Further to my earlier post about the BBC’s obsession with racism in America, Radio 4’s From Our Own Correspondent (13.20 in) has served up yet another piece on the subject which goes over much of the same ground already covered this week by Mardell, Connolly and Esler. For this one the BBC invited Guardian columnist Gary Younge, the tiresome left-wing race obsessive, to do the honours. (You may recall that Younge’s brother Pat, the new chief creative officer of BBC Vision, recently demanded that TV bosses be sacked if they fail to meet diversity targets. Perhaps they should follow Radio 4’s example and employ members of the Younge family to help tick the boxes.)
Younge went over the Wilson/Thurmond connection for anybody who missed it when Mardell, Connolly, and Esler brought it up. He also took aim at Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Fox News. Pretty much what one would expect from a left-wing commentator like Younge, in fact. In a recent column for The Nation he described the tea party protestors thus:

Annoying, bizarre, incoherent, divisive, intolerant, small-minded, misinformed, ill informed and disinformed… the proportion of the country with whom there is no real means of engagement. These are the birthers, Swiftboaters, climate change skeptics, Obamaphobes and Palin-tologists–the base. They live in a politically parallel world where everyone they know believes the same as they do.

Savour the irony of that last sentence, coming as it does from a left-wing Guardian columnist who has just been employed by the BBC to echo the same views on “racist America” that numerous other BBC correspondents have already expressed. He continues (emphasis added):

They don’t like established facts, so they come armed with their own. The left has such people too, but they are marginal. With no news channels to promote them or Congressmen prepared to advocate for them, their views rarely reach the mainstream.

How about that Bush/Hitler poster in the BBC newsroom? How about MSNBC?

Would a right-wing columnist who made similar observations about loony left supporters of Obama ever be invited to do a piece for From Our Own Correspondent? Has a right-wing columnist ever be asked to do anything on From Our Own Correspondent, full stop?

Another point about Younge’s article in the Nation. He discussed the case of Kenneth Gladney, a tea party protester who was hospitalised after “a fight broke out”. Younge conveniently failed to mention that Gladney was beaten up by pro-Obama thugs from the SEIU. And in an unusual departure for Younge, he also neglected to mention that Kenneth Gladney is black. A left-wing journalist who smears conservatives and plays the race card when it suits but leaves it in the pack when it doesn’t fit his agenda. Just the kind of guy the BBC likes.


Ok folks, come tomorrow evening there is going to be a change as to how commenting works here! Our leading technical expert, Professor All Seeing Eye, explains how it will work.

Tomorrow we are upgrading the Comments facility and you will see some changes. The new system is called Echo (which used to be called Haloscan).

Comments will now be integrated in to the main webpage rather then in a pop-up box and some form of identification will be needed. This isn’t difficult or onerous as there are plenty of options.

Above the Comments box, when you first wish to leave a response, choose the drop-down arrow next to “Guest”. This will let you identify yourself with your Google, Twitter, Yahoo, Blogger etc etc names.

The Comments box itself has extra features to make your contribution more interesting. For emphasis, highlight a portion of your text and click on the Bold, Italicise or Underline buttons. To turn a word or phrase into a link to another site, highlight that word and use the sixth button to insert the destination. If you’ve made a mistake then use the Unlink button next to it to remove it. There are also options to use emoticons in your message or insert a YouTube link (although be aware that this does not work on all browsers)

Underneath the Comment box and using a standard file browse function is an option to upload a picture with your message, and if you wish to be emailed with any replies to your post then choose the “Follow” option.

There are two ways of contributing to a thread. Adding a comment will place it at the end of the thread in the normal way. However if you wish to address a particular comment then choose the Reply option underneath it. This will put your reply indented and directly below, enabling a discussion to take place on sub-issues within the thread as a whole. Try it and see! Any replies like this will generate an email notification if you’ve chosen to Follow your comment.

Comments will continue to appear in real-time…there will be no general moderation queue. However any comments with swearing in them will automatically be held up until approved.

There will be an open comments thread for experimenting with and helping us all to get used to a slightly different way of doing things, but hopefully this and a few changes to the background code of the site overall should address most of the issues which are mentioned from time to time.

