little known facts about Carrie Gracie * She is a fluent Mangarin speaker. * She ran her own restaurant for a year. * She is married to a Chinese rock star.
Interesting snippet in the latest Private Eye following Hazel Blears’ attack on Broon. The Observer ran the headline ‘Hazel Blears Savages Brown over Lmantable Failures.’ Sky News headline: ‘Brown Gets Titanic Battering.’ After a call to No. 10, the BBC ran: ‘Blears denies criticism of Brown’, swiftly replaced after Andy ‘Red’ Marr’s interview with Alan Johnson to: ‘Brown’s Best Man for PM – Johnson.’ As PE said, “No. 10’s media watchers were delighted.”
BBC is going over slowly but surely from labour bias to conservative bias.
Take the non reporting of Germany’s economic meltdown.
They were quick enough to publicise the German condemnation of British economic stimulus, but the German policies of non intervention as advised by the conservative right wing have led to it being the worst affected of all major nations. Their policy is bankrupt. Their economy is bankrupt. They haven’t saved for a rainy day any more than Britain hadn’t. And they are suckered into the diabolical straightjacket of the euro. And there is far worse to come on their financial exposure to eastern europe.
Yet we hear nothing, even when the likes of Telegraph are going on about it, we still see their right wing silence.
The BBC are running scared and like dominos with one policy after another they are going from bias for labour to bias for the conservatives whilst keeping their shocking biases for pro islam pro atheist anti christian anti jewish pro gay lobby pro pc anti MMGW pro liberal because they think its outside political bias.
Along with the massive love in for Cameron that is now building so fast, much quicker than for the conservatives as a whole.
The BBC is just slowly moving from one bias to another, that is not what is needed.
They need to stop the bias.
Better still just stop the BBC and their snouts in the trough staff, perhaps we could get to see details of their expenses, then see who wants to keep paying the licence fee telly tax.
More accurate would be “Hypocritical song played by hypocritical religious authorities reported by hypocritical organisation”
Imagine no possessions from a multi millionnaire who wasted a fortune on drugs and on conspicuous consumption, its nauseating.
Imagine Liverpool cathedral being christian it really is hard to do. Presumably these are the sorts of ‘christian’ that think the bible is a christian version of the koran but with no actual facts in it, its just a metaphor for the real prophets like Darwin and Dawkins and God is just a universal energy force maybe.
Imagine the BBC thinks its right to report this as a beautiful thing unchallenged.
You don’t have to imagine, alas its all happened already.
Interesting that the Israeli duo Noa and Mira Awad, performing this years Eurovision entry, belong to a moderate Israeli/ Palestinian initiative called “One Voice” dedicated to bringing the moderate (i.e Western, forward looking) opinion of Iraelis and Israeli Arabs and Palestinians together. Actively supported by Paul McCartney, there is not a mention of this on the B.B.C website (that I can see) instead the Beeboid article talks of previous tensions between the two, during the Gaza counterattack. obviously this initiative does not fit the beeboid narrative. Cant have political co-operation wiv yer jooos now, can we? Whatever next?
Are their any BBC heads of department or senior reporters and correspondents that actually have their specialism in the field being reported?
Genuine question, because I can’t think of any, the example of the science correspondent who specialised in english or the Christian Songs of Praise director who is muslim aren’t exceptions, they are the rule.
Anonymous said… BBC is going over slowly but surely from labour bias to conservative bias.
Ahhh, just like it was 1979-1992 during the Thatcher era. I remember those days so well. The relentless pro-conservative, pro Milton Friedman, pro-capitalism propaganda pumped out 24/7.
But seriously dude… you are very un-nuanced. The BBC is Institutionally Leftist. It’s a cultural thang. It has nothing to do with the passing epmemera of a particular political party.
The BBC is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Marxian mindset. Sustained by the relentless corruption of academia into bastions of authoritarian thought and unfree speech.
The BBC is the communications arm of the Marxists. That’s why the soft tyranny of the Labour party is the current helper monkey for them.
They will not be moving right if the current semi-detached “conervative” Cameron wins. Believe me.
At best the BBC is begining to bleed a tiny (a VERY tiny) amount of scepticism about Labour into it’s reports.
But that’s all. They may even lose interest in carrying the torch for McBogie and his gang sometime down the line. But there is no way on god’s earth that they’ll ever be pro-conservative.
And I wouldn’t want them to be. I don’t want ANY political bias towards any party, left right or whomever, in the BBC I’m forced to pay for….
The Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949, which is the means through which the BBC acquires the majority of its funding, is a piece of legislation which is so illegitimately repugnant in its abusive mechanisms that any civilised Government would have abolished it years ago.
“Anyone noticed the news BBC4 series on Ireland and the rise and fall of its economy? Was there any reason apart from malice to call it In Search of the Pope’s Children?
