Day one of the Conservative Conference. BBC leads with Conservative Cuts and divisions over Europe. Just after 8am, there was even a reference to the “nasty party.” The insurgency starts here, on the BBC.
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8am on the Toady programme, started off with an item on benefits. Somehow and I can’t think how so will need to listen again, in the last line, the journalist managed to twist it to include the European treaty – from a benefits angle?
The knives are out!
The BBC see this week as their best opportunity to hit the Tories hard; “nasty party”, “savage cuts”, “extremists” on Europe are the chosen soundbites and they will be repeated ad nauseum. The BBC are a malignant force in this country but I fear DC doesn’t have the balls to stand up to them.
Jack Straw, Lord Chancellor and Labour’s Justice Minister.
The BBC avoids reporting on:
“Jack Straw too close to pro-Hamas faction”
And BBC avoids this on Labour’s ‘justice’:
“25 [Islamic] terrorists to be released early”
But BBC finds space for this:
“Brown attends Blunkett’s wedding”
But the labour party have already proposed this cut to benefits, as for the EU, Cameron needs to grow a pair, either its a referendum or not no matter what any other state says. This guy could be another Heath, and if so better to smoke him out now.
Unbelieveable, the BBC1 1o’clock news has just devoted a mighty 4 minutes to the Tory Party conference. Labour were getting some 10 to 15 minutes coverage for theirs, lunchtimes, last week.
I didn’t get the stop watch out but it felt like 1 minute of those 4 was on the referendum issue (like that wasn’t done to death yesterday).
Why bother to report on them at all, why not just ignore the Tories completely? Go on BBC you know you want to.
The Tory Conference seems a little quiet and well behaved at the moment, unlike the Labour Conference where leading delegates denounced, and tore up a copy of ‘The Sun’ newspaper.
So far, no-one at the Tory Conference is denouncing the BBC and tearing up the BBC licence as an understandable protest against the BBC’s pro-Labour political bias.
Just watched the coverage on the conference, spent the whole time rounding up tory euro-sceptics and pro-europeans trying to instigate a row on europe… it is truly pathetic… Boris Johnon was grilled on it during the whole of his interview, not a single question about the speech he had just delivered… the BBC are determined to wreck the tory conference by creating disputes between tory politicians which don’t exist… it’s so transparent it makes me sick.
For anyone that doesn’t think the BBC is biased please explain WHY Liebour were not confronted last week about the EU referendum that they promised we’d have?
Liebour were given an easy time about their ‘cuts’ even though Liebour are going to cut benefits as well.
Well the Irish EU vote has nothing to do with us, so why would any of the media ask about Labour promising us a vote in the last week? The media (including the BBC) have mentioned this plenty of times in the past. We, the UK, have already decided to sign up to the treaty. So therefore whats new? Nothing has changed – the issue for over a year or so has not been about the UK signing up, but about whether the Irish, Poles, and Czechs would.
I think, Martin, the approach you want would in itself be bias – as the BBC would be bringing up an irrelevant question now for political gain.
I would recommend some people here go to read Labour List. It has some examples of left wing types thinking the BBC is biased against them. And here we have a load of right wingers thinking the BBC is biased against them. I guess that tells you that the BBC is doing rather a good job after all.
Utter utter rubbish. The referendum on Lisbon was promised by Liebour in their 2005 manifesto, or have you forgotten that? Clearly the BBC has. I don’t see why Cameron should be given a hard time over what is a clear position but the McDoom not?
You’re trying to change the topic round. I know there was a promise of a referendum. We all know there was a promise. Hence, why would they report old news…?
It isn’t old news, the Irish have had TWO referendum’s and we were promised one as well, why wasn’t McCoward asked why we were not given one?
In your case why is the BBC obsessed with what might happen next year? Cameron has said that if Lisbon is NOT ratified we will have a referendum, if it is he will have to look at what can be done.
What is the BBC problem with that? It seems clear enough to me.
Brown’s been asked on many occasions, just not recently, as it is old news and we know why he won’t hold a referendum. Do you really see the value in asking a question we already know the anwer to?
In terms of the Tories, it’s quite clear that the media in general (not unique to the BBC) is starting to properly scruitinise them as it seems more and more likely they will hold office next year. It’s a fair enough question; if the treaty is in force when he takes office, what use would a referendum be? Failing that, what else will he do? He says he won’t let it lie – you can’t blame the media for wanting to know what that means specifically. It’s in all the papers today, and on all news TV, so don’t pretend the BBC coverage of this is different to any other outlet.
Hmm. I’ve got no problem with the Tories being scrutinised, the isseue is that Liebour don’t get the same treatment from the BBC.
Can you provide ONE link or any actual date as to when Brown was asked about a referendum in the last say 12 months?
As for scrutiny, all we got from Liebour last week was some vague promises about ‘savings’ with NO attempt made to pin down Liebour politicians about their inconsistent claims, for example Ed Balls talked about 2 billion in savings from the education budget (but not quite from where) yet Brown waffled on about investing in education. We pointed this out on this blog yet I don’t remember Toenails or Marr hammering Brown over this, do you? if so please provide a link.
The Times leader includes this “Europe dominates this week in Manchester only in the script written by Lord Mandelson” they should have added that the BBC are gleefully producing the creepy lord’s show.
I have determined to avoid the BBC’s disgracefully biased coverage of the Tory conference but find that Sky, this morning, was also banging on about `Tory splits on Europe’.
If `Call me Dave’ announced that he would hold a referendum regardless, I think he would gain a lot of credibilty and support in the country.
It could lead to our early escape from the malign influence of the EUSSR!
