Could we have some discussion on the use of “anonymous” in postings here ?
It is quite confusing when more than one person posts under the same name. When people post consistently under the same name , it is easier to respond to their posts and build up some kind of picture of their general opinions.
I realise it would still be possible for the same person to post under a different name each time, but, even that would be preferable to the site being infested with anoymice.
I don’t know if the system would make it impossible to post as anonymous.
Did anyone hear the reading by arch luvvie Simon Callow of a recently discovered poem by W H Auden of Toady this morning?
“My face in a dark prison lay And blind by life remained No learning mine nor light of day, A slave although unchained Till through my darkness shone a ray And Lenin’s truth I gained
We never looked upon his face We never heard his voice Yet closer than a father he Much closer to us was
No father for his children did What LENIN did for us”
here is a link to a Times page where you can read the whole disgusting mess.
All this sycophantic eulogising of Lenin and Stalin was bitter and in very bad taste, but worse was to come. When asked if this sort of thing damaged Audens’ reputation the leftist prof scoffed.
“Audens reputation is unchallengeable, and anyway, the smart money in the 30’s was on Communism – after all there were some pretty nasty alternatives”
So there we have the left wing world view. Despite the fact that Stalins USSR was the most evil repressive and homicidal regime to exist EVER (yes including genocidal Germany) It was the best alternative. The intellectual fellow travelers loved it. It was much preferable to the ultimately victorious, though despised bourgeois, “liberal Democracy” that we now enjoy.
I was flabbergasted by the whole thing. Had we found an Ezra pound poem praising Hitler (just substitute Hitler for Lenin in the extract above and judge your reaction) I am sure the BBC wouldn’t even have allowed the poem to be read on air, and the poet would have been excoriated.
The universal acceptance by the BBC of the intellectual consensus of the 1930’s – which still infects the ‘left’/BBC of today – is very telling.
They never acknowledge that the Intellectual leading edge of Britain has been so universally, demonstrably, wrong on every socio/political/economic issue over the last 80 years. This is because the BBC are part of the self deluding faction who really think that silencing people who oppose them is for the greater good.
One thing I am absolutely sure of and something the BBC can never bring itself to say – more poets have been murdered in the name of socialism than in any other cause; and they were murdered by ‘good’ communists.
The BBC should have balanced that stomach turning poem with a note about the fate of Osip Mandlestam.
Apart from the Today programme’s communist propaganda (the wonders of Cuba, Callow reading out Auden’s love poem to Lenin) and Evan Davis pushing David Miliband to be more like the saintly Obama, we also had loads of guff about the programme’s favourite subject: climate change.
A representative from the Marine Conservation Society used the phrase “climate change scenario” twice when describing polluted beaches. We also had Roger Harrabin’s interview with Obama’s Energy Secretary Steven Chu who warned of a tipping point on climate change. And even the news about the revival of the dormouse was reported in eco-activist terms. In the 7 am bulletin Sarah Mukherjee said that even though the dormouse’s decline had slowed, it was still “very vulnerable to climatic changes.” She continued: “Wetter springs and summers make foraging for food harder and warmer winter temperatures can interrupt their hibernation.” But fifteen minutes later Sarah Montague introduced a further segment on dormice by saying their decline had been partly due to “cool summers”. Warmer? Cooler? Wetter? Drier? Never mind the details, just keep peddling the threat of climate change, climate change, CLIMATE CHANGE!
Hi guys, I am still plugging away at trying to ‘have my say’ on BBC forum and am tempted to start a full scale scientific experiment on the bias of the BBC moderators, showing just how deep the bias goes.
Spot the difference below (apart from the status of the comment being accepted or rejected), you may not believe but it is copied and pasted straight from my user history! :
1ST ATTEMPT. – ” COMMENT: You cannot try to excuse fraud (and bribary in the case of Labour Lords) as ‘human’! It is illegal activity (I don’t care if within some alternative reality rulebook*), and should be dealt with through criminal / civil proceedings. * In any case they obviously weren’t within the rules unless they are referring to the ones with the page on ‘should be wholly and exclusively necessary to perform parliamentary duties’ torn out! COMMENT STATUS: Rejected “
2ND ATTEMPT – ” COMMENT: You cannot try to excuse fraud (and bribary in the case of Lords) as ‘human’! It is illegal activity (I don’t care if within some alternative reality rulebook*), and should be dealt with through criminal / civil proceedings. * In any case they obviously weren’t within the rules unless they are referring to the ones with the page on ‘should be wholly and exclusively necessary to perform parliamentary duties’ torn out! COMMENT STATUS: Published “
Yep, ONE word different – LABOUR! I think this would be worth testing on a wider scale, try it in relation to ‘flipping’ and see what happens…
The BBC have been flogging the global warming/climate change propaganda all day, the beeboids have a big problem, how to critisise the USA for not destroying itself on the alter of a false theory BUT how to avoid critisising their messiah Obama? the beeboid problem gets worse, they cannot critisise the democrats/Obama so the skirt the uncomfortable truths and cobble together a dogs dinner of a non story to cover their naked dissapointment! The beeboid drone Harrabin gets to grill the US energy secretary Chu, its heavily edited and you can almost taste the beeboid bitter desperation to spin the story and trying to gather a few grubby crumbs of comfort from the eco loonies defeat because it is a massive defeat for the ecomentalists, they were banking on Obama smashing the US economy to bits and destroying US industry, they were smacked down and the BBC look heartbroken!