6:24 PM, May 15, 2009″
Rex – that is an Irish produced TV series, by the Dublin based economist David McWilliams.
So the answer is no. No malice.
“Popes children” refers to the the generation that was born at the time of the Pope’s visit to Ireland in 1980 – the first generation of Irish that never experienced recession or having to leave Ireland for work.
The German economic situation was the subject of an interesting item on P.M. yesterday afternoon on Radio 4 which explained it clearly to me and also indicated that the problem may persist longer there too despite not having a housing bubble to burst or huge personal indebtedness. Rather perversely it is the result of German export success to basket cases like us living on funny money, which until we recover and start importing German technical products again will delay their recovery.
“Abbas Taj, 30, a mini-cab driver, was found guilty at Croydon Crown court of conspiracy to firebomb the home of Martin Rynja, the publisher of The Jewel Of Medina”. More..The Times
Poor old BBC. They keep trying to move the story on, but grubby Liebour MPs just keep dropping them in it.
That twat Tam Dalyell not even thinking that 18K for frigging book cases is more than most families have to live on for a year just shows that Socialists really don’t give a toss.
Now we have another Liebour MP suspended, yet the BBC keeps banging on about how this is effecting ALL parties. Yes it is, but Cameron has read the riot act to his lot.
Cameron knows that he may need to go further yet and draw REAL blood, but people see leadership from him. What do we see from McSnot? Dithering and support for that twat michael Martin, a man who has to shoulder a lot of blame for the current mess, NOT Thatcher as the rent boy abusing drug taking twats at the BBC keep stating.
Also note that it’s ONLY left wing journalists like Sir Michael Shite, Polly Toynbee and Steve Richards suggesting that “we need to move on”
They didn’t say that on Tuesday when Tories were getting battered in the press did they?
Twat face Sir Michael Shite was also defending McSnot today, claiming that McSnot’s cleaner was an unfair story. Really? Why the f**k should people on low wages subsidise McSnot to clean his flat? Hasn’t he got a wife?
It’s sad that Justin Webb feels that it’s his job as a BBC reporter to reassure those who might start to doubt Him.
Once again, I’m reminded of Corinthians 15, in which Paul is trying to reassure his audience:
1Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
The only difference between this and Webb’s post is the slightest hint of disappointment in his last words about “a just cause”. Awwww.
If ol’ Justin was an honest reporter about the US and our President, he’d point out that the fact that The Obamessiah is taking the same position as Booooosh must mean that Boooooosh was doing something right. Instead Webb presents only one the spin: He’s “pragmatic”.
And it’s this kind of genius that got him a job on Today.
30 people gather one time in Moscow for a little gay rights protest, and it’s instantly one of the top stories on the BBC. The report itself is sympathetic towards the protesters and their cause.
On the other hand, hundreds of thousands of people across the US protest against Socialism and excessive government tax-and-pork, for weeks and weeks, and the BBC never, ever covered it until the one most highly publicized day of protests. And then they lied about it and actually insulted the protesters.
Are you able to receive 'Dateline London', with Gavin Esler? (BBC News 24). This is usually an Obama love-in, stacked with liberal types. Before I discovered this website, I used to text them each week complaining about the biased composition of the panel! (Damn the cost, it's my duty!)
Today's last segment was on Obama & Guantanamo.
'Pragmatism' and 'common sense' were words on all the lefty guests' lips.
Liberal disciple after Liberal disciple (from Jamaica, Italy and our own Labour-lickspittle Steve Richards) showed understanding for the One.
There are psychos among the releasees, they said. Over 60 have gone back to terrorism since their release, they said. Esler himself opined that America needs to be secure.
Isn't this what George Bush argued all along? Didn't these self-same amnesiacs berate him for so doing?
Now Obama says these things, though, they're true. And criticisms of Obama, which they themselves made of Bush, are now "absurd".
Today’s coverage on the expenses row led with the Chaytor story, first few words “a second Labour MP….”. Radio 5 led with “Another Labour MP..” Current lead story on website reads “Labour MP is suspended. “
Counterfactual to the common claims on here that stories embarrassing to the Labour party are buried on the BBC and that the party allegiance is not mentioned when a MP considered at fault is Labour. The “Labour peers” story the other day and the way it was covered on the bbc provides similar rebuttal.
You will find that WE often have to contact the BBC to get them to correct their stories and mention the fact that someone up to no good is Liebour and not a Tory.
Why do you think we should be thankful the BBC is actually reporting facts?
You Martin are the chief sinner in pursuing this easily rebutted nonsense.
And though not a druggie myself, i would be happy to buy you a Prozac suppository. It might give you a moment’s respite from whatever demons haunt you.
