You couldn’t make it up! Even as Gordon Brown is wading deeper into the mire of hypcritical cant during his press conference , Caroline Flint times the release of her resignation from Government. That’s TWO resignations in one day!!!! Unbelievable. If you’ve been watching the Prime Ministerial press conference, what did you think of it? It’s like watching a car wreck. Even John Major looks good compared to this….
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part of me is so sad. with brown gone liabour has a chance of winning and id like to see them lose badly.
hopefully this scottish tool will stick around for a while.
At least no other journalist at the press conference has been as pathetic as the guy from Talksport. He was obviously given his seat on the front row next to the big boys on the condition that he ask a soft, sycophantic question. He even called Brown "Sir". Truly awful.
I am watching a very slow motion car wreck; sadly the vehicle in question is my country, driven over the cliff by just one man, and seemingly allowed to do so by a screwed up system with no check or balance, a bunch of minnows powerless or afraid to deal with it, and an MSM incapable of representing the people in showing it.
And, despite all I, and those present are witnessing, and trying to digest, I have just got this email from Aunty:
Gordon Brown says he 'will not waiver and will not walk away' despite growing pressure following poor election results and political turmoil
No sh*t. However, beyond parrotting what 'he says', might it be worth noting that our country's notional 'leader' is clearly deranged and, by all accounts, going back to 'get on with the job' to an empty Cabinet.
Agree about the Talksports guy. Any wonder they got shot of Gaunty?
Gordon "getting on with the job" McDoom is like a stuck record.
I find it so hard to listen to the irritating fecker, without grinding my back teeth flat.
Brown looks more & more like an unstable, irrational & deluded lunatic.
He doesn't just need removing from power, he needs medication.
This man is unbelievable – the bloody Kinnock woman back on the gravy train! Brown is a dead man walking and looks more desperate by the minute.
His rude treatment of the guy from the Spectator who nailed him nicely on spending cuts was very revealing!
What a useless plonker!!
Flint replaced by Glenys Kinnock! Good grief. Then again, an unelected, useless nepotist who gets a massive EU pension is somehow apt as Europe Minister. It's the Cabinet of all the Talentless.
Absolutely nothing to do with BBC bias.
Must try harder.
I watched a Labour BBC journalist claiming that he knew (how?) that Flint had wanted a bigger job from Gordoom and that's why she resigned when she didn't get what she wanted. The implication was she was in a typical female huff. Talk about sexist! All in a good cause though…
I'd like to see what the Kinnocchios' expenses claims had been over the years…
Enough there for an entire conference, I think .
Remember Talkshit is now run by an ex beeboid twat. They used to have some stupid bitch from GMTV to give McTwat the east question. Front row, what a shock.
McTwat just looked like he's mentally deranged.
But I notice the BBC are really trying to move thin story on. They've got some bloke on who own the Evening standard. Why? Who cares? They had a story about Obama. Why? no one gives a shit all people want to know is how a mentally deranged jock twat is allowed to run out Country.
What a joke. The BBC 6PM News headlines. If you hadn't been watching sky all day you'd think Gordon Brown had a good day.
McTwat just looked like he's mentally deranged.
Yeah…looked like.
Susan Boyle has been back on the phone to him – maybe if he took a few weeks in the Priory?
Ed, 5:48
I watched a Labour BBC journalist claiming that he knew (how?) that Flint had wanted a bigger job…”
Because apparently in a momentary slip-of-the-tongue she had hastily stopped herself saying “Ca … “(binet) instead of “government.”
Finally!!! Cameron bites back at the BBC.
"Even the BBC has to admit these are good results for us" said Cameron laughing.
Don't worry David, the BBC are already spinning it as a bad day for you.
Very strange! The BBC is saying that Labour’s share of the vote was only 23 per cent. But not paying much attention to the fact that the Liberals got 28 per cent.
Labour have been knocked back into third place!
Nick Robinson's journey to the deepest reaches of Gordon Brown's bottom continues, just when you think he can't go any further up Broon's arse he does!
Toenails is a joke. No one takes him seriously.
if you saw the press conference the toughest questions came not from Toenails but Bradby (ITV), Boulton (Sky) and Snow (C4)
only the twat from Talksport was worse than Toenails.
Without demur, that (undemocratic) political propagandist, the BBC, notes that the (unelected) PM Mr. Brown has given (undemocratic) power as Europe Minister to Mrs. Kinnock of the House of Lords:
"Glenys Kinnock to join government."
('Politics' page.)
For BBC:
UKIP has:
"Glenys Kinnock is new Europe Minister"
"Just days after being exposed as one of the 10 worst-performing MEPs in Brussels, the wife of former Labour leader Neil Kinnock has been appointed Minister for Europe.
"Glenys Kinnock's abysmal spell as an MEP was detailed in the report on the performances of the UK's 78 MEPs performances compiled by the Taxpayers' Alliance. You can read the full report here.*
"Mrs Kinnock will be shanghaied into the House of Lords, alongside her husband, so she can join the Government and will replace Caroline Flint, who resigned today, taking a swipe at Gordon Brown's treatment of her as 'female window-dressing'.
"UKIP Leader Nigel Farage was outraged at the announcement: 'This appointment of Glenys Kinnock as Minister for Europe is totally inappropriate' said UKIP Leader Nigel Farage.
"'The political and financial loyalties of the Kinnock family are to the European Union and not to Britain.'" ('')
(* details at link.)
Unelected PM Brown's appointment of unelected Mrs. Kinnock, (like her husband, an E.U. loyalist), indicates how out of touch Labour is on the eve of the British people's against Labour's pro- E.U. stance.
So much for Labour's 'changes'.Unquestioned by BBC.
