Wat Tyler has responded to Marcus Brigstocke’s dire Now Show rant about the Taxpayers’ Alliance.
This was Brigstocke’s humble tweet following the recording:
“No knock out punch I fear” Yeah, because that was likely to happen. “Following a series of unfunny remarks made about us by Green Party and CND supporting posh kid Marcus Brigstocke on The Now Show, we have decided to disband the Taxpayers’ Alliance.”
I see that even Simon Mayo is taking the piss out of Brigstocke’s latest voice-over work:
Yes it is Simon. One more reason not to shop there.
Update. Monday, December 7. Currently on ebay:
From the blurb:
Ok, why “1/2 used”
Well, i went to see this comedian last night using these very tickets expecting a good chuckle, a hearty laugh or even dare I mention, a PMSL….???HE WAS SH*T…!!!!
Now THAT is funny. (It’s for charity if you want to bid.)
Talentless, ugly and immodest. Marcus (if that is your real name), you’ve got it all. By the way, don’t fret that massive, hideous, shit-filled head of yours over the hypocrisy of being the paid spokesmonkey of a large multinational computer retailer. Computers are very, very green. When it’s time to upgrade, and you need to get rid of your old computer, you just say a little prayer and a magic unicorn appears out of nowhere, eats your computer of plastic, lead, mercury, cadmium and other toxic goodies, and poops out a rainbow. So you needn’t worry.
Oh and by the way – best leave the boxing metaphors to people that aren’t total handwringing, bedwetting pussies/left-wingers. It just looks silly otherwise.
Marcus Brigstocke-have we paid him in advance so he can rest his untamed wit yet again this Friday?Keep the receipt!
Can`t we just pay his prep fees and send him to Brooklyn to meet David Blaine and crew? Promise to plant a poplar in the Quad of Bruton to cover the air miles just this once!
I for one would sponsor brave and fearless Marcus and pay my Red Nose tax to see pcWorld sponsorship on the soles of his boots!
I fear this site may be becoming a little obsessed with Marcus Brigstocke. Comedians are easy targets aren’t they? Be a little more focused DB.
Also, Taxpayers Alliance have VERY, and I emphasise that, close links with the Tories. Just in case you didn’t know that; it’s virtually impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins.
Thanks for the input, Ian. I’ll give it the consideration it deserves.
“Also, Taxpayers Alliance have VERY, and I emphasise that, close links with the Tories.”
If true so what? I didn’t know the population of U.K. television watchers paid the BBC to attack everything Tory or closely resembling any Tory standpoint, that’s not in the charter is it? Anyway Marcus Brigstocke is jusr another lefty **** the BBC are very much obsessed with employing with our money.
The BBC do not ‘attack everything Tory or closely resembling any Tory standpoint’. That’s an extremely childish argument.
Why is it when whenever a Tory manages to get on the BBC whatever they say is closely examined, interrupted or attacked, whereas those from Labour or on the left of the spectrum are given an easy ride?
I think what your childish argument boils down to is that you love the BBC (possibly because it fits with your ideology) and quite like that other people help pay for your entertainment.
Also, Taxpayers Alliance have VERY, and I emphasise that, close links with the Tories.
That’s still allowed right? I mean, it’s not yet illegal, right?
Also, this BREAKING NEWS (and I emphasize that) just in:
The Trades Unions have VERY, and I emphasize that, close links with Labour.
I think people are aware of Labours ties with the unions….is the Pope also a Catholic? How many people are aware tho of the taxpayers alliance/Tory link? God, I have make the same point so many times for you. The real Jack Bauer wouldn’t be this slow on the uptake.
Spare us the bullshit Ian.
“Taxpayers Alliance have VERY, and I emphasise that, close links with the Tories”
Indeed Ian, when today’s BBC’s Politics Show decided to suggest to its audience that the “Tories” were theatening to increase VAT, the Taxpayers Alliance were keen to stick in their twopenworth, telling us how regressive such a move would be.