BTW last year the BBC were telling us that Australia was headed for terrible long term droughts and how farming would suffer as a result of long term drought, ooops! The rains are back and the the BBC couldnt hide it forever, notice how the reports about Australia dried up just as the rains returned? Now they are telling us that the floods are the result of AGW/MMCC, so if its dry its global warming and if it rains its global warming! The beeboid term is now ‘catastrophic tipping point climate change’ apparently we have passed plain old ‘dangerous global warming’ and now the tipping points are catastrophic blah blah etc etc.
I very much enjoyed the beeboid drone discomfort as she said that the US should be guided by the science(dogma) and not the politics… ha ha ha ha ha oh dear diddums.. ha ha ha! The beeboids are getting so desperate to cobble together any crappy lies as they peddle the rubbish AGW/MMCC propaganda that they are looking like the barefaced liars they are.
I have written to my MP demanding publicly funded expenses are investigated wherever they are found not just the MPs. I cited councillors, lords, and civil servant as examples. But I urgently called for a look into the pay and expenses of the BBC. They are the one body I suspect of being even more in the trough than the MPs. Yet they ask for more and more money from we who cannot afford it and the MPs opposed a freeze in the licence. Public anger is growing. If there is an exposee in the papers it will get very nasty for the BBC. There should be a campaign…
BBC criticised for paying out £17.5 million in bonuses The BBC has been criticised for paying its staff £17.5 million in bonuses last year, as Britain was poised to enter the worst recession in 60 years.
Yep, £17.5 million shared between 9777 employees. Averages at £178.99 each.
String em up with the bankers.
Not trying to troll here, but would like to point out that BBC expenses for average staff are extremely modest and VERY tightly monitored. We aren’t even allowed champagne any more!
Many inside the Beeb are of course interested in what the top dogs put on expenses, since the average “beeboid” will have entire claims rejected for going a couple of quid over the policy.
And do remember, people, that corporate entertaining (schmoozing celebs and our Labour overlords) is entirely different to a big fat expense account.
Funny how the BBC show such outrage about Israel version of maps yet said nothing about the UN and others with their maps which cut Israel out altogether? Funny that.
Ahhh…a Beeboid rushing to defend the indefensible with distrations and misleading calculations (how very BBC). No contrition – afterall you parasites believe you are entitled to live it large on other people’s money.
Sorry to upset your smug little analysis but:
John Smith, chief executive of BBC Worldwide, received £88,000, Mark Byford, deputy director general, received £41,000.
Former radio chief Jenny Abramsky and Jana Bennett, the director of BBC Vision, were both given rewards despite rows over phone-in competitions.
Last year’s annual report also showed that the corporation’s top 10 executives shared a combined pay increase of £700,000.
I would guess that the main concern would be about the on-air talent, producers, and upper management. Even low-level talking heads seem to be as wealthy as some Tory MPs.
One item that might cause outrage is the amount spent on wheeling in Red Ken every five minutes. I bet it’s more than the mooooooat….the mooooooat, and a greater waste of the taxpayers’ money.
Wining and dining is one thing, but anyone who has had even the slightest experience with corporate expense culture will know the difference between that and car services everywhere, using costly messenger services when the mail will do, clothing, family gifts, last-minute business class airfares, poorly managed fiefdoms which regularly exceed their budgets but the boss gets a fat bonus anyway, etc.
baggiejonathan said… I have written to my MP demanding publicly funded expenses are investigated wherever they are found not just the MPs. I cited councillors, lords, and civil servant as examples. ===================================
I have been thinking about this as well recently, though not so much about civil servants who have proper rules and procedures, unlike the MPs' racket.
What prompted me to think about it wasn't just the MPs' either, but reading in the newspaper that Trevor Phillips, who used to be head of the Commission for Racial Equality and who's now in charge of the Equalities & Human Rights Commission, has a chauffered limousine.
Why? I would like to know how that can be justified? A civil servant (a Sir Humphrey) who is the head of his government Department, wouldn't have a limousine and a driver. Why should Phillips?
Where is the money for this coming from, in a country that is up to its neck in debt and doesn't have enough money for the elderly or for people needing cancer drugs and the like?
-More BBC Hamas propaganda, paid for by BBC licencepayers.
As the BBC knows, Hamas, with BBC propaganda support, is engaged in wiping Israel off the map.
But deviously, the BBC makes no reference to this in a nasty BBC, pro-Hamas item about a map on the London Tube. All we get from the BBC is Hamas propaganda:
BBC report- (‘Middle East’ webpage, no doubt put there by BBC to curry political favour with its Islamic chums):
“Israel admits Tube advert map ‘mistake'”
“Israel’s tourist ministry has admitted to a ‘mistake’ over adverts on the London Underground after complaints that they ‘wipe Palestine off the map’.”
“Israel is one of the tiniest nations on the face of the earth… only about 8,000 sq. miles, 2½ times the size of Rhode Island and only slightly larger than the Canary Islands!. It is only 260 miles at its longest, has a 112-mile coastline, 60 miles at its widest, and between 3 and 9 miles at its narrowest! A very high-powered rifle could launch a projectile right across the country! This is particularly frightening when one considers that 65% of Israel’s population is within this 9-mile wide section (Tel Aviv area). Yet Arab propagandists call Israel ‘expansionist’ and the ‘aggressor’ against all Arab peoples. For those unfamiliar with the Arab interpretation of ‘aggressor,’ it means one who dares fight back against Arab aggression!! So even though Israel may have fought only defensive wars, the mere fact that she resisted total destruction is viewed as an ‘act of aggression.’ That’s a case of wacky logic but, unfortunately, Israel doesn’t have the luxury of picking her enemies!”
