I thought the Jo Abbess email to Richard Black would be the funniest BBC-related correspondence I’d read for a long while, but I was wrong.
Many thanks to Peter Dow, the Scottish republican featured in the film I posted here yesterday, for drawing my attention to an email exchange he had with the BBC. I particularly love this bit, which reads like something straight out of Ted L Nancy :
I have had only 10 minutes on TV in my whole life. I am now 48 years old so that works out as an average of 12.5 seconds per year for each year of my life.
Now that is more than many others get on TV but compare my 12.5 seconds per year average to the average time which the Queen gets per year or Prince Charles or any other member of the royal family.
The royals get a greatly disproportionate amount of time on TV.
I thought this line from the Beeboid in the Complaints Dept. was much funnier:
The BBC does not seek to denigrate any view, nor to promote any view. It seeks rather to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of the audience.
Let’s see now: Kevin Connolly called me and hundreds of thousands of my fellow citizens racists and “teabaggers” because he didn’t like our point of view. The EU elections coverage and the Nick Griffin QT were full of derogatory remarks from BBC on-air talent. Justin Webb stated on air that a specific religious view of Sarah Palin’s (his misguided interpretation of it, actually) disqualified her from holding public office. Mark Easton had a recent video report which portrayed the Flag of St. George as a racist symbol. The powers that be at the BBC have stated uncategorically that views opposing Warmism are not worth air time.
And that’s just off the top of my head. What an absolute joke.
Gordon the Moron also gets a disproportionate amount of time on the BBC !