Meant to ask you if the read the BBC’s shocking, yes shocking, commissioned survey of British Muslim opinion that shows three-quarters of those surveyed said it was wrong for the West to intervene militarily in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Around a third of those surveyed reckon the UK police and society to be anti-Muslim. Encouragingly, ONLY 16% oppose our forces fighting Al Queda. With a UK Muslim population of around 2.5 million, I make that around 400,000 AQ sympathisers in the UK. Wouldn’t THAT make an interesting headline?
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So where are we supposed to fight Al Q, then? The Ardennes?
I wonder if the BBC would be willing to commission research into how many in Britain believe these Moslems should be allowed to remain here?
Silly question, I know.
Perhaps the Muzzies should up-sticks and move to a country more in tune with their Islamo-facist sentiments?. We could always promise to post their benefits on to their new country of residence…
Blairs real Multiculti lie was to suggest that the opposite of Multiculturaism was Racism. No you twisted Scottish Lawyer, its called Assimilation. "You are welcome to come and live among us, and of course since you want to live with us, you will want to become one of us – you adapt to us, not the other way around" Blair put it differently – "you are welcome to come and sponge off of us, and remain utterly alien to your chosen country of residence" In Labour-land, the "race-card" still trumps all others. I want Jack Straw to wear a burqa all day, see what he gets out of being on the end of his own ideology.
So where are we supposed to fight Al Q, then? The Ardennes?
Give it a few years, and it'll be on the streets of Britain. Except we won't be allowed to fight. Because that would be racist or a violation of those who seek to destroy us and everything we hold dear's yuman rites, innit.
'We shan't fight on the seas and oceans, we shan't fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shan't defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shan't fight on the beaches, we shan't fight on the landing grounds, we shan't fight in the fields and in the streets, we shan't fight in the hills; we shall surrender. Just tell us what you want. And please don't hurt us or call us racist. Please.'
Encouragingly, ONLY 16% oppose our forces fighting Al Queda. With a UK Muslim population of around 2.5 million, I make that around 400,000 AQ sympathisers in the UK.
What is astonishing about this figure of 16%, is that so many British Muslims feel brave enough to own up to supporting al Qaeda, even as Britain is at war with al Qaeda. Can anyone imagine such a figure i.e., 16% of the British supporting the Nazis in WWII?
Actually the number of British Muslims who support al Qaeda is much higher, as all Muslims are required to support those who are the sharp end of the Jihad. It is just that they are practising Taqqiya.
The end rsult of multiculturalism, particularly one that involves Muslims, is a civil war. One can see it all over the world. Britain and the West will not be exceptions.
The BBC bears part of the responsibility for there being some many Muslim supporters of Islamic jihad causes now living in Britain.
The BBC still does not recognise how vital it is to restrict immigration into the UK,and not to advocate mass immigration. Instead the BBC supports the mainstream political parties in wanting 75 million Muslim Turks to join the EU.
The Islamization of Europe (inc. UK), is well underway, and given demographic trends, and the EU's Eurabia plans (aided and abetted by the political liberal left) the assisted suicide of Western civilisation in Europe is the next step.
"Fjordman: The European Union and the Islamization of Europe" ('Jihadwatch' Feb 9/080):
…"the EU is the principal motor behind the Islamization of Europe, and that the entire organization needs to be dismantled as soon as possible, otherwise nothing substantial can ever be done about the Muslim invasion. At the 'Gates of Vienna blog', I am writing a text called 'Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union,' which can be translated into other languages and be republished when it is completed.
"As Bat Ye'or demonstrates in her book 'Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis', senior EU leaders have actively been working for years to merge Europe with the Arab world. They are now feeling confident enough to say this openly. The British Foreign Minister David Miliband in November 2007 stated that the European Union should work towards including Middle Eastern and North African countries, as this would "extend stability." He also said that the EU must 'keep our promises to Turkey' regarding EU membership. "
David Preiser: Fight them? The Muslims want them to succeed here.
As for the 16% that figure is far higher, most surveys show the support for terrorism by the Muslim community up nearer 20-25% and I believe it to be up around 50%, especially in places like Bradford, Leeds and Blackburn. There is a huge amount of hatred towards the west there.
Shame the BBC didn't ask Muslims how many of them are in favour of homosexuality. I bet the BBC wouldn't dare ask THAT question.