Nice find, pounce. The difference in language and content between the two is striking.
For something as low-level as an ad poster, they even bring up the heroic efforts of The Obamessiah, and point out that Bibi isn’t playing nicely. FFS.
(my rough translation) The riots against taxes come to Spain with a gathering in Pamplona
The Future Institute has taken notice of the North American “Tea Parties”.
Will the Beeboids lie about this, too? Will they point out the ethnicity of the protesters? Will they say it’s really about other issues? Will Mark Mardell call them “los teabaggeros”?
On a slightly different tack, the BBC has been working hard to big up Esther Rantzen (the Martin Bell of our age) as the acceptable face of parliamentary candidature. Conveniently the BBC has airbrushed away one rather nasty episode in her BBC career.
Rest assured, the BBC (which broadcasts favourable vox pop interviews in Luton concerning the fragrant Esther) will be not mention that she f***ed her boss’s boss (Des Wilcox) to get him to cancel the programme of her immediate boss (Bernard Braden) so she could inherit the Braden brainwave which became “That’s Life”. Nothing any of the MP troughers have done quite matches that little trick.
Rantzen – just another in the BBC pantheon of heroes.
Gates was in the crowd for Obama’s national security speech. Pointing him out, the president said “William Gates” was on hand. Perhaps Obama was thinking of Bill Gates, the Microsoft billionaire.
Yeah, simple mistake. But these add up after a while. Will Matt Frei or Justin Webb take notice and start to tease Him a little? How many of these gaffs will it take before we can call Him stupid?
In case anyone was worried about the current state of the British economy and credit rating, Stephanie Flanders says not to worry. Standard & Poor's is only changing your rating because they can’t see into the future. Alistair Darling has announced a “significant tightening”, so there’s no need to call an election now. Oh, and the Tories don’t have a plan, either.
Robert Peston says not to worry. Gilt sales were great, S&P isn't saying anything we don't already know, so it's not really a negative, and anyway they can't see into the future.
Of course, while he's telling the truth about gilt sales, he forgot to mention things like this:
U.K. GDP showed a -1.9% decline in growth for the first quarter and -4.1% on an annualized basis . The growth report showed that private consumption fell by 1.2% along with a 6.1% slide in exports which leaves very little sources of growth for the economy.
Also, when Peston talks about “the next government”, he’s being just a little disingenuous. While it may seem like this is tacit admission that Mr. Brown will be out, but he could just as easily mean that by next June Labour will have sorted it out.
To sum up Flanders and Peston: No need to call for an early election. These ratings don’t really mean what you always thought they did. A better policy will come.
So anybody know when the bBC is going to report the news about how 1500 men of a certain faith rampaging through Athens because somebody heard from his first cousin how he heard from his pet camel about how it knew about a story told by a certain Abu Bowen that a policeman may have thrown a copy of a certain book on the floor.
Tonight’s ‘World News Today’ (BBC 4) was beating up on the Sri Lankan Government again. After the report, Zeinab Badawi interviewed Steve Crawshaw from Human Rights Watch . His main case was against the Sri Lankan government too (which was why he was invited on), but he referred more than once to the abominable human rights record of the now-extinct Tamil Tigers. In contrast, Zeinab Badawi’s questioning was entirely one-sided, supporting Mr Crawshaw’s critical points and prodding him to go further with questions based on what “Tamils abroad say” or the “concerns” of the “Tamil diaspora”. No wonder so many Sri Lankans loathe the BBC.
P.S. Please stick to your guns Grant. Anonymophobia is no bad thing. I think that using “anonymous” is the blogging equivalent of wearing the burqa. In some ways.
I take your point on the anonymous comment, but there is one advantage to it – we have to regard the comment on its own merits or demerits since we have no background knowledge on the author.
From anonymous’ point of view, he or she may feel more comfortable posting in the most incognito fashion possible.
Of course it does play havoc with clarity and continuity of debate, but I don’t think the site should deny people the option of posting anonymously.
Bryan, you turned into Too True without even telling your webwife and cabal buddy, how rude is that? and also, you were so unsuccessful at maintaining the subterfuge you have to explain that you’re really the old Bryan each time you post as well.
Talk about havoc! It’s mayhem.
(Those were the days. John Reith, late lamented. Oh, and p and one chip. Or something like that.)
The article appeared 20th May in the TLS entitled “Comrade Auden unpublished verses by W H Auden” by David Collard. It is a study of Auden in cinema and includes three songs of praise for Lenin
Justin Webb managed to write four posts about how he and the White House Press Corps got stuck in Istanbul because of a technical problem with the plane. (Halfway down the page, beginning with “Reflecting on delay” on April 12.)
On April 27, President Obama welcomed the University of Connecticut Lady Huskies, who had just won the NCAA women’s basketball championship.
After the event, President Obama went to the White House basketball court to shoot hoop with the Lady Huskies. The White House press corps was not allowed to attend.
Yes, it’s just a little silly sports do, nothing important at all. Except, if it wasn’t important enough for Justin Webb and his buddies in the “pool”, why did the White House feel the need to create its own video report of the event, complete with “White House TV” logo?
