Last week the bBC reported on the arrested of American Israeli settler ‘Yaakov Teitel’ (Moved to Israel in 2000 ) who was arrested for being something of a nasty piece of work and had a penchant for murder.
Yesterday the bBC reported on Israeli waiter ‘Damian Kerlik’ who stabbed 6 people from the same family for getting sacked in 2007 from his job.
Standard basic reporting. Well not actually you see while the bBC is more than happy to juxtapose the fact that the former is also an American they leave out that the latter is actually a Russian who only moved to Israel in 2003 after committing a robbery in his native country.
Strange how the bBC is more than happy to call somebody who moved to Israel in 2000 an immigrant but somebody who moved in 2003 as an Israeli.
Yet again the bBC airs its pro-radical Wahhabis leaning by promoting yet another example of ‘Islamophobia’this time in Azerbaijan.
Yup, even thou the country is 94% Islamic the authorities while building a number of mosques and renovating others have closed down a couple of mosques and the Abu Bowen crowd at the bBC have got their Hijabs in a twist.
So what does the bBC leave out of yet another polarised attempt in which to portrayed ‘Radical Islam’ as a religion of peace:
Well for a start the country while almost entirely Islamic is split almost down the middle with Shias with 51% and Sunnis at 49%. The constitution of Azerbaijan provides for freedom of religion, and the law does not allow religious activities to be interfered with unless they endanger public order.
The mosques that have been shut down have all been Sunni, which out of the two branches of the faith is the only one to subscribe to the restrictive, oppressive tenets of Wahhabism. It seems that there has been a powerplay at the mosques which have been shut down after followers of the Saudi inspired Wahhabis not being happy with the current managementdecided to take matters into their own hand and take out the leaders with the mentioned grenade attack. An attack which killed 3 people.
So with that in mind the Governmenthave closed down the mosque in which to prevent anymore grenade attacks.
Of course the wannbe muslims at the bbC (Something like the familiars in the Blade movies) can only see a hate crime here and thus regale the British bBC tax payer to yet another “I am a victim story”
Mind you, if the ‘sanity’ we are currently getting currently from the deeds and/or words of our politico-media establishment and their apologists is anything to go by, it might be a tad over-rated.
The bbC, “Allah we have lift off” and the cracking open of bottles of pink champagne at Portland Place after a successful launch of a terror weapon.
Yet another fawning article from the bBC over how its ideological heroes have managed to test fire a weapon which has one purpose and that is to attack the people next door. Of course nothing is mentioned by the bBC about how the money being spent on weapons by Hamas could have been better spent on improving the water supply in Gaza.
Oh the bBC have no problem telling everybody about how if we got rid of our own rocket system (trident) there would be money to spend on other things such as Schools, Hospitals and the welfare system.
But strangely enough when the militants of Gaza escalate the military balance in the region by testfiring their own extended range terror weapon . All we hear is the clinking of champagne glasses at Al beeb on yet another nail in the coffin against those evil Jews.
Oh Joy. My home is now in rocket range and the nearest bomb shelter is eight floors below! 🙁
A couple of points from the story. The first illustrative photograph shows rockets clearly fired from residential areas with the caption Thousands of rockets have been fired from Gaza since 2001. Compare that with the final paragraph.
Israel launched a devastating assault on Gaza in December and January aimed, it said, at stopping rocket fire by Palestinian militants. Rocket fire since the assault has diminished dramatically. I think the BBC have unintentionally made Israel’s case – watch for revisions.
Most have a range of just a few kilometres and land without causing injury or damage, though the rockets cause widespread fear and disruption. A variation of the crude, home-made rockets cliche. Tough if you live a few kilometres from the border. Most land without damage because 1. their aim is poor, 2. the Israelis return accurate fire in minutes stopping the ‘militants’ from making corrections in subsequent shots, 3. the Israelis are bastards.
The bbC, multicultural Britain and racism.
Oh how the bBC is quick in which to point out any semblance of racism in the UK.
Be it Muslims getting abused on a rough council estate in Bristol, calling Diane abbot a Hob Nob or even bitching about how bad a deal asylum seekers in France have it. The bBC is the always on the front line of liberal tut tuting in which to berate anybody who steps out of line that only whites can be racist.
So why am I not surprised to read about the merits of Nigerian cooking on the bBC news website.
Where succulent snippets of ethic superiority are allowed to be made at the expense of the native population. We have: “He is here, he says “because learning about my own culture gives me a sense of pride, something to hold on to, instead of just the Western stuff”.” this “”I think a lot of us who have migrated from Africa to the UK or the United States tend to neglect our culture and adopt that of where we are, which is wrong.” And this; “My father is a solicitor and my mother a social worker. Not an ounce of Igbo was spoken to us as we were growing up. They spoke it between themselves, but never spoke it to us children. We were the victims of a ‘pro-education’ drive,”
I’m, sorry but if the bBC can remove any vestige of a biscuit analogy because it deemed it racist. How the hell can it allow disparagement of the native culture of the Uk which if not institutionally (Blackon white) racist is close to the bloody bone.
There are some local elections going on around the US today, and the BBC Narrative is on display. First, Mark Mardell blogs about the election for governor in Virginia.
All one needs to do is look at the accompanying photo to guess the rest of it. Mardell explains that the people who are unhappy with The Obamessiah are the kind of extreme right gun nuts who hated Him anyway. Oh, and just in case that’s not enough, Virginia always goes for a different party from the on in the White House anyway. The message here is that – no matter what – a Republican victory is definitely not a real criticism of the President.
On the World Service a little while ago, we had Kevin Connolly (he who insulted Tea Party protesters like myself with a sexual innuendo on air and in his report online) in Colorado telling us that some of the brave youths who worked so hard for that Hope and Change are now slightly disappointed with Him so far. But that’s only because He hasn’t done enough Leftoid agenda stuff yet. What’s more is that some of the criticism from the Left really comes from Hillary voters; the youth are still giving Him the benefit of the doubt. So, once again, the Narrative is that – no matter what – any Republican victory today cannot count as a mini referendum on the President’s performance so far. Any Democrat who isn’t happy didn’t like Him in the first place.
After that it’s back to the studio and the Beeboid female has on a British ex-UN talking head to discuss the situation. They bring up the upstate New York election for Congressman which is getting a lot of attention in the news. The Republican candidate stepped down a couple days ago because enough of her constituents weren’t happy with her positions. It was basically the Tea Party-type folks who were unhappy, as the Rep. incumbent was like too many other Republicans, behaving like a tax-and-spend Democrat. Contrary to the lies told to you by the BBC about those Tea Party protests (which are still going on, by the way), this is not a movment of far-Right, Christianist, racist gun nuts, but ordinary fiscal conservatives who place a premium on individual liberty. The story that the BBC doesn’t want you to know can be found here.