"Sleepwalking into Islamisation"
(by Melanie Phillips,
'Daily Mail', 8 July 2008.)
"Three years after the London Tube and bus bombings, it is alarming beyond measure to record that Britain is even now sleepwalking into Islamisation. Some people will think this is mere hyperbole. However, that’s the problem. Britain still doesn’t grasp that it is facing a pincer attack from both terrorism and cultural infiltration and usurpation.
"The former is understood; the latter is generally not acknowledged or is even denied, and those who call attention to it are pilloried as either ‘ Islamophobes’ or alarmists who have taken up residence on Planet Paranoia.
"Certainly, the police and security service have been foiling plot after plot and are bringing to court a steady stream of Islamist radicals –an improvement without doubt from three years ago. And so, particularly within the British elite, people think that things are broadly under control.
"They fail to realise that the attempt to take over our culture is even more deadly to this society than terrorism. "
The dhimmi BBC prefers to leave discussion of Islam to only Muslims, and to advocates of Islam.
I feel your logic is incorrect, but very much in keeping with how the Beeb thinks….
So why would someone oppose fighting Al-Queda? Let me think…
Perhaps some Muslims completely reject any form of violence? Or they are fellow trekies and believe in the "Prime directive". Or closet Buddhists?
Or maybe they might know what the phrase "Al-Queda" means from knowing Arabic and laugh at the stupidity of the question. Looks like you have been watching too much BBC again, try reading up on the subject (assuming your reading age permits that of course).
We all know by now that you're not keen on the Muslims David, but what's this got to do with BBC bias!!!!
According to you the BBC would never publish such a poll right? So no mention of that and you don't even allege bias in this instance.
You're a pathetic individual.
Troll writes: "We all know by now that you're not keen on the Muslims David, but what's this got to do with BBC bias!!!!"
What it has to do with bias is that it highlights the past decade of sycophancy shown by the BBC towards Islam and which continues, despite this poll.
An unbiased broadcaster would take this poll and use it as the basis of further investigations, allowing any awkward questions that may arise to be asked.
That is simply not something the BBC does, so wedded is it to the policy of enforced multiculturalism.
'What it has to do with bias is that it highlights the past decade of sycophancy shown by the BBC towards Islam and which continues, despite this poll.'
Where is that shown? There's no attempt to even discuss bias in this post.
'An unbiased broadcaster would take this poll and use it as the basis of further investigations,'
You're complaining about the BBC not doing something which it hasn't not done yet?!? I can see how you're able to come up with so many 'examples' of bias using that logic.
I think it's good that people who pay the licence fee want to hold the BBC to account. This website isn't it.
Anon: "I think it's good that people who pay the licence fee want to hold the BBC to account. This website isn't it"
You are free to leave anytime you like.
Al Beeb stirred up the hornets nest. By attacking the Iraq war and the western forces at every opportunity it has reduced belief in the nato armies in total and has muddied the waters so that even the main stream population has some sympathy with the luddite mysoginist racist sectarian halfwits that make up the Taliban in the afghan region.
The modern beeb would make hitler look fluffy and the allies look like a bunch of kiddy muderers. Imagine if the new wave suited hippys at the beeb were in charge during the dresden bombings they'd have had millions on the streets wanting to lynch Harris. Hitler would be on posters in broadcasting house where they now have chavez. I dont blame the UK muslim population when state funded appeasers from the state broadcaster has brainwashed them into hating the country they live in.
Does the BBC also do explicit surveys of what the vast majority of British NON-MUSLIMS think of Muslims, Islam, and Islamic Jihad?
"Does the BBC also do explicit surveys of what the vast majority of British NON-MUSLIMS think of Muslims, Islam, and Islamic Jihad?"
Don't be silly.
We the plebs, those that don’t fall into a specific minority category that is, aren’t allowed to have an opinion.
In weighty matters such as the EU, global warming, immigration, Islamification…..well anything that affects the long-term survivability of this country really, we must defer to our ‘betters’.
Our Anonymous troll writes: "You're complaining about the BBC not doing something which it hasn't not done yet?!?"
I'm complaining about the constant stream of sycophancy shown towards Islam by the BBC and its persistent refusal to critically examine the privileged position created for this alien faith by the liberal elite.