My point about the Tory/Tax Payers Alliance was just to highlight that they are politically motivated, rather than just being some ‘standing up for ordinary peoples rights against the evil state’ type of pressure group. Everyone has an agenda, remember that. I never suggested they agree with every Tory policy or vice versa.
What’s your agenda?
aha! the million dollar question! my agenda is to highlight the inconsistencies, lies and myths peddled on this site, and to correct them accordingly.
And yet, all you come across as is some bitter and twirsted dickhead. So your agenda isn’t really working old boy.
Is that you Marcus Brigstock?
“all you come across as is some bitter and twirsted dickhead.”
Excellent. Nothing like some badly spelt personal abuse to really get your point across.
Ian is right, the obsession some posters have on this site with Brigstock is getting a little bizarre. He’s clearly touched a nerve with you Jack…
Oh give it a rest. Do you want be to go through all your barely literate posts like a grammar nazi too? What a bore you are.
And why do you insist on commenting in non sequiturs?
“Do you want be to go through all your barely literate posts like a grammar nazi too? What a bore you are.”
I find it quite illuminating that the only way you can respond to people is with personal attacks. The fact that you struggled to spell your abuse was not really my main point.
“non sequiturs”
If you find it difficult to understand any of my comments, just let me know and I’ll try and help you out as best as possible.
“..they are politically motivated” And I supppose Brigstocke is not.
So it is OK for Brigstocke to peddle his left wing politics at our expense but not for the Tax Payers Alliance to put forward a view, which we don’t have to pay for or even bother with if we don’t want to?
“Impartiality lies at the heart of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies across all of our services and output, whatever the format, from radio news bulletins via our web sites to our commercial magazines and includes a commitment to reflecting a diversity of opinion.”
Now tell me where all the BBC so-called “comedians” fit in with this “diverse” opinion.
So….when the BBC interview a professor who believes that global warming is real, that is spin and biased reporting. But when the BBC interview group like the tax payers alliance then that isn’t the consensus thinking? Your logic, and that of others here, makes no sense. For the BBC to interview someone is not for them to endorse them or their thinking. Conversely, it not does suggest that they are opposed to their views. It’s just an interview. Simples.
You certainly are.
He’s a comedian…can you bear that in mind?! No one thinks he is a social commentator. An expert in modern political science. He’s a comedian who tells jokes. Is it the jokes that offend you? It’s all very strange this witchhunt against one comedian.
“He’s a comedian…can you bear that in mind?!” According to you. If you like him so much you pay his wages why should I?
Is he a comedian who deams he is a social commentator or a social commentator who dreams he is a comedian?
The Prince of Chou was never sure he was a man or a butterfly.
It is an old conundrum.
He is not a comedian. Though you mention the “comedian” word three times, this would go against the Trades Descriptions Act. You seem confused. Comedians get LAUGHTER, Brigstocke gets APPLAUSE. Huge difference.
I agree with the other posters on here the man is crap and gets too much air time on the BBC.
I thought his type had died out during the eighties. It’s astounding to see how dated and out of touch and plain wrong people like him really are.
He still believes in class warfare. He is a tribalist who sees everything through the prisms of class, race and gender. He thinks that the job of the state is tax everone to buggery, and that the masses will hoot and cheer in response like medieval peasants, like his more appreciative audiences.
But he does NOT tell jokes. He is totally unfunny. Usually ranting away from a leftie standpoint.
And the focis on comedians is because the BBC seems stuck with mostly lefties as “humourists” – and playwrights for that matter.
That is – the leftie bias of the BBC prevades all its streams of output, not just the news and current affairs programming.
Re: Prigstocke. The person I feel sorry for is his mother.
The ugly guy has a mutantly huge alien head. I mean, it is massive and weird.
Imagine the pain she had to bear carrying that monstrous cranium for nine months, then delivering the creature?
The alien bursting out of John Hurt’s belly looks less painful.