I will cover this again tomorrow before it goes live but there are several virtues and few vices. I don’t imagine it will please everybody but there you go, we try our best. Trolls will vanish under this new system (Missing you already) and swearing will also be flagged up as the ASE points out.


Mr Mitchell has prolonged his trip to the Middle East for several days as he works for a deal on freezing Israeli settlement activity in the occupied West Bank.”

No. It is NOT the “occupied West Bank”. This is the repetition of Palestinian propaganda. They are the “disputed territories” and the fact that the BBC refuses to embrace such a neutral term tells you all you need to know. The idea that Israel “occupies” Palestinian territory is essential to the anti-Israel meme that lies at the heart of BBC thought but every time we let this pass we accept their bias.


Did you see the BBC is revealed as voters’ number one area for money-saving measures, followed by the Culture, Media and Sport department, the £6billion annual overseas aid budget and benefits and tax credits? I hope the BBC will pick up on this and allow those who see it as a vast bloated parasite to have their say. At a time of economic recession, the State Broadcaster needs the axe taken to it and I hope Mr Cameron will do what is necessary when he is elected PM next June.


When James Houliston was attacked and beaten to death in a London (UK) park, it wasn’t important enough to be reported at all on BBC news or on the website.

The delay in the execution of a murderer and rapist in Ohio (USA) is one of the leading items on this morning’s radio news.

I guess you have to have a sense of priorities.


It’s the ugly question that won’t go away – “will the question of race in America ever become something BBC journalists can resist pontificating about?”

The evidence suggests not.

The new North America editor Mark Mardell clearly can’t quite believe his luck. He’s barely got his feet under the desk (or in his case the restaurant table) and already he’s had an excuse to do numerous news reports and a couple of blog posts on a topic dear to BBC hearts: racist America. His predecessor Justin Webb must be thinking “Lucky bastard!”

I particularly like this description from his latest blog entry:

One large man, bull-necked, shaven-headen, with old fashioned braces (or suspenders, to use the American term) holding up his suit trousers, looks like an oppressive law-man from a liberal movie about the Deep South.

Has Maximum Mark looked in a mirror lately? Let’s just say I don’t think it’s a coincidence that so much of his reporting comes from places selling food.

But let’s leave Mardell feeding his prejudices (and his face) amidst the confederate memorabilia of Piggy Park restaurant and head over to Kevin Connolly’s article. Uber-liberal Connolly seems to have taken Joe Wilson’s outburst against his beloved Obama somewhat to heart. As far as Connolly is concerned Wilson looked “a little wild-eyed with passion”, if you catch his drift. He’s off his rocker that Wilson, nudge nudge. Connolly then brings up Maureen Dowd’s ludicrous New York Times column in which she admitted to hearing racist voices in her head although that’s not quite how Kev describes it (nothing mad about her, oh no):

Columnist Maureen Dowd wrote of “hearing” the unspoken word “boy” on the end of Mr Wilson’s phrase – in American racial politics a belittling epithet that reeks of the cotton-field and the slaver’s plantation.

BBC hacks are obviously very taken with this idea as Maximum Mark has also made numerous references to Dowd’s article. In another echo of Mardell, Connolly offers a brief history of Joe Wilson, mentioning his vote in favour of keeping the confederate flag flying over the South Carolina state house and the fact that he was once an aide to one-time segregationist Storm Thurmond. Unlike Kev, Mardell at least pointed out that this “was a long time ago”. Even so, we’ve got two BBC correspondents with enough time to go over exactly the same the points on exactly the same news story. I wonder how much one less US correspondent would save the licence payer. I mean, it’s not as if there’s other stuff to report on ( ACORN).

Connolly then offers this observation:

It does not really matter whether Joe Wilson is really a racist or not.
Whatever his motives, his words are a brutal reminder that the election of Barack Obama did not usher in a new age of post-racial politics in the US if anyone was naive enough to think that it might.

