Richard Bacon (ex Cocaine user) on Radio 5 just interviewed some Welsh windbag who is some sort of scientific expert on water (although he didn’t know what DEFRA stood for).
As soon as I heard him say he had a “research dept” I knew he’d be a climate change moron and sure enough when Bacon delivered the under arm ball he hit it for 6.
Again why is it that lefties try to blame a small local event on the global climate? I could go around citing hundreds if not thousands of places that have no extreme weather on a particular day and claim “this shows climate change is bollocks”
Heavy rainfall in one part of the Country does not show that CO2 is causing climate change, unless you happen it appears to be an ex Cocaine user at the BBC.
What a pity Obama had to be brought into what might be a really interesting show. The BBC backs Obama, therefore the only possible answer will be YES WE CAN.
Save the planet from what? Nothing? Yes, I imagine he can. Wait…wow, that was close. I just saved you all from a swarm of supermutant space bees. Worship me as your god.
When the IMechE just a few weeks ago said this topic needed to be treated like a war, I wonder if this is what he meant?
One of the home team is nudged into dropping (ok, exposed into it) a major whoopsie in the bunker and the whole lot are now running around like fragged, headless chickens.
Oddly, the in theory balanced, objective national broadcaster seems to have been in there too for some reason, and with its already tatty kickers round its ankles seems to have now figured the only way to explain it all is to deny, bluff and dissemble until it blows over.
And, so far, not very convincingly to all but the few so caught up in the spell that nothing could cionvince them something very sorry is afoot.
If there is not a ‘Downfall’ classic on this very soon, I’ll be surprised… and disappointed.
Well if Obama won’t save the planet, the BBC will.
Call me cynical, but I can imagine the BBC purposefully tipping off the TaxPayers Alliance that they were spending £150k of licence fee money to supply free trees knowing they were going to get flak for it. This way they could rise on their lofty moral haunches in response and illustrate how caring they were about the world.
It’s kind of like when they took public criticism for not doing the Gaza Appeal at the beginning of the year, so they could announce in the same haughty moral tone ‘look at how unbiased we are’.
They are so caring about the environment they are sending 35 staff to Copenhagen to cover the environment talks next month. Like this is really necessary. But they do get more of them sidling up to the government celebrities that will be attending.
At the end of the day, they have no business spending licence fee money to give away trees – this is not their remit or purpose. It would be better if they stuck to what they are supposed to do – and do it properly.
You have two shows of anything like that appearing on al beeb. Shit show and no show!
The fact is, Al Beeb doesnt want you to know all the facts because if you did then you wouldnt be toeing the line al beeb wants you to tow.
Now…there is a very good reason Fox News is viewed as the most trust worthy MSM outlet in the states, Fox allows both sides of the coin to be seen, unlike al beeb and every other alphabet MSM outlet!
ps. the global warming ™ moron got owned in that interview 🙂
the bbc love in with barry obarmy is just ridiculous now. we need a fox news style channel over here asap. its gonna get worse as we get nearer to the election. it will be liebour propaganda all the way. theyre already starting today with all this crap about a hung parliament. i know what id sure like to hang.
BBC News 24 some camp twat doing the paper review talks about the “Tories are losing in the polls”, funny the BBC don’t mention the latest poll showing the Tories 17 point ahead STILL.
When the rogue poll came out showing the Tories only 6 points ahead the Cocaine sales in Islington probably went sky high.
BBC Newsnight yet again doing a pointless story about the Polish PM. Who gives a s**t?
Why didn’t Michael Prick mention that all of those to be prosecuted for fiddling their expenses are LIEBOUR politicians?
Liebour sleaze anyone?
Search Biased BBC
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Richard Bacon (ex Cocaine user) on Radio 5 just interviewed some Welsh windbag who is some sort of scientific expert on water (although he didn’t know what DEFRA stood for).
As soon as I heard him say he had a “research dept” I knew he’d be a climate change moron and sure enough when Bacon delivered the under arm ball he hit it for 6.
Again why is it that lefties try to blame a small local event on the global climate? I could go around citing hundreds if not thousands of places that have no extreme weather on a particular day and claim “this shows climate change is bollocks”
Heavy rainfall in one part of the Country does not show that CO2 is causing climate change, unless you happen it appears to be an ex Cocaine user at the BBC.
What a pity Obama had to be brought into what might be a really interesting show. The BBC backs Obama, therefore the only possible answer will be YES WE CAN.
Save the planet from what? Nothing? Yes, I imagine he can. Wait…wow, that was close. I just saved you all from a swarm of supermutant space bees. Worship me as your god.
When the IMechE just a few weeks ago said this topic needed to be treated like a war, I wonder if this is what he meant?
One of the home team is nudged into dropping (ok, exposed into it) a major whoopsie in the bunker and the whole lot are now running around like fragged, headless chickens.
Oddly, the in theory balanced, objective national broadcaster seems to have been in there too for some reason, and with its already tatty kickers round its ankles seems to have now figured the only way to explain it all is to deny, bluff and dissemble until it blows over.
And, so far, not very convincingly to all but the few so caught up in the spell that nothing could cionvince them something very sorry is afoot.
If there is not a ‘Downfall’ classic on this very soon, I’ll be surprised… and disappointed.
The Barack! Barack! Corporation.
Well if Obama won’t save the planet, the BBC will.
Call me cynical, but I can imagine the BBC purposefully tipping off the TaxPayers Alliance that they were spending £150k of licence fee money to supply free trees knowing they were going to get flak for it. This way they could rise on their lofty moral haunches in response and illustrate how caring they were about the world.
It’s kind of like when they took public criticism for not doing the Gaza Appeal at the beginning of the year, so they could announce in the same haughty moral tone ‘look at how unbiased we are’.
They are so caring about the environment they are sending 35 staff to Copenhagen to cover the environment talks next month. Like this is really necessary. But they do get more of them sidling up to the government celebrities that will be attending.
At the end of the day, they have no business spending licence fee money to give away trees – this is not their remit or purpose. It would be better if they stuck to what they are supposed to do – and do it properly.
Here is a “biased” debate on Fox
Any chance the BBC will do the same?
You have two shows of anything like that appearing on al beeb. Shit show and no show!
The fact is, Al Beeb doesnt want you to know all the facts because if you did then you wouldnt be toeing the line al beeb wants you to tow.
Now…there is a very good reason Fox News is viewed as the most trust worthy MSM outlet in the states, Fox allows both sides of the coin to be seen, unlike al beeb and every other alphabet MSM outlet!
ps. the global warming ™ moron got owned in that interview 🙂
the bbc love in with barry obarmy is just ridiculous now. we need a fox news style channel over here asap. its gonna get worse as we get nearer to the election. it will be liebour propaganda all the way. theyre already starting today with all this crap about a hung parliament. i know what id sure like to hang.
BBC News 24 some camp twat doing the paper review talks about the “Tories are losing in the polls”, funny the BBC don’t mention the latest poll showing the Tories 17 point ahead STILL.
When the rogue poll came out showing the Tories only 6 points ahead the Cocaine sales in Islington probably went sky high.
BBC Newsnight yet again doing a pointless story about the Polish PM. Who gives a s**t?
Why didn’t Michael Prick mention that all of those to be prosecuted for fiddling their expenses are LIEBOUR politicians?
Liebour sleaze anyone?