“The ugly guy has a mutantly huge alien head”
Maybe it would make a good punching bag for a knockout punch?
the Brigstocke obsession is WAY out of control now chaps. Funny how you pick easy targets, and then always resort to abuse. If you don’t like the man, turn off the TV when he comes on.
Most would rather he wasn’t on television. Until he is out of peoples faces, where he belongs, the obsessions will stay. His sort can dish it out easy enough, but don’t like it up ’em.
“Leave Marcus alone!!!“
Ian Murphy’s obsession with defending a professionally unfunny man is way out of control.
Your compulsive need to answer every anti-Prigstock post from multiple posters suggests you may need some mental health therapy.
“If you don’t like the man, turn off the TV when he comes on.”
So do we get to opt out of the BBC propaganda machine if we don’t want to watch its heavily weighted ‘comedians’, ‘documetories’, ‘news’ etc? Do you think it is right that the BBC should send round the stasi who will do anything (including listening at windows and intimidation) to get evidence that someone is watching a television?
BTW How about following your own advice, it’s not like you even pay for the Biased-BBC Blog is it?
If you weren’t so delusional (ie. ‘propaganda machine’) you might just enjoy some of the programmes on the BBC.
Have they sent the ‘stasi’ round to your house then? Did they arrest you? Harass you? Please share your experiences. Of course that’s not bias from the BBC; that’s called an out dated practise. The TV licence should be scrapped. But grumbling about the TV tax and ‘bias’ on the BBC are two very different things, and I know it might seem convenient for you to link them, but it doesn’t make any sense.
Must be a mass delusion that just happens to affect people the same way with the same delusions. That the BBC is heavily slanted towards the left, pro socialism, pro global warming, pro multiculturalism, pro big government, pro European Union, pro Labour, pro Green Party, anti UKIP, anti Tory…
Yes the stasi have been round to my home, used intimidation, looked and listened through windows, talked to neighbours etc.
My anti TV licence stance comes from the fact I think that the BBC is biased in the areas I’ve mentioned as well as many others. In that way bias and the TV licence are linked. No TV licence, no BBC, no bias problem.
That the BBC is heavily slanted towards the left, pro socialism, pro global warming, pro multiculturalism, pro big government, pro European Union, pro Labour, pro Green Party, anti UKIP, anti Tory…
And that sums up the delusion quite well. If you really think that the BBC is pro socialism, and pro-labour you obviously don’t ever watch the BBC news! I suppose all the criticism of Labour over the last decade or so has been nothing then….
“Must be a mass delusion that just happens to affect people the same way with the same delusions.”
Just a quick request to DB and the rest of the team at B-BBC but can we have more Marcus threads please ! Not only does he personify everything we hate about the Beeb (i.e an unfunny lefty who pretends to be one of the proles yet who really had an enormously expensive education thanks to Mummy & Daddy) but also any threads about him attract his friends to B-BBC.
Good call 1327 more Marcus! 😀
I agree with 1327. We don’t get nearly enough about Marcus and his creep colleagues from the Now Show. They personify the lack of poltical balance at the BBC, and the way OUR money is wasted on talentless loudmouths with canned sycophantic applause added in.
Plus – it all seems to upset this “Ian” fellow, which can’t be a bad thing.
I can’t speak for Ian but the obsession with Marcus Brigstock doesn’t bother me, it just seems a bit…. odd. He’s hardly one of the more ubiquitous BBC presenters which is why DV’s fixation on him (and Richard Bacon for that matter) appears a little strange.
The constant banging on about how un-funny you find the Now Show is pointless too. Some comedy is not to everyone’s taste but as it is constantly amongst the most listened to programs on the iPlayer, I think you may be in a minority.
As for the laughter being ‘canned’, after attending one of the live recordings myself, I can assure you it isn’t! 🙂
More Marcus indeed.
I agree with 1327. We don’t get nearly enough stuff about Marcus – and the other creeps on the Now Show.