If that’s not creepy as hell, I don’t know what is. Is the President going to set up the modern equivalent of Glavlit now? Watch the video and wonder how different this is from Soviet Union TV or North Korea.
The most ridiculous part of this is that the White House needn’t have gone through all that trouble. They could have gotten the BBC to do this for them. Ol’ Justin gushes more than these girls do.
Is this meant to be open t’head (Northern version of SpEak You’re Branes) Open The ad (subliminal advertisement) or has David’s typo stayed unnoticed all day. Sorry. Being facetious.
BBC News 24 has spent much of the last hour or so reporting on the reactions MPs are getting in their constituencies this weekend.
It will be interesting to see which constituencies they focus on over the coming days.
Tonight it's Bracknell, where Andrew MacKay has been getting it up him (as Corporal Jones might have put it) at a public meeting, and Totnes, where Anthony Steen ("people are jealous of my house") has gone to ground to avoid getting it up him.
Both are Conservative MPs.
Hopefully the BBC will be visiting Labour and Lib Dem constituencies over the 2-week parliamentary recess (2 weeks!!!!) & equal coverage over this period will redress the balance.
We'll see.
Beeboid Tim Willcox has been discussing with a colleague why all the "multi-millionaires" on the Tory benches needed to claim these expenses at all, when they could so easily afford to pay for such things themselves. Good question, but how many "multi-millionaires" are there on the Tory benches? As opposed to mere "millionaires"?
Dunno about “eagle eyed.” It is in bold red and at the top of the page. Have to be blind as a bat not to spot it.
Any more info on the vanished comments? If they’ve gone to that big blog in the sky, we need to know so that we can have a proper period of mourning and then closure.
Craig – the BBC are turning expenses into a Tory Story.
The fact is that the Westminster fees office turned down and did not fund the moat or the duck house. They were not paid for by the taxpayer. Viggers and Hogg only enquired if they were admissable and they were told they weren’t. Yet the moat and the duck house have been spun into THE stories of expenses abuse. Meanwhile real fraud, and systematic abuse of the system is being played down when it comes to allies of Brown and members of the cabinet.
Brown’s cronies and the BBC are reprising the dirty tricks of the 1990s which brought them to power. Jonathan Boyd Hunt has written about it extensively on this site. The public’s justified anger is now being systematically manipulated by the political class which has been well and truly infiltrated by new Labour. It’s a pretty sinister situation.
‘Have I got news for you’ tonight was shamefully partisan once again.
Lots of taking the piss out of Tory MPs (even in one case a Tory PPC!), an attack on Michael Martin (very easy now he is going) and a little nibble at James Purnell.
That’s it. No mention of course of the serious fraud committed by Labour Mps or their profligacy.
Newsnight review hosted in Cannes (how much did that cost eh Beeboids?) by Labour mouthpiece Kirsty Wank. Reviewing war film, one little twat decided that he did not see the point of a “Jewish revenge film” and asked “how will it play in Ramalah?”. Pretty much sums up BBC worldview that everything has to come from islamic terroriet perspective and blows away any suggestion that anti-Isreali bile is anything other than anti-Semitic. Then they moved on to a film by the anti-Semitic, pro-IRA, vermin Ken Loache….and so it goes
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tomoFeb 23, 11:02 Weekend 22nd February 2025
Could we have some discussion on the use of “anonymous” in postings here ?
It is quite confusing when more than one person posts under the same name. When people post consistently under the same name , it is easier to respond to their posts and build up some kind of picture of their general opinions.
I realise it would still be possible for the same person to post under a different name each time, but, even that would be preferable to the site being infested with anoymice.
I don’t know if the system would make it impossible to post as anonymous.
Anyway, I would like to hear other users views.
Just re-reading my post, it could have been better written, but I hope readesr get my drift.
Did anyone hear the reading by arch luvvie Simon Callow of a recently discovered poem by W H Auden of Toady this morning?
“My face in a dark prison lay
And blind by life remained
No learning mine nor light of day,
A slave although unchained
Till through my darkness shone a ray
And Lenin’s truth I gained
We never looked upon his face
We never heard his voice
Yet closer than a father he
Much closer to us was
No father for his children did
What LENIN did for us”
here is a link to a Times page where you can read the whole disgusting mess.
All this sycophantic eulogising of Lenin and Stalin was bitter and in very bad taste, but worse was to come. When asked if this sort of thing damaged Audens’ reputation the leftist prof scoffed.
“Audens reputation is unchallengeable, and anyway, the smart money in the 30’s was on Communism – after all there were some pretty nasty alternatives”
So there we have the left wing world view. Despite the fact that Stalins USSR was the most evil repressive and homicidal regime to exist EVER (yes including genocidal Germany) It was the best alternative. The intellectual fellow travelers loved it. It was much preferable to the ultimately victorious, though despised bourgeois, “liberal Democracy” that we now enjoy.
I was flabbergasted by the whole thing. Had we found an Ezra pound poem praising Hitler (just substitute Hitler for Lenin in the extract above and judge your reaction) I am sure the BBC wouldn’t even have allowed the poem to be read on air, and the poet would have been excoriated.
The universal acceptance by the BBC of the intellectual consensus of the 1930’s – which still infects the ‘left’/BBC of today – is very telling.
