Did you read this latest love-in between Justin Webb and his good friends in the Obama regime? The contrast between the studied belligerence that typified BBC coverage of the Bush years and the slobbering sycophancy that now characterised Obama’s reign could not be greater nor the bias more rampant. This is not balanced and objective reporting but rather sustained PR spin.
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It's all part of His Plan for us.
Sooner or later the US press will turn on Obama.
Blimey. If talk of a semi staffed administration, riven by internal dissent and fragile with the electorate at large represents "slobbering sycophancy" and "sustained PR spin" then I'd hate to see a hatchet job….
Unbelievable. Webb should be explaining why it is taking Obama so long to fill posts.
Wonder if Webb has any Republican " friends" ?
It's bad enough that the BBC is essentially a propaganda wing of the White House. We now have something nearly as horrible in the US:
ABC Self-Nationalizes for Obama
Media Bias: As much of the U.S. private sector, including health care providers, resists government takeovers, what a sorry sight to see ABC News leap forward to make itself a propaganda arm of the government.
But that's the story as ABC crosses the line from journalism to advocacy in turning its coverage of health care over to the White House.
Sickening. The BBC won't tell you about it, never mind that anyone might object because, well, you know….
At least ABC isn't our official state broadcaster. Thank goodness we don't have one. Yet.
Well spotted, as usual.
Anyone hear Al Bowen on BBC News?
Notice that when showing the footage of the Iranian protesters Bowen KEPT repeating that these were just claims and that the BBC could not verify the film or images used.
contrast THAT to how bum boy Bowen was reporting EVERYTHING that the Palestinians said during the recent Gaza conflict as FACT without ever suggesting that the Palestinians might be using fake footage or old footage and that the BBC could not verify any of the footage being given to them.
I had to laugh when the camp sounding male beeboid on the 10PM news was talking about the new EU partnership with the Euro Tories.
"Some of them have unusual views about homosexuality and climate change" spouts camp beeboid.
What that perhaps man made climate change is a load of bollocks?
anyone else find that Mihir Bose (or whatever his sodding name is) irritating?
I just can't understand half of what he says. He misses out half the words so he speaks in pigeon English. It's really annoying.
Dear Barak,
I love you. Run naked through my hair. Throw your arms around me and tell me how wonderful you are. You are the light of my life.
Further evidence that the BBC is not now and never has been Anti-American.
It is simply anti all things truly conservative, just, liberal, honest, democratic, sensible, and humane. ( although why the BBC considered G Bush and his administration to be anything to do with conservatism, or indeed any of the above, completely beats me )
Or put another way. The BBC is systematically and ideologically pro ALL RADICAL establishment based, propagated and funded agendas without exception.
Which means pro FASCISM or big business CORPORATISM in reality.
The BBC runs establishment agendas such as those promoted by corporatist establishment organizations such as The Bilderberg group, The royal Institute for International Affairs and The Council on Foreign Relations. Which are just 3 of the several world governing bodies that the BBC will never mention, if it can possibly help itself.
The BBC will however mention daily these groups puppet organizations, such as the UN and The EU, but only ever in a positive light.
Which in only one small way is a positive thing. For it shows that the New World Order has not quite gained enough confidence in its total power.
When the establishments BBC finally gets the green light, and comes clean on the above. We will then know for absolute certain that the New World Order is not just already here, it will be well and truly here to stay.
WV eurism, you could not make it up.
I've seen the light. My mind has been changed by the overwhelming reason and logic of the BBC's explanation that the President is taking the best tack on this Iran row. After all, He works in mysterious ways.
Yeah. Screw this guy. As long as we can still have good nuclear dialogue with whoever ends up in charge, then His plan will have saved us.
atlas, see here. enjoy the NWO
"Notice that when showing the footage of the Iranian protesters Bowen KEPT repeating that these were just claims and that the BBC could not verify the film or images used.
contrast THAT to how bum boy Bowen was reporting EVERYTHING that the Palestinians said during the recent Gaza conflict as FACT without ever suggesting that the Palestinians might be using fake footage or old footage and that the BBC could not verify any of the footage being given to them."
Yes that is because the glorious Iranian government wrongly thinks that we are agents of the British government and kicked us out.
Whereas the friendly and lovable Palestinians allow us access to anything and everything.
J B,
Actually, the BBC is an agency of the British government. Just not the useful kind.