Watching this now.
Even the BBBC can only deny the truth for so long.
Still some way to go before they announce the truth about Zanulabour but i think the writing is on the wall for O’bama.
… people blogging about ‘the kike filth’ on his website, the racketeering during his election campaign (particularly at ACORN), the foreign policy ineptitude (not least the recent snubbing of the Dalai Lama, the shadiness about his past, the cleansing from Google AdWords of negative phrases about him by his lackeys…
Oh yes – there’s definitely an O-Bomb in there somewhere and it’s going to come out at some stage. Then even al-Beeb will have to start doing some serious backpedalling 😀
As much as “falling out of love” with Oh Bummer let’s not forget Al-Beeb’s love affair with the Taliban. Remember Lyse Doucet’s report on “the human side” of them.
Just today on BBC World Service radio there was a report from Afghanistan on how the Taliban are bringing the kind of justice “the people want” to remote areas; “someone killed my brother so the Taliban kill him, that’s justice”.
More than lamenting defeat for The One perhaps this is another case of the BBC celebrating a victory for the terrorists.
As with Labour in the UK, the BBC will only attack from the left and from their world view. So the only attacks on Barack Obama policy will be those that go against that world view.
Just a few points that might hopefully bring some degree of sanity here…
1. It’s ‘his’ war now, but yes an odd term.
2. ”The one” is a phrase of David Vance’s. It’s stupid, and very few people consider him in the god-like terms you do. It’s Obama’s critics that have built up this image of ‘the one’ in a mocking way. He may have some devoted supporters, but so did Bush, and left wingers didnt go about mockingly calling him ‘the one’. Idiotic childish terms like that really endear people to your views sir.
3. The BBC don’t love the taleban! This is directed at biodegradeable above – surely the biggest fool on this page. The phrase ‘the people want’ is proof that the BBC love terrorists?? You’re mad.
4. Labour have been attacked by man from the left, because they’ve not been especially left nor right wing. They’ve just been populist and shambolic. If they had an ideology, even a left wing one, things might not be as bad as they are now.
5.’zanulabour’ is another stupid term that should be stopped if you intend people to take you seriously Mr Head on Poles.
That, quite clearly, makes you mad. And a fool. You’re more than entitled to those views (before someone trots out the old chesnut of claiming i’m trying to stop you saying what you want) but it doesn’t change the fact that you are crackers. Truly bonkers.
1. The term is not ‘odd’ – some may think it’s just a throwaway remark, others that it indicates a subtle shift in editiorial approach on the part of the Beeb – backpedalling, if you will. Not sure where you were going with that.
2. ‘The One’ is not David’s phrase. it was used frequently by Obama’s opponents and commentators both during the election on immediately after Obama’s ‘coronation’; in a bid to satirise and challenge the media and the Left’s obsequious hagiography and awe-struck coverage of the man. Did you really miss all that?
It’s called political banter – and it clearly had a lot of resonance.
“and left wingers didnt go about mockingly calling him ‘the one’.”
No, they mockingly went around calling him Chimpy McBushHitlerburton, instead.
3. The BBC may not literally love the Taliban (and I’m sure BD doesn’t think so either). But what they do do, is consistently shill for and promote Islam at every opportunity and attack those who are trying to combat the very real threat from Islamic terrorism. At times, the media (and in particular the BBC) appear to present the Taliban as if they were some kind of mythical, benefIcent rebels – and not the murderers, rapists and child abusers that they actually are.
Sometimes it seems a bit like having Lord Haw Haw around again, except this time he doesn’t need to broadcast from Reichssender Hamburg.
4. Zanulabour is another satirical sobriquet, applied for fairly obvious reasons. You really need to get a sense of humour.
Let’s do this definitively; it is Obama’s war now, it isn’t biased for the BBC to say so, and it is very odd that you people consider that worth mentioning.
The lefts awestruck coverage of the man? Yeah true, the right had a far fairer coverage of Obama – accusing him of being un-American, and hanging out with terrorists. But then again, that’s not worthy of a comment on here is it? Why should it be – bias on the BBC is a crisis that must be addressedm but bias elsewhere is conveniently ignored.
chimpyMcBushHitlerburton. what? seriously? has anybody else ever heard of this?
The BBC do not promote Islam at every opportunity – what a stupid line of thinking. I suppose I could ask for proof of this…but you won’t produce any. The Taleban are rebels, as well as murderers and rapists etc. If you, or anyone else here, seriously think that the BBC portrays the taleban in a positive light, you need urgent help.
The term zanulabnour (or any similar phrase) is ridiculous, because as bad as labour have been, they do not even compare to ZANU PF, where an unelected dictator has destroyed all freedom in his country, murdered opponents, and completely destroyed the economy. Gordon Brown has been a bad PM; but he bares no comparison to the likes of mugabe, and only idiots persist in that line of thinking. It’s become such a cliche that I am amazed that idiots still say ‘we live in a stalinist/orwellian society’. Laughable.
Indeed BD… respect for other’s opinions without resorting to ad-hom?
He’s heard of it.
Search Biased BBC
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Watching this now.
Even the BBBC can only deny the truth for so long.
Still some way to go before they announce the truth about Zanulabour but i think the writing is on the wall for O’bama.