They never acknowledge that the Intellectual leading edge of Britain has been so universally, demonstrably, wrong on every socio/political/economic issue over the last 80 years. This is because the BBC are part of the self deluding faction who really think that silencing people who oppose them is for the greater good.
One thing I am absolutely sure of and something the BBC can never bring itself to say – more poets have been murdered in the name of socialism than in any other cause; and they were murdered by ‘good’ communists.
The BBC should have balanced that stomach turning poem with a note about the fate of Osip Mandlestam.
Apart from the Today programme’s communist propaganda (the wonders of Cuba, Callow reading out Auden’s love poem to Lenin) and Evan Davis pushing David Miliband to be more like the saintly Obama, we also had loads of guff about the programme’s favourite subject: climate change.
A representative from the Marine Conservation Society used the phrase “climate change scenario” twice when describing polluted beaches. We also had Roger Harrabin’s interview with Obama’s Energy Secretary Steven Chu who warned of a tipping point on climate change. And even the news about the revival of the dormouse was reported in eco-activist terms. In the 7 am bulletin Sarah Mukherjee said that even though the dormouse’s decline had slowed, it was still “very vulnerable to climatic changes.” She continued: “Wetter springs and summers make foraging for food harder and warmer winter temperatures can interrupt their hibernation.” But fifteen minutes later Sarah Montague introduced a further segment on dormice by saying their decline had been partly due to “cool summers”. Warmer? Cooler? Wetter? Drier? Never mind the details, just keep peddling the threat of climate change, climate change, CLIMATE CHANGE!
Hi guys, I am still plugging away at trying to ‘have my say’ on BBC forum and am tempted to start a full scale scientific experiment on the bias of the BBC moderators, showing just how deep the bias goes.
Spot the difference below (apart from the status of the comment being accepted or rejected), you may not believe but it is copied and pasted straight from my user history! :
You cannot try to excuse fraud (and bribary in the case of Labour Lords) as ‘human’!
It is illegal activity (I don’t care if within some alternative reality rulebook*), and should be dealt with through criminal / civil proceedings.
* In any case they obviously weren’t within the rules unless they are referring to the ones with the page on ‘should be wholly and exclusively necessary to perform parliamentary duties’ torn out!
You cannot try to excuse fraud (and bribary in the case of Lords) as ‘human’!
It is illegal activity (I don’t care if within some alternative reality rulebook*), and should be dealt with through criminal / civil proceedings.
* In any case they obviously weren’t within the rules unless they are referring to the ones with the page on ‘should be wholly and exclusively necessary to perform parliamentary duties’ torn out!
Yep, ONE word different – LABOUR! I think this would be worth testing on a wider scale, try it in relation to ‘flipping’ and see what happens…
From BBC ‘about us’ section for a laugh…
” Our values
* Trust is the foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest.”
Oh dear, no wonder the structure is crumbling, there are no foundations!
The BBC have been flogging the global warming/climate change propaganda all day, the beeboids have a big problem, how to critisise the USA for not destroying itself on the alter of a false theory BUT how to avoid critisising their messiah Obama? the beeboid problem gets worse, they cannot critisise the democrats/Obama so the skirt the uncomfortable truths and cobble together a dogs dinner of a non story to cover their naked dissapointment!
The beeboid drone Harrabin gets to grill the US energy secretary Chu, its heavily edited and you can almost taste the beeboid bitter desperation to spin the story and trying to gather a few grubby crumbs of comfort from the eco loonies defeat because it is a massive defeat for the ecomentalists, they were banking on Obama smashing the US economy to bits and destroying US industry, they were smacked down and the BBC look heartbroken!
BTW last year the BBC were telling us that Australia was headed for terrible long term droughts and how farming would suffer as a result of long term drought, ooops!
The rains are back and the the BBC couldnt hide it forever, notice how the reports about Australia dried up just as the rains returned?
Now they are telling us that the floods are the result of AGW/MMCC, so if its dry its global warming and if it rains its global warming!
The beeboid term is now ‘catastrophic tipping point climate change’ apparently we have passed plain old ‘dangerous global warming’ and now the tipping points are catastrophic blah blah etc etc.
I very much enjoyed the beeboid drone discomfort as she said that the US should be guided by the science(dogma) and not the politics… ha ha ha ha ha oh dear diddums.. ha ha ha!
The beeboids are getting so desperate to cobble together any crappy lies as they peddle the rubbish AGW/MMCC propaganda that they are looking like the barefaced liars they are.
I have written to my MP demanding publicly funded expenses are investigated wherever they are found not just the MPs.
I cited councillors, lords, and civil servant as examples.
But I urgently called for a look into the pay and expenses of the BBC.
They are the one body I suspect of being even more in the trough than the MPs.
Yet they ask for more and more money from we who cannot afford it and the MPs opposed a freeze in the licence.
Public anger is growing.
If there is an exposee in the papers it will get very nasty for the BBC.
There should be a campaign…
Okay, I know this is pure coincidence, but it’s too amusing not to point out.
Check out the headline for the link to a report about blogs and the Baby P case in the middle of the UK News page, under “Features, Views, Analysis”.
Tangled Web
How internet blogs threatened Baby Peter cases
David Vance, they’re on to you!
BBC criticised for paying out £17.5 million in bonuses
The BBC has been criticised for paying its staff £17.5 million in bonuses last year, as Britain was poised to enter the worst recession in 60 years.
Now, can we please see the fat walleted Beeboids’ expenses.