They said that Gordon Brown was in a better postion than 24 hours ago. He has had three ministers resign since then and one backbencher resign with immediate effect, giving up a large amount of money in order to trigger a by-election. In what possible way is he in a better position?
They even tried to say that the by-election would be bad for teh Conservatives as they have to win it. While I expect them to, it can do little harm to the Conservatives but massive harm to Labour.
It seems Flint's resignation is being airbrushed out of today's events by the Beeb.
It may be my weakness for beautiful brunettes, but Flint has always come across to me as one of the more competent Labour politicians.
The fact Broon has had to scour round and replace her with a peeress proves that.
A report on Labour's GLENYS KINNOCK, not to be publicised by BBC:
"Kinnock one of the bottom 10 MEPs, says report" ('Western Mail', 3 June).
"All 78 UK MEPs were assessed and scored on the basis of:
The number of parliamentary questions asked (20%);
campaigning activity (20%);
expenses transparency (20%); and
parliamentary voting record on key transparency 'red tape' spending controls and anti-corruption legislation (40%)."
Brown's apointment of E.U. enthusiast, and non-elected, Mrs. Kinnock, seems to ideally illustrate the contempt which the core of this Labour government has for the British people.
the description of Caroline Flint employed, on at least three occasions, by the beeboid "political commentator" wheeled out on the astonishingly pro Brown World Tonight effort on Radio 4 this evening, was "bitter". "She's bitter" spat the commentator, in the style of Damian McPoison. No holds were barred in a valiant attempt to spin the events of the last 24 hours in the most pro Brown light. If you can bear it, have a listen. Priceless piece of BBC bias by inference, programme structure, and sheer tone
More on the Labour Party KINNOCKS and the European Union, which the BBC omits, but the 'Daily Mail' doesn't:
"Pay deal will give MEPs a 20 per cent – or £13,000 – annual pay rise" (15th April 2009)-
"The most high-profile British politicians to benefit from the Brussels gravy train include former Labour leader Neil Kinnock and his MEP wife Glenys.
"Lord Kinnock, who served as a UK Commissioner of the European Commission from 1995 until 2004, received £277,000 over three years after stepping down from the role.
He is also entitled to an annual pension worth around £63,900 a year for life.
"Meanwhile, his wife Glenys enjoys the full benefit of pay and perks awarded to MEPs.
"Their son Stephen Kinnock, who has also held various positions for the British Council, is married to the leader of the Danish Social Democrats Helle Thorning-Schmidt.
"At one point, the Kinnocks' daughter Rachel even worked for her mother as an 'executive assistant and researcher'.
"The TaxPayers' Alliance has calculated that over a full five-year term, Euro MPs could become millionaires because of lax financial checks." ('Daily Mail'.)
I honestly think – and am on record here as saying for some time – that Nick Robinson is not a supporter of Gordon Brown.
He is definitely about as close to the inhabitants of his patch as the crew of The Bounty were to the Tahitian girls, but that just means he's too close to them to be honest when it counts. I think Guido's old accusation is holding up now, in that Robinson withholds too much or pushes the Narrative in certain directions because he doesn't want to lose that insider status.
But seriously, there's no way anybody can have watched Mr. Brown's press conference today and heard how Robinson went much farther than anyone else seemed to dare (except Fraser Nelson basically calling Brown a liar), and kept at it. That's what started Mr. Brown's recurring gag of, "Oh, you want two questions now?" Anyone following Robinson's blog will also have seen how, while he does seem to be way to much of one of those "Get Rid of Gordon – Save Labour At Any Cost" types at times, he does make sarcastic remarks against Mr. Brown every time he slinks off to a vacation.
Robinson probably has gone native at the BBC, and there are definitely times when he helps with the spin which helps Labour. I think he's compromised himself as a trustworthy reporter, and should be reshuffled along with the rest of them. But no way is he up Mr. Brown's ass. I'm sorry, but that's how I see it, and basically what I've been saying here for a while now.
Not to be reported by BBC – lest GEERT WILDERS' message on E.U. really catches on in Britain too:
"Wilders' victory speech: 'D-Day in Holland'."
Beyond Labour and BBC spin, this is what Brown should say to reflect what he's doing:
'I have decided to appoint as Minister for Europe, via the House of Lords, that Labour MEP with a poor record in Brussels, Mrs Glenys KINNOCK. In doing this, I am undertaking much needed constiutional reform to increase the democratic deficit of this Labour government. Accordingly, I am appointing Mr. Sugar in a similar way to what I did for Mr. Mandelson.
'Of course, by instituting such changes, this means that there is no need for a General Election.
'Your Labour government will continue with its stealth plan of campaigning for the entry of 75 million Muslim Turks into the European Union. Thank you for voting Labour.'
Ok, help me here. What has Broon having a hard time got to do with BC bias?
By linking a dislike of the present government with the bBC all you are doing is showing that you (we) have a similar bias to that we claim the bBC has.
Are you fucking stupid?
Firstly, we are talking about the BBC's bias towards the Labour Party.
Secondly, we are allowed to be biased because we are not funded by the fucking taxpayer.
Do you understand now?
Ron, If you wish to use expletives in which to try and conjure up some form of excuse in which to defend how a biased bBC site has become a political blog against the labour party then by all means do.
My point was and still is, this thread has no link to the bBC what so ever.
Now if you can pull out of the bag any link from this thread to a bBC article then I will apologise.
However unless you are related to Paul Daniels, I don’t think even you could pull a bBC link to the above out of a hat.
Now tell us all how you would have reacted if somebody had regaled you with abuse simply for pointing something out. Something tells me you wouldn’t’like it.