Here's an interesting "counterfactual" to claims that the BBC is impartial. ("Ha!", as Mrs Krabappel would say)
Today’s ‘Dateline’ panel (BBC News 24, 12.30) consisted of Annalisa Piras of ‘L’espresso’ magazine, which Wikipedia calls “a left wing Italian newsmagazine”; Steve Richards, chief political correspondent of the left-leaning ‘Independent’; Saul Zadka, most unusually an Israeli guest, but who writes for AL London (who?) and who defended Obama staunchly and who once worked for the Haaretz newspaper, which Wikipedia calls “liberal” and “left-wing”. As for the final guest, Bernard Burrell of Radio Jamaica, the internet has let me down, but he’s a recurrent panelist and sounds like a die-hard leftie to me, with all his sociological jargon.
That's par for the course for 'Dateline London' – and more balanced that usual, if anything.
The programme discussed three issues.
The first segment agreed that the expenses crisis was over-done, dangerous and mainly a problem of public perception. Criticism of the political class are "largely unjustified", "some of it is not as bad as it seems" and the chief cause of the crisis is that MPs aren't paid enough!!
The second segment praised Obama's & his change of policy concerning Israel and the Palestinians.
The third segment offered understanding and praise for Obama over his Guantanamo u-turn.
This isn’t really about bias – unless you consider it bias against the correct use of the English language! – but 2 things caught my attention this afternoon:
1. Anonymous (5.47pm) wrote, “Counterfactual to the common claims on here…”. He probably meant “contrary to”. Counterfactual” can either mean a grammatical form or an imagined (“virtual”) history.
2. Nick Ravenscroft on BBC News 24 this afternoon, reporting from Bury North on reactions to its crooked MP, said, “They are literally hopping mad”. I was very much looking forward to the vox-pops that followed!! Sadly, the voters stayed still.
I haven’t seen Dateline London. I’m probably blocked from it, though. If it’s a bunch of foreign correspondents giving their opinion, I can well imagine the Obamessiah worship.
Yes, it’s amusing to watch them praise Him over the same things over which they condemned ChimpyMcBushitler. I’m sure nobody is talking about Pelosi’s “torture” problem, either.
“Al Jazeera and Qatar:The Muslim Brothers’ Dark Empire?” (by Zvi Mazel, ‘Jersusalem Centre for Public Affairs’ Vol 8, No 29, 14 May):
[Extract] –
“This is where Al Jazeera comes into play. The influential satellite channel brings to Qatar what it lacks to be a serious player. Today, reality can be changed through the media. It is generally thought that the creation of a satellite channel in Doha in 1996 marked the beginning of a new era for the Arab world. The emir recruited seasoned personnel fluent in English and Arabic, most of them from the unsuccessful BBC Arabic channel. Soon the new station was broadcasting news and commentary around the clock. In a matter of years Al Jazeera had assumed a leading role in Arab telecommunications. It is today a vast empire comprising an English news channel, a sports channel, a documentary channel, and a children’s channel. Its broadcasts can be accessed through cellular phones and it has a website updated constantly with the latest news from all over the world. Its latest endeavor is a short-wave radio station broadcasting to the Arab world.
“There was never any doubt about the network’s political orientation. Al Jazeera immediately launched scathing attacks on Israel during the Second Intifada and went on to incendiary broadcasts against the United States at the time of the Afghanistan conflict and later over Iraq. It was well received by Arab audiences in the Middle East and among Arab communities in Europe.”
Somewhat topical, even important given the imminent EU elections:
Official figures from the EU, the IMF and Eurostat…
Italy, Austria, Spain and Netherlands are facing their biggest combined slump in post-war history…Germany’s GDP down 3.8pc, a record…”German economic policy is bankrupt, and the Mediterranean countries stuck in EMU are condemned to ongoing economic collapse.”
Read all about it, or at least some of it, here in one of your own wobbly print organs:
WTF is Robert Peston? Maybe Andrew Marr tomorrow morning, ya think?
What I meant to say was: got to give the Muslims their due – they know how to increase their representation in the UK at an annual rate of 10:1 compared with the rest of the population.
Got to laugh at the BBC news hacks this morning having a go at the politicians who tried to keep the truth about their expenses from the public.
Could this the same news organisation that consistently lies to the public about MMGW, Israel-Palestine, Obama/USA, Gordon Brown, Liebour, Islam, terrorism, et cetera, et cetera ad nauseam?
On the Andrew Marr show, a luvvie duvvie, cosy atmosphere with Marr, Juliet Stevenson (luvvie) and Nick Clegg MP. You had to see it to believe it. All the left wing-‘liberal’ bias in its sickening glory.
When previously Mariella Frostrup made a comment about how the world is silent over what is going on in Sri Lanka, Marr was strangely silent. Probably not wanting to distract people from the ‘Israel is evil’ meme.
The Observer mentions that the BBC may come under scrutiny as well. I wonder does the BBC have something similar to an Additional Costs Allowance, above and beyond the wages that they pay? Does it also provide additional expenses for their legion of journalists who live outside London, and need a second home closer to White City? I wonder?
