Diane Abbott MP, as those who worked with her in the early days of TV-am will attest, is not the brightest tool in the box. But she knows a political opportunity when she sees it. Last night – miracle of miracles – the BBC1 programme on which she reguarly appears, This Week, mentioned “climate change”, and there was a sensible exchange between Michael Portillo and Andrew Neil in which the ex-MP mentioned the CRU emails and said the affair illustrated the need for politicians to exercise caution in backing expensive measures that almost certainly were not needed. Bravo!
Ms Abbott’s response? To pronounce, without any doubt or hesitation (and no evidence, either), that the Cockermouth floods proved that “climate change” was definitely happening and must be halted. An audience member on last night’s Question Time made the same blunt assertion. The culprit responsible for this inanity? Well it must be in no small measure the BBC itself. On the back of its relentless tide of pro-warming propaganda, Ms Abbott – and millions like her – have become self-declared scientific experts, influenced by the “climate change” soundbites the BBC push out round the clock. And Ms Abott – as well as people like last night’s Question Time panellist the charmless Marcus Brigstocke – seize on this propaganda with relish because it accords with their lefty agenda to cripple our economy and create their ultimate goal of a Stalinist state.
Brigstocke’s response to the climate change question was embarrassingly ilinformed, and the tone for which was set by his very first sentance “2009 is one of the five hottest years on record” – LIE – data from outside the warmist bubble doesn’t predict anything of the kind, besides, so far as I am aware 2009 isn’t even over yet. Another example of a warmist rushing out the soundbites without bothering to check the facts.
In the interests of accuracy i’ve just double checked his exact words from that first sentence.
“2009 was amongst the top 5 hottest years on record” – what an arrogant fool.
That Brigstocke is a true gobshite isn’t he? A real pseudo-intellectual. He seems to think expressing something forcefully will somehow make it true, like all dogmatists I guess. As for the Cockermouth lady on QT last night – someone needs to have a gentle word in her ear and tell her that its flood defences are pisspoor.
I had the displeasure of meeting Marcus Bridgestock at the Edinburgh Festival in 2007. We were discussing the draft EU Constitution (as was) and he asked whether anyone had the temerity to dislike its provisions. I meekly put my hand up with 3 brave others but more fool him – he picked on me! We quickly established that I had read it and he hadn’t. Then I took him apart – as well as someone without a microphone can in a theatre.
What a smug ignoramus.
The years of cynical and dishonest propaganda has indeed taken its toll, many trusting people have no reason to disbelieve the tsunami of trash science aimed at them, after all why would the BBC engage in lying to the viewing public, what has the BBC got to gain by spreading lies and fraud for so long most people would think?
The damage to science is not the only tragedy, the damage to the sacred trust that the people have in their institutions to tell the truth regardless of selfish petty political interests.
Those institutions eaten away from the inside untill only the rotten facade remains are ours, they are our national birthright and the mark of all we have achieved in the industrial age and they have been hijacked, stolen away and perverted to produce grubby lies and falsehoods for political gain.
It is to noted that groups like the CRU handed tens/hundreds millions of pounds and lavishly equipped with all they need, housed in luxurious surroundings have produced nothing but fraudulant worthless trash while all the honest and worthwhile work has been done in garden sheds on a shoestring with no gigantic government budgets, all the acurate predictions have been done by amateurs and retired people working in their spare time and often attacked, derided and smeared by those useless numpties sitting on piles of cash in luxury offices.
Government money thrown around like confetti does not mean better results, in fact often the more government involvement the worse the outcome will be, I always remember the ‘Bristol Brabazon’ aircraft and it soaked up vast resources only end up…..well best if find out for yourselves eh?
According to this article http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/8376031.stm of four contributing factors to the Cockermouth floods, only 1 just might have something to do with climate change.
So it’s the BBC’s fault that someone said something which was the minority viewpoint on the show in question
Must read: EDITORIAL: The global-cooling cover-up – Climate-change researchers admit their data is ‘garbage’ in the Washington Times. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/nov/27/the-global-cooling-cover-up/?feat=home_editorials%29
At least the Cumbrian flood had the good grace to happen during winter. For years the BBC said that for us in Britain, global warming would mean milder, wetter winters and hotter, drier summers. Back in June -August of 2007, swathes of Britain were under water as a result of a deluge of rain. I eagerly anticipated the Beeb’s explanation for where those hotter, drier summers had gone. I waited in vain. Instead, the Beeb told me that thes summer floods were caused by global warming!
Speaking of good grace, at least the National Environment Research Council references the report ‘The summer 2007 floods in England & Wales’, where it states:
A new scientific study of the wet summer of 2007 confirms that the floods were a very singular event and does not support the idea that the exceptional river flooding was linked to climate change. This conclusion is contained within a comprehensive hydrological appraisal of the summer 2007 floods carried out by scientists from the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.
I bet that didn’t make it on to the BBC, but to be honest I’ve lost the will to look for anything on the BBC regarding climate.
God knows what will happen as AGW nonsense seems to pervade just about every aspect of British life. Mrs 1327 is a keen gardener and reads assorted garden magazines most of which have spent the last few years running endless articles on how climate change will mean British gardeners will need to grow plants native to southern Europe. Meanwhile in the real world our garden has seemed to spend most of the last 2 years under water (the house is fine thankfully) !
It will be fascinating to see how the political classes cope with this last weeks brush with reality.
it rained where i live this morning, apprently that is because of climate change….hehehe
yeah well its not raining here and that, apparently, is due to dangerous human induced catastrophicic runaway climate change
so there 😛
It’s been clear but brisk here. And now it’s begging to get dark. All of it down to runaway, catastrophic, human-caused climate change which will kill us all any second unless we pay more taxes.