Meant to ask if anyone else heard Ed Milipede being allowed to waffle on about the doomsday effects of global warming and why it is vital that the UK coughs up loadsamoney to compensate the less developed world to its bit to save the planet. I just LOVED the unspoken assumption from the BBC that “the debate is over” when it comes to AGW and now the only question is how much shall we pay?
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"I’ve had mothers coming up to me with two-year-old children in their arms saying: “Don’t you have any kind of morality? This child’s future is being destroyed.’’’ Plimer’s response to the last one is typically robust. ‘If you’re so concerned, why did you breed?’"
Unfortunately you will never see this man being interviewed by Al Beeb!
Yes, that is a superb put-down of all the climate-change nonsense and panicking. lead story in the Spectator, well worthwhile. I see it is getting covered in the US as well, they are in the middle of the cap-and-trade legislation (or kneecap-and-tax).
Here's a short link to it :
Can I ask a question? Honestly?
'The G8 has decided to limit climate change to an additional 2 degrees C.'
Tell me, please. Has anyone in the BBC News editorial team got two brain cells to interact? Is there anyone on the planet (other than the BBC Editorial team that is)that can possibly believe that politicians have the power to 'limit' the weather in any sense at all?
King Canute Mark II. I just cannot believe this bullshit is actually repeated. It's simply unbelievable.
China and India are laughing at the stupidity of the "West".
I just love the arrogance of politicians that think they can "stop" climate change.
Considering most CO2 is put into the atmosphere naturally and that our climate is influenced much more by the Sun, Cosmic wind, the Earth's orbit, the axial wobble etc etc I'm just stunned at the arrogance.
What next? Gordon Brown turns water to wine and walks across the English Channel?
The arts lot really are thick.
Conservatives (with a small C) and the right would do better to challenge the leftist response to climate change than to deny it alltogether.
We accepted, for example, that we can't just pour as much toxic waste into a local river as we like, without it being the herald of Bolshevism. We accepted that every house in the country couldn't carry on burning coal for heating without it being a Marxist imposition.
Simply denying anthropogenic climate change can do nothing but render us as latter-day flat earthers or conspiracy theorists as the evidence and consensus builds up.
i would agree with you if the science wasnt so flawed. I did my science degree in St Andrews and we were always taught that sampling should be statistically significant. Measuring accurately only the last 30 yrs of a system that has been around for millions is about as much use as critiqueing a beethoven symphony after one note. Its ok to theorise but thats all it is a theory. There are alternative theories and disagreeing with the mainstream doesnt mean the alternatives are wrong. After all main stream theory in the seventies said we were going into a new ice age,apparently mainstream theory said cfcs were making and ozone hole and yet this is now confirmed to be a normal cyclical yearly fluctuation in size of hole.
Mainstream theory said 100s of thousands were going to die of cjd. Do you know anyone who has? The numbers are less than die evry year falling off ladders.
Just because I dont believe in mainstream pseudo-science doesnt make me a flat earther. IN fact its the luddite side of socialism which is driving the mmgw agenda to try and stop globalisation and progress in the developing world.
The BBC mantra of 'man-made global warming crisis' comes to the fore at the time of groundhog-day G8 jamborees.
Some sense from '':
"A goal that can't be missed"
Written by Martin Livermore
Thursday, 09 July 2009 16:05
"The G8 meeting in Italy is reported to have agreed yet more goals. An 80% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 (from a baseline yet to be agreed) is more of the usual aspiration target-setting, with no agreement on hard shorter-term goals. The chances of India and China signing up to something similar are zero. The likelihood is that there will some form of agreement cobbled together in Copenhagen in December which will in practice be meaningless and will achieve nothing.
"However, one further goal has been agreed which will be easy to reach. That is to keep average temperatures from rising by more than 2°C, which has now been taken as some line in the sand beyond which we cannot go without disastrous and irreversible consequences. In practice, we are extremely unlikely to get close to this goal whether or not anything is done about emissions control. So that's one goal they'll meet.
"Elsewhere, Prince Charles, in his Richard Dimbleby lecture, has calculated that we have just 96 months to save the world, in what the Independent reported as a searing indictment of capitalist society. So, I assume he is going to take a lead by shutting down Duchy Originals. In the meantime, we can be comforted that the heir to the throne has such a sound grasp of maths."