Yep, £17.5 million shared between 9777 employees. Averages at £178.99 each.
String em up with the bankers.
Not trying to troll here, but would like to point out that BBC expenses for average staff are extremely modest and VERY tightly monitored. We aren’t even allowed champagne any more!
Many inside the Beeb are of course interested in what the top dogs put on expenses, since the average “beeboid” will have entire claims rejected for going a couple of quid over the policy.
And do remember, people, that corporate entertaining (schmoozing celebs and our Labour overlords) is entirely different to a big fat expense account.
Ross is “Talent” – he gets £500,000 a month and I’ll bet he doesn’t pay for the driver and car that are essential for a man of his status
Funny how the BBC show such outrage about Israel version of maps yet said nothing about the UN and others with their maps which cut Israel out altogether? Funny that.
Ahhh…a Beeboid rushing to defend the indefensible with distrations and misleading calculations (how very BBC). No contrition – afterall you parasites believe you are entitled to live it large on other people’s money.
Sorry to upset your smug little analysis but:
John Smith, chief executive of BBC Worldwide, received £88,000, Mark Byford, deputy director general, received £41,000.
Former radio chief Jenny Abramsky and Jana Bennett, the director of BBC Vision, were both given rewards despite rows over phone-in competitions.
Last year’s annual report also showed that the corporation’s top 10 executives shared a combined pay increase of £700,000.
Funny, I couldn't find anything about this on the BBC:
Beebie Insider,
I would guess that the main concern would be about the on-air talent, producers, and upper management. Even low-level talking heads seem to be as wealthy as some Tory MPs.
One item that might cause outrage is the amount spent on wheeling in Red Ken every five minutes. I bet it’s more than the mooooooat….the mooooooat, and a greater waste of the taxpayers’ money.
Wining and dining is one thing, but anyone who has had even the slightest experience with corporate expense culture will know the difference between that and car services everywhere, using costly messenger services when the mail will do, clothing, family gifts, last-minute business class airfares, poorly managed fiefdoms which regularly exceed their budgets but the boss gets a fat bonus anyway, etc.
Grant – “Could we have some discussion on the use of “anonymous” in postings here ?”
Anonymophobe !
baggiejonathan said…
I have written to my MP demanding publicly funded expenses are investigated wherever they are found not just the MPs.
I cited councillors, lords, and civil servant as examples.
I have been thinking about this as well recently, though not so much about civil servants who have proper rules and procedures, unlike the MPs' racket.
What prompted me to think about it wasn't just the MPs' either, but reading in the newspaper that Trevor Phillips, who used to be head of the Commission for Racial Equality and who's now in charge of the Equalities & Human Rights Commission, has a chauffered limousine.
Why? I would like to know how that can be justified? A civil servant (a Sir Humphrey) who is the head of his government Department, wouldn't have a limousine and a driver. Why should Phillips?
Where is the money for this coming from, in a country that is up to its neck in debt and doesn't have enough money for the elderly or for people needing cancer drugs and the like?
-More BBC Hamas propaganda, paid for by BBC licencepayers.
As the BBC knows, Hamas, with BBC propaganda support, is engaged in wiping Israel off the map.
But deviously, the BBC makes no reference to this in a nasty BBC, pro-Hamas item about a map on the London Tube. All we get from the BBC is Hamas propaganda:
BBC report-
(‘Middle East’ webpage, no doubt put there by BBC to curry political favour with its Islamic chums):
“Israel admits Tube advert map ‘mistake'”
“Israel’s tourist ministry has admitted to a ‘mistake’ over adverts on the London Underground after complaints that they ‘wipe Palestine off the map’.”
A Geography lesson for the BBC on Israel:
‘Maps don’t lie’
“Israel is one of the tiniest nations on the face of the earth… only about 8,000 sq. miles, 2½ times the size of Rhode Island and only slightly larger than the Canary Islands!. It is only 260 miles at its longest, has a 112-mile coastline, 60 miles at its widest, and between 3 and 9 miles at its narrowest! A very high-powered rifle could launch a projectile right across the country! This is particularly frightening when one considers that 65% of Israel’s population is within this 9-mile wide section (Tel Aviv area). Yet Arab propagandists call Israel ‘expansionist’ and the ‘aggressor’ against all Arab peoples. For those unfamiliar with the Arab interpretation of ‘aggressor,’ it means one who dares fight back against Arab aggression!! So even though Israel may have fought only defensive wars, the mere fact that she resisted total destruction is viewed as an ‘act of aggression.’ That’s a case of wacky logic but, unfortunately, Israel doesn’t have the luxury of picking her enemies!”
The bbC, two maps of Israel, one angry voice.
Map 1
Airline sorry for omitting Israel
British airline BMI has apologised after in-flight maps on its London-Tel Aviv service did not identify Israel.
Map 2
Israel admits Tube advert map ‘mistake’
Israel’s tourist ministry has admitted to a “mistake” over adverts on the London Underground after complaints that they “wipe Palestine off the map”.
Seems the bBC only gets concerned when the jews are the guilty party.
The bbC, two maps of Israel, one angry voice.
Nice find, pounce. The difference in language and content between the two is striking.
For something as low-level as an ad poster, they even bring up the heroic efforts of The Obamessiah, and point out that Bibi isn’t playing nicely. FFS.
Oh, dear. How will the BBC report this?
