Did you catch this item on Today this morning? Christine Odone vs Harriet Harman on the issue of whether a minority of women in government are steering women’s policy towards “macho” values. Naughtie seemed keen to ensure that La Harman got as much time as possible not that there’s any bias here….heaven forbid. Perhaps letting Harman talk on and on is not a bad idea since whether she knows it or not, the more she talks the more she digs herself into a hole.
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“Perhaps letting Harman talk on and on is not a bad idea since whether she knows it or not, the more she talks the more she digs herself into a hole.”
Maybe that’s not a bad idea. That depends, of course, on whether this blog aims to expose BBC bias or to campaign actively and openly against the Labour Party.
I’m also genuinely distressed to see you misusing Nazism as a cheap euphemism in your labels. If it’s wrong for Stephen Fry to misuse the horror of Auschwitz as a stick with which to hit the Tories, it’s equally wrong to cheapen the seriousness of Nazism by applying the term to the over-zealous application of feminism by an elected and non-genocidal government, however much you disagree with its agenda. It’s as misguided in my opinion as the constant stretching of the terms ‘racism’ and ‘homophobia’
Can we not disagree with something or someone without resort to cheap jibes about Auschwitz or Nazis? All it achieves is a dilution of the truth about what Nazism was and an easy point of refutation for anyone who would dismiss your more sensible arguments.
Ms Harman is famous for her privileged background, (and less famous for being married to trade union bureaucrat, Jack Dromey, who has just been parchuted into a ‘safe’ Labour seat for the next election).
Harman is severely anti-men in her politics, and is indulged by the BBC, which goes along with her discrimination for women, and against men.
Melanie Phillips has her number:
“Ms Harman’s fanatical determination to wield the blade against all who are getting in the way of the egalitarian utopia – such as men, white people, heterosexuals, the able-bodied, the middle classes and now the entire population of London and the Home Counties – would surely have made even Robespierre flinch.”
Read more: http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/debate/article-1199298/MELANIE-PHILLIPS-Rights-Northerners-A-PC-honours-list-What-deserve-Harriet-Harperson-equality-maniacs.html#ixzz0TQwIr3RP
One of the first action which a Tory government should do, is to repeal her misnomer of an ‘Equalities Bill’.
That’s a fair point. I accept that criticism. I think you sum up Ms Harman perfectly well.
DV – thank you for your courtesy, I appreciate it. George R – I couldn’t agree more with Melanie Philips on Harman – thanks for the link.
The ‘equality’ agenda amuses me. The last time I looked, there were distinctions between things, between people, and between peoples.
Remember the new mantra folks: You are obliged to celebrate diversity, but forbidden to notice differences.
DV – seriously, though. Sarcasm is one thing, but don’t you start calling me a troll…
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”. George Orwell, Animal Farm
Describes the liberal elite – represented so perfectly by Harperson and the B-BBC – to a tee.
Harperson did her damndest to get on to comfortable ground by bringing up tax credits and James Naughtie – for it is he – did his level best to allow her to put forward the opinion from the upper classes.
Bless her, any opportunity to get on to any media (even better if it is the friendly BBC) and spout an opinion on any subject and she is happy.
She’d attend the opening of my fridge if she thought it would benefit her career.
And that is my opinion.
Is there even any point to this allegation? I see Christina Odone, who is from a right-wing think tank and whose report attacked the government, which got a lot of coverage on the BBC, debating with the minister for women
Now I hate Harman as much as the next person, but she is the relevant minister, and it’s her hobbyhorse, the BBC can’t really control the fact that she’s a rabid feminist – so what’s the allegation? That they gave Hattie a free ride? She spoke more, but she was the one being cross-examined and had questions aimed at her, I would expect her to speak more, did Odone feel unfairly treated?
Overall, I think Naughtie did a pretty good job