Again not bias but like you, ever since Stephen Fry said that he fiddled his expense claims, made me wonder what BBC employees could claim and if they could they would.
Remember Jo Abbess, the eco activist who got Roger Harrabin to change one of his articles? Here’s her hilarious response to the news that the chairman of the energy and climate change committee and former climate change minister Elliot Morley made £16,000 in bogus mortgage claims:
Judging from what I know at the moment, Elliot Morley has been unfairly criticised, and yet the long knives have come out to despatch him. People do make mistakes in accounting. I’m willing to suspend judgement on this one particular MP until the full facts are in. I very much doubt that someone with such rocking green credentials and such a gentlemanly and gentil manner would be genuinely corrupt.
Clearly,there is a strong case for the BBC licencepaying public to have access to the same sort of detailed information on BBC salaries and expenses as is being demanded of Members of Parliament.
Both institutions are publicly funded, but the BBC is the least publicly accountable and democratic.
“A Cabinet minister is urging the BBC to follow the Commons’ example and publish every expenses receipt filed by its staff.
“Northern Ireland Secretary Shaun Woodward”* [and Labour Cabinet Minister] “made the suggestion when he implied that the corporation was wasting public money by giving him biscuits.”
* Of course, there is pot-and- kettle stuff here:
Channel 4 report concludes:
“Last week Mr Woodward, reputedly the richest Cabinet member, faced criticism after the Daily Telegraph revealed he had claimed £100,000 in allowances over four years to help pay his mortgage interest.”
Thank’s Deborah I didn’t know about Fry’s remarks, the Telegraph has this Stephen Fry and his big brain One interesting comment here says “I have made an enquiry to the bbc re jeremy paxmans wages and expense. I suspect i will never get an answer. I would bet that his expenses come to more than an mps salary” I remember Newsnight’s kirsty and her trip to a Berlin hairdresser, I said then it left a nasty smell behind “seeing how palpably excited these bbc people get themselves on a trail of being courted, wined, coiffured and genuinely spoilt, at the expense of the bbc licence payer” I’m sure that it was “Oh, the BBC will pay for all of this”, that is to say, publicly funded, and none of it was from her own pocket! When it is properly investigated the stench from the BBC will probably be greater than Westminster!
Michael Martin is in the crapper because he led the objections to Freedom of Information Act access to MPs’ expenses.
The BBC also has had an ongoing court case under the FoIA where they are trying to resist publication of what they pay their people. There appears to be a fight going on between the Information Commissioner’s Office and the BBC – I am not sure where it now lies. But as a matter of general principle, the BBC is covered by the FoIA – the devil lies in how the Act is interpreted.
It starts “Gordon Brown has launched Labour’s Euro election campaign amid predictions the party’s prospects have been badly hit by the furore over MPs’ expenses”.
And within the piece it says “One opinion poll at the weekend suggested the party’s ratings had slumped to just 23% – lower than when Michael Foot was party leader in the 1980s.”
“Gordon Brown is neck and neck in Euro elections… with UKIP”
“Gordon Brown is heading for humiliation in the European elections as voters desert his party in droves in protest over the expenses scandal, a BPIX poll for The Mail on Sunday has found. Labour’s predicted share of the vote in the June 4 elections has fallen to just 17 per cent – neck and neck with the UK Independence Party (UKIP), which advocates Britain’s complete withdrawal from the EU. “
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Lefty WrightFeb 23, 21:45 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Mark The lady is absolutely correct but her message has fallen on deaf ears in the U.K.
BRISSLESFeb 23, 21:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Good interview on GBN with Lord Toby Young ( free speech union) on this case.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 bBC still chosing to ignore the visit you get from the Greater Manchester Police if you choae to criticise your…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Books for the future … [img][/img]
little known facts about Carrie Gracie
* She is a fluent Mangarin speaker.
* She ran her own restaurant for a year.
* She is married to a Chinese rock star.
Mandarin. tut.
There’s no picture of her on Wikipedia – topless or otherwise.
This is true.
Interesting snippet in the latest Private Eye following Hazel Blears’ attack on Broon.
The Observer ran the headline ‘Hazel Blears Savages Brown over Lmantable Failures.’
Sky News headline: ‘Brown Gets Titanic Battering.’
After a call to No. 10, the BBC ran: ‘Blears denies criticism of Brown’, swiftly replaced after Andy ‘Red’ Marr’s interview with Alan Johnson to: ‘Brown’s Best Man for PM – Johnson.’ As PE said, “No. 10’s media watchers were delighted.”
So Labour says “jump”, the BBC asks “how high?”
BBC is going over slowly but surely from labour bias to conservative bias.
Take the non reporting of Germany’s economic meltdown.