It hasn’t been biased coverage! The problem is that some people on here had decided last week that the Tory conference would get bad press – so now you are looking for examples to back that up. I haven’t seen or heard anything on the BBC about the conference that is any different to Sky News. The Euro problem is a case of unfortunate timing for the Tories – the fact that the media want to know what our next PM will do hardly constitues bias.
Rubbish. It’s NOT a big issue with people who have lost their jobs, but for some reason the BBC in particular seem to be making a big song and dance over it. Yes it should be asked of Cameron but is it really THE MOST important thing?
No dealing with the economy is, the Tories have by far the best plan to sort out the economy and as the opinion polls show the public are with them over spending cuts, but the beeboids see this Europe nonsense as a way of showing the Tories as divided in the hope of taking support from them.
This is utter nonsense and the BBC SHOULD be concentrating on the economy. Brown was given an easy ride last week over the mess he has personally made of the economy.
I think you need to compare the BBC’s approach to Labour’s conference – it all about the `mood music’, which is relentlessly left leaning.
Martin’s post at 16.12 has it right.
Is it my imagination that the BBC have plenty of ‘opposing voices’ to Tory proposals but (not that Liebour announced a lot) the Liebour announcements last week didn’t seem to attract much ‘opposition comment’
Anyone else read Toenails blog today?
“…Listen very hard. What do you notice? Labour are not condemning Tory proposals to take £25 a week off people on incapacity benefit who are deemed “fit for work”.
The reason is that, although they’ve hardly shouted this from the rooftops, that’s their policy too. Yes, that’s right the government has already published plans to make every claimant of incapacity benefit face a tougher fitness-for-work test which will lead some to be switched off £89/week IB and onto £64/week JSA – the job seeker’s allowance…”
Funny that I don’t remember Toenails making a big thisng of THIS with Gorgon Broon last week, perhaps I missed it when Toenails was repeatedly asking Broon about why he bottled out of giving us a referendum on Lisbon?
“The reason is that, although they’ve hardly shouted this from the rooftops, that’s their policy too.”
Yet on the 6 o’clock news Brown was quoted as saying this policy was “callous”.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for Nick Robinson to publicly call out the Labour Government on anything. He can hint and roll his eyes on his blog, even make sarcastic remarks. But he will not appear too critical when it counts. Otherwise somebody will start reminding everyone that he was a Young Conservative while at university, and is thus biased.
Never mind that Marr and all those other Beeboids were Communist and Socialist activists then. For them, their past can’t be brought up to question their present behavior.
Hey David, did you know that Robinson wasn’t just a member of the Young Conservatives, he was national chairman. And you should listen to him more closely, he’s almost always critical of Brown and Labour. Even when they get something right he makes it clear it’s because Cameron forced Brown into it. No, he’s on our side my friend. Every YC grows up to be an OC.
“Up to 40 [Labour MPs] are considering backing a backbench campaign for a national vote – directly opposing official government policy – with the aim of killing off the treaty for good. With the Tories and some Liberal Democrats also backing a referendum”
This was in 2007. Note which parties are “split” over the issue. Have all the Labour MPs and Lib Dems who wanted a referendum 2 years ago dissapeared from parliament?
BBC Radio 4 news told us about Boris saying that we can still have a referendum even if the Treaty has been ratified by all – they asked David Cameron who said he agreed with Boris. They then asked Ken Clark who said that he supports the conservative policy. Then the “reporter” announces the difficulties in “splits” over the EU!
BBC here is the truth: Not everyone in the Labour Party voted against a referendum, not everyone in the Lib Dems voted against a referendum and finally some people in the conservatives voted against a referendum. Now what do you call that?
Hint. People have their own opinions not everyone in every party agrees with everyone else all the time. If they did they would be clones not human beings. Like at the BBC were the socialist mutants always agree with their collegues because they have been taught not to think as individuals.
Spot on, but of course the beeboids totally forget the public WHO WANT A VOTE.
I think we should look closely at these so-called “splits” over a referendum. Is it just the BBC who see this rift?
“A Conservative proposal to hold a UK-wide referendum on whether to ratify the EU’s Lisbon Treaty was rejected by 311 votes to 248 – a margin of 63.”
THREE Tories voted against.
Twenty Nine Labour MPs voted for the proposal
I think its a BBC invention to potray the conservatives as “split”. Obviousley if they reported that 3 MPs think Cameron is wrong on EU it doesn’t look so bad.
But the Tories don’t point it out enough, when Boris Johnson was interviewed by that idiot Paxman, Paxo just stated “The Labour Government are not going to have a vote”. that’s not correct, they promised a vote and lied to the nation.
That is what the Tories should be hammering and asking Paxman and other beeboid lefties why they didn’t ask Brown last week about it in light of the Irish referendum coming up.
Poor Michael Crick. He looked like a down at heel dodgy watch seller plying his trade without much luck.
Can’t the Beeb find him another job?
Or better still pension him off.
Paxman and Boris was really very funny and I thought Paxman regretted raising the “toff” angle and had the sense to back down. 2 stars to him for once.
Saw some coverage yesterday and spotted:
Close ups of Theresa May’s shoes whilst the speech was going on – why?
Close ups of some attendees not clapping – these were journalists.
Headline on the pravda website tonight is that Osbourne is gambling with the economy – what???
BBC, you are fetid.
This will make you laugh!!
There was a fly on the shoulder of David Willetts today.
Whilst he is speaking, the camera zooms straight in on said fly.
Don’t remember nonsense like this during the Labour party conference and yes, I watched it – strong stomach!