(continued below because this comment system wrongly thinks there are 3000 characters already)
Naturally, the Beeboid and the ex-UN guy (now Harvard think tanker, naturally) say that this is really a problem for the Republican party because extreme rightwingers are trying to take over, which will doom the party for a long time.
Once again, the Narrative is that – no matter what – this is not about the President’s performance or His policies, but noise from people who didn’t like Him anyway who can be dismissed once tarred with the desired epithets.
Three reports, one Narrative. Come see the bias inherent in the system.
Make that four reports. I just heard another Beeboid on the World Service (Paul Adams?) explaining that no matter what happened – even though The Obamessiah and His operatives have gotten personally involved in certain local elections, and even though this election is about voting for people who will either further His Plan For Us or not – “this is not a referendum” on Him.
The Mayor of London is cycling home, when a woman cries out for help while being attacked by a hooded group of young girls, one of whom was brandishing an iron bar. He dives in and chases the hoodlumesses away.
Hardly a story one comes across everyday, and certainly in the public interest. The BBC headline on the story seems designed to make sure any reader would not bother with it, and doesn’t even make clear who is involved: Johnson saves woman from ‘oiks’
Bear in mind the Home Secretary is also named Johnson. I’m sure if it was Ken Livingstone the BBC would have run it as their main story and would clearly have identified who it was and the heroics involved in the headline.
As someone pointed out in the Daily Mail there would be no chance of a Socialist doing something like that, they are chauffeured everywhere in a large Rolls or Jag. Cycling is for the working class trash.
I love that tone of condecension towards any of us misguided enough to actually read the Daily Mail. We are, I assume, really not worth bothering with at all. Idiots all of us.
Yeah, that sums it up squire. Idiot stories, written by idiots for idiots. If you wanna read good right wing press look at the Telegraph, Spectator etc, not hyperactive little wank rags. The Express today, for example, declared Britain: The End. If that is not the most ridiculous headline you’ve ever seen, I’d like to know what beats it.
Assumptions again “squire” . I do like your mockney my son.
In fact I read the Guardian. Particularly the job adverts. They are seriously worth the price of the paper- a real jokey start to the day.
Of the others I miss the Sporting Life. The Racing Post is just not the same . As to “wank rags” I am , having led a sheltered life, unsure as to your meaning. Perhaps you may care to enlighten us all as you appear to be a very edgy – is that the right word? – lad.
Interesting take on the reversals of the Democrats in the two governor votes. The news item ended with the “fact” that it was the “young and blacks” not turning out, like they did last year, that resulted in the Republican wins.
No chance of the “young and blacks” having seen the (non) direction that Obama and the Senate/Congress are taking affecting their votes then!
And so, as predicted, the BBC reports the US various local election results were not – I repeat, were not – a referendum on The Obamessiah. Definitely not. Loads of other reasons. In reality, it was more a referendum on His Plan For Us and the Democrats in general. But it’s only when a Democrat is elected does it truly reflect the real wishes of us fool United Statesians. Only when we elect beloved Democrats are we actively seeking Change. When we want to Change from a Democrat to someone else, that’s just weirdness, down to independents waffling, legions of true Democrats not voting, etc.
Mardell is a bit concerned about these swing voters – independents who voted for The Obamessiah last year but didn’t vote Democrat this year – but then goes on to say that he thinks these switchers are really rare. The BBC, like so many deniers on the far Left, simply refuse to admit that last year’s election, along with all the euphoric, quasi-religious, Hope and Change noise was really about a Cult of Personality, and not really a vote on Democrat policies. Now that the bloom is off that rose somewhat, voters are shying away from those policies being mishandled and shoved down our throats. But the keen political analysts at the BBC can’t see that.
The BBC doesn’t want you to think about the fact that the young people and blacks generally don’t turn out in droves for local elections, especially ones that haven’t been hyped to near Messianic proportions by the media for 18 months. Funny how that works.
Notice that 4 out of the 5 US media sources the article quotes were Obamessiah endorsers last November. The Washington Post even apologized for being heavily biased towards Him in their reporting. And one of those 4 is faux Conservative Andrew Sullivan, who gives them the desired quote about this not being a referendum on Him. But since the BBC never told you that the Washington Post and the New York Times have vested interests in supporting Him, all you know is that these are honest US analyses.
David (USA), he who is so keen to inform us where he is, why don’t you focus on the hopeless American media then, rather than the British media reporting on the US press?
The BBC also didn’t report on my fart last night, but that doesn’t mean biased by omission.
I was more thinking along the lines of asking why you feel the need to add ‘USA’ at the end of your name, why you give a toss about the BBC when you live in the US (and therefore don’t pay for, or need to watch, the BBC) and most of all, why your points all seem to be along the lines of – ‘the BBC is biased as it isn’t reporting Obama is the devil’ or ‘fox news says obama, and the bbc didn’t mention it! i say bias!’.
But yeah, your right to exist can be the topic of discussion instead, if you’d prefer.
I add the USA to my name because too many people in the past got upset when it was suddenly revealed that I was from the US, as if I was hiding something or trying to fool them. A couple of years ago there was a demand from some quarters for commenters to indicate up front if they were foreigners. Your own comments reveal a similar prejudice against foreigners commenting on your BBC.
Your statement that I consider bias to be the failure to report on The Obamessiah as “the devil” is false, a gross misrepresentation of my comments. The majority of my comments on this site are about brining up information that the BBC fails to tell you which sheds a different light on a given story, or about clear favorable bias from Beeboids. Or just when they lie or misrepresent things. I generally link to information which shows where the BBC got it wrong. Or, I try to explain how a given report or blog post (when it’s Webb or Mardell or Robinson or Peston) betrays a specific bias. Justin Webb stating that Sarah Palin is unfit for office because of a specific religious belief he doesn’t like, or Newsnight lying to you about ACORN, for example.
As for your assertion that I say Fox News says somethng and the BBC didn’t, I’d like you to show me two comments of mine where I say that. You can’t, of course. I bet you’re just thinking of the very recent issue of the BBC’s decision not to inform you about the politicization of the NEA, and decided to denegrate years of comments from me based on that one story.