They were quick enough to publicise the German condemnation of British economic stimulus, but the German policies of non intervention as advised by the conservative right wing have led to it being the worst affected of all major nations.
Their policy is bankrupt.
Their economy is bankrupt.
They haven’t saved for a rainy day any more than Britain hadn’t.
And they are suckered into the diabolical straightjacket of the euro.
And there is far worse to come on their financial exposure to eastern europe.
Yet we hear nothing, even when the likes of Telegraph are going on about it, we still see their right wing silence.
The BBC are running scared and like dominos with one policy after another they are going from bias for labour to bias for the conservatives whilst keeping their shocking biases for pro islam pro atheist anti christian anti jewish pro gay lobby pro pc anti MMGW pro liberal because they think its outside political bias.
Along with the massive love in for Cameron that is now building so fast, much quicker than for the conservatives as a whole.
The BBC is just slowly moving from one bias to another, that is not what is needed.
They need to stop the bias.
Better still just stop the BBC and their snouts in the trough staff, perhaps we could get to see details of their expenses, then see who wants to keep paying the licence fee telly tax.
“Bells to play anti – religion song”
How about the truth from the BBC for a change.
More accurate would be
“Hypocritical song played by hypocritical religious authorities reported by hypocritical organisation”
Imagine no possessions from a multi millionnaire who wasted a fortune on drugs and on conspicuous consumption, its nauseating.
Imagine Liverpool cathedral being christian it really is hard to do. Presumably these are the sorts of ‘christian’ that think the bible is a christian version of the koran but with no actual facts in it, its just a metaphor for the real prophets like Darwin and Dawkins and God is just a universal energy force maybe.
Imagine the BBC thinks its right to report this as a beautiful thing unchallenged.
You don’t have to imagine, alas its all happened already.
Interesting that the Israeli duo Noa and Mira Awad, performing this years Eurovision entry, belong to a moderate Israeli/ Palestinian initiative called “One Voice” dedicated to bringing the moderate (i.e Western, forward looking) opinion of Iraelis and Israeli Arabs and Palestinians together. Actively supported by Paul McCartney, there is not a mention of this on the B.B.C website (that I can see)
instead the Beeboid article talks of previous tensions between the two, during the Gaza counterattack.
obviously this initiative does not fit the beeboid narrative. Cant have political co-operation wiv yer jooos now, can we? Whatever next?
Are their any BBC heads of department or senior reporters and correspondents that actually have their specialism in the field being reported?
Genuine question, because I can’t think of any, the example of the science correspondent who specialised in english or the Christian Songs of Praise director who is muslim aren’t exceptions, they are the rule.
Anonymous said…
BBC is going over slowly but surely from labour bias to conservative bias.
Ahhh, just like it was 1979-1992 during the Thatcher era. I remember those days so well. The relentless pro-conservative, pro Milton Friedman, pro-capitalism propaganda pumped out 24/7.
But seriously dude… you are very un-nuanced. The BBC is Institutionally Leftist. It’s a cultural thang. It has nothing to do with the passing epmemera of a particular political party.
The BBC is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Marxian mindset. Sustained by the relentless corruption of academia into bastions of authoritarian thought and unfree speech.
The BBC is the communications arm of the Marxists. That’s why the soft tyranny of the Labour party is the current helper monkey for them.
They will not be moving right if the current semi-detached “conervative” Cameron wins. Believe me.
At best the BBC is begining to bleed a tiny (a VERY tiny) amount of scepticism about Labour into it’s reports.
But that’s all. They may even lose interest in carrying the torch for McBogie and his gang sometime down the line. But there is no way on god’s earth that they’ll ever be pro-conservative.
And I wouldn’t want them to be. I don’t want ANY political bias towards any party, left right or whomever, in the BBC I’m forced to pay for….
The Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949, which is the means through which the BBC acquires the majority of its funding, is a piece of legislation which is so illegitimately repugnant in its abusive mechanisms that any civilised Government would have abolished it years ago.
Radio 4 – Nigel Farage will be on Any Questions.
should be a good one – i wonder if we’ll hear the crowd booing, like on QT?
“Anyone noticed the news BBC4 series on Ireland and the rise and fall of its economy? Was there any reason apart from malice to call it In Search of the Pope’s Children?
6:24 PM, May 15, 2009″
Rex – that is an Irish produced TV series, by the Dublin based economist David McWilliams.
So the answer is no. No malice.
“Popes children” refers to the the generation that was born at the time of the Pope’s visit to Ireland in 1980 – the first generation of Irish that never experienced recession or having to leave Ireland for work.
I hope that clarifies matters.
Anonymous 11.51.
The German economic situation was the subject of an interesting item on P.M. yesterday afternoon on Radio 4 which explained it clearly to me and also indicated that the problem may persist longer there too despite not having a housing bubble to burst or huge personal indebtedness. Rather perversely it is the result of German export success to basket cases like us living on funny money, which until we recover and start importing German technical products again will delay their recovery.
