Katya Adler’s report for Newsround Tuesday 13th October. BBC Newsround.
“Heading to school in Gaza, 9 year-old Huda and her brother and sister set off from their temporary home. Their real one was bombed in a war against Israel.”
“Their school came under attack too.”“Israel says it bombed the school to protect its own soldiers from attack. 42 people were killed including two children. Some of the classrooms were totally destroyed and for months kids couldn’t go to lessons.”
“things look different now [….] the classrooms are freshly painted and the fighting in Gaza has stopped for now.”
“School kids like Mahmood are still angry about what happened to him. He says everything was burned and destroyed; how can we forget the war. It’s our right to live in freedom and safety.”
“Many of the children are still frightened, like Huda.
Many children have nightmares [..] remembering the war.
Living in Gaza is hard and there’s always the threat of more violence.Coming to school is one of the best ways to have a normal life and escape the conflict.”
Katya ignores the 10,000 Kassams and mortars fired at Israel, that Hamas terrorists hide near and inside schools, the plight of children of Sderot, oh, and she forgets to mention the cause of the war.
The language she uses gives a false picture. It emotes innocent victims of a frightening enemy that deliberately targets children and prevents them from living in freedom and safety. In fact, the impression she gives is the opposite of the truth.
Freedom and safety is the last thing the children will ever have under Hamas, the only party that is guilty of deliberately targeting children and civilians.
Hamas is the cause of all their hardships, suffering, and nightmares. The radical Islam of Hamas is the cause of the war.
Hamas, its immutable charter, its genocidal aspirations towards Israel, they are the stuff of nightmares, for the children of Gaza, and the children of Israel.
Astonishing bias, broadcast to British schoolchildren by your BBC.
Replace Gaza with Sederot and you have a more accurate article!
Except for one difference. While Adler hints at Israel deliberately attacking kids…she doesnt have to make any kind of assertion SINCE Hama’s attacks were specifically planned for the morning and afternoon rush for school!
Adler’s a Jew. This makes the BBC immune from criticism, and they know it.
I’ve heard that said but never by the BBC or by Adler, herself. I would hazard a guess based on nothing but intuition that she comes from a family of German ‘Jewish’ Communists whose only connection with Jews and/or Judaism is the name Adler.
Part of her appararent animosity to Israel may well come from a childhood with no intellectual response to schoolyard antisemites (how could she when her family largely agreed with Marxist antisemitism?) so she joined the ‘enemy’.
Just speculation.
As I’ve said on another thread, the BBC should be reporting the truth on those kids in Gaza.
I simply don’t believe that Adler & Co. are not aware of the antisemitic propaganda and incitement to violence against Israel that’s being fed to kids by Hamas.
Here’s today’s RSS feed from the BBC’s Middle East section. I’ve only visited the pages that deal with Israel so that they stand out in the image.
What’s that word the BBC and the “Free Palestine” crowd loved to use during the Lebanon and Gaza operations?
Oh yes… “disproportionate”?
BBC Breakfast had a piece about how the Taliban had destroyed girls schools in the Swat Valley. It neglected to say that the Taliban were Islamic fundamentalists who believed that women should not be educated as they were chattel.
Islam never gets mentioned when the Taliban, Al Quaeda, Hamas, etc are reported. Can they not come out and say that all these terror groups are Islamic, that they are not isolated, that the aim of Islam is to conquer the world by any means?
How come the practice of female genital mutilation is condemned (and quite rightly) but it is conveniently forgotten that the perpitrators of this vile crime are Moslem?
What are they frightened of?
Dhimmitude here we come
What really happens in schools in Gaza-
It starts before they’re even old enough to go to a school:
Muslim Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony
Hamas Kids Play
Indoctrinated Palestinian 3 Year Old
There’s plenty more where they came from, but Katya Adler, who’s there, on the ground, sees nothing, hears nothing, and says nothing about it.
The Beeboids are well aware of the anti-Jew propaganda being spoon-fed to these kids from the moment they learn to talk. But they think it’s understandable, given the circumstances. Of course, it’s easier to just sweep it under the rug than apologize for it.
Just listen to what we hear so often from defenders of the indefensible, or any Israel basher: these children live under constant threat of death by nasty Israelis, so you can’t blame them for thinking this way. The tv shows and textbooks and speeches indroctrinating them all into a death cult are the result of Israel’s actions. Full stop.
The BBC are “all Hamas now”
Guest 13;28
Don’t worry Katya’s next report will be on child brides and the practice of FGM in Gaza all in the interests of impartial BBC reporting !
Bio 13:46
Can you imagine the reaction of Katya’s Hamas minders, if she asked to go off on her own to do some independent research ?!!
I guess she would be too scared to do that, scared of Hamas and scared of what she might find ?
I don’t think she’s scared at all, because I’m sure along with the release of Alan Johnson a deal was struck with Hamas to protect Beeboid reporters in exchange for them toeing the Hamas line.
How else do you explain a nice Jewish girl being allowed to work in Gaza without being raped, killed or kidnapped?
She’d have reason to be scared if she reported the truth, but as long as she does as she’s told she’ll be an honoured guest in Hamastan.
Bio 19:18
Exactly !!!