I have every right to comment on a site about BBC bias. The BBC is the official national broadcaster of a country which is an important US ally (“special relationship” or not). It has a much longer history, cultural connection, and deeper relationship with its viewers than any US media outlet. The BBC gives the citizens – voters – of that country false information about the US (never mind about, you know, Honduras or other countries), or severely slanted information, thus creating false impressions about or even turning them against the US. I’ve had many discussions with friends and acquaintances in the UK which has shown me just how badly the BBC misinforms people on US issues. The BBC’s failure to be an honest, impartial news organization has an effect on public opinion, and that affects us all.
Not only that, but the BBC now broadcasts a news program targeted directly at me and my fellow citizens, in which this same bias is easily apparent. Bias at the BBC has affected me personally, and affects the citizens of what has until now been my country’s greatest ally. I’ll continue to challenge it.
It’s all a lie David (USA). The BBC just lies, lies, lies. It’s part of a global elite conspiracy, you see. Bush and Obama are really the same person. In fact, David Vance is part of it too. And maybe so are you, David (USA).
(Sorry what I meant was, I lived in the US for years you oaf, and most people I knew (from all sides of the political divide) agreed that the BBC provided news coverage 100 times better than the populist shite on NBC, CNN etc, or the opinionated propaganda on Fox. But you believe what you want, you B-BBC fukcers are seriously deluded anyway. Why not make an enemy out of a news organisation? Shooting the messenger has got to be fun.)
“…and most people I knew (from all sides of the political divide) agreed that the BBC provided news coverage 100 times better than the populist shite on NBC, CNN etc, or the opinionated propaganda on Fox.”
In the absence of your own brain, what else can you think?
Extreme exaggerations, not intelligent debate. Plus insults. Your anecdotes about people you knew are irrelevant. I make specific points about specific cases. If you ever care to discuss any of those, we’ll all still be here waiting.
Well, that has not stopped this, like many of them, making it into print, and as one from ‘the side of rightness in all things’, I am sure not being carried on the main news just a silly oversight from the home team and no professional discourtesy intended.
Dave Preiser (USA) please don’t take the slightest notice of FFPS. If you read his comments it’s quite clear that he only comes to this site to wind people up. Ignore him and he’ll go away…hopefully!
Fat fcuk penis shaped is just an annoying guardianista troll
You are welcome here.
He is bored sitting by himself. He has no friends (apart from scott tarquin and constipated)
Its a long time till May day,
they havent started building the new runway yet, the G8 arent sitting, the israeli’s arent bombing palestine, he cant go on holiday for fear of Global warming, he probably feels pornography degrades wimmin therefore he cant even console himself with one off the wrist.
So he doe the only thing left for some frustrated socialist tosser he goes on line to wind people up.
His xenophobia against your people would not be acceptable if targeted to other nationalities but to his political class you are the great satan.
Just by being an american you are an exploiter oppressor murderer.
Apart ,obviously, for his Holyness the infalible BO.
Your posts shed new perspective on our onesided anti american newsmedia.
I enjoy your posts please dont let some unwashed ‘activist’ put you off.
Oh Paddy, you make me chuckle boss, you really do. Are you 16? Or are you just stuck in the 16 year old politik mentality of believing that anyone who isn’t a right wing nutjob is unwashed, sandal wearer etc. Idiots on the right like you make it so much harder for the intelligent ones to be heard.
Sorry mate. I am an old, beard wearing libdem supporter. I just hate the total Bias of the beeb to the far left.
Have never voted Tory. I helped elect Menzies-Campbell when at UNi. Campaigned leaflet dropped all that.
I want the national broadcaster to be fair and balanced (not as in fox news)
I like the idea of a fox news or equivalent in the UK broadcast media to balance the far left output of Ch4 and BBC. Dont agree with fox news views but at least they are an alternative voice.
ITV too soundbitey for my tastes.
My critism and steroetyping of you and your views is based on many years working with media groups (TV and newspapers)
Have spent many a wasted lunch with your fellow travellers who have a total inability to see others points of view.
I am no lover of unrestrained capitalism but hate the incessant anticapitalst stance of all the beebs news output.
I am no lover of the tories (with the possible exception of BJ) but hate the anti tory brainwashing that the artshool alumni attempt every chance they get.
Hearing one side all the time gets boring. Why no right wing comedians. Why the only right wingers on telly HYslop Clarkson Neil.
I was forced at school to read two papers a day one from each side of the political spectrum. I chose the Times and the Independant. I enjoy both sides of an argument. It helps you form your own views. Always broadcasting with one slant is dull uniformative and in extreme cases dangerous.
I honestly believe the rise of the Hard right is as much to do with Auntie as it is NuLabour.
Poor white people within the Uk have nothing to watch but a broadcaster in denial. Denial about the economy denial about europe and denial about immigration. Because auntie dismisses their poiint of views or just totally ignores it they are driven to people who listen. This is perfect for that arse Griffen. He sucks them in by playing to their fears.
Your type of politics has failed this country. It has brought about the rise of one of the most evil groups.
Patronising and lecturing people, social engineering and manipulation has caused a backlash.
People dont beleive you or your mates at auntie any more.
You seem to have nothing positive to contribute so I treat you with the contempt you deserve.
Join in proper debate and you may have your views listened to otherwise your sniping and constant wind ups do nothing but prove my preconception i.e. you are just a time wastimg tosser
You do your cause no good and you prove every prejudice about your kind.
I’ve just written some commentary about the Israeli Navy Iranian weapons find today, for which I used a BBC article for source. The story was a few minutes ago near the top of the ‘Other Top Stories’ section of the main front page of the news website.
I looked again a couple of minutes ago and it’s been completely excised from the front page and is now languishing in the Middle East section. Now just why would they move a story demonstrating that Israel is not necessarily the aggressor that most leftards and dhimmis like to see it portrayed as – just as we’re coming into prime time.
It’s still Top Story when I access it. Perhaps those located outside the UK receive a different homepage. At one time it was possible to choose that option.
As a postscript- and to be fair – it has reappeared for me too now, but definitely did drop off the site at the time of writing the original post, just after 19:00.
I am more offended by Paul Woods’ so-called analysis.
1st Paragraph: Israeli military and politicians celebrate. Say it’s a lot of weapons.
2nd Paragraph: The seizure comes after Israel carried out a joint military exercise with the Americans. So what? Is there some logical link between capturing a ship and military exercises?
