James Delingpole, of the Daily Telegraph, here, has an excellent assessment of Roger Harrabin’s role in reporting what is now being called Climategate.

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  1. googleborg says:

    god damn you lot are thick anticlimate-o-facists, OF COURSE climate change exists, just a few MONTHS ago it was REALLY HOT and NOW it’s REALLY COLD i mean OMG are you BLIND?!!!?!!!


  2. John Anderson says:

    Googling “Climategate” gets 6 million or more references.  This story ain’t gonna go away.   My reading of it so far is that the emails are pretty damning,  showing lots of manipulation of peer review.
    But the REAL problem is the sustained refusal to release the raw data,  which is a principle of scientific research – if you don’t release the data,  no-one can validate it by reproducability of results.   And this is compounded by what appears to be a total mess in the coding of their analyses – the “Harry” file blows the lid of it all,  makes it sound as though their  “Results” are all cooked.
    East Anglia is a cooked-up university anyway – not a place renowned for good science.
    The BBC’s whole record on climate stuff is really atrocious.  Amateursw,  proseltysing rather than reporting objectively.
    To adapt a comment someone left at Richard Black’s blog (that’s the Black who has not said a dickybird so far about Climategate) :
    BBC licence fee  – £142,50
    Annual cost of BBC “reporting  on climate matters,  including overheads,  travel,  junketing  – probably several million pounds a year
    .BBC reporting on Climategate  – Worthless !