Right then – Monday morning on Today and the BBC’s Mark Simpson provides us with the news that the terror group the UVF has “put beyond use” its illegal arsenal. Later on we are to be treated to the wife of convicted UVF bomber and canonised (since his death) PUP politician David Ervine along with Indie journo David McKittrick on the same topic. Reality alert! The UVF remains a bloodthirsty criminal cabal, and the UVF killers remain at large, untainted with justice. These vermin are playing along with government policy with faux decommissioning at the heart of it. The public will not see what has been handed over, nor will we know how it was “put beyond use”, nor where the weaponry is stored, nor what the inventory was. Instead all we get is reassuring official noises and UVF apologists on to tell us how wonderful this is. IF the BBC had any measure of balance, they would allow those who remain profoundly cynical of terrorist posturing on their programme to “debate” this topic but of course that NEVER happens. In my view, at times like this, the BBC demonstrates how evil is is by playing along with the depraved appeasement of the UVF and their fellow psychopaths in the UDA. Why are the BBC so afraid if giving air-time to those who distrust the terror gangs? What’s the big problem? How much money will be showered on these scum now? What happens to those UVF killers who remain at large but with blood on their hands? Who knows? – the BBC will not allow these questions to be asked….
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Two things I noticed about it:
i) This is all taking place in some country called 'Ireland' apparently
ii) It's a good thing because it eliminates the threat from these guns, and once the guns are destroyed, the guns won't be able to threaten anyone again. I'm not sure, but I'm guessing the uzis and M16s are particularly threatening, while the AK47 is only dangerous when it's provoked.
I actually agree and disagree with you David.
My big thing with the UVF and UDA is that they are not the IRA, who now run Ulster for all intents and purposes. For that reason alone I would tolerate the UVF and UDA.
Dave certainly sounds incensed, how can anyOne seriously
Slag off David ervine of the pup?
Dave your using your usual self loathing of everything ni to put your twisted thoughts across.
Grow up!
No guns is good, would you rather they kept them?
they would allow those who remain profoundly cynical of terrorist posturing on their programme to "debate" this topic but of course that NEVER happens.
Thats wierd, I spent around three quarters of an hour listening to your leader and wannabe politico Jim Alister ranting about the things you say are not discussed. You were invited on to discuss the licence fee and bbc wages and expenses and didn't go – so what is the problem?
Do you want the airwaves to be handed over so you can decide everything?
Grow up DV, stop posting your own politics as a disguise for bbc bias… we've cottoned on to it now.
Deal with real rather than imagined bias, maybe you hadn't woke up properly begining your blogging day at just after 6 in the morning….
Stop obsessing and lets get real and deal with real bias.
ps remember Your leader Jim Alistar doesn't even have a mandate, no political office, due to lack of votes and the bbc STILL let him on, what if some eejit ex IRA man set up a party with so little support and no ppl in office, should they give him air time too? In the interests of balance?
Really DV, its time to get real and deal with real bias imv…
"The five-day annual Glastonbury rock festival and mud-fest finished last night. The BBC sent more than 400 people to cover it at an estimated cost of £1.5 million"
"Similarly, last year's U.S. presidential election was covered by 175 BBC staff. Sure, the BBC has many more outlets than, say, ITN or Sky.
But the duplication of effort between programmes seemed to owe more to the prospect of a giant jolly for equally giant egos than to the requirements of journalism."
"Just as egregiously, Mr Thompson also defended his own expenses claim of £ 2,236.90 to fly his family home from their holiday in Italy when he had to return to deal with the scandal over Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand. Given that his family would otherwise be abandoned, he said, it was 'rather understandable' they felt they should come back, too."
Now thats real bias DV!!!!
Yeah – I'm not too sure where this country that is Ireland can be found!
1. Jim Allister is not my boss.
2. Was he on BBC Radio 4? I can't seem to find that but have been away from the radio since 7.45am?
No terrorists is good news. Have the UVF stopped their criminality? As for St David Ervine, WHY can the BBC not handle any criticism of their man?
here DV begins about two minutes in, and he is on along with Gerry Kelly and it stop around 30 odd minutes in. Over half an hour with the continuing debate re decommissioning after.
AND this guy does not even have his toe in politics.
Amazing or what?
Was he on radio 4, thats hardly the issue, he was on the bbc, the issue is were they right to invite him on, since he represents nobody but himself? Thats the real issue here, don't you think?
People should be free to 'hate' whom ever they choose. You can't make people like each other (I don't like the BBC).
I don't care if the IRA or UDF etc have hate in their hearts & MP5's in their homes, as long as thats where it stays.
I, like most people would rather have peace than 'justice' in NI.
It's not really appeasement, just common-sense.
Does the "fact" they've put their guns beyond use mean that all the small shops and businesses in Belfast who've had to pay these extortionists (yes, including the late D. Ervine – in his masked incarnation) protection money don't have to pay any more?
If so, Belfast retail property is once again the business to invest in.
No, Gosh, you halfwit. Melanie Philips is a polemical writer employed by a newspaper publisher.
You don't like what she has to say? You don't buy the newspaper.
On the other hand, people like me, who think Glastonbury should be razed to the ground along with its crowds of superannuated hippies, still have to pay for your chums at the BBC to give it wall to wall coverage by an army of liggers.