The unspoken assumption of that exercise – for many in Israel at least – is that Israel will one day carry out military strikes against Iran’s nuclear programme. If the assumption is unspoken what evidence does he have? Mind reading? What evidence does he have that the exercise had anything to do with Iran?
3rd Paragraph: Syria denies weapons were on board. Maybe they weren’t ( 😀 ). The tone of the analysis is that it is only an Israeli claim. – ‘they say’. Yet he follows with – all sides are looking ahead to, and preparing for, the next round of hostilities. This line only makes sense if the arms existed and were indisputably destined for Hizbulla.
Good points all, deegee. I too was baffled by the ‘analysis’ box – but often am with al-Beeb’s ‘analysis’ puff-pieces (see this one by Tim Franks on the Goldstone Report, which I took apart on the blog a few weeks ago).
It seems Phil Space is alive and well at al-BBCeera.
Insidious laft wing propaganda badly hidden in spy show.
This weeks plot involves the backstory of a failed faking of weapons of mass destruction by the evil CIA and nasty MI6. They were to smuggle Uranium into Iraq to justify the war but plot failed and good old Harry hid the Uranium . Now in present day CIA/six try to find the URANIUM which harry has hidden.
New CIA boss (Blond sympathetic and pretty) helps 5 by betraying 6 and bad Texan former CIA boss.
Former Boss tells her’You only have the white house for 4 yrs”
The implication is that British secret service coluded with Bush whitehouse to justify Iraq war but now new Obama loving blond saves the day and defeats the evil Neocons.
Transparent leftist pap.
I love trashy spy shows. What a shame they have ruined this one by some Beeb point scoring.
Must admit I do enjoy Spooks – I think I subconsciously apply a temporary ‘bias-suppression filter’ that stops me freaking out at the screen when they run a storyline featuring those ten-a-penny Christian fundamentalist groups.
I mean, arent’cha sick of hearing about those radical Methodists?
Some care home to be shut. With a Mum now needing such care I sympathise, but I also understand the need to understand all the issues.
Now, some background imagery is inevitable, especially when covering protests, but I do wonder at the mindset that set-up all vox-pops in a corridor with two women holding a huge sign displaying ‘Don’t Kill Our Mums’ in clear view just behind all respondents.
Nowt like enhancing the narrative to keep the events being interpreted bubbling at high ratings levels.
The BBC has already given Muslim Rageh Omaar (now of Al Jazeera TV) a BBC TV series in which he gives the view of an Islamic apologist for the history of Islamic imperialism through Islamic jihad; now, at 9 pm, the BBC provides the Christian corollary to that : a dhimmi history of Christianity which extols the ‘virtues’ of cultural relativism, and advocates ‘accommodation’ with Islamic invaders.
The BBC seems oblivious to an alternative historical critique to all this, as provided in the excellent tome by Andrew Bostom, “The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic holy war and the fate of non-Muslims” (Prometheus, 2005).
The BBC will NEVER allows such a version of history to be presented as a series on BBC TV.
There’s a segment on the World Service right now about the Kosher meat packing plant in Iowas which was shut down for hiring illegal immigrants (Yes, the World Service broke with BBC protocol and called used that nasty “im” suffix).
The story is about the hardships now suffered by the poor illegals in the aftermath.
They introduced the story by mentioning the “Orthodox Jewish” owner who is in legal trouble. It was a kosher meat plant, so I guess it’s…er… kosher to mention the owner’s religion. But why say “Orthodox” or describe the supervising rabbi as “ultra-Orthodox”?
They never do this for Mohameddans. If a Halal plant was similarly busted, the BBC would not describe the owner as being orthodox or conservative or any other modifier. Yet for the Jew, the use the modifier.
This isn’t anti-Jewish bias from the BBC. Rather, it is evidence that while the BBC takes extra care to protect Mohammedans, other groups do not receive these privleges. Whenever someone here complains that the BBC didn’t mention that whatever perpetrator was Muslim, a defender of the indefensible chimes in saying it’s not important, or it was obvious from his name so there’s no need to mention it, or some variant of that excuse. Here, it should be obvious that the owner of a kosher plant was a Jew. But the BBC took the extra step to label him as “Orthodox”.
The owner’s personal level of observance is irrelevant to the story. The BBC has one set of rules for Muslims, and one set of rules for everyone else. Bias.
Next time you see a propaganda piece…er… report on the US health care issue from the BBC, remember this piece of information which they will never, ever tell you:
• Section 7201 – felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.” [page 3]
But don’t worry, at least the grim Bush years are over. The BBC dutifully reports White House press releases as fact, regardless of how bizarre it is for the state broadcaster of the UK to continually give you updates on the development of a domestic policy of a foreign country which is of no news interest to the UK beyond the fact that it’s all part of His Plan For Us.
If the BBC continues to report on the progress of “health care reform” but omit this key bit of information, they are dishonest, and partisan supporters of a foreign government, all paid for by you.
I guess one man’s bribe is another’s ‘unique funding’
Search Biased BBC
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Last week the bBC reported on the arrested of American Israeli settler ‘Yaakov Teitel’ (Moved to Israel in 2000 ) who was arrested for being something of a nasty piece of work and had a penchant for murder.
Yesterday the bBC reported on Israeli waiter ‘Damian Kerlik’ who stabbed 6 people from the same family for getting sacked in 2007 from his job.
Standard basic reporting. Well not actually you see while the bBC is more than happy to juxtapose the fact that the former is also an American they leave out that the latter is actually a Russian who only moved to Israel in 2003 after committing a robbery in his native country.
Strange how the bBC is more than happy to call somebody who moved to Israel in 2000 an immigrant but somebody who moved in 2003 as an Israeli.
Yup the bbC and half a story.
Yet again the bBC airs its pro-radical Wahhabis leaning by promoting yet another example of ‘Islamophobia’ this time in Azerbaijan.
Yup, even thou the country is 94% Islamic the authorities while building a number of mosques and renovating others have closed down a couple of mosques and the Abu Bowen crowd at the bBC have got their Hijabs in a twist.
So what does the bBC leave out of yet another polarised attempt in which to portrayed ‘Radical Islam’ as a religion of peace:
Well for a start the country while almost entirely Islamic is split almost down the middle with Shias with 51% and Sunnis at 49%. The constitution of Azerbaijan provides for freedom of religion, and the law does not allow religious activities to be interfered with unless they endanger public order.