(my rough translation)
The riots against taxes come to Spain with a gathering in Pamplona
The Future Institute has taken notice of the North American “Tea Parties”.
Will the Beeboids lie about this, too? Will they point out the ethnicity of the protesters? Will they say it’s really about other issues? Will Mark Mardell call them “los teabaggeros”?
I can’t wait.
On a slightly different tack, the BBC has been working hard to big up Esther Rantzen (the Martin Bell of our age) as the acceptable face of parliamentary candidature. Conveniently the BBC has airbrushed away one rather nasty episode in her BBC career.
Rest assured, the BBC (which broadcasts favourable vox pop interviews in Luton concerning the fragrant Esther) will be not mention that she f***ed her boss’s boss (Des Wilcox) to get him to cancel the programme of her immediate boss (Bernard Braden) so she could inherit the Braden brainwave which became “That’s Life”. Nothing any of the MP troughers have done quite matches that little trick.
Rantzen – just another in the BBC pantheon of heroes.
Here’s another public speech error that would have brought hails of derisive laughter from Beeboids last year:
Which Gates? Obama flubs defense chief’s name
Gates was in the crowd for Obama’s national security speech. Pointing him out, the president said “William Gates” was on hand. Perhaps Obama was thinking of Bill Gates, the Microsoft billionaire.
Yeah, simple mistake. But these add up after a while. Will Matt Frei or Justin Webb take notice and start to tease Him a little? How many of these gaffs will it take before we can call Him stupid?
It’s all too much said…
Your poem was brilliant until the ‘here is a link’ line.Then it just went down hill!
Anon 4:38
Yes, nice one, I confess to being an “anonyphobe” !
Looks like, given the lack of support on this, I may drop it !
David Preiser you may like to have a butchers at this article over at Harry’s place.
Its seems the plastic muslims over at the bBC (Yes you Abu Bowen) are more than happy to bend over on a friday for Allah.
Just playing catch-up with posts and must congratulate Uwinsom Ulosum for his/her brilliant strategy for exposing the bias of the BBC’s ‘moderators’.
A few more examples like that and we’ll have them irrefutably bang to rights.
And, Grant? I agree with you about Anonymous postings – especially when they are from Mikewhineliberal!
In case anyone was worried about the current state of the British economy and credit rating, Stephanie Flanders says not to worry. Standard & Poor's is only changing your rating because they can’t see into the future. Alistair Darling has announced a “significant tightening”, so there’s no need to call an election now. Oh, and the Tories don’t have a plan, either.
Robert Peston says not to worry. Gilt sales were great, S&P isn't saying anything we don't already know, so it's not really a negative, and anyway they can't see into the future.
Of course, while he's telling the truth about gilt sales, he forgot to mention things like this:
U.K. GDP showed a -1.9% decline in growth for the first quarter and -4.1% on an annualized basis . The growth report showed that private consumption fell by 1.2% along with a 6.1% slide in exports which leaves very little sources of growth for the economy.
Also, when Peston talks about “the next government”, he’s being just a little disingenuous. While it may seem like this is tacit admission that Mr. Brown will be out, but he could just as easily mean that by next June Labour will have sorted it out.
To sum up Flanders and Peston: No need to call for an early election. These ratings don’t really mean what you always thought they did. A better policy will come.
here is a link to a Times page where you can read the whole disgusting mess.
That doesn’t bring up anything about Auden, as far as I can see.
What is the title of the item, name of author, date etc?
Sorry: the above question is for It’s all too much…
So anybody know when the bBC is going to report the news about how 1500 men of a certain faith rampaging through Athens because somebody heard from his first cousin how he heard from his pet camel about how it knew about a story told by a certain Abu Bowen that a policeman may have thrown a copy of a certain book on the floor.
Tonight’s ‘World News Today’ (BBC 4) was beating up on the Sri Lankan Government again.
After the report, Zeinab Badawi interviewed Steve Crawshaw from Human Rights Watch . His main case was against the Sri Lankan government too (which was why he was invited on), but he referred more than once to the abominable human rights record of the now-extinct Tamil Tigers.
In contrast, Zeinab Badawi’s questioning was entirely one-sided, supporting Mr Crawshaw’s critical points and prodding him to go further with questions based on what “Tamils abroad say” or the “concerns” of the “Tamil diaspora”.
No wonder so many Sri Lankans loathe the BBC.
P.S. Please stick to your guns Grant.
Anonymophobia is no bad thing.
I think that using “anonymous” is the blogging equivalent of wearing the burqa.
In some ways.
Grant 11:20 AM, May 22, 2009,
I take your point on the anonymous comment, but there is one advantage to it – we have to regard the comment on its own merits or demerits since we have no background knowledge on the author.
From anonymous’ point of view, he or she may feel more comfortable posting in the most incognito fashion possible.
Of course it does play havoc with clarity and continuity of debate, but I don’t think the site should deny people the option of posting anonymously.
Uwinsom Ulosum 1:25 PM, May 22, 2009,
I thought at first they had rejected the comment out of skittishness at the mention of legal issues.
Good work on exposing the bias.
Volumes could be written on moderator bias on the BBC blogs.
Dunno if you know, but the HYS site managed to “lose” years of archives, including the main topics and users’ comments:
Fixing the Have Your Say fault (2)See comment 291 for an interesting process of elimination in getting a rejected comment published.
