“At heart, the BBC is a nine-to-five, public sector type of place, run by people who have never really worked anywhere else.”…
Those at the top spend their whole time talking to each other, so they are genuinely surprised by outside criticism…
Like most highly bureaucratic organisations which feel under threat, the BBC’s core instinct is to expand as a matter of self-preservation.
It cannot see a piece of new or old media territory without seeking to dominate it.
From part two of Stephen Robinson’s look at the BBC in the Evening Standard. (Part one linked here.)
Robinson makes one claim which may raise some eyebrows:
…few could now argue that politicians of the Left are given an easier ride in interviews than those of the Right: Andrew Marr’s recent grillings of Gordon Brown and David Cameron were equally tough.
Analysis of both interviews by Beeb Bias Craig suggests that Marr actually interrupted Cameron twice as often he did Brown (more than two interruptions per minute versus one per minute).
When you consider the kicking Marr normally gives Tories, then Cameron got off lightly. It was only the fact that McDoom did get a light kicking, possibly in Marr’s eyes hoping Brown could be pressured into resigning, which is the only way Labour have a chance at the next election.
so you like Robinson’s analysis when he agrees with you, then?
Robinson is correct about the 9 to 5 ethos. Christmas shows this best. Just when it knows millions of the public it is supposed to serve are likely to be at home for days on end it lets all its own staff go on holiday too and broadcasts even more repeats and old films than usual.
There is no public service ethos at the BBC. They serve themselves with good wages, excellent benefits and generous holidays. And why not when you’ve got billions per year of guaranteed income?
The BBC’s interview with the BNP not right-wing and cosy enough for you?
I don’t want the BBC to be cosy with any political party, and I don’t support the BNP if that’s what you’re implying.
You’re missing the point like so many lefties, what I object to is the BBC giving left wing groups and politicians an easy ride but beating up on right wing groups.
I can’t stand the BNP, but I can’t stand the SWP, Greens or other leftie vermin either. Why do members of the SWP get an easy ride on the media when they openly admit to using violence to suppress freedom of speech?
Regarding Marr, that was the FIRST time he’s ever given any Labour politician a hard time and just look at the reaction from the left? Cameron was asked about his drugs use and his personal wealth on many occasions yet there was never any outrage about that. Why not?