I wonder what it is about this report on the situation in Sri Lanka that makes me think of Gaza? We’re all Tamils now…
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I wonder what it is about this report on the situation in Sri Lanka that makes me think of Gaza? We’re all Tamils now…
The BBC never seems to allow anyone to suggest that the quickest way for the fighting in Sri Lanka to end would be for the Tamil terrorists to lay down their arms. We only ever hear suggestions that the Sri Lankan Army should stop fighting to liberate their country from Tamil terrorists. Those Tamils who really don’t want to live in a democratic Sri Lanka can always make the short boat journey to the Indain state of Tamil Nadu.
Count me out!…if the BBC support them then I’m certtainly against them…it makes life far simpler.
When defending Muslim terrorists, the BBC has long been keen to point out that the Tamil Tigers invented suicide bombing.
I wonder how often this will be stressed now the TTs are the BBC’s favourite victim group?
The BBC keeps quoting a “Government” doctor’s claims of deaths. But this is an area long-held by the Tamil Tigers. So I doubt if he is a Gov doc.
Sounds very much like the false claims by medics in Gaza who openly support Hamas.
This is a small story hidden away on the South Asia page, somehow I think that the BBC would make it headline news if it related to Israel in Gaza and that is the problem with the BBC.
More here
Not a Sheep
I have heard that story in Radio 4 news headlines every hour since 7am.
BBC London is reporting that all traffic is blocked around Parliament Square and over a much wider area. By a demo. Somehow fails to say who is running the demo. Strange that !
North Northwester @11:51PM
I wonder how often this will be stressed now the TTs are the BBC’s favourite victim group?
Good point. Judging from the BBC’s recent reporting, I can’t tell if the Tigers have even given anyone a scratch.
BBC is acting as LTTE mouth piece. They have once again quoted straight out of Tamilnet as their source and gone out of their way to discredt the Government and its responses (also changing quotes and statements from the Government).
Also copied Pictures directly from Tamilnet.
Biggest joke ever.
From another blooger:
noth said…
BBC used a picture from Tamilnet, for their article
The person lying in the middle of the picture(blue sarong/white shirt) next to the standing man is trying to get up in the next picture from Tamilnet !
May 13, 2009 9:16 AM
Best of all they are posing for the picture. See the young girls, looks like she is smiling to the camera.
Finally the most comical thing about this whole affair is that wherever there is a Tamil there also seems to be a hospital!
Wow. I haven’t been around for a week or so, and here is a whole new website. Very good. Just trying the new posting method.
Oh by the way here’s one of the many “hospitals” that were “bombed”, last week Aljerkoff and BBC cried to the world broadcasting photos of this place, at the rate the NFZ is being “shelled” you’d expect a crater the size of Mexico…guess not:
Skip to 1:37.
These are the images from Aljerkoff and BBC over this same place that was “shelled”.
Thing to note sources of these images (these ones and new ones) all from the LTTE itself. Quoted word for word by these pro LTTE stooges.
Thanks for posting some counter-facts to the BBC’s LTTE propaganda
Many people do not know about the structural violence of some states . When the oppressed rebel with guns, the blood is visible to all. the rational can work out the underlying cause.
When state terrorism stops the sixty-year conflict will end:
International Dimensions of the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka, John P. Neelsen(Tuebingen University, Germany), 20th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, 8-11 July 2008: ”A shortcoming in international law as to internal colonialism and the right to self-determination renders the current types of international intervention not just inadequate to contribute to a negotiated solution of ethnic conflicts, but tends to inflame them.”
If people bother to read the reports of the UN and AI of the last forty years they will see
i.how successive Sri Lankan governments have been expertly carrying out damage control exercise(some other countries also do but not so expertly as Sri lanka) to ward off sanctions by the UN and
ii.how human rights violator countries gang up together and make the UN so feeble and that is why we have been seeing genocides even after ”THE HOLOCAUST”.
Now UNHRC is struggling to fight with human rights violator countries to be less repressive.
The oppressed can easily understand this. Those who really care for them also can understand it. But those who scan the horizon with minimum effort the dubious ways of oppressors will not be visible:
Leo Kuper in Prevention of Genocide( 1985 ) commented on the failure of the United Nations Sub Commission on Human Rights to condemn the genocidal attack(July 1983 pogrom) on the Tamil People –
“….there were also political currents observable in the alignment of members, though I could not altogether fathom the geo political considerations involved. In the end a very mild resolution was passed calling for information from the Sri Lanka government and recommending that the commission examine the situation at the next meeting in the light of the information available. There was, however, only a bare majority for the resolution (10 for, 8 against and 4 abstaining). It is unfortunate that the United Nations did not take a firm stand at this stage…”
It’s only within the last few months international media have begun to notice the genocide in Sri Lanka. Earlier cries were drowned by ”war-on-terror”.
If the UN were able to deal with state terror we won’t have so many vicious intrastate conflicts.