Guess The Religion:
“Abbas Taj, 30, a mini-cab driver, was found guilty at Croydon Crown court of conspiracy to firebomb the home of Martin Rynja, the publisher of The Jewel Of Medina”. More..The Times
How dare 13 grand try and refute me with facts! I shall completely ignore him from now on.
Poor old BBC. They keep trying to move the story on, but grubby Liebour MPs just keep dropping them in it.
That twat Tam Dalyell not even thinking that 18K for frigging book cases is more than most families have to live on for a year just shows that Socialists really don’t give a toss.
Now we have another Liebour MP suspended, yet the BBC keeps banging on about how this is effecting ALL parties. Yes it is, but Cameron has read the riot act to his lot.
Cameron knows that he may need to go further yet and draw REAL blood, but people see leadership from him. What do we see from McSnot? Dithering and support for that twat michael Martin, a man who has to shoulder a lot of blame for the current mess, NOT Thatcher as the rent boy abusing drug taking twats at the BBC keep stating.
Also note that it’s ONLY left wing journalists like Sir Michael Shite, Polly Toynbee and Steve Richards suggesting that “we need to move on”
They didn’t say that on Tuesday when Tories were getting battered in the press did they?
Twat face Sir Michael Shite was also defending McSnot today, claiming that McSnot’s cleaner was an unfair story. Really? Why the f**k should people on low wages subsidise McSnot to clean his flat? Hasn’t he got a wife?
John Bosworth and Craig,
It’s sad that Justin Webb feels that it’s his job as a BBC reporter to reassure those who might start to doubt Him.
Once again, I’m reminded of Corinthians 15, in which Paul is trying to reassure his audience:
1Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
The only difference between this and Webb’s post is the slightest hint of disappointment in his last words about “a just cause”. Awwww.
If ol’ Justin was an honest reporter about the US and our President, he’d point out that the fact that The Obamessiah is taking the same position as Booooosh must mean that Boooooosh was doing something right. Instead Webb presents only one the spin: He’s “pragmatic”.
And it’s this kind of genius that got him a job on Today.
30 people gather one time in Moscow for a little gay rights protest, and it’s instantly one of the top stories on the BBC. The report itself is sympathetic towards the protesters and their cause.
On the other hand, hundreds of thousands of people across the US protest against Socialism and excessive government tax-and-pork, for weeks and weeks, and the BBC never, ever covered it until the one most highly publicized day of protests. And then they lied about it and actually insulted the protesters.
Come see the bias inherent in the system.
Telegraph swamped with angry letters and emails“Never in its 154-year history has the Telegraph heard from so many of its readers”
David P.
Are you able to receive 'Dateline London', with Gavin Esler? (BBC News 24). This is usually an Obama love-in, stacked with liberal types. Before I discovered this website, I used to text them each week complaining about the biased composition of the panel! (Damn the cost, it's my duty!)
Today's last segment was on Obama & Guantanamo.
'Pragmatism' and 'common sense' were words on all the lefty guests' lips.
Liberal disciple after Liberal disciple (from Jamaica, Italy and our own Labour-lickspittle Steve Richards) showed understanding for the One.
There are psychos among the releasees, they said. Over 60 have gone back to terrorism since their release, they said. Esler himself opined that America needs to be secure.
Isn't this what George Bush argued all along? Didn't these self-same amnesiacs berate him for so doing?
Now Obama says these things, though, they're true. And criticisms of Obama, which they themselves made of Bush, are now "absurd".
Double-think again.
Today’s coverage on the expenses row led with the Chaytor story, first few words “a second Labour MP….”. Radio 5 led with “Another Labour MP..” Current lead story on website reads “Labour MP is suspended. “
Counterfactual to the common claims on here that stories embarrassing to the Labour party are buried on the BBC and that the party allegiance is not mentioned when a MP considered at fault is Labour. The “Labour peers” story the other day and the way it was covered on the bbc provides similar rebuttal.
Have a lovely weekend.
Anon: Crawl back to your drug den at the BBC.
You will find that WE often have to contact the BBC to get them to correct their stories and mention the fact that someone up to no good is Liebour and not a Tory.
Why do you think we should be thankful the BBC is actually reporting facts?
Piss off druggie
You Martin are the chief sinner in pursuing this easily rebutted nonsense.
And though not a druggie myself, i would be happy to buy you a Prozac suppository. It might give you a moment’s respite from whatever demons haunt you.
