amazing how sometimes the bias is so deep that they don’t even feel it.
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A two state solution will only work if the islamist gangsters want peace, they dont, they require brief respite only to rearm and continue the racist jihad, its the peace of the pieces, a little piece and little piece there. The aim is to dice’N’slice Israel to weaken her and push her peoples into ever smaller borders, once the ball of concessions is rolling the islamists will push for more amd more, give an inch and they take a mile!
Nothing short of the complete extermination of the state of Israel will satisfy the islamists, a so called two state solution will only be a more powerful platform on which to launch the next phase of opperation ‘drive the Jews into the sea’.
You cannot exist in harmony with a rabid dog, you cannot bargain with or accomodate a hate filled killer out to murder you.
Does anyone other than the hanwringing leftists/beeboids think that the islamists will just give up and throw away their AK47s to build up their land instead of raping and commiting it to ruin?
Common sense and the very words from the mouths of the islamists tells us that the end game is the destruction of Israel and yet still we hear the BBC peace at any price narrative/appeasement really will this time honest guv!
The unfortunate thing is that you are right Cass.
The even more unfortunate thing is that the left has fooled itself in to believing these people want peace.
No, what they want is the destruction of Israel.
I didn’t catch the broadcast, so I don’t know how it was said, but a two-state solution seems perfectly sensible in principle.
Cassandra is right though – that won’t be enough for the Palestinians, or at least their leaders, who appear to want only the extermination of Israel.
The politically naive and misguided use the ‘two-state solution’ as a euphemism for peace. The Thought for the Day was about love, peace. moms and apple pie. I thought it demonstrated the rabbi’s simplistic desire for peace and brotherhood, while showing that she hadn’t grasped the political implications of the two-state “solution”, (or read Melanie Phillips.)
She was certainly unwise to say that on Thought for the Day, but in this case it’s probably more her own ignorance and, yes, perhaps bias, than the BBC’s.
Roland, you come into the category above as you evidently don’t know much about this complex subject.
Today is horrendous today. Ken Livingdead again, and Tariq Ramalamadingdong having a severe attack of stuttering.
They always call him an Oxford professor – but isn’t he just a visiting lecturer?
Oh, and Shami.
If anyone hasn’t seen Clegg on Brown or Crabb on workplace bullying from PMQ’s yesterday they are well worth the watch, only a couple of minutes each and the Crabb clip has had over 3,600 views since yesterday: Clegg Brown Crabb Video Sandwich.
Cassandra 8:40
But the BBC support the extermination of Israel, so they support the “two-state solution” as the next step.
Roland, you come into the category above as you evidently don’t know much about this complex subject.Why, thank you for that kind comment, Sue. I did say it was sensible in principle. I am well aware that the practice is entirely different, as I alluded to in the paragraph after.
Swiss Bob 9:08
The highlight of PMQs was Brown’s reaction to allegations that he was a workplace bully. He completely lost it and made a total fool of himself. The laughter in the House seemed to last forever. Even the Speaker was laughing.
I didn’t see the BBC yesterday, but can anyone tell me if it was shown on BBC TV news ?
Dear Sue,
With respect, Roland was I feel expressing a very understandable view that a two state solution between fair minded peoples like Scotland and England could and would work very easily and smoothly.
There is a temptation to judge others by our own standard moral model, this is the error in the case of Israel and the islamists crowding its small borders.
A speration of England and Scotland/Wales into separate entities would be carried out with no violence only peaceful co opperation and co existance.
The mass of people have been fed a pack of lies about Israel by people so the obvious conclusion is that many believe the ‘big lie’.
Cassie k.
But who else in the whole country has more to say on the 70s than Livingstone and Andy Beckett? It’s obvious to the BBC – if nobody else – that no-one to the right of Socialist Action has better insight into that period of our history. Livingstone is, after all, the BBC candidate for mayor of London in 2012 and Andy Beckett is the extremely unprepossessing Guardianista journalist who happens to have written a book on the 70s: nothing like the BBC giving free publicity to, effectively, one of its own.
BTW it’s just as irritating to hear some uber-sensitive rabbi spout peacenik crap (or just common or garden crap) as it is to hear John Bell whine on about his lefty delusions (from a religious perspective naturally). Again, it’s not that these idiots shouldn’t get access to the airwaves, it’s that there is no contrary opinion allowed to be broadcast on TFTD.
Roland and Cassandra,
I think you are right about the category thing. Sorry.
Arabs were offered a 2 state solution 60 years ago, which they rejected in favour of violence.
As Roland says, a two state solution is a sensible idea BUT we arent dealing with a sensible group of people.
I mean this makes about as much sense as demanding Israel to return to its 67 borders for peace with Arabs. What people conveniently forget is that Israel was within its borders in 48, 67, 73 and every other year Arabs chose to attack Israel.
What makes them think Arabs will suddenly settle for peace now?