The mosques that have been shut down have all been Sunni, which out of the two branches of the faith is the only one to subscribe to the restrictive, oppressive tenets of Wahhabism. It seems that there has been a powerplay at the mosques which have been shut down after followers of the Saudi inspired Wahhabis not being happy with the current management decided to take matters into their own hand and take out the leaders with the mentioned grenade attack. An attack which killed 3 people.
So with that in mind the Government have closed down the mosque in which to prevent anymore grenade attacks.
Of course the wannbe muslims at the bbC (Something like the familiars in the Blade movies) can only see a hate crime here and thus regale the British bBC tax payer to yet another “I am a victim story”
You are barking mad my friend, barking mad.
When it comes to sensible debating points, all I needed to be persuaded. All I needed.
Mind you, if the ‘sanity’ we are currently getting currently from the deeds and/or words of our politico-media establishment and their apologists is anything to go by, it might be a tad over-rated.
The bbC, “Allah we have lift off” and the cracking open of bottles of pink champagne at Portland Place after a successful launch of a terror weapon.
Yet another fawning article from the bBC over how its ideological heroes have managed to test fire a weapon which has one purpose and that is to attack the people next door. Of course nothing is mentioned by the bBC about how the money being spent on weapons by Hamas could have been better spent on improving the water supply in Gaza.
Oh the bBC have no problem telling everybody about how if we got rid of our own rocket system (trident) there would be money to spend on other things such as Schools, Hospitals and the welfare system.
But strangely enough when the militants of Gaza escalate the military balance in the region by testfiring their own extended range terror weapon . All we hear is the clinking of champagne glasses at Al beeb on yet another nail in the coffin against those evil Jews.
Oh Joy. My home is now in rocket range and the nearest bomb shelter is eight floors below! 🙁
A couple of points from the story. The first illustrative photograph shows rockets clearly fired from residential areas with the caption
Thousands of rockets have been fired from Gaza since 2001. Compare that with the final paragraph.
Israel launched a devastating assault on Gaza in December and January aimed, it said, at stopping rocket fire by Palestinian militants. Rocket fire since the assault has diminished dramatically. I think the BBC have unintentionally made Israel’s case – watch for revisions.
Most have a range of just a few kilometres and land without causing injury or damage, though the rockets cause widespread fear and disruption. A variation of the crude, home-made rockets cliche. Tough if you live a few kilometres from the border. Most land without damage because 1. their aim is poor, 2. the Israelis return accurate fire in minutes stopping the ‘militants’ from making corrections in subsequent shots, 3. the Israelis are bastards.
The bbC, multicultural Britain and racism.
Oh how the bBC is quick in which to point out any semblance of racism in the UK.
Be it Muslims getting abused on a rough council estate in Bristol, calling Diane abbot a Hob Nob or even bitching about how bad a deal asylum seekers in France have it. The bBC is the always on the front line of liberal tut tuting in which to berate anybody who steps out of line that only whites can be racist.
So why am I not surprised to read about the merits of Nigerian cooking on the bBC news website.
Where succulent snippets of ethic superiority are allowed to be made at the expense of the native population.
We have:
“He is here, he says “because learning about my own culture gives me a sense of pride, something to hold on to, instead of just the Western stuff”.”
“”I think a lot of us who have migrated from Africa to the UK or the United States tend to neglect our culture and adopt that of where we are, which is wrong.”
And this;
“My father is a solicitor and my mother a social worker. Not an ounce of Igbo was spoken to us as we were growing up. They spoke it between themselves, but never spoke it to us children. We were the victims of a ‘pro-education’ drive,”
I’m, sorry but if the bBC can remove any vestige of a biscuit analogy because it deemed it racist. How the hell can it allow disparagement of the native culture of the Uk which if not institutionally (Black on white) racist is close to the bloody bone.
There are some local elections going on around the US today, and the BBC Narrative is on display. First, Mark Mardell blogs about the election for governor in Virginia.
Republican revival in Virginia?
All one needs to do is look at the accompanying photo to guess the rest of it. Mardell explains that the people who are unhappy with The Obamessiah are the kind of extreme right gun nuts who hated Him anyway. Oh, and just in case that’s not enough, Virginia always goes for a different party from the on in the White House anyway. The message here is that – no matter what – a Republican victory is definitely not a real criticism of the President.
On the World Service a little while ago, we had Kevin Connolly (he who insulted Tea Party protesters like myself with a sexual innuendo on air and in his report online) in Colorado telling us that some of the brave youths who worked so hard for that Hope and Change are now slightly disappointed with Him so far. But that’s only because He hasn’t done enough Leftoid agenda stuff yet. What’s more is that some of the criticism from the Left really comes from Hillary voters; the youth are still giving Him the benefit of the doubt. So, once again, the Narrative is that – no matter what – any Republican victory today cannot count as a mini referendum on the President’s performance so far. Any Democrat who isn’t happy didn’t like Him in the first place.
After that it’s back to the studio and the Beeboid female has on a British ex-UN talking head to discuss the situation. They bring up the upstate New York election for Congressman which is getting a lot of attention in the news. The Republican candidate stepped down a couple days ago because enough of her constituents weren’t happy with her positions. It was basically the Tea Party-type folks who were unhappy, as the Rep. incumbent was like too many other Republicans, behaving like a tax-and-spend Democrat. Contrary to the lies told to you by the BBC about those Tea Party protests (which are still going on, by the way), this is not a movment of far-Right, Christianist, racist gun nuts, but ordinary fiscal conservatives who place a premium on individual liberty. The story that the BBC doesn’t want you to know can be found here.
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Naturally, the Beeboid and the ex-UN guy (now Harvard think tanker, naturally) say that this is really a problem for the Republican party because extreme rightwingers are trying to take over, which will doom the party for a long time.
Once again, the Narrative is that – no matter what – this is not about the President’s performance or His policies, but noise from people who didn’t like Him anyway who can be dismissed once tarred with the desired epithets.
Three reports, one Narrative. Come see the bias inherent in the system.
Make that four reports. I just heard another Beeboid on the World Service (Paul Adams?) explaining that no matter what happened – even though The Obamessiah and His operatives have gotten personally involved in certain local elections, and even though this election is about voting for people who will either further His Plan For Us or not – “this is not a referendum” on Him.
The Mayor of London is cycling home, when a woman cries out for help while being attacked by a hooded group of young girls, one of whom was brandishing an iron bar. He dives in and chases the hoodlumesses away.
Hardly a story one comes across everyday, and certainly in the public interest. The BBC headline on the story seems designed to make sure any reader would not bother with it, and doesn’t even make clear who is involved: Johnson saves woman from ‘oiks’
Bear in mind the Home Secretary is also named Johnson. I’m sure if it was Ken Livingstone the BBC would have run it as their main story and would clearly have identified who it was and the heroics involved in the headline.