Here's an interesting
"counterfactual" to claims that the BBC is impartial. ("Ha!", as Mrs Krabappel would say)
Today’s ‘Dateline’ panel (BBC News 24, 12.30) consisted of Annalisa Piras of ‘L’espresso’ magazine, which Wikipedia calls “a left wing Italian newsmagazine”; Steve Richards, chief political correspondent of the left-leaning ‘Independent’; Saul Zadka, most unusually an Israeli guest, but who writes for AL London (who?) and who defended Obama staunchly and who once worked for the Haaretz newspaper, which Wikipedia calls “liberal” and “left-wing”. As for the final guest, Bernard Burrell of Radio Jamaica, the internet has let me down, but he’s a recurrent panelist and sounds like a die-hard leftie to me, with all his sociological jargon.
That's par for the course for 'Dateline London' – and more balanced that usual, if anything.
The programme discussed three issues.
The first segment agreed that the expenses crisis was over-done, dangerous and mainly a problem of public perception. Criticism of the political class are "largely unjustified", "some of it is not as bad as it seems" and the chief cause of the crisis is that MPs aren't paid enough!!
The second segment praised Obama's & his change of policy concerning Israel and the Palestinians.
The third segment offered understanding and praise for Obama over his Guantanamo u-turn.
No bias there then, move along please.
This isn’t really about bias – unless you consider it bias against the correct use of the English language! – but 2 things caught my attention this afternoon:
1. Anonymous (5.47pm) wrote,
“Counterfactual to the common claims on here…”. He probably meant “contrary to”.
Counterfactual” can either mean a grammatical form or an imagined (“virtual”) history.
2. Nick Ravenscroft on BBC News 24 this afternoon, reporting from Bury North on reactions to its crooked MP, said, “They are literally hopping mad”. I was very much looking forward to the vox-pops that followed!! Sadly, the voters stayed still.
Craig @5:07 PM
I haven’t seen Dateline London. I’m probably blocked from it, though. If it’s a bunch of foreign correspondents giving their opinion, I can well imagine the Obamessiah worship.
Yes, it’s amusing to watch them praise Him over the same things over which they condemned ChimpyMcBushitler. I’m sure nobody is talking about Pelosi’s “torture” problem, either.
An article critical of BBC’s chums:
“Al Jazeera and Qatar:The Muslim Brothers’ Dark Empire?” (by Zvi Mazel, ‘Jersusalem Centre for Public Affairs’ Vol 8, No 29, 14 May):
[Extract] –
“This is where Al Jazeera comes into play. The influential satellite channel brings to Qatar what it lacks to be a serious player. Today, reality can be changed through the media. It is generally thought that the creation of a satellite channel in Doha in 1996 marked the beginning of a new era for the Arab world. The emir recruited seasoned personnel fluent in English and Arabic, most of them from the unsuccessful BBC Arabic channel. Soon the new station was broadcasting news and commentary around the clock. In a matter of years Al Jazeera had assumed a leading role in Arab telecommunications. It is today a vast empire comprising an English news channel, a sports channel, a documentary channel, and a children’s channel. Its broadcasts can be accessed through cellular phones and it has a website updated constantly with the latest news from all over the world. Its latest endeavor is a short-wave radio station broadcasting to the Arab world.
“There was never any doubt about the network’s political orientation. Al Jazeera immediately launched scathing attacks on Israel during the Second Intifada and went on to incendiary broadcasts against the United States at the time of the Afghanistan conflict and later over Iraq. It was well received by Arab audiences in the Middle East and among Arab communities in Europe.”
No doubt the BBC will get around to it in its own time:
‘UKIP neck-and-neck with Labour’
-in latest E.U. election voting intentions, ‘Mail on Sunday’; source: Sky News.
The only conservatve on Dateline I’ve seen is Janet Daley, her of the annoying voice.
Somewhat topical, even important given the imminent EU elections:
Official figures from the EU, the IMF and Eurostat…
Italy, Austria, Spain and Netherlands are facing their biggest combined slump in post-war history…Germany’s GDP down 3.8pc, a record…”German economic policy is bankrupt, and the Mediterranean countries stuck in EMU are condemned to ongoing economic collapse.”
Read all about it, or at least some of it, here in one of your own wobbly print organs:
WTF is Robert Peston? Maybe Andrew Marr tomorrow morning, ya think?
Recent Eurovision voting from the UK:
2007: Turkey 12 points (first)
2008: Turkey 8 points (third)
2009: Turkey 12 points (first)
Got to give the Muslims their due – they know how to organise.
What I meant to say was: got to give the Muslims their due – they know how to increase their representation in the UK at an annual rate of 10:1 compared with the rest of the population.
What a shock! AS I predicted the BBC rent boy users are bigging up McTwat and his NOTW about ‘cracking down on expense abuses’
So why didn’t he do something about this last year when he didn’t even bother to turn up and vote?
Why hasn’t he order Gorbels Mick to stand down and put someone in like Frank Field to give the public confidence?
AS usual, the word goes out from the bunker and the BBC responds.
