Just spotted he who was Cat Stevens now Yusef Islam on the Andrew Marr show, giving us a song for a Sunday morn. Wonder if Andrew asked Yusef if he is still a profound anti-Semite and Hamas enthusiast? The BBC has never met a Jew-hater they didn’t like.
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The BBC do like Jews who hate Israel or Jews who advocate giving all of Israel away in “return for peace”. In other words they like passive Jews, like the 6 million who were shot of gassed – those are good Jews in the eyes of the BBC
Not a Sheep – that’s very true. That’s their idea of balance!!
The BBC has never met a Jew-hater they didn’t like.
Talking about rabid Jew haters with extermination in their heart, what’s the scum Dum Paulin up to these days.
Is the creep still breathing out CO2 and wasting space on the planet?
Jihad Watch:”Cat Stevens Has Possible Terror Ties”
“WASHINGTON — The singer formerly known as Cat Stevens is forbidden from flying into the United States because of his alleged association with possible terrorists, U.S. officials said Wednesday in explaining why a London-to-Washington flight carrying the peace activist was diverted”.Jihad Watch
Stephen Fry
Israel hater – so well loved by the BBC
Never mind that his expenses claims are incorrect
Of course Yusef also wanted to attend Rushdie’s death by burning. A long way from the peace’n’love pose usually required from pop singers.
Further to Wil2201’s comment, I believe Yusuf Islam expressed the view that he would rather see Salman Rushdie burned alive than his effigy. That is the sort of person the BBC idolise. In my piece I noted that “subsequently Yusuf Islam has claimed that he was joking and that the show was improperly edited. I also believe that since these comments were made he has strongly denied ever calling for the death of Rushdie or supporting the fatwa. Judge for yourselves…” The video is on my site at the above link.
I remember someone complaining that Yusef Islam was featured on BBC One Sessions. They said ‘The BBC only has him on there because he’s a Muslim’. The truth is, he was only complaining because Yusef Islam is a Muslim.
David Vance, never met a Muslim he didn’t hate.
Annon 23.45,
Can you back up the above statement?
Yes Oooh yes many of us hate political islam, many hate its backward, bigoted, hate filled agenda.
I hate suicide bombers/honour murders/women abuse/forced marriages/islamist bullying/ intolerence/violence/denying women education and all the evil and cruelty that political islam is capable of.
I hate the islamist bigots and hostile colonists who sponge off our democratic society and suicide murderers who murder with perverted glee, I hate islamic psychopathic perverts who can chop a huan beings head off with a carving knife and laugh about it.
IF there is a hell then the islamists are hells representatives on this earth and IF satan exists I fully expect him to regonise his own children of darkness when they return to his embrace.
Now then annon, was the above clear enough for you? did I make my position clear enough?
I have no problem with peaceful muslims of whom I know many, I do have a big problem with evil and cruel psychopaths who hide behind religion to cover their perverted love of torture and murder.
Yep, it’s that BBC impartiality again: the BBC steadfastly refuses to cover a certain political party because of the extremism, but soft-pedals a frank advocate of Islamic violence.
Though the BBCt loves to see itself as “Centrist” or even “Liberal”, by the standards of most of the 20th century it is Far Right.
Anti American, anti Jewish, supporting Hitler’s favourite religion at all times, hating the working classes,believer in Big Government, censoring out dissent as extremism while encouraging certain Fascistic minorities as “alternative”
Thanks Cassandra, that’s all very clear. In fact, you have made that more than clear in the past. What, pray tell has that got to do with the BBC? Are you going to complain ever time Cat Stevens is on TV?
DJ said…
‘Yep, it’s that BBC impartiality again: the BBC steadfastly refuses to cover a certain political party because of the extremism, but soft-pedals a frank advocate of Islamic violence.’
You refer to the BNP I presume? Steadfastly refuses? Except for Newsnight, Question Time, PPBs, Stephen Nolan (Radio 5), BBC News channel, Today, Daily Politics, News at Ten, News at Six, shall I go on?
His singing was a complete dirge
He was introduced as “returning to singing after many years on one programme”, no mention of the failed (but much hyped by the BBC Radio)album last year!