Here’s the way the Mail headlined the story
‘Knight on a shining bicycle’: Boris Johnson saves film-maker from girl gang attack
As someone pointed out in the Daily Mail there would be no chance of a Socialist doing something like that, they are chauffeured everywhere in a large Rolls or Jag. Cycling is for the working class trash.
As someone pointed out in the Daily Mail is a dreadful way to start a sentence and expect it to get taken seriously…
I love that tone of condecension towards any of us misguided enough to actually read the Daily Mail. We are, I assume, really not worth bothering with at all. Idiots all of us.
Yeah, that sums it up squire. Idiot stories, written by idiots for idiots. If you wanna read good right wing press look at the Telegraph, Spectator etc, not hyperactive little wank rags. The Express today, for example, declared Britain: The End. If that is not the most ridiculous headline you’ve ever seen, I’d like to know what beats it.
‘Freddie Starr ate my hamster’?
Assumptions again “squire” . I do like your mockney my son.
In fact I read the Guardian. Particularly the job adverts. They are seriously worth the price of the paper- a real jokey start to the day.
Of the others I miss the Sporting Life. The Racing Post is just not the same . As to “wank rags” I am , having led a sheltered life, unsure as to your meaning. Perhaps you may care to enlighten us all as you appear to be a very edgy – is that the right word? – lad.
oh, this is definitely bias, I totally agree with what you think the BBC would do in a hypothetical scenario..
Does ‘oiks’ not make it clear which Johnson was being referenced?
They put ‘saves woman’ in – could they really do much better for Red Ken with only 33 letters?
You notice the ‘greenie’ film producer he saved was getting in to her car – and she made a point to tell she had voted for Ken.
Lucky for her Boris walks the walk, and not just talks the talk.
I notice that the Mail report has such facts as well (in fact they are virtually identical), all I am interested in BBC bias
Bob – you totally miss the point – why am I not surprised? :-E
Interesting take on the reversals of the Democrats in the two governor votes. The news item ended with the “fact” that it was the “young and blacks” not turning out, like they did last year, that resulted in the Republican wins.
No chance of the “young and blacks” having seen the (non) direction that Obama and the Senate/Congress are taking affecting their votes then!
And so, as predicted, the BBC reports the US various local election results were not – I repeat, were not – a referendum on The Obamessiah. Definitely not. Loads of other reasons. In reality, it was more a referendum on His Plan For Us and the Democrats in general. But it’s only when a Democrat is elected does it truly reflect the real wishes of us fool United Statesians. Only when we elect beloved Democrats are we actively seeking Change. When we want to Change from a Democrat to someone else, that’s just weirdness, down to independents waffling, legions of true Democrats not voting, etc.
Jonathan Beale: “not simply a referendum on Mr. Obama”
Mark Mardell: “this is not a straightforward referendum on the president”
Mardell is a bit concerned about these swing voters – independents who voted for The Obamessiah last year but didn’t vote Democrat this year – but then goes on to say that he thinks these switchers are really rare. The BBC, like so many deniers on the far Left, simply refuse to admit that last year’s election, along with all the euphoric, quasi-religious, Hope and Change noise was really about a Cult of Personality, and not really a vote on Democrat policies. Now that the bloom is off that rose somewhat, voters are shying away from those policies being mishandled and shoved down our throats. But the keen political analysts at the BBC can’t see that.
The BBC doesn’t want you to think about the fact that the young people and blacks generally don’t turn out in droves for local elections, especially ones that haven’t been hyped to near Messianic proportions by the media for 18 months. Funny how that works.
Notice that 4 out of the 5 US media sources the article quotes were Obamessiah endorsers last November. The Washington Post even apologized for being heavily biased towards Him in their reporting. And one of those 4 is faux Conservative Andrew Sullivan, who gives them the desired quote about this not being a referendum on Him. But since the BBC never told you that the Washington Post and the New York Times have vested interests in supporting Him, all you know is that these are honest US analyses.
David (USA), he who is so keen to inform us where he is, why don’t you focus on the hopeless American media then, rather than the British media reporting on the US press?
The BBC also didn’t report on my fart last night, but that doesn’t mean biased by omission.
Are you questioning my right to exist here?
Yeah, why not.
I was more thinking along the lines of asking why you feel the need to add ‘USA’ at the end of your name, why you give a toss about the BBC when you live in the US (and therefore don’t pay for, or need to watch, the BBC) and most of all, why your points all seem to be along the lines of – ‘the BBC is biased as it isn’t reporting Obama is the devil’ or ‘fox news says obama, and the bbc didn’t mention it! i say bias!’.
But yeah, your right to exist can be the topic of discussion instead, if you’d prefer.
I add the USA to my name because too many people in the past got upset when it was suddenly revealed that I was from the US, as if I was hiding something or trying to fool them. A couple of years ago there was a demand from some quarters for commenters to indicate up front if they were foreigners. Your own comments reveal a similar prejudice against foreigners commenting on your BBC.
Your statement that I consider bias to be the failure to report on The Obamessiah as “the devil” is false, a gross misrepresentation of my comments. The majority of my comments on this site are about brining up information that the BBC fails to tell you which sheds a different light on a given story, or about clear favorable bias from Beeboids. Or just when they lie or misrepresent things. I generally link to information which shows where the BBC got it wrong. Or, I try to explain how a given report or blog post (when it’s Webb or Mardell or Robinson or Peston) betrays a specific bias. Justin Webb stating that Sarah Palin is unfit for office because of a specific religious belief he doesn’t like, or Newsnight lying to you about ACORN, for example.
As for your assertion that I say Fox News says somethng and the BBC didn’t, I’d like you to show me two comments of mine where I say that. You can’t, of course. I bet you’re just thinking of the very recent issue of the BBC’s decision not to inform you about the politicization of the NEA, and decided to denegrate years of comments from me based on that one story.
I have every right to comment on a site about BBC bias. The BBC is the official national broadcaster of a country which is an important US ally (“special relationship” or not). It has a much longer history, cultural connection, and deeper relationship with its viewers than any US media outlet. The BBC gives the citizens – voters – of that country false information about the US (never mind about, you know, Honduras or other countries), or severely slanted information, thus creating false impressions about or even turning them against the US. I’ve had many discussions with friends and acquaintances in the UK which has shown me just how badly the BBC misinforms people on US issues. The BBC’s failure to be an honest, impartial news organization has an effect on public opinion, and that affects us all.
