Tweets from BBC Sports News Correspondent James Pearce today. (H/T David Preiser in the comments).
“Both Obamas were brilliant. In some ways Michelle upstaged her husband. She spoke with real passion”
“My analysis of Chicago presentation: Michelle Obama absolutely fantastic. President Obama very good. Rest average”
And then…
“Just been speaking to Lord Coe. He reckons IOC members loved Michelle Obama”
Finally, heartache:
“Wow. Vow. Vow. Vow! We always knew first round would be close. But this is horrible for Chicago.” (I think those are all meant to be “Wows”, not “Vows”.)
This guy wasn’t as impressed as Mr Pearce:
“Pass the sick bucket – just listened to the Obamas’ begging for the Olympics and having their usual luv-in. Enough schmaltz already.”
Neither, apparently, were the Radio Five Live listeners:
“Michelle Obama: Listeners phoning 5live saying “Pass me the sick bucket” – :D”
Updated. The CNN anchor was as nonplussed as James Pearce. Very funny.
On Radio 5 they were totally gutted that Barry’s “magic” didn’t work. All day the beeboids had been orgasming about Barry and Michelle, from Queen Nicki to Phil Williams and Simon Mayo, shame no Richard Bacon as he must be suicidal that the love of his life (well OK his reflection is his first love) got the middle finger.
I think it’s hilarious. I’m betting the vile Gabby Logan (god there is no end of vile lefties on Radio 5) will be upset
I wonder if we’ll hear a few Beeboids later on this evening asking what of course must be the inevitable horrible – to them – question: has The Obamessiah lost his lustre? He failed to provide yet another miracle for them. The faithful always start to waver in times of disappointment, and they’ll need to reassure themselves.
Possible questions for BBC correspondents…
Is the IOC racist?
Is this the world’s payback for 8 years of George Bush?
Was this a clever diplomatic ploy by Obama to lose the Olympic bid, thus saving his hometown further debt?
Can anybody help us spin this as good news for Barack, please?
Did Brazil bribe the IOC? Surely that’s the only way He could not have won.
Out-bribed Chicago? Now that would be humiliating.
The beeboids are on News 24 STILL can’t work out why Barry got the middle finger, beeboids trying to blame the American Olympic committee, “They have too much power” spouts camp male beeboid.
Clive Mirey “How could they resist the most powerful man on the planet or michelle?” I thought that honour went to Rupert Murdoch?
really good to keep an idea on twitter comments, often these are the easiest way to see the bias. twitter account many promote on air like 5Live’s Richard Bacon and which they include their BBC ‘credentials’ on in the bio field.
So is there more discussion about how great it is for Brazil, and that this is the first time the Olympics will be held in South America, or are the Beeboids spending more time rending their garments over the fact that their beloved Obamessiah just wasted some of his personal capital over a bauble?
Very, very good point.
Can’t they do an EU type thingy and ask the committee for a revote?
I love watching the people here comment with glee that something has gone wrong for Obama…it’s hilarious to see you all happy for a change.
It’s funny, cos this story has nothing, i repeat NOTHING, to do with bias, but why should that stop you? A BBC reporter claimed Obama was brilliant? Damn that must be bias, there couldn’t be any other explanation could there…
You have so obivously missed the point. We are commenting with glee that the Beeboids are getting so emotional over what they see as a loss for their beloved Obamessiah, instead of getting a proper perspective on the story. They are reporting the story from a biased perspective.
Pearce: “Obamas are great”. Others: “Pass the sick bucket”. Why is the default setting for BBC journalists always the former?
Vicctor Davis Hanson: “The Obama lobbying speeches were counterproductive. The world has its own inspirational narratives and is not impressed that much by the Obamas’ Chicago sagas.”
But BBC journalists lap them up. Still.
Funny I missed the half hourly reports mentioning that representatives of any of the other three bids were speaking/about to speak at Copenhagen. Brown didn’t go over there for yet another photo shoot and jinx the great one’s divine right to the olympics did he?
I think it is, as mentioned, that in a story about a sporting event, from the moment a BBC-favoured political icon was left standing, all focus seemed directed away from the ongoing positives of the actual sport and winning bids to obsess about something that really they should get a grip upon.
But littering this site with ‘It is nothing’s… because I say so’ is a quaint debating tool. If counter-productive.
Michelle Obama: ‘I am disappoint!’
Epic fail!
Why doesn’t the BBC do a fearless investigation into Coe’s financial affairs ? Private Eye has done this and Coe hasn’t sued them yet, so far as I am aware .
The BBC’s priorities were made fairly clear during an interview on News 24 with Prof. Field (Pres of the RCGP) on a fairly important matter to most of the BBC’s licence payers. This is the death of David Gray at hands of Dr Urbani – not the world’s most disinguished physician (see
<a href=>here</a>). Prof Field was interrupted – literally in mid-question – so that we could be shown Obama’s speech regretting that Chicago didn’t get the 2016 Olympics. This was a speech addressed to a domestic audience and of no interest or importance at all to anyone outside the US (or, more probably, outside Chicago) except the coterie of Obama lovers at the BBC. Funnily enough we were not given a chance to see the King of Spain or the Governor of Tokyo give their regrets speeches.
That is truly pathetic.
And puts all BBC-supportive, ‘just doing their job’ comments in sharp focus for the rose-tinted rear view mirrors they are.
Adam Brookes, BBC News, Chicago:
“….President Obama had taken valuable hours from his packed and tense political schedule to travel to Copenhagen. His legendary powers of persuasion will be said to have failed him, though in reality it will be Chicago’s bid that failed him.”
My emphasis. If that’s not bias, what is?
Seems like that’s an answer to DB’s question #4 above:
Can anybody help us spin this as good news for Barack, please?
I noticed that the beeboids on Radio 5 only covered the Obama’s pathetic speeches, did anyone hear the other bids live? Seems to me the beeboids were only interested in the Obamazoids.
I thought the Beeboids would be delighted to have a holiday in Rio.
Grant, my sincere hope is that by the time of the Rio olympics, there will be no such thing as a ‘Beeboid’, the Corporation having by then been dismantled in a mire of bias and scandals. Most of them may have had to look for proper jobs with real companies, bless them. (And maybe that’s another reason why they adore Obama – like most of them, he’s done hardly a day’s work in the real world all his adult life, and has a job in which the public pay him to decide what is best for them.)