So, we don’t know if Wilson’s a racist or not but his words (“You lie!”) are a “brutal reminder” of racism. Got that? Connolly clearly sides with Maureen Dowd on this one. Just for good measure Our Kev concludes his piece by comparing Joe Wilson and the present day electorate of South Carolina with their 1850s counterparts:

And if history is any judge, you need not worry about Mr Wilson’s prospects of re-election, by the way. South Carolina was traditionally a place apart in such matters.
In 1856, a pro-slavery representative from the state called Preston Brooks took a gold-tipped cane and beat the abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner half-to-death while an accomplice held off any would-be rescuers with a firearm.
Mr Brooks of course, was forced to resign his seat, but when fresh elections were held, his constituents simply re-elected him and sent him back to Washington

Connolly fully expects Wilson to be re-elected by the people of South Carolina, and in doing so they will prove that they’re no better than their predecessors who supported a pro-slavery thug more than a 150 years ago.

Meanwhile over at the Daily Mail, the BBC’s Gavin Essler has offered his invaluable insight into the whole affair. He brings up the Obama/Hitler pictures, the umpteenth BBC journalist to do so. What conveniently short memories these people have. And no BBC hack can discuss Joe Wilson without mentioning Thurmond and the confederate flag. Essler doesn’t disappoint, but goes on to trump his BBC colleagues by raising the prospect of Obama’s assassination. Later on he offers this telling sentence:

In all the enthusiasm for Barack Obama in Britain and Europe, we need to remember that even when up against John McCain – a relatively elderly candidate from a Republican party in disarray – he did not win in a landslide.

We? Speak for yourself Essler. Hard as it may be to believe from inside the BBC bubble, but we aren’t all enthusiastic about Obama.

He concludes:

But for a minority, even in the 21st century, a black President is still unacceptable. Obama has changed much in America, but not even his oratory and skill can change that.

Shouldn’t that be “not even His oratory”?

I’m surprised we haven’t heard the views of the BBC’s Sydney correspondent Nick Bryant, as he sees himself as a bit of an expert on American civil rights. I note from the antepenultimate paragraph of his latest blog entry that he’s in America at the moment so it’s only a matter of time.

The BBC’s news coverage of this story has been extensive and its journalists are falling over themselves to pass comment. In contrast (as I hinted above) the Beeb is yet to mention the scandals surrounding ACORN. But of course BBC correspondents don’t go to America to report on the nefarious activities of community activist groups; they go there to report on white racism.


So, Obama has caved in to the Russians and run away from the missile defence scheme. I caught the PM coverage of this which was very cleverly constructed to ensure that as much pro-Obama spin was generated as possible. John Bolton got about 45 seconds to tear Obama’s plan apart and then we had about five minutes in favour of the Lightworker. All nicely balanced.


I wanted to bring you up to date with where my thinking is on the topic of the “Biased BBC” Book. I seek to have the manuscript completed by the end of this year!

That’s a lot of work to do so I have a few requests to make;

1. To get the book completed, I HAVE to ease off on the blogging, esp at weekends. But I want the site to keep on moving, as S Club 7 would say! So, that means it would be helpful if existing writers could produce a bit more and if there are any other people who would like to post here, please please contact me. Best use the email me on A Tangled Web feature! Don’t hold back if you think you could post some copy – the more the merrier.
2. Once I have completed the book, I need help in terms of how I should then go about getting it designed and published, marketed and supported. I want this to be the definitive book on BBC bias and there is just SO much material that it’s a bit overwhelming but I want the final book to get as much distribution and profile as possible. If anyone thinks they could help here, again please drop me a line. If we could launch in Spring 2010 – before the GE – that might be good. My experience is that publishing books takes quite a long time however, so I am not tying myself down to a given schedule. My priority is to do as good a job as I can in writing it and beyond that, I will need help. I trust you can all advise and direct me.
That’s it on this for the moment but please get in touch directly with me if you want to help on either point raised!


Former BBC employee and NuLabour talking head Ben Bradshaw believes the License tax should be cut a little and the BBC trust scrapped. I disagree. The License tax should be scrapped and then they can do whatever they want with their management team, they’ll be paying for it, not me. There was a debate on this earlier this morning on Today with John Whittingdale MP and the thing that struck me was Humphyrs recantation that regardless of changes to the Trust and “top-slicing” the essential structure of the BBC would stay the same. That’s the problem. Sir Michael Lyons is on later but I have better things to do than listen to him.