("For more information, visit the website of the 'Scientific Alliance'.")
Ed said
'Simply denying anthropogenic climate change can do nothing but render us as latter-day flat earthers or conspiracy theorists as the evidence and consensus builds up.'
What evidence? What consensus? If you put five leftwing climatologists in a room, you get five differing opinions on causes, evidence and solutions.
I've no problem with improving production methods, using 'free' energy wherever possible, recycling etc. To me it's cheaper, more efficient. It makes sense.
But MMGW is a new battle flag for the left & anti-capitalists to rally around. The leftie malcontents aren't concerned for the Earth, (they still have cars, central heating, plasma TVs etc). They're just looking for a fight.
I'm no flat Earther, I just refuse to be lectured by a BBC/Nulabour
cabal of overgrown sixth formers with Mickey Mouse scientific facts.
GBA (not anonymous)
The BBC monkeys do what their Nu-Lab organ grinder tells them to do – there's not a brain, between the lot of them, that can think for itself.
Globally, average temperatures have been stable or falling worldwide over the past 12 years in spite of rising CO2 emissions. This is proof that AGW is a lie. Arctice ice extent is only a little short of 30-year average and closing the gap. Antarctic ice is at record extent levels.
How convenient for Milliband! Now, in just the same way that they abolished boom and bust, Nu-Lab can now restrict temperature rises. What miracle workers they are!
BTW, slightly off the subject but … take the word 'swine' out of the phrase 'swine flu' (much used by BBC news hacks recently) and then you begin to realise what a load of b***s*** the idiots spout.
Just loved Milliband's remark that he hoped not to be in the same job in 2050 … anyone want to bet he'll be in the same job in mid 2010? What an arse.
'The debate is over' with a lot of things if you listen to the BBC.
Does anyone remember a concert at Wembley in 1976 by the pop stars of the day? Surely there must have been one because we had a heatwave, a Minister for Drought (Dennis Howell), baking hot weather, no rain for 6 weeks or so. No, I dont remember one either. Even as a 16 yr old who was very interested in pop music at the time.
I look forward to this baking hot summer we are supposed to have this year. Bloody cold where I live and had to wear a jacket today. Yes I know last week was hot but it doesnt count as I was on hols in Turkey (where the average was 34c and nobody complained)!
When Al Bore and Madonna fly round the world in private jets then you just know they are just on the bandwagon. Bore makes a lot of money out of his trash. How else could he make money? Governments love AGW as they have an excuse to tax us even more. The BBC are…well just typical BBC. The Met Office are just another arm of ZanuLabour.
Climate change action 2009.
"Leaders" from around the world FLY to get together for photo opportunities around Obama, get their pictures taken whilst acting like complete berkshires and then lecture to the rest of us that we'd better not be thinking of flying for our annual holiday with what's left of our pay after the aforementioned "leaders" have bled us dry of tax.
There has to be a better way.
everyone should make it a priority to watch(and get your kids to watch as well)the brilliant film "Global Warming or Global Governance"
blows the conmen out of the water-especially Al the bore Gore
don't let your kids be brainwashed by lefty leaning teachers peddling pseudo science in schools
No worries, people. I've just turned down the global warming thermostat by 2 degrees centigrade. We'll be fine.
Barack Obama aka God
CO2 is a naturally occuring gas: Not "pollution".
Maybe it should be reduced.
Maybe not.
Given the unproven emission reduction effects on global temperature – and the expense of emission reduction – the key is to engage in activities valuable in themselves, which also happen to keep on track with emission reduction targets at minimal business disruption and expense.
Sufficient first phase 2020/2030 emission reduction is achieved by acting on ELECTRICITY generation (coal, gas) and TRANSPORT (mainly automobiles) alone, since these 2 sectors typically (as in the USA) account for 80% of greenhouse gas emissions.
The focus on electricity and transport gives several advantages – apart from lowering CO2 emissions:
1. Local environmental benefit from less pollution of sulphur and all else that’s in the emissions, regardless of the less certain or immediate global benefit from CO2 reduction.
2. Electricity supply alternatives which together with improved grid distribution gives better competition and keeps down electricity bills for consumers.
3. Transport alternatives (using electricity, hydrogen and other energy sources), which give variety of choice and competition advantages for consumers, additionally reducing the dependency on oil imports.
