Wonder what you make of the news that one of BBC Radio 2’s most popular religious presenters has launched a stinging attack on the BBC suggesting the broadcaster is biased against Christianity.
Don Maclean, 66, who hosted Good Morning Sunday for 16 years, said the broadcaster was ‘keen’ on programmes that attack the Christian church. He said programming chiefs were keen to take a ‘negative angle at every opportunity’ in a way they do not with other faiths like Islam. Mr Maclean said programmes about Anglicanism on the BBC always discuss gay clergy and for Catholicism they always mention paedophiles.
Maclean is simply being honest and since he was on the inside he merely confirms what we see from the outside, don’t you think? The BBC is institutionally anti-Christian and pro-Islam.
Give Mr. Mclean a Crackerjack pencil – blunt at both ends of course due to Health & Safety Regulations.
QUESTION: Is there any conexion between the BBC and Freemasonry? This issue greatly interests me. Thanks.
Better late than never maybe. Typical beeboid – once the money goes the truth comes out.
Exactly. And did you notice this at the bottom of the article:
He is performing a UK tour of The Variety Magic Show from June 27 until September 21 with comedian Jimmy Cricket and singer Dana.
We could equally ask why Jimmy Cricket and Dana no longer grace the BBC's airwaves. Coincidence? I don't think so….
When I clicked on the link to the Mail article, the advertisement on the left side of the page was for Muslima.com: "The International Muslim Matrimonials Site".
Funny algorithm.
BBC 'PM', c/o its lightweight, Mr. E. Mair, gave A Muslim convert woman, Ms. S. Joseph, a full uninterrupted run to explain why the French and the British state MUST accept her and other Muslim women's demand that Muslin women be allowed to dress as they want, frightening niqab and all, lest that their sensibilities be offended.
At no point did the demanding Ms. Joseph show any concern, recognition or interest in the sensibilities of the vast majority of non-Muslim French and British people about being confronted in public place with such alien hostile appearances.
And of course the dhimmi Mair raised no such objections. More special treatment of Muslims on the BBC. (reference: 'PM', radio 4, at about 5:45 pm UK time today).
Just a reminder for Al Beeb what typical non-Muslim women think of such confrontational garb:
"Deborah Orr: Why the sight of veiled women offends me"
('Independent' 8/6/2006)
"These garments are physical manifestations of outdated, cruel and degrading traditions.
"I've been more and more troubled lately by the sight of veiled women swathed in heavy black, getting on with their everyday business in Britain. A woman on the bus the other day looked like she was auditioning for an Islamic version of the Blues Brothers, with the only part of her body uncovered by her drapes, hidden behind very black sunglasses. A little dressmaker's pin carefully threaded at her temple held the cloth very securely over her face.
"Multiculturalism tells us that it is rude and insensitive to be critical of such garb, and that we must tolerate and even celebrate difference. But I'm afraid I find that the sort of difference these women proclaim by getting themselves up in these sinister weeds to be deeply offensive. I understand that in a free society they are entitled to dress as they please, just as I am.
"But I also understand that in a free society I am at liberty to say that the values these outfits imply are repulsive and insulting to me. I find these clothes to be physical manifestations of outdated traditional practices, dating from early Islam and before, that oppress and victimise women, sometimes in the most degrading, cruel and barbaric of ways. Looking at women in these outfits, and comprehending some of the beliefs they imply, is awful and saddening."
I'm not sure it's "pro" Islam – it's just SCARED of Islam.
I can imagine a health and safety bean counter pulling Mark Thompson aside and saying, "listen – the BBC is the biggest broadcaster in the world. If you slag of Islam you and your staff are gonna be TARGETS."
Hence the policy of appeasement.
I think it's right that a broadcaster questions religion, exactly the way the Beeb do Christianity – it is, after all, a fairytale that dictates millions of lives and justifies (in some heads) murder and warmongering. However, what is appalling is that they do not interrogate ALL religions the same way.
For example, asking of even 'liberal' or 'westernised' muslims, "Why is Mohammed such a paragon of virtue when he shagged a twelve year old?" (or was she eight?)
Anyway, that's my theory.
If the Beeb can't bring itself to discuss the in-your-face obtrusiveness of Islamic attire, perhaps one of the more enlightened among them could make a programme about the 1936 Public Order Act which made it an offence to wear a political uniform which was aimed at a group with an ideology not dissimilar to that of devout Muslims – Mosely's Blackshirts.
(sustitute religion for state or race as the basis of the demonisation of, and aggression against, 'the other' and a source of self glorification: there are numerous other parallels between fascism and Islam, significant because the latter does not distinguish between politics and religion and has its own legal system. If they were lost on the average Beeboid before, a Muslim head of religious affairs is hardly likely to point them out.
wv is unded!?!?
"Ms. Joseph" I'm not sure that she could take the title "Ms" if shes a Muslim – no womans lib there.
Even more preferential treatment from BBC of Muslims:
Note the BBC's politically biased CONCLUSION to its report:
BBC report ('Europe' page) –
"Sarkozy speaks out against burka"
"French President Nicolas Sarkozy has spoken out strongly against the wearing of the burka by Muslim women in France.
"In a major policy speech, he said the burka – a garment covering women from head to toe – reduced them to servitude and undermined their dignity.
"Mr Sarkozy also gave his backing to the establishment of a parliamentary commission to look at whether to ban the wearing of burkas in public.
"In 2004, France banned the Islamic headscarves in its state schools."
But, the BBC CONCLUDES its biased approach by having a ONE-SIDED, MUSLIM ONLY BBC 'Have your say', thus:
"Are you a Muslim living in France? What is your reaction to Mr Sarkozy's comments on the wearing of the burka?"