Sue said ‘Today is horrendous today’…I have largely given up listening to it but today I did and all the ‘old favourites’ were on! What increasingly annoys me is that when any topic comes up for discussion the BBC seems to prefer to interview someone NOT from the indigenous population. This morning a report on Muslim immigrant attitudes to integrating in their chosen country (ours are the least happy by the way) was discussed between a Frenchman and an American woman. Yesterday a report on the news concerning social workers featured an Italian and an Afro-Caribbean. I have long given up on education topics of ever seeing a classroom scene with more than two white pupils.
BTW it’s just as irritating to hear some uber-sensitive rabbi spout peacenik crapIt certainly is; I’d like to smack her in the face. ( smiley face) But how much control over the content of TFTD do you think the Beeb has? other than selecting the contributors – I suppose that’s enough though.
I’ve started using these smiley faces ever since we can’t use them. What’s the psychology of that, then?
Is there a secret HTML tag for making a space after closing italics tags etc?
Someone else has asked this as well.
See above post for problem. Crapit? never heard of it.
Today’s classic Today – all the usual suspects – was marred by the interview by Ed Stourton with a reporter from Sri Lanka. After discussions of how the tamil Tigers were being accused by their own people of keeping them captive and shooting them if they tried to escape, Stourton ludicrously pulled the guy up for using the word “terrorist” – “that’s very inflammatory”.
How ridiculous can people like Stourton get ? Fortunately the reporter replied that there is no denying that the Tigers have frequently bombed and killed their own people – in other words, they have ruled their own enclaves by terror, as well as visiting terror on other parts of Sri Lanka. (Just like Hamas and Hezbollah and Al Q in Iraq and the Taliban etc imposing their rule by sheer terror)
I expect that reporter will get a serious dressing-down. How dare he breach the editorial guidlines hat no overseas terrorists, however bad, should ever be described except with weasely words such as militants.
Obama prepares to throw Israel under the bus:
“The idea that if a Palestine state comes into being it will be easier to handle Iran is the opposite of the case: a Palestine state will be Iran, in the sense that it will be run by Hamas as a proxy for the Islamic Republic. The idea that a Palestine state will not compromise Israel’s security is ludicrous.
It is not the aggressor here but the victim of aggression that America is now choosing to beat up. In any sane world, one might think the Americans would be piling the pressure on the Palestinians to renounce their genocidal ambitions against Israel, to stop teaching and training their children to hate and kill Jews, to adhere to the primary requirement in the Road Map that they must dismantle their infrastructure of violence as the first step in the peace process; one might think, indeed, that they would view Mahmoud Abbas’s repeated statements that the Palestinians will never accept Israel as a Jewish state to be the main impediment to peace”. Melanie Phillips
You make a good point in showing that the BBC seldom includes the views of “Joe or Jane Public”.
It looks like the Government is going to withdraw the Science SATS test at age 11 – Key Stage 2. The effect will probably be to undermine the other SATS tests in English and Maths.
The BBC never asks parents what they think – do they actually want their kids – and thereby the teachers and schools assessed properly ? SATs were introducd because parents had no way of knowing how many useless teachers and schools there are.
There is nothing hard about the Science test, it is all commonsense stuff with a limited number of facts necessary on each topic. eg the main organs of the body are brain, lungs, heart, liver. Just KNOWING the main organs gets a pass on that topic – knowing their actual function (in simple 3-word terms) gets a top pass. I would imagine most parents quite like their kids learning some basic science – rather than footling around on Religious Instruction which consists largely on indoctrination especially on Islam.
But the BBC never lets the parents get a word in. Or the taxpayers who fund the huge eductaion budget.
David Vance
A ‘two state solution’ is the agreed policy objective of Israel, the United States, Russia, the EU, the Palestinian Authority and the UN Security Council.
A ‘one (Islamic) state solution’ is the policy of Iran and Hamas (with Syria being vague).
So if the BBC is being biased in favour of Israel and the US and against Hamas for a change, hey, let’s celebrate rather than carp.
I think that you fine that in evry country that evry newspaper or tv stasion will be supportin one side more than the other.
Bbc is probaly just like al the other tv stasions.
John A:
that Stourton quote is a CLASSIC spot!
We’re always being told by BBC-apologists that they prefer not to use the word Terrorist NOT because it might offend said terrorists, but because it’s “often a bar to understanding” (excuse me while I vomit).
With that “that’s very INFLAMMATORY” comment, Stourton reveals that they don’t use the word simply because they want to be nice, understanding, non-judgmental, aiding and abetting, and above all not seen to be offending said terrorists!
Trebles all round!
Unless he’s laying into one side against the other there really isn’t any true bias in what is, after all, an opinion piece.
JohnA 12:17
As a science graduate myself, I took a look at SATs science papers, and quite honestly, they are so dumbed down as to be almost worthless.
Meanwhile, China and India are increasing Science provision in schools and universities. And making exams tougher.
Not much future for the UK, competing with these countries.
And no number of thick “celebrities” will make any difference.
The Stage 2 SATs test in Science is so straightforward that I composed a “textbook”/ revision list for one of my grandchildren. All it took was odd hours on planes and trains – hey presto, 25 pages of big type in A4 format with everything she needed to know plus 10 questions on each topic. An “exam cram” – but also a basic text she could take forward into her senior school, where they start to add more detail.