Bryan, you turned into Too True without even telling your webwife and cabal buddy, how rude is that? and also, you were so unsuccessful at maintaining the subterfuge you have to explain that you’re really the old Bryan each time you post as well.
Talk about havoc! It’s mayhem.
(Those were the days. John Reith, late lamented. Oh, and p and one chip. Or something like that.)
The article appeared 20th May in the TLS entitled “Comrade Auden unpublished verses by W H Auden” by David Collard. It is a study of Auden in cinema and includes three songs of praise for Lenin
Justin Webb managed to write four posts about how he and the White House Press Corps got stuck in Istanbul because of a technical problem with the plane. (Halfway down the page, beginning with “Reflecting on delay” on April 12.)
Yet, he found no reason to report at all about another time the White House Press Corps wasn’t able to follow the President:
On April 27, President Obama welcomed the University of Connecticut Lady Huskies, who had just won the NCAA women’s basketball championship.
After the event, President Obama went to the White House basketball court to shoot hoop with the Lady Huskies. The White House press corps was not allowed to attend.
Yes, it’s just a little silly sports do, nothing important at all. Except, if it wasn’t important enough for Justin Webb and his buddies in the “pool”, why did the White House feel the need to create its own video report of the event, complete with “White House TV” logo?
If that’s not creepy as hell, I don’t know what is. Is the President going to set up the modern equivalent of Glavlit now? Watch the video and wonder how different this is from Soviet Union TV or North Korea.
The most ridiculous part of this is that the White House needn’t have gone through all that trouble. They could have gotten the BBC to do this for them. Ol’ Justin gushes more than these girls do.
Is this meant to be open t’head (Northern version of SpEak You’re Branes)
Open The ad (subliminal advertisement)
or has David’s typo stayed unnoticed all day.
Sorry. Being facetious.
My dear virtual spouse,
I am glad that I have caught your eye. My intention was to attract the attention of those on this blog, like your good self, who matter.
When it seems that enough people know that TooTrue is the old Bryan, I’ll stop mentioning it.
I also noticed the typo.
Good that Blogger now shows the date as well as the time of a comment. ‘Twas no small matter that the date was omitted. It hampered debate.
Nothing escapes the gaze of you eagle eyed seekers of truth and justice! That’ll teach me to cut and paste early in the morning!!
BBC News 24 has spent much of the last hour or so reporting on the reactions MPs are getting in their constituencies this weekend.
It will be interesting to see which constituencies they focus on over the coming days.
Tonight it's Bracknell, where Andrew MacKay has been getting it up him (as Corporal Jones might have put it) at a public meeting, and Totnes, where Anthony Steen ("people are jealous of my house") has gone to ground to avoid getting it up him.
Both are Conservative MPs.
Hopefully the BBC will be visiting Labour and Lib Dem constituencies over the 2-week parliamentary recess (2 weeks!!!!) & equal coverage over this period will redress the balance.
We'll see.
Beeboid Tim Willcox has been discussing with a colleague why all the "multi-millionaires" on the Tory benches needed to claim these expenses at all, when they could so easily afford to pay for such things themselves. Good question, but how many "multi-millionaires" are there on the Tory benches? As opposed to mere "millionaires"?
David Vance,
Dunno about “eagle eyed.” It is in bold red and at the top of the page. Have to be blind as a bat not to spot it.
Any more info on the vanished comments? If they’ve gone to that big blog in the sky, we need to know so that we can have a proper period of mourning and then closure.
Too True.
You’d need to have more time than me to check every word written in stolen moments!
The team that put the new site are looking at the restoration of all comments. They ARE still there, just no visible. Yet.
Craig – the BBC are turning expenses into a Tory Story.
The fact is that the Westminster fees office turned down and did not fund the moat or the duck house. They were not paid for by the taxpayer. Viggers and Hogg only enquired if they were admissable and they were told they weren’t. Yet the moat and the duck house have been spun into THE stories of expenses abuse. Meanwhile real fraud, and systematic abuse of the system is being played down when it comes to allies of Brown and members of the cabinet.
Brown’s cronies and the BBC are reprising the dirty tricks of the 1990s which brought them to power. Jonathan Boyd Hunt has written about it extensively on this site. The public’s justified anger is now being systematically manipulated by the political class which has been well and truly infiltrated by new Labour. It’s a pretty sinister situation.
‘Have I got news for you’ tonight was shamefully partisan once again.
Lots of taking the piss out of Tory MPs (even in one case a Tory PPC!), an attack on Michael Martin (very easy now he is going) and a little nibble at James Purnell.
That’s it. No mention of course of the serious fraud committed by Labour Mps or their profligacy.
BBC – New Labour to the bitter end.
David Vance 10:00 PM, May 22, 2009..
The team that put the new site are looking at the restoration of all comments. They ARE still there, just no visible. Yet...
..This is good news. I suppose the philosophical question is, if they are not visible can you be sure they are really there?
But you can regard that question as rhetorical.
Newsnight review hosted in Cannes (how much did that cost eh Beeboids?) by Labour mouthpiece Kirsty Wank. Reviewing war film, one little twat decided that he did not see the point of a “Jewish revenge film” and asked “how will it play in Ramalah?”. Pretty much sums up BBC worldview that everything has to come from islamic terroriet perspective and blows away any suggestion that anti-Isreali bile is anything other than anti-Semitic. Then they moved on to a film by the anti-Semitic, pro-IRA, vermin Ken Loache….and so it goes