Been watching the BBC coverage of the local council elections. Quite remarkable. It seems that the angle the BBC has decided to push is best to admit that Labour is doing badly – but remember, they performed similarly in 2004 and then won in 2005! However the Conservatives have not really made a break through. (As they win everywhere) Meanwhile the Lib-Dems are on the up (Yes, even as they lose Somerset and Devon!). It’s all through the looking glass stuff but fun to watch. Meanwhile Brown’s reshuffle has been talked up even as most faces stay in situ! When John Major was in this weakened position, the BBC were all over his political corpse. But when it’s Labour, and Gordoom, the subtle ploy is to somehow suggest that all the main parties are suffering and that we have been before with Labour and yet they came through to win! If one were to swallow this guff, one would be forgiven for thinking that David Cameron is the man in trouble.
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"i dont think the tories are doing as well as they could be"
dimbledore on news 24
to labour guy:-
" why did you lose derbyshire"LOLOLOLOL
Some Beeboid is telling Cameron in Devon right now that even though the Tories did well there he's still not doing well because everybody is still angry at "national politicians".
Nobody will be allowed to take anything positive away from this election.
robinson talking about brown assertion.
card carrying beeboid cunt
The narrative is changing = Gordon has re-asserted himself and game on. Even as the Labour Party is wiped out. Surreal.
yup – totally agree DV – "save gordon" missive obviously been pumped out around BBC HQ
Hoon the buffoon just gone lol
And the 'World at One', Radio 4, was true to form. Despite an exceptional hour-long programme, there was a succession of Labourites, but only short contributions from Conservatives. Any Tory gains in local elections were downplayed, and no local consevative spokesmen were interviewed. The BBC absolutely had to avoid any danger of triumphalism by the Conservsatives, so just don't invite them on to the programme. I predict Radio 4 'PM' at 5 o'clock will be just the same, especially if Eddie Mair is fronting it.
Over the past few years, and especially this year, the World at One has been notorious for its Labour/Liberal bias, and should be investigated for gross bias, and its political imbalance closely monitored.
I am going to smash the TV soon. This election special program is all about Labour as if they are the only party this country has ever had.
Even if the Tories won every single council seat, every single council, the BBC would still lead with Gordon Brown and his "reshuffle"!
Even when the Tories win a council from Labour (eg Derbyshire) the Beeb run the story that the Conservatives "haven't done that well"
I am dumbfounded by the Bias. According to the BBC the ONLY important issue is getting Labour back on its feet. Everything else is to be sneered at or attacked (especially Tory).
But David this is the job of the BBC.
The job is to perpetuate the illusion that we live in a true democracy.
This illusion can only be achieved and sustained by keeping the competition as close as the BBC can manage. The facts of this, or any matter of course, are at best a secondary consideration for the MSM and The BBC.
It would be like the FA not bothering playing cup finals, when the result seems to be a forgone conclusion.
The BBC knows full well it is The Conservatives turn to run the SHOW next time. As it always is after Labour have bankrupted just about everything they have touched, and plenty more besides.
This is how the establishments good cop, bad cop, left right scam, effects and gets away with transferring massive amounts of wealth, power and control from the people, DIRECTLY or indirectly to the International Banking System, I.M.F., I.B., and B.I.S. for example. You know David, the collectivizing, authoritarian, socialism inventing, promoting, and financing, corporatist International Banking System, the British establishment effectively OWNS and developed?
There is very little essentially conservative about capitalism. Conservatism certainly should have infinitely less then nothing to do with CORPORATISM, which is FASCISM.
Conservatism purports to work with the corporate powers, while protecting the people from its most unacceptable face. If usually fails, but that is not the point, or rather it is the whole point.
It matters not much or if at all, whether Labour/Conservative/Lib/Dem MP's or even prime ministers know the above to be 100% solid gold truth or not. The effects and ultimate consequences are usually the only real evidence for all covert high level conspiracies.
Like all of these types of deals and con jobs, the less people who accurately know exactly what is going on, and therefore who is really pulling the strings. The better it is for the conspirators and the success of their conspiracy.
Please be reminded that the BBC ALWAYS, and that really does mean 100% of the time, works for THEM and absolutely never for US.
Atlas shrugged
derbyshire? nottingham? lol
even preston.
the beeb look morose.
even the mining areas going to the conservatives.
Well Atlas – I do agree with you. The BBC never works for us, but it makes us pay it.
This must be the only election in human history in which nobody has done well.
David Cowling BBC Politics Editor on the dumbledore show on NNC News for results
"Not sure if the Conservatives have done well enough to see them through to the General Election"
Whatever that means
Just heard Cameron getting hammered on the BBC by some camp male beeboids. 2This is not really a good result for you is it?"
"You've been hurt by the expenses row"
"Gordon Brown has reshuffled his cabinet and is now back on the move"
You couldn't make this shit up!!!
One of the young Beeboids doing the live text has finally realized that "reshuffling the Cabinet" really means replacing the people who quit.
And they finally allowed a couple of pro-Tory HYS quotes in.
Time for some re-education.
Tory on tv now saying they won Nottingham, and the caption under his face reads "Labour lost to no overall control". Which is it, BBC?
Can we just end the discussion and declare this a black day for the Conservatives, the Lib-Dems are barely treading water, if not having some disappointment, and Labour will be back in action soon, supporting the Prime Minister and looking forward with a new, vibrant Cabinet?
david preiser
could not have put it better myself mate – gordon being talkked up on news 24 -its like a wake before the funeral – dumbledore is talking up the leadership question as a last resort lol
Yes, what is the gentle method for murder?
The coverage this time is better than last time when not a single tory or lib dim was interviewed and the theme was what can labour do to win back voters confidence.
Dimbleby has been balanced.