Why did I do this ? Because her local school was failing to tech her even these simple basics.
It is the FAILURE of schools and many many teachers that caused the introduction of the SATs tests. The unions have always opposed them. Even Callaghan was appalled at the lack of proper standards of teching – he recognised that the people who suffered most were the working class. The current debate about SATs on various BBC programmes has totally ignored the parents’ views.
SATs are absolute crap.
The vast majority of parents DO NOT use SAT’s to guage how well their kids are doing BUT to determine where their kids will go to school!
I wouldnt SATs so much if the Government kept the scores secret and only used it to determine where spending goes as a priority BUT the reality is that todays parents solely use SATs scores to determine which schools are desirable and which arent.
JohnA 1:51
Good points, all. I used to be a University lecturer in UK, but resigned for various reasons, including falling standards and grade inflation.
All very sad and it is the pupils and students who are being conned.
The female rabbi is obviously unaware of anything that happened between 1948 and 1967. I don’t mind so much that she’s allowed to mewl about the possibilities of a two-state solution in which Israel has actual security or whatever. I do, however, mind when she – as an alleged representative of the Jewish side of the issue, never mind an effin’ ordained rabbi – is allowed to use a bogus Jacob and Esau analogy to rewrite history about exactly what was going on with the “Palestinians” during that 19-year hole in her theory.
From past discussions with BBC people and fellow travelers here, it’s obvious that nobody at the BBC even knows what she got wrong. They actually believe it themselves, which is part of the problem, and feeds their bias. So they bring on a Jew who has the approved thoughts, in order to emphasize the narrative.
It does nobody any favors to get the facts wrong and rewrite history just because one thinks one side deserves more sympathy, no matter which side one is on.
In reply to your question at 10:06 a.m., the PMQ about workplace bullies was actually covered on last night’s 10 O’Clock News.
Nick Robinson made a brief remark which was lost on me as Mrs D was yapping in my ear.
Roland 4:44
Thanks for that, at least the BBC covered it.
Re. Mrs. D, Well , Mrs. G is in Gambia just now , but still yapping over the phone !
David Preiser: So they bring on a Jew who has the approved thoughts, in order to emphasize the narrative.
She’s an Uncle Moshe.
I bet the BBC can’t wait to bring in a female Catholic priest (with her lover) to offer approved her thoughts on the Pope.
Hi, interesting that this rabbi's thought for the day is remarkably consistent with the OneVoice poll recently published – – but which I cannot find mentioned on, apart from when it was aluded to in TTFD this morning.
As the poll is so consistent with 'the narrative' dont you find that a bit surprising?
Perhaps that it is because it is the B-BBC narrative that is out of touch?
Sarah Jane.
PS the site is much less easy to comment on now, haloscan was not perfect, but it was easy to comment compared to google comments.
Sarah Jane,
I can’t speak for anyone else, but my objection was about the rabbi’s false analogy and historical revisionism, and not her appeal for a two-state solution.
That’s the narrative I was concerned about.
Perhaps that it is because it is the B-BBC narrative that is out of touch?Sarah Jane.
Out of touch with what? The mainstream? The poll? Public opinion?
So bloody what, Sarah Jane.
If polled, the majority would probably opt for Joanna Lumley for PM and Susan Boyle for the chancellor of the Exchequor.
For a must read, (hat tip commenter form Melanie P’s blog,)read Mark Steyn’s article “Israel Today the West Tomorrow.”PS the site is much less easy to comment on now, haloscan was not perfect, but it was easy to comment compared to google comments. Now you’re talking!
Sarah Jane
I reckon an awful lot of people 8in the UK are fed up with Islamist terrorism.
Thanks to the BBC they don’t realise that Hamas = terrorism. After all, the BBC never uses the T word for overseas terrorist atrocities.
Also, thanks to the BBC, there is a perception that Israel is a huge state attacking all those poor Arabs that occupy 95% of the Middle East.
The BBC’s coverage of the ME is despicable, false, and we are forced by pain of fines and even imprisonment to pay for it.
You should be ashamed to be shilling for such an outrage. But hey, I forgot – you often work for them. Your wages are extracted from us, under threat.
PS I am not Jewish, just been around to see decades of what has really happened in the Middle East. The BBC narrative is a total distortion of the facts.
I watched the 6 o’clock news on BBC1 then the news at 7 on 4.
They could have been talking about different ecomomies.
The BBC made it sound like we were over the worst.
On Newsnight they did a little filmed piece about 1979 without mentioning their parties economic legasy.
The BBC’s love affair with Islam is vomit-inducing.
Exhibit 1: Create lead news story on Obama’s speech to Muslims, note that this is not due to happen for another month. Put in as an afterthought his visit during the same tour to the D-Day landing sites, an event of FAR FAR greater importance to the British people.
Exhibit 2: Create lead news story on Pope’s tour with ‘respect for Islam’, as an afterthought explain that he will be visiting Israel. Emphasize continuously that the Pope is ‘offensive’ to Muslims since he shockingly linked Islam and violence, a connection which is absolutely and utterly inconceivable.
Allahu Akhbar from al-BBC!