4. No trade problems: Unlike Cap and Trade, which involves cement, steel and other industries having to face imports from unregulated countries, the here suggested electricity and transport changes are not just more limited, but also largely local. Since there is little competition between say utility companies internationally, "best practice" results can be compared and shared.
Funding and Impact
Equity and long term loan finance can be used: Long term industrial loans from financial institutions, particularly if federal/state guaranteed, give low yearly interest repayments and lessen the effect on electricity bills or transport cost.
Compare with
today’s all-encompassing Cap and Trade (emission trading) suggestions, with unpredictability, expense, and needless disruption from normal business practice on one hand, or unnecessary profiteering from free allowance handouts with little actual emission reduction on the other hand – together with extensive -and unnecessary- regulation on what people can or can’t buy and use.
Understanding why proposed Cap and Trade is bad, in USA and elsewhere
Basic Idea — Offsets — Tree Planting — Manufacture Shift — Fair Trade — Surreal Market — Real Market — Allowances: Auctions + Hand-Outs — Allowance Trading — Companies: Business Stability + Business Cost — In Conclusion
The Way Forward
Introduction — Funding and Impact —No Energy Efficiency Regulation — A New Electric World
Electricity Generation — Distribution
Transport Power Generation — Regulation — Taxation
The 2 degrees stuff from G8 is empty rhetoric.
But it is the main headline on the BBC World Service, replete with an Obama soundbite.
re. Obama – I am still waiting for the BBC to tell us that he slumps daily in the US polls – Rasmussen now has him trailing by 8 points between "strongly disapprove" and "strongly approve". A really stark fall from grace.
Which feds directly into signs that his kneecap-and-tax legislation on global watming is now being delaued if not yet blocked in the Senate – and his health bill is being delayed, maybe scuppered by 50 dissident
Democrats in the House of Representatives. That is – his 2 main Bills being likely blocked – essentially because there is acute anxiety about the financial bills each will impose.
"We accepted that every house in the country couldn't carry on burning coal for heating without it being a Marxist imposition."
Yes that was the genius idea which has left us in danger of having no energy resources in the next decade.
The dash to gas and electricity had no backup plan. When the lights go out you will witness a dystopian society where riots are commonplace people will be killed for what fuel they have,
It's the environmentalists and socialists who have turned the public against the climate change lobby.
Man made climate change is a pretty major risk – only a f***ing idiot denies that, given the weight of scientific opinion. It's not a consensus – but then picking dissenting opinion out of the hat as "proof" it doesn't exist is just as retarded as picking the most catastrophic theories as "proof" we need to do more, more, more.
Anyway, if you propose managing the risk by incentivising private industry to develop new technology, by investing in nuclear (which has the added benefit of enabling us to tell the arabs and russians to spin on it in future), and by taxing unhelpful behaviour whilst visibly cutting taxes elsewhere, then I reckon 90% would sign up to the agenda.
If you wave kids in people's faces, wear a tie-dye t-shirt and dreadlocks, shit in pits, insist nobody go on hols, listen to coldplay and use the whole thing to advance your student socialist agenda which has been roundly destroyed at the ballot box for the last 30 years, then veryone will call you a c*** – because you are. Except the BBC who will put you on panel shows.
AGW limited to 2 degrees.
so we can control the weather now
Its also these same socialist/environmentalists that have stopped Nuclear power technology from being developed further because of their scare mongering.
You asked an interesting question, but really didnt ask the right question.
What you should be asking is, are people prepared to pay (not just with money, but with their homes and their jobs) to force companies away from Coal power generation towards nuclear power generation.
That is the question you should be asking because Id bet that 99.99% of the time, the real people, the ones who have most to lose will not give you the yes you crave.
Maybe we should tax those who have ensured we are where we are today, having to reinvent the nuclear wheel because of all their obstruction over the last twenty or so years!
Some items sadly missing from the wishful thinking in the west:
The winter is forbidden till December
And exits March the second on the dot.
By order, summer lingers through September
In Camelot.
Camelot! Camelot!
I know it sounds a bit bizarre,
But in Camelot, Camelot
That's how conditions are.
The rain may never fall till after sundown.
By eight, the morning fog must disappear.
In short, there's simply not
A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here
In Camelot.
Ahh! Now there's an agenda for the Obamamessiah to sign up to.