It’s interesting that Adler is talking as though the Hamas propaganda about the attack on the Al-Fakhoura school is true (the figure 42 serves to identify the exact incident she refers to). I believe the Palestinian version of what happened – which caused so much condemnation of Israel at the time – is more or less discredited:
“On January 6, Israel fired mortar shells at militants near the Al-Fakhoura school. Initially, reports mistakenly stated that the attack had directly hit the school and that the victims had taken refuge there to escape the fighting. This created a public outcry and prompted condemnation from Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki Moon, members of the news media, and international aid agencies. The response before it was learned that the school itself was not attacked lead to a renewed push for a cease-fire in the conflict. According to Israel, 5 Hamas fighters and 7 civilians were killed.” (Wiki)
for a more detailed account here is an entire wiki article on the incident at:
If Wikipedia is correct, Adler is guilty of deliberate falsification and deliberately peddling a Hamas line that she knows is generally accepted to be false.
In his mocksite OMTE toys with this thread.
He links to Alan “I’m telling your story” Johnson’s BBC webpage to show that Alan Johnson’s release from captivity was a triumph of good over evil and any suspicion of behind-the-scenes bargaining are ludicrous. In full “as if” mode, he japes:
“Kind of thing the BBC does – sell its independence to buy protection”
Oh, as if. As if.
He gets so wrapped up in ridiculing Bio’s comment he forgets hero Alan’s kidnapping adventure, calling the suggestion that Katya risks being raped, killed or kidnapped “fantasies.”
Gosh, how far-fetched! Imagine, if Hamas raped killed or kidnapped someone!
With a final flourish he goes:
“What’s scary is that you actually seem to believe that Hamas does dictate BBC news policy..”
He seems unaware that western media frequently reports stories from unreliable Palestinian sources without rigorous verification, and when such tales are discredited at a later date any retraction goes unnoticed, as public interest has abated. Just the nasty taste remains.
They are perfectly entitled to scoff at all of that if they so choose.
Several anons flit between this site and that one, breathlessly recounting triumphs over B-BBC in audacious trap-setting escapades.
When one of them makes a comment inferring that ‘Jews are in control of the media’ That IS scary.
Thanks for tip-off Sue. I never visit Hillhunt’s “blog” so I’d never have known that I had such a following.
What’s interesting to note is that he comes here to provoke and troll, then reports back to his fan base, who are probably sock puppets anyway, on our discussion rather than respond to my direct questions and comments here.
He also claims that I’m “a fan of Israeli policy” I’d like him to refer me to any comment I’ve ever made which would lead him to make that false claim.
I simply won’t bother with him in the future.
Are you there Hillhunt, OMTE, or whatever one of your multiple personalities you are today?
I do visit his blog. It started off with verbatim excerpts from some of his more masterful deconstructions of our comments (selected)
Recently the fanbase has grown exponentially, encouraging him to boldly go straight to press without even calling in here first.
Unruly devotees can be a liability. He must be wondering how to establish discipline whilst staying in the good books of Dave and the anons.
His aim seems to be to put us off. If he succeeded what would happen to him? We must keep going, for his sake.
Yes, it’s a lousy job but someone has to do it, but I for one shan’t be engaging with him again in the future.
Worth noting also is that he doesn’t actually respond to issues raised – just cherry picking isolated phrases out of context and hopping from one thing to another – the real hallmark of a Troll.
eg: How do my comments about Katyuska Addled in Gaza translate to me being a “fan of Isaeli policy”? We weren’t even talking about Israeli policy – more likely Hamas policy, which by Hillhunt’s logic he is in favour of!
It’s just his way of saying – what is it they call us – The ‘Israel right or wrong’ brigade.
( applies to anything we say)
I’ve come across a nice definition of the “Palestine right or wrong” brigade in an interview with Israeli singer Noa in a Spanish newspaper, reproduced here on Pilar Rahola’s blog. Noa was on tour with an Arab singer when the show in Barcelona was interrupted by people calling for a boycott of everything Israeli, including Noa.
Here’s what she said when asked what she thought about the boycotters:
“I believe that this group, like a large part of the European radical left is looking for a struggle. I heard Pilar Rahola, who is a very brave woman, say that they need something to substitute for Che Guevara’s beret and the found the Palestinian Kefiyah. Many times they don’t have any idea what they’re talking about. They do no favours to the Palestinian people and they don’t help the advancement of dialogue. These people are so obsessed with being against something that they still don’t understand what they’re in favour of.“
The whole interview here, translated into Inglisch by Google.
I’ve just managed to join two major BBC obsessions. I flew out of snowy Munich this morning and landed to 33C in Tel Aviv.
Jews create global warming 😎
Good to see you here biodegradable. This is the old Bryan, as I guess you know. I reversed the ‘TrueToo’ from the BBC blogs to become ‘TooTrue’ on this blog.
I also have no intention of visiting Hillhunt’s blog, even though, from his latest posts here, he seems to be sneering slightly less than he was when he posted here a few years ago.
I believe I heard that Katya Adler clip on the World Service. I recall her commenting, “Israel will say that they are defending themselves…”
Yes, those damn Israelis will say that, wont they.
What putrid “journalism.” Anyone can write this biased junk the BBC pumps out – just get your prejudices in a row and go for it.
Hi Bryan,
I did know it was you, and I recognised TrueToo from the BBC blogs, which I’ve given up on since my brief foray there.
Yep, Katya Adler is up there with Orla Goering, Barbara Plett and the rest of those ignoble paddlers of propaganda. It’s even possible her parents are proud of her. But I still can’t understand how any decent person could live and work in Israel, as the Beeboids do, and still be so wilfully blind and biased.