That case is made daily here and in detail. Pretending it isn't proves you are nothing but a hollow Corporation shill.
Anon wroteIn weighty matters such as the EU, global warming, immigration, Islamification…..well anything that affects the long-term survivability of this country really, we must defer to our ‘betters’.
And who are these "betters"? Why they are MPs, Beeboids and people whose sole provider is the taxpayer. People who did an easy subject at university – like sociology, politics, or studying their own mother tongue. These are the betters; they never did a day’s real work in a wealth-producing sector of the economy. It is to these people we must defer to on weighty matters such as – thermodynamics, gas laws, heat exchange, solar hydrodynamics, Mankovitch cycles, cloud formations and precipitation and its dependence on pollutants. In other words expertise on climate.
The subject of climate is far too complex for anyone to be an expert. These days it is impossible to be an expert in even one subject. All one can hope for is some recognition in a tiny subset of a discipline. The study of climate can only be a study, and it is false to name it as climate science, thus giving it an aura of respectability that it does not have.
"Around a third of those surveyed reckon the UK police and society to be anti-Muslim". This is true because the Police is made up of so many Hindus, Jews, Christians, Sikhs etc. don't make me laugh.
"Shame the BBC didn't ask Muslims how many of them are in favour of homosexuality. I bet the BBC wouldn't dare ask THAT question."
Strangely, yes.. they did. And "NO", the BBC didn't publish that result of course…
44% disagreed strongly and 9% tend to disagree.
You can view the actual survey here;
What's the point of this BBC survey of British muslims? It only tells us what a small fraction of the population thinks about these matters. In a democratic country populated overwhelmingly by non-muslims the views of muslims are not particularly relevant or interesting as only majority views are ever likely to be influential.
I'd be more interested in a BBC survey of the whole population on these matters.
I agree, this survey is totally stupid. Look at the questions! they ask Muslims about "British AND US" involvment in "Afganistan AND Pakistan". "AND"
Nearly all the questions are like this.
For example, what if, a British Pakistani agrees that British Troops should intervene in Pakistan but not Afganistan, but American troops should just be in Afganistan. How was this vote counted?
the only answers are Right, Wrong, Refused and Don't Know.
Yes, it's a bizarre result, if one doesn't understand the purpose behind it. The purpose of this is obvious from the questions: to prove that Mohammedans in the UK are deeply trouble by Islamo-nutter terrorism while still justifying domestic Mohammedan anger against Booooosh's War.
Yes, you should fight Al Q, but not where they are. No, the West shouldn't be in there, but Al Q shouldn't attack NATO and you're not doing enough to help Pakistanis and Afghans.
They want to have their mithai and eat it, too. The result is a laughable survey.
There are many murderous attacks by Islamic jihadists on we 'infidels' which many Muslims resident in Britain are in denial about, e.g. 7/7:
"One opinion poll by Gfk NOP for Channel 4, two years after 7 July attacks, found that around a quarter of British Muslims questioned thought the government or MI5 were involved in the bombings."
(-bbc blogs 'the editors'.)
"The Conspiracy Files: 7/7"
-is on Tuesday, 30 June, BBC 2, at 9 pm.
The real chilling feature of the PM report on this survey's findings was that some young MOslem men and stopped their car and told the surveyers that they supported the Taliban When queried did that include stopping girls going to school, these young men said yes. Since one of the ways the Moslem Taliban prevent girls going to school is by throwing acid in their faces, one has to assume these Moslem young men are in favour of this Moslem Taliban practice. How enlightened.
Anonymous said…
'What it has to do with bias is that it highlights the past decade of sycophancy shown by the BBC towards Islam and which continues, despite this poll.'
Where is that shown? There's no attempt to even discuss bias in this post.
'An unbiased broadcaster would take this poll and use it as the basis of further investigations,'
You're complaining about the BBC not doing something which it hasn't not done yet?!? I can see how you're able to come up with so many 'examples' of bias using that logic.
I think it's good that people who pay the licence fee want to hold the BBC to account. This website isn't it.
5:45 AM, June 26, 2009"
You are free to leave any time you like.
You won't get fined.
You won't get a criminal record.
You won't have to worry about incarceration.
Perhaps you could get your BBC friends to accept the same principle for the licence fee as I don't watch BBC but still have to pay their poll tax for having a tv set to watch satellite on.