That is bias.
For once i agree with David (Actually i have to confess I agree with him quite alot.Even if i am from the other side of the peace wall religiously speaking)
One problem with the London based BBC news coverage is that they see NI from a distance and they see lovely reformed UVF volunteers as all fluffy now they have buried a couple of rusty old webley air pistols.
They prefer to pretend that Republican paramilitaries are just slighlty angrier nationalists and that Loyalist paramilitaries are just slighlty miffed unionists.
These green or orange thugs are still thugs. They may not wander around placing bombs or organising drive bys (except continuity ira)but they are still criminal organsations built on intimidation and extortion.
Having an uncritical media or one that glosses over sticking points means that these thugs can continue to beat-up rob and intimidate people.
There seems to be some strange blurring of history.Just because they havent murdered anyone for a few months doesnt make them nice people. You wouldnt put up with it in Surrey so why should the people of NI have to tolerate it. And as for the dismissive tone towards the 6 counties, many men from that part of the union have died for the UK in countless wars and they have just as much (even more)right to be heard and counted as the Gurkhas. The families bombed during the second world war while helping keep the UKs war industry going deserve more respect. The soldiers that have fought along side mainland forces in every war since 1945 deserve more loyalty.
It may be small but the people of NI matter, both unionist and nationalist. Dont let your home counties biggotry make you dismiss a significant section of our UK population. If you do you are a guilty as auntie and all her luvvy fluffy staff who think that now the conflict is over on the surface that it has gone away altogether. It most definately has not. The luvvies at the beeb would much rather be telling you thatch was the devil than bothering with some billys/micks with guns. NI is just soooo last decade darling.
"No, Gosh, you halfwit. Melanie Philips is a polemical writer employed by a newspaper publisher.
You don't like what she has to say? You don't buy the newspaper."
Does that nullify what she says?
And what is with the name calling, are you not articulate enough to state your case without it?
Gosh writes: "Does that nullify what she says?"
It certainly nullifies your ridiculous attempt to wave way manifest BBC bias, based on what someone has written in a newspaper which you have an option not to buy.
Or is that – like the use of the apostrophe – a little challenging for you?
It certainly nullifies your ridiculous attempt to wave way manifest BBC bias
Do you know who Jim Alister is? Did you listen to either programme? Do you know who David Ervine is? How about David McKittrick? Know who he is? Do you actually know what you are discussing, or is your beef with an apostrophe?
based on what someone has written in a newspaper which you have an option not to buy.
Writing in a paper that is paid for cannot be used to make a point. I've heard it all now…
"Or is that – like the use of the apostrophe – a little challenging for you?"
More challenging than name calling to put your point accross, and in such a pushy way….
Did someone take away your soother. Now trot off before I give you a lash of the tongue you won't recover from, with lots of name calling to suit your mentality.
Better still, I couldn't be arsed, fools like you are a dime a dozen on the internet.
Is discussing the politics to see if there is bias too challenging for you?
You know, Gosh, I'm no going to waste any more words on you.
Struggling through your illogical, barely literate prose in an attempt to grasp a meaning is more effort than it is worth.
If you aren't bright enough to work out why DV's complaint about BBC bias is valid, while yours about the Mail's is a complete non sequitur , then there's little hope for you.
For once the BBC is being even-handed. They believe the IRA lies about de-commissioning and they believe the UVF lies !
You know, Gosh, I'm no going to waste any more words on you.
Thank heavens for that!
If you aren't bright enough to work out why DV's complaint about BBC bias is valid, while yours about the Mail's is a complete non sequitur , then there's little hope for you.
Poor GCooper, trying anything, especially finger pointing rather than deal with the political nitty gritty.
You really are a waste of time. And if your mentality is name calling I could think of a very apt one for you.
Try not to waste anymore drivel anythime as far as I'm concerned. I've never liked how you engage with people and its a relief to know from now on I'll be free of you.
Gosh, can you really not understand that this site is about BBC BIAS? There is plenty of bias about, whether it is in the Spectator, New Statesman, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, etc etc etc…… The point is the BBC is a NATIONAL broadcaster, which we are all obliged to pay for if we want to watch ANYTHING on television.
It is assumed by the unwary that because it is on the BBC that the views expressed must be balanced, fair and look at both sides. (It also assumes that they must be basically on the side of Great Britain.) That is why this site exists – to point out the many egregious examples of bias, of tending to support one side rather than the other, and that the BBC should not indulge in moral equivalence between a (reasonably) uncorrupt democracy such as Great Britain, and some of the many dictatorships around the world. What is said in the Daily Mail by Melanie Phillips is irelevant unless it is being used to illustrate the counter-argument that the BBC has regrettably failed to outline.
What is said in the Daily Mail by Melanie Phillips is irelevant unless it is being used to illustrate the counter-argument that the BBC has regrettably failed to outline.
What was said by Melanie Philips WAS an example/s of bbc bias, what was said by DV was his own personal view of politics. Would you like to discuss the N Irish politics to see if we agree.
Gosh, can you really not understand that this site is about BBC BIAS?
Indeed bias, actual bias, not personal politics made to look like bias. In this instance I disagree that this is an example of bbc bias, it is personal politics, and if you understood the politics involved you'd know that.