‘I was groomed for jihad in Britain’
A Muslim teenager in London gives the first inside account of how extremists are luring recruits The Times
Got to laugh at the BBC news hacks this morning having a go at the politicians who tried to keep the truth about their expenses from the public.
Could this the same news organisation that consistently lies to the public about MMGW, Israel-Palestine, Obama/USA, Gordon Brown, Liebour, Islam, terrorism, et cetera, et cetera ad nauseam?
On the Andrew Marr show, a luvvie duvvie, cosy atmosphere with Marr, Juliet Stevenson (luvvie) and Nick Clegg MP. You had to see it to believe it. All the left wing-‘liberal’ bias in its sickening glory.
When previously Mariella Frostrup made a comment about how the world is silent over what is going on in Sri Lanka, Marr was strangely silent. Probably not wanting to distract people from the ‘Israel is evil’ meme.
The Observer mentions that the BBC may come under scrutiny as well. I wonder does the BBC have something similar to an Additional Costs Allowance, above and beyond the wages that they pay? Does it also provide additional expenses for their legion of journalists who live outside London, and need a second home closer to White City? I wonder?
Again not bias but like you, ever since Stephen Fry said that he fiddled his expense claims, made me wonder what BBC employees could claim and if they could they would.
Remember Jo Abbess, the eco activist who got Roger Harrabin to change one of his articles? Here’s her hilarious response to the news that the chairman of the energy and climate change committee and former climate change minister Elliot Morley made £16,000 in bogus mortgage claims:
Judging from what I know at the moment, Elliot Morley has been unfairly criticised, and yet the long knives have come out to despatch him.
People do make mistakes in accounting. I’m willing to suspend judgement on this one particular MP until the full facts are in.
I very much doubt that someone with such rocking green credentials and such a gentlemanly and gentil manner would be genuinely corrupt.
More hilarity – check out this headline.
Clearly,there is a strong case for the BBC licencepaying public to have access to the same sort of detailed information on BBC salaries and expenses as is being demanded of Members of Parliament.
Both institutions are publicly funded, but the BBC is the least publicly accountable and democratic.
“BBC should reveal expenses too” (Channel 4 News report, 10 May):
“A Cabinet minister is urging the BBC to follow the Commons’ example and publish every expenses receipt filed by its staff.
“Northern Ireland Secretary Shaun Woodward”* [and Labour Cabinet Minister] “made the suggestion when he implied that the corporation was wasting public money by giving him biscuits.”
* Of course, there is pot-and- kettle stuff here:
Channel 4 report concludes:
“Last week Mr Woodward, reputedly the richest Cabinet member, faced criticism after the Daily Telegraph revealed he had claimed £100,000 in allowances over four years to help pay his mortgage interest.”
Thank’s Deborah I didn’t know about Fry’s remarks, the Telegraph has this
Stephen Fry and his big brain One interesting comment here says
“I have made an enquiry to the bbc re jeremy paxmans wages and expense. I suspect i will never get an answer. I would bet that his expenses come to more than an mps salary”
I remember Newsnight’s kirsty and her trip to a Berlin hairdresser, I said then it left a nasty smell behind “seeing how palpably excited these bbc people get themselves on a trail of being courted, wined, coiffured and genuinely spoilt, at the expense of the bbc licence payer” I’m sure that it was “Oh, the BBC will pay for all of this”, that is to say, publicly funded, and none of it was from her own pocket! When it is properly investigated the stench from the BBC will probably be greater than Westminster!
Michael Martin is in the crapper because he led the objections to Freedom of Information Act access to MPs’ expenses.
The BBC also has had an ongoing court case under the FoIA where they are trying to resist publication of what they pay their people. There appears to be a fight going on between the Information Commissioner’s Office and the BBC – I am not sure where it now lies. But as a matter of general principle, the BBC is covered by the FoIA – the devil lies in how the Act is interpreted.
On accusations that the BBC plays down polls embarrassing to the Government: The BBC’s piece on Labour’s European elections is here –
It starts “Gordon Brown has launched Labour’s Euro election campaign amid predictions the party’s prospects have been badly hit by the furore over MPs’ expenses”.
And within the piece it says “One opinion poll at the weekend suggested the party’s ratings had slumped to just 23% – lower than when Michael Foot was party leader in the 1980s.”
The BBC has trouble in even reporting this still:
‘Mail on Sunday’:
“Gordon Brown is neck and neck in Euro elections… with UKIP”
“Gordon Brown is heading for humiliation in the European elections as voters desert his party in droves in protest over the expenses scandal, a BPIX poll for The Mail on Sunday has found.
Labour’s predicted share of the vote in the June 4 elections has fallen to just 17 per cent – neck and neck with the UK Independence Party (UKIP), which advocates Britain’s complete withdrawal from the EU. “
The IOS is running this hilarious story :
BBC ‘biased in favour of BNP’Any chance of another thread for this David?