Though really this is a time for unbalance
Listened to a surreal half hour on R5 earlier. Some selected nuggets –
1. Pienaar said "looks like UKIP will be more of a force on the European scene, WORSE THAN BEFORE"
2. Three callers allowed on, all pro Brown, one mad woman caller said (exact quote) "Gordon Brown is the best PM we have ever had, or will have".
Looks like its pay back time for the Liberal party(trashed in Devon and Somerset)for supporting Labour in defeating the Conservatives proposal to freezing the rise in the BBC licence fee. Ever since then the BBC has been sucking up to Nick Clegg he is now their blue eyed boy for his help in protecting the trough feeders at the BBC.
Been watching the tv coverage?
BBC has been far more anti Brown than Sky.
However its analysis has also been well behind the news, compare and contrast again Skynews and BBCnews.
As usual BBC were agressive when interviewing Cameron this evening. When BBC said the results were ot good for the conservatives Cameron replied "Even the BBC cant say the results aren't good".
It was a pleasure to note that Cameron is aware of BBC bias
The BBC's coverage has been horrendous- just been watching Huw Edwards' interview with Cameron- despite the Tories winning practically every seat up for grabs, Huw still seemed to think it wasn't that good!!! As for Nick Robinson's spinning (sorry blogging)- complete ignorance of the fact that most of the Cabinet seem to be deserting in droves, and Brown is looking more desperate by the hour. I just hope DC is taking note, and wreaks suitable vengeance..
Ever since then the BBC has been sucking up to Nick Clegg he is now their blue eyed boy for his help in protecting the trough feeders at the BBC.
Yes, and its not as if I can think of a single BBC employee that could not be replaced within a day, with someone just as talented in the art of reading a script, for half the cash and benefits. Likewise ALL MP's.
Real talent is expensive. Which is why working for the BBC or the establishments parliament, should be one of the least payed jobs in society.
If the BBC has a remaining useful function. Then it should be to create open access to the national media for the opinions and views of the general public. All public information, and government job advertisements should be shown only on the BBC, to save public finance.
While also reducing the control government has over the rest of the national media.
This should also be shown at exactly the same time as other broadcasters are showing commercial advertising.
The BBC is not owned or controlled by US. It is owned and controlled by THEM, just payed for by US.
If the public had real access to the broadcast media, then the BBC would have to be a mighty bit more considered in its political bias. This because the BBC could not control as TOTALLY as it does, the content and general tone of the rest of its programming.
The consistently corporatist (ie FASCIST ), yet reasonably subtle propaganda that we are subjected to, every second of every day on the BBC, is far more dangerous, not to say profoundly EVIL, then its far more obvious party political, or ideological bias.
The BBC long since stopped reporting the NEWS. The BBC simply tells us what the opinion of the BBC is.
Which is very important, because it tells us, in the most plane for all to see manner, exactly what our establishment currently whats us to think now, or more importantly in the future.
The establishment knows that in the end it will achieve its ENDS, simply because it will not stop trying, by saying and doing the same things time and time again, until it does.
Very much like myself in fact.
Please be reminded.
Almost all so called facts, have ALL turned out to be fiction in the end. While ALL fiction is PROPAGANDA, whether it is intended to be so or not.
Atlas shrugged
I listened to Iain Dale's coverage today, which was excellent. The map of the counties on the BBC website gives me great cheer.
1st: Conservative 27 councils +6
2nd: NOC 4, down one
3rd: LD: 1, down one
4th: Lab, no councils, down 4.
1st: Con – 1295, +208
2nd: LD – 430, -12
3rd: 'Other'- 149, +25
4th: Lab – 146, -228
5th: Green – 16, +6
6th: UKIP – 5, +5
7th: BNP – 2, +2
I think the BBC have taken lessons from Tamilnet in their reporting. Remember how Tamilnet insisted Prabhakaran was alive and well even after the Sri Lankan forces displayed his body.
RObinson gives us the benefit of his massive intellect and unbiased opinion….Could you make this shit up?
"On the other hand, they [the Tories] will be nervous. While they're likely to end the day having won overwhelmingly and having taken a handful of councils, their projected share of the national vote is not as good as it might have been."
A handful? How about ALL.
Not as good as it might have been – remind me how many labour parasites have been ousted – 2/3's of the TOTAL number of labour Councilors – 2/3rds! Any 'better' and we would have a one party state – (mind you, the BBC approves of that sort of thing as long as it is socialist)
I must say that I am sick of the BBC telling me about how terrible things are – in my opinion this is superb hopeful news; we should be out ringing the church bells and cracking open the fizzy sweet wine(and risking prosecution for offending our Mohammedan friends)
As others have said, the BBC's response to ZaNuLabour's meltdown has been scandalous.
Yet another minister (Caroline Flint) resigns and does so in a calculatedly destructive way and how does the BBC handle it? It doesn't. La Flnt's storming out of the bunker is brushed aside with barely a mention in favour of McBean's miserable attempts to rearrange the deckchairs.
Similarly, the Tories inflict a crushing defeat in the local elections and yet again it is McBean's panicked reshuffle that commands the headlines.
If Cameron and the Tories don't do something to force the BBC to show due impartiality after they win the next general election, then they will have grossly failed this country.
Flint's resignation is portrayed as petulance, with the Beeb only quoting the line about "female window dressing" and completely ignoring her remarks about "two-tiered government" and Brown's exclusion of people from Cabinet meetings.
Her comments about cabinet point to what is wrong with Brown's government; like Blair he operates a government by cabal.
The 'Telegraph' have rounded off Brown's 'triumphant' day by exposing yet more of his expenses dodges.(
This is dynamite.
Let's see how the BBC report it.
Out with the moat and the duck house, in with Brown's bagpipes!
(Will the biased BBC agree?)