Not only that, but the BBC now broadcasts a news program targeted directly at me and my fellow citizens, in which this same bias is easily apparent. Bias at the BBC has affected me personally, and affects the citizens of what has until now been my country’s greatest ally. I’ll continue to challenge it.
😎 I always enjoy your posts Dave – it’s great you take the time and give the energy. Not enough do!
It’s all a lie David (USA). The BBC just lies, lies, lies. It’s part of a global elite conspiracy, you see. Bush and Obama are really the same person. In fact, David Vance is part of it too. And maybe so are you, David (USA).
(Sorry what I meant was, I lived in the US for years you oaf, and most people I knew (from all sides of the political divide) agreed that the BBC provided news coverage 100 times better than the populist shite on NBC, CNN etc, or the opinionated propaganda on Fox. But you believe what you want, you B-BBC fukcers are seriously deluded anyway. Why not make an enemy out of a news organisation? Shooting the messenger has got to be fun.)
“…and most people I knew (from all sides of the political divide) agreed that the BBC provided news coverage 100 times better than the populist shite on NBC, CNN etc, or the opinionated propaganda on Fox.”
In the absence of your own brain, what else can you think?
Extreme exaggerations, not intelligent debate. Plus insults. Your anecdotes about people you knew are irrelevant. I make specific points about specific cases. If you ever care to discuss any of those, we’ll all still be here waiting.
“or the opinionated propaganda on Fox.”
“you B-BBC fukcers are seriously deluded anyway. Why not make an enemy out of a news organisation?”
Give an idiot enough rope he will hang himself
Why not make an enemy out of a news organisation? Shooting the messenger has got to be fun.
You mean, like this?
Did the BBC tell you about it? If not, why not?
The BBC also didn’t report on my fart last night
Well, that has not stopped this, like many of them, making it into print, and as one from ‘the side of rightness in all things’, I am sure not being carried on the main news just a silly oversight from the home team and no professional discourtesy intended.
Dave Preiser (USA) please don’t take the slightest notice of FFPS. If you read his comments it’s quite clear that he only comes to this site to wind people up. Ignore him and he’ll go away…hopefully!
Fat fcuk penis shaped is just an annoying guardianista troll
You are welcome here.
He is bored sitting by himself. He has no friends (apart from scott tarquin and constipated)
Its a long time till May day,
they havent started building the new runway yet, the G8 arent sitting, the israeli’s arent bombing palestine, he cant go on holiday for fear of Global warming, he probably feels pornography degrades wimmin therefore he cant even console himself with one off the wrist.
So he doe the only thing left for some frustrated socialist tosser he goes on line to wind people up.
His xenophobia against your people would not be acceptable if targeted to other nationalities but to his political class you are the great satan.
Just by being an american you are an exploiter oppressor murderer.
Apart ,obviously, for his Holyness the infalible BO.
Your posts shed new perspective on our onesided anti american newsmedia.
I enjoy your posts please dont let some unwashed ‘activist’ put you off.
Oh Paddy, you make me chuckle boss, you really do. Are you 16? Or are you just stuck in the 16 year old politik mentality of believing that anyone who isn’t a right wing nutjob is unwashed, sandal wearer etc. Idiots on the right like you make it so much harder for the intelligent ones to be heard.
Sorry mate. I am an old, beard wearing libdem supporter. I just hate the total Bias of the beeb to the far left.
Have never voted Tory. I helped elect Menzies-Campbell when at UNi. Campaigned leaflet dropped all that.
I want the national broadcaster to be fair and balanced (not as in fox news)
I like the idea of a fox news or equivalent in the UK broadcast media to balance the far left output of Ch4 and BBC. Dont agree with fox news views but at least they are an alternative voice.
ITV too soundbitey for my tastes.
My critism and steroetyping of you and your views is based on many years working with media groups (TV and newspapers)
Have spent many a wasted lunch with your fellow travellers who have a total inability to see others points of view.
I am no lover of unrestrained capitalism but hate the incessant anticapitalst stance of all the beebs news output.
I am no lover of the tories (with the possible exception of BJ) but hate the anti tory brainwashing that the artshool alumni attempt every chance they get.
Hearing one side all the time gets boring. Why no right wing comedians. Why the only right wingers on telly HYslop Clarkson Neil.
I was forced at school to read two papers a day one from each side of the political spectrum. I chose the Times and the Independant. I enjoy both sides of an argument. It helps you form your own views. Always broadcasting with one slant is dull uniformative and in extreme cases dangerous.
I honestly believe the rise of the Hard right is as much to do with Auntie as it is NuLabour.
Poor white people within the Uk have nothing to watch but a broadcaster in denial. Denial about the economy denial about europe and denial about immigration. Because auntie dismisses their poiint of views or just totally ignores it they are driven to people who listen. This is perfect for that arse Griffen. He sucks them in by playing to their fears.
Your type of politics has failed this country. It has brought about the rise of one of the most evil groups.
Patronising and lecturing people, social engineering and manipulation has caused a backlash.
People dont beleive you or your mates at auntie any more.
You seem to have nothing positive to contribute so I treat you with the contempt you deserve.
Join in proper debate and you may have your views listened to otherwise your sniping and constant wind ups do nothing but prove my preconception i.e. you are just a time wastimg tosser
You do your cause no good and you prove every prejudice about your kind.
I’ve just written some commentary about the Israeli Navy Iranian weapons find today, for which I used a BBC article for source. The story was a few minutes ago near the top of the ‘Other Top Stories’ section of the main front page of the news website.
I looked again a couple of minutes ago and it’s been completely excised from the front page and is now languishing in the Middle East section. Now just why would they move a story demonstrating that Israel is not necessarily the aggressor that most leftards and dhimmis like to see it portrayed as – just as we’re coming into prime time.
Don’t worry – It was a rhetorical question. 😉
It’s still Top Story when I access it. Perhaps those located outside the UK receive a different homepage. At one time it was possible to choose that option.
As a postscript- and to be fair – it has reappeared for me too now, but definitely did drop off the site at the time of writing the original post, just after 19:00.
I am more offended by Paul Woods’ so-called analysis.
1st Paragraph: Israeli military and politicians celebrate. Say it’s a lot of weapons.
2nd Paragraph: The seizure comes after Israel carried out a joint military exercise with the Americans. So what? Is there some logical link between capturing a ship and military exercises?