… people blogging about ‘the kike filth’ on his website, the racketeering during his election campaign (particularly at ACORN), the foreign policy ineptitude (not least the recent snubbing of the Dalai Lama, the shadiness about his past, the cleansing from Google AdWords of negative phrases about him by his lackeys…
Oh yes – there’s definitely an O-Bomb in there somewhere and it’s going to come out at some stage. Then even al-Beeb will have to start doing some serious backpedalling 😀
As much as “falling out of love” with Oh Bummer let’s not forget Al-Beeb’s love affair with the Taliban. Remember Lyse Doucet’s report on “the human side” of them.
Just today on BBC World Service radio there was a report from Afghanistan on how the Taliban are bringing the kind of justice “the people want” to remote areas; “someone killed my brother so the Taliban kill him, that’s justice”.
More than lamenting defeat for The One perhaps this is another case of the BBC celebrating a victory for the terrorists.
The Taliban must be the first opponents of Obama who haven’t been denounced as racists yet.
As with Labour in the UK, the BBC will only attack from the left and from their world view. So the only attacks on Barack Obama policy will be those that go against that world view.
Just a few points that might hopefully bring some degree of sanity here…
1. It’s ‘his’ war now, but yes an odd term.
2. ”The one” is a phrase of David Vance’s. It’s stupid, and very few people consider him in the god-like terms you do. It’s Obama’s critics that have built up this image of ‘the one’ in a mocking way. He may have some devoted supporters, but so did Bush, and left wingers didnt go about mockingly calling him ‘the one’. Idiotic childish terms like that really endear people to your views sir.
3. The BBC don’t love the taleban! This is directed at biodegradeable above – surely the biggest fool on this page. The phrase ‘the people want’ is proof that the BBC love terrorists?? You’re mad.
4. Labour have been attacked by man from the left, because they’ve not been especially left nor right wing. They’ve just been populist and shambolic. If they had an ideology, even a left wing one, things might not be as bad as they are now.
5.’zanulabour’ is another stupid term that should be stopped if you intend people to take you seriously Mr Head on Poles.
Your “points” are 100% ad hominem.
Would you like to explain with coherent argument and/or some form of logic why you say I am “surely the biggest fool on this page” and “mad”?
You wrote
BBC celebrating a victory for the terrorists
That, quite clearly, makes you mad. And a fool. You’re more than entitled to those views (before someone trots out the old chesnut of claiming i’m trying to stop you saying what you want) but it doesn’t change the fact that you are crackers. Truly bonkers.
I’ll take it then you are a qualified psychiatrist?
You’ll be telling us next that Barbara Plett really didn’t admit crying real tears for Arafat as he was helicoptered out to hospital in Paris.
All in my imagination?
Take some good advice from Sam Levenson:
“It’s so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don’t say it.”
1. The term is not ‘odd’ – some may think it’s just a throwaway remark, others that it indicates a subtle shift in editiorial approach on the part of the Beeb – backpedalling, if you will. Not sure where you were going with that.
2. ‘The One’ is not David’s phrase. it was used frequently by Obama’s opponents and commentators both during the election on immediately after Obama’s ‘coronation’; in a bid to satirise and challenge the media and the Left’s obsequious hagiography and awe-struck coverage of the man. Did you really miss all that?
It’s called political banter – and it clearly had a lot of resonance.
“and left wingers didnt go about mockingly calling him ‘the one’.”
No, they mockingly went around calling him Chimpy McBushHitlerburton, instead.
3. The BBC may not literally love the Taliban (and I’m sure BD doesn’t think so either). But what they do do, is consistently shill for and promote Islam at every opportunity and attack those who are trying to combat the very real threat from Islamic terrorism. At times, the media (and in particular the BBC) appear to present the Taliban as if they were some kind of mythical, benefIcent rebels – and not the murderers, rapists and child abusers that they actually are.
Sometimes it seems a bit like having Lord Haw Haw around again, except this time he doesn’t need to broadcast from Reichssender Hamburg.
4. Zanulabour is another satirical sobriquet, applied for fairly obvious reasons. You really need to get a sense of humour.
Let’s do this definitively; it is Obama’s war now, it isn’t biased for the BBC to say so, and it is very odd that you people consider that worth mentioning.
The lefts awestruck coverage of the man? Yeah true, the right had a far fairer coverage of Obama – accusing him of being un-American, and hanging out with terrorists. But then again, that’s not worthy of a comment on here is it? Why should it be – bias on the BBC is a crisis that must be addressedm but bias elsewhere is conveniently ignored.
chimpyMcBushHitlerburton. what? seriously? has anybody else ever heard of this?
The BBC do not promote Islam at every opportunity – what a stupid line of thinking. I suppose I could ask for proof of this…but you won’t produce any. The Taleban are rebels, as well as murderers and rapists etc. If you, or anyone else here, seriously think that the BBC portrays the taleban in a positive light, you need urgent help.
The term zanulabnour (or any similar phrase) is ridiculous, because as bad as labour have been, they do not even compare to ZANU PF, where an unelected dictator has destroyed all freedom in his country, murdered opponents, and completely destroyed the economy. Gordon Brown has been a bad PM; but he bares no comparison to the likes of mugabe, and only idiots persist in that line of thinking. It’s become such a cliche that I am amazed that idiots still say ‘we live in a stalinist/orwellian society’. Laughable.
I think, left to your own devices, that you’d argue with yourself.
All I can say is thanks for tackling my points head on, you really know how to conduct a discussion….
He/she/it is arguing with itself.
Everybody else is mad, a fool, an idiot, stupid, idiotic, childish.
Way to conduct a discussion huh?
Indeed BD… respect for other’s opinions without resorting to ad-hom?
He’s heard of it.