Look, it’s been a big blow to the BBC and they need our understanding. I refer to the “victory” of the Sri Lankan government over the Tamil Tiger “fighters”. So, which terror group to shill for now? The Taliban, of course. Today has been active this morning with this report and a further discussion on whether the US can win the war in Afghanistan. The BBC meme is that terrorism just cannot be defeated through military might and so now that Sri Lanka has proven just how false this is, it’s off to the Taliban to find sanctuary for the narrative…
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Im really not sure where they get this idea from that terrorism cant be defeated militarily?
Perhaps though these wet lipped traitors really mean that a West, that has had its collective back bone replaced with soft white mushy stuff, cant defeat terrorism (which I would agree with).
Though maybe these people should actually study points in the past where terrorism has been defeated, Malaysia might be a good start.
I suspect the reason why the Beeb have appeared sympathetic to the Tamils is because of the results of the wonderful multicultural experiment they enthusiastically support….We have ended up with huge numbers of people from these minority ethnic groups living here that now pose a threat to the UK. Look at the Tamils causing havoc in London and the trouble after Israel bombed Gaza. Thanks to the Liberals we have ended up with all the worlds problems on our doorstep and the government and Beeb have to pussy foot around them to keep them from terrorising us.
The main concern, across all news purveyors, appears to be the civilians caught up in the middle of this. I don’t see any moaning about the end of the Tamils themselves.
I’d be entirely unsurprised if I were wrong, however.
Surely balance is not going either BRITAIN! FCUK YEAH!! or ‘KILL THE INFIDELS!!’ but somewhere in between?
civilians are just the stick the media uses to beat on its favourite themes…IDF etc….you would almost think they care!
The BBC rarely or never mentions the plight of civilians when leftist or Islamic terrorists are doing the killing or maiming.
The link you provide is not working.
Of course, Vance’s idea that the BBC is biased in favour of the Taleban is almost too laughable for words, doesn’t stop him pushing that line with no evidence to back it up. Unless you consider that the BBC is biased by daring to even discuss or examine the approach of our forces there.
The suggestion that the BBC is biased in favour of the Tamil Tigers is one of your more silly suggestions. Again, not a shred of evidence to back up that accusation. Says a lot about that idiot Vance and nothing about the BBC. Nothing new there.
I’ve been following the bBC’s coverage of how the Pak Army are really taking the war to the Taliban.
Yet instead of informing the great unwashed about how this time the Pak Government means war. (Slotted over 1500 Men whom the bBC will soon be referring to as the sick lame and lazy aka victims) the bBC has been writing about how many people have had to move. Instead of reporting on how many towns the Army has retaken the bBC has been taking about what a hard fight they hare having.
Is there any armed group fighting for its right to survive in the world the bBC really despises.
Silly me that would be the Jew.
Anon, I assume you are a Beeboid parasite or close relative. BBC is blatant in its support of Taliban barbarians and Tamil terrorists. This has been proven time and time again and logged on this site.
Did we ever see the same degree of Beeboid hand wringing when the Tamils were killing thousands, or insightful analysis of the brutality of the Jihadist fascists?
You employ the standard leftist technique of abusing the messenger rather than engaging with the debate. of course Beeboids and their ilk assume entitlement and reject any suggestions that their perverted world view should be questioned.
Dunno who this ‘Anon’ person is, but BBC’s bias in favour of the LTTE is so glaringly obvious that even the SL MOD (not an Amnesty Int’l approved organisation) can make fun of the BBC.
You asked for objective evidence of the Beeb using unverified data re, the current SL situation. Here you go.
Now, both of these reports are from GOSL web sites and thus open the charge of being biased. Instead, just let the Beeboid answer the charges made in these reports, relating to very specific instances of outright falsification and/or omission. The latter in fact being as serious as the former.
Let the facts noted in the report speak for themselves.
Almost every thing in this article is wrong. It gives a great inside look into how beeboids think. Let’s take the trouble to go trough the article.
“This would go against the modern theory of counter insurgency, which tries to win over populations as the key to long-term peace.
The modern theory has been enshrined in the US manual of counter insurgency. This was written by General David Petraeus, the man who led the surge in Iraq and brought a greater degree of stability. He is now trying to do the same thing in Afghanistan.“
Giving the terrorist no safe haven or safe area is a tactic which was used by Petraeus himself in Iraq. (think Sadr city, Basra etc. etc.) At the time the BBC was very critical about Petraeus tactics. John Simpson said that it only would lead to a deeper civil war. Using two sentences out of a 280 page book Paul tries to imply that the book advocates a softly softly approach.
“The basis of the plan can be seen in the dominance of artillery in the government’s arsenal.
It has 157 heavy guns, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies. These are led by 40 massive 152mm artillery pieces, called the Type 66, a Chinese copy of a Soviet weapon.”
If you look at Wikipedia you see that they already had these guns in 1998. But they waited more than ten years to use them effectively. These guns where designed in 1947.
If they played a decisive factor it was there use in combination with remotely piloted planes which acted as spotters.
“And the temptation to abandon the political approach and promise a military win will be more enticing for political leaders looking for a popular boost.”
The BBC’s nightmare. The political approach has resulted very often in just a worse situation where the anti-democratic organisation exploids the perceived weakness of the democratic government.( think Taleban, Tamil Tiger and Farc)
“The Northern Ireland experience and its concept of the long war in which political, social and economic factors count as much as military ones, moulded British army thinking on counter insurgency to such an extent that it based its tactics in Basra on them, with mixed results.
When the moment came to apply force to the militias in Basra, the Brits were ignored by the Iraqis – who called in the Americans to help.”
Many commentators described Basra as a defeat for the British. The Iraqis themselves cleared up the mass with the aid of the Americans. Here again the BBC described the action of the Iraqi army as being bound to fail. They described the iraqi army as just the armed militia of government parties.
“The events in Sri Lanka will not bring a decisive shift in thinking back to the old days of might means right, but they will have an effect in this kind of debate.”
What they mean is that Marxists or islamists have every right to violently overthrow a democratically elected government and replace it by a dictatorship.
The BBC’s bias in favour of the Taliban, Tamil Tigers and terrorists generally has been well documented on this site and elsewhere for years.
And we had the personal experience of the BBC’s support for the IRA.
I find it incredible that anyone can dispute this, when the evidence is so overwhelming.
Cant quite figure out why Vance is so obsessed with the BBC, he is Irish after all, much as we hate to admit he,’s one of us
Anon 3:49
What on earth are you on about, just back from lunch by any chance ?
A rather late update but the Tamil Tigers have finally admitted that Prabhakaran is dead after a week or so of insisting he was still alive. Significantly they said they will only use peaceful means from now on.
Seems like a victory all round, the Tamil Tigers defeated and renouncing violence! Who said that terrorism could be defeated?