The BBC's preferential treatment of Muslims is unending, despite the criticism of non-Muslims who are the main part of British society, and the vast majority of the non-Muslim licencepayers who are being forced to pay for BBC Muslim propaganda.
Good piece George R – but I am not really happy that the population of Britain should be classified as Muslim and non-Muslim. This presuposes that Muslim is the default position, when in fact 98% of the population is "non-Muslim".
I think we should find a better phrase than "non-Muslim".
"I'm not sure it's "pro" Islam – it's just SCARED of Islam."
Oh it's pro-Islam alright
It's not just the censoring of any criticism of Islam, it's the constant promotion of Islam
Such as always referring to Mohammed as "the Prophet Mohammed" (without any quotation marks around "Prophet") and always getting the views of Muslims whenever a major terrorist attack or something like "Mohammed Teddy Bear/Danish Cartoons" occurs but never getting the views of anyone else.
And of course, Catholicism is attacked for having paedophiles but Mohammed is let off scot-free for having a 6 year old bride (and giving her a good old rogering when she was 9)
Scared is much more likely than actively promoting Islam. Hence the abandonment of any attempt at reasoned argument and an apparent uncritical acceptance of the divine nature of the Koran. Fear is a great enemy of reason. Christianity is not feared neither is Buddhism.
It is odd that this fear is the reverse of the zeal with which the BBC promotes climate change ,Europe and multiculturalism. In these cases it is the BBC which seeks to use fear as a means of silencing debate.
So he's not biased at all:
'I think there's a secularist movement in this country to get rid of Christianity. Something must be done.'
'I said 'No, it's a Christian programme because the presenter is a practising Christian and this is a Christian country, so it's a Christian programme.'
So there's one Christian programme, songs of praise is another – that's quite enough
In a broadly secular country it's right that we question the old religion
As for Islam, that too is mostly a cultural debate – over clothing, law etc rather than the religious side, just as Christianity is with it's gay priest issues, dogmatic debates are rare – the only reason they don't question it as much is because, as many people say, they are scared – a problem in itself
The multi-cultists broadened the definition of religion in the 2006 redo of the Charter and Agreement.
141. Ofcom's phase one review of public service broadcasting states that religious programming is "generally considered to be core PSB territory".[51] Section 264(6) of the Communications Act 2003 requires that public service television broadcasting in the United Kingdom must include services of a suitable quality and range dealing with a number of subjects including "religion and other beliefs". For the purposes of the Act a belief is defined as "a collective belief in, or other adherence to, a systemised set of ethical or philosophical principles or of mystical or transcendental doctrines" (section 264(13)). Therefore broadcasting covering religion and other beliefs is part of the remit of all public service channels.
142. In a January 2006 interview with the Catholic magazine "The Tablet", Mark Thompson asserted that religious broadcasting has proved to be the most controversial subject of his tenure at the BBC so far. He put this down to "a post- 9/11 sensitivity to religious belief".[52]
143. This may seem like a surprising statement from the Director General at a time when the BBC is facing the many challenges we discussed in our last report. However, Mark Thompson's view that religious broadcasting has become a sensitive and divisive issue is shared by others. We received written evidence from a range of individuals and religious bodies who felt strongly about the quality, quantity and balance of religious broadcasting on the BBC.
So they can do as many features on wicca and atheism and whatever else they like, with no special place for the state religion. That's been written out. You are all multi-cutlural now, and you have no say in the matter.
It is noticeable how the BBC confines the 'burqa ban' debate to France; the BBC doesn't mention that its British Labour government is silent on the issue in the UK, indicating Labour's fear of losing Muslim votes if it supported Sarkozy on this.
This appeasement has gone on long enough. How can we best punish these people for what they're doing?
Perhaps they could be forced to sit and watch the The Variety Magic Show from June 27 until September 21?
Jimmy Cricket, Don Mclean and Dana…purgatory with a topping of religious self-righteousness. Could anything be worse?
Will BBC report this, or does it reserve its ire for Geert Wilders?:
"Netherlands: Jihadist threat remains substantial'; Hizb ut-Tahrir collaborating with Dutch Islamic student group"
"An obvious understatement: Hizb ut-Tahrir 'potentially also has the opportunity to promote its polarising and activist message in Dutch higher education.' Dealing with HuT's presence — or potential presence — on Dutch campuses should be a much more urgent priority than this report implies it is. Many campus groups have 'polarizing and activist messages.' HuT's is decidedly more virulent."
I get the sense you lot don't like the BBC. Here's a simple suggestion, don't watch/listen to its broadcasts. As amusing as your whining is to read, it's gonna get boring after a while and i'm sure you can all find something better to do with your life then complain about the stinkin' commie, depraved, anti-the one true faith Christianity, leftie, liberal scumbags who all deserve to be burned at the stake and replaced with a right thinking, right winged team at the BBC.
one more thing:
QUESTION: Is there any conexion between the BBC and Freemasonry? This issue greatly interests me. Thanks.
ANSWER: Of course, the BBC is well known to be the propaganda section of the one world government consisting of the freemasons, Illuminati, the FBI, CIA and Robo-Hitler, who is the true leader of the entire world. Thats a common fact, sheesh, how didn't you know that?
are you sure your site is not just anti islamic? Christianity is a religion based on every pagan, greek and mystic belief in the book. A most extreme religion by any definition of the word, it's responsible for more deaths, more suffering, more extremism and more indoctrination than any other religion. And the bible is just one big tall story, based completely in fantasy and fanaticism.
My problem with this site extends to every subject you discuss. It's like your a pissed off journalist that couldn't get a job at the BBC and decided to just slate them instead, picking up on every single news story and writing commentary on every phrase that doesn't meet your right wing standards.
I hate the BBC for being innacurate, your site is just as bad. you prick.