The unspoken assumption of that exercise – for many in Israel at least – is that Israel will one day carry out military strikes against Iran’s nuclear programme. If the assumption is unspoken what evidence does he have? Mind reading? What evidence does he have that the exercise had anything to do with Iran?
3rd Paragraph: Syria denies weapons were on board. Maybe they weren’t ( 😀 ). The tone of the analysis is that it is only an Israeli claim. – ‘they say’. Yet he follows with – all sides are looking ahead to, and preparing for, the next round of hostilities. This line only makes sense if the arms existed and were indisputably destined for Hizbulla.
Good points all, deegee. I too was baffled by the ‘analysis’ box – but often am with al-Beeb’s ‘analysis’ puff-pieces (see this one by Tim Franks on the Goldstone Report, which I took apart on the blog a few weeks ago).
It seems Phil Space is alive and well at al-BBCeera.
Insidious laft wing propaganda badly hidden in spy show.
This weeks plot involves the backstory of a failed faking of weapons of mass destruction by the evil CIA and nasty MI6. They were to smuggle Uranium into Iraq to justify the war but plot failed and good old Harry hid the Uranium . Now in present day CIA/six try to find the URANIUM which harry has hidden.
New CIA boss (Blond sympathetic and pretty) helps 5 by betraying 6 and bad Texan former CIA boss.
Former Boss tells her’You only have the white house for 4 yrs”
The implication is that British secret service coluded with Bush whitehouse to justify Iraq war but now new Obama loving blond saves the day and defeats the evil Neocons.
Transparent leftist pap.
I love trashy spy shows. What a shame they have ruined this one by some Beeb point scoring.
What a waste of my licence money.
Must admit I do enjoy Spooks – I think I subconsciously apply a temporary ‘bias-suppression filter’ that stops me freaking out at the screen when they run a storyline featuring those ten-a-penny Christian fundamentalist groups.
I mean, arent’cha sick of hearing about those radical Methodists?
Nevermind the Badges Fatty tosser Jupitus New jacket same badges
Liked him last week and defended him a bit. Now he is just a Moaist Tosser
BBC Midlands… er… reporting
Some care home to be shut. With a Mum now needing such care I sympathise, but I also understand the need to understand all the issues.
Now, some background imagery is inevitable, especially when covering protests, but I do wonder at the mindset that set-up all vox-pops in a corridor with two women holding a huge sign displaying ‘Don’t Kill Our Mums’ in clear view just behind all respondents.
Nowt like enhancing the narrative to keep the events being interpreted bubbling at high ratings levels.
BBC: more pro-Islamic propaganda history TONIGHT: BBC 4 ,9 pm.
The BBC has already given Muslim Rageh Omaar (now of Al Jazeera TV) a BBC TV series in which he gives the view of an Islamic apologist for the history of Islamic imperialism through Islamic jihad; now, at 9 pm, the BBC provides the Christian corollary to that : a dhimmi history of Christianity which extols the ‘virtues’ of cultural relativism, and advocates ‘accommodation’ with Islamic invaders.
The BBC seems oblivious to an alternative historical critique to all this, as provided in the excellent tome by Andrew Bostom, “The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic holy war and the fate of non-Muslims” (Prometheus, 2005).
The BBC will NEVER allows such a version of history to be presented as a series on BBC TV.
Will BBC discuss whether this was an Islamic jihad attack, given that a murderer was a Muslim convert?
“Twelve shot dead at US army base”
Will the BBC get around to it by about Saturday?
Or will self-censorship again by the BBC rule on the ‘touchy’ subject of Islam?
One for Martin?
Most coverage by the BBC does suggest being asleep most of the time, true.
There’s a segment on the World Service right now about the Kosher meat packing plant in Iowas which was shut down for hiring illegal immigrants (Yes, the World Service broke with BBC protocol and called used that nasty “im” suffix).
The story is about the hardships now suffered by the poor illegals in the aftermath.
They introduced the story by mentioning the “Orthodox Jewish” owner who is in legal trouble. It was a kosher meat plant, so I guess it’s…er… kosher to mention the owner’s religion. But why say “Orthodox” or describe the supervising rabbi as “ultra-Orthodox”?
They never do this for Mohameddans. If a Halal plant was similarly busted, the BBC would not describe the owner as being orthodox or conservative or any other modifier. Yet for the Jew, the use the modifier.
This isn’t anti-Jewish bias from the BBC. Rather, it is evidence that while the BBC takes extra care to protect Mohammedans, other groups do not receive these privleges. Whenever someone here complains that the BBC didn’t mention that whatever perpetrator was Muslim, a defender of the indefensible chimes in saying it’s not important, or it was obvious from his name so there’s no need to mention it, or some variant of that excuse. Here, it should be obvious that the owner of a kosher plant was a Jew. But the BBC took the extra step to label him as “Orthodox”.
The owner’s personal level of observance is irrelevant to the story. The BBC has one set of rules for Muslims, and one set of rules for everyone else. Bias.
Next time you see a propaganda piece…er… report on the US health care issue from the BBC, remember this piece of information which they will never, ever tell you:
Under Nancy Pelosi’s totalitarian bill, failure to buy government approved insurance will be a felony, punishable by imprisonment:
• Section 7201 – felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.” [page 3]
But don’t worry, at least the grim Bush years are over. The BBC dutifully reports White House press releases as fact, regardless of how bizarre it is for the state broadcaster of the UK to continually give you updates on the development of a domestic policy of a foreign country which is of no news interest to the UK beyond the fact that it’s all part of His Plan For Us.
If the BBC continues to report on the progress of “health care reform” but omit this key bit of information, they are dishonest, and partisan supporters of a foreign government, all paid for by you.
Just watched a slot on Breakfast about student loas.
Just a quick eyebrow crank at one number shared.
The newly graduated Doctor said that it would take her 20 years to pay back her £25k loan, or maybe 25 years of her £20k loan.
Not to detract form the bigger loans issue, but all salaries being more equal than others… really?
I now some here have issues with HIGNFY, but on balance I think it is an equal opportunity satirist.
However, what is it about Kevin Maguire that makes him an almost mandatory inclusion in, well, everything?
What next, Countryfile?
It’s not like he has anything of value to say, much less talent.
In the whole show his only contribution was gurning, save for a weak attempt to diss Boris’ biker escapade, cut short and slapped down by Ian Hislop.
Does he have photos of the BBC board in bed with a goat or something?
Maybe time for a new Open Thread?
I guess one man’s bribe is another’s ‘unique funding’