They personify the lack of political balance at the BBC, and the waste of money on talentless loudmouths.
Plus – it all seems to annoy our young guest Ian – which can’t be a bad thing.
(I found the comment by 1327 funnier than a whole year’s worth of Now Shows)
Seeing as we’re all repeating things, seeing as we’re all repeating things……..
I don’t actually like Brigstocke. I don’t find him funny myself. But I turn off the TV when he comes on, something that is clearly an alien concept to people here. Also, I am able to understand that he is a comedian, not a political commentator. Again, something that is misunderstood here. These B-BBC witchhunts are funny to watch. But revealing too – if going after a comedian for telling jokes you don’t like is proof of bias, then the BBC must be doing quite well musn’t it!
Brigstocke is not a comedian. A satirist or TV humorist maybe, but not a comedian. If he was he would be able to able to make a proper living at it and wouldn’t have to show his face on the BBC every five minutes and rely on their licence-funded teat in general. Please get it into your skull he is anything BUT a comedian. He wouldn’t last 5 mins in a workingmens club.
You seem to have difficulty with the simplest of concepts yourself. I don’t want to pay for something I constantly turn off, I don’t want to watch the Biased Broadcasting Corporation but am forced to pay for it.
“he is a comedian, not a political commentator.”
So why don’t they have the Krankies on Question Time?
They have plenty of other comedians on QT. It’s a lame attempt to play to a youth audience. Didn’t you know that?
If its the licence fee that annoys you, then start a blog about that. Campaign to have it removed. Don’t whinge about a TV channel that reports stories you don’t like or broadcasts people you don’t like. Don’t pretend that grievances about bias and an unfair tax are the same thing. They aren’t.
You really are ****ing thick aren’t you? I disagree with the bias therefore against the Licence fee. BTW I can do what the fuck I like.
Of course you can ‘do what the fuck you like’. The problem is that what you say is so, how can I put it, fucking stupid that people like me are needed to put you right.
Yes you are right in one respect conversing with you is fucking stupid, oh superior one.
Ian if Brigstocke were just one of rotating team of comedians each with a differing political view that appeared on the BBC I wouldn’t mind so much. The trouble is there isn’t such a thing just a very small number of comedians each sharing the same left wing political viewpoint. To make things worse the Beeb seems for reasons unknown to me (there must be a personal connection) to have chosen the least funny of all of them to appear on more and more of its shows. I doubt a night can go by without Brisgstocke appearing on Radio 4 or BBC TV. I half expect they will start dubbing him into the old Round the Horne shows on Radio 7 soon.
Let me tell you a dirty little secret. While I disagree with his polics almost totally I sometimes find Mark Steele funny. He might be an ex-SWP’er who can’t quite throw his Stalinist mental shackles but he is original and some of his outpourings are funny. Brisgstocke on the other hand comes across as not very bright and simply repeating what he thinks people at the Beeb want him to say so he can please them.
I agree. More Marcus it should be!
In young Ian’s definition of the word “comedian” – doesn’t the requirement to be funny fit in ?
And it is plain to anyone with half a brain that Marcus sets out to be a political commentator. He certainly does not tell jokes. Not even unfunny jokes.
If Marcus describes himself as a comedian, he is in breach of the Trades Descriptions Act.
And if the BBC wants to run programmes like the Now Show that are primarily political commentary, it is sheer arrogance by BBC management to fail to insist on even a semblance of political balance.
Wow he really makes you angry doesn’t he? I repeat – turn off the channel if you feel annoyed with him!
Thanks for the condescending ‘young’ part by the way. If it’s not abuse, it’s some form of mockery. That’s why this site is so well respected……
More Brigstocke it shall be.
Stop dodging the point, young Ian. You say Marcus is a comedian, not a political commentator – an obvious untruth.
Well, no it’s not. On the subject of untruths, how about the global warming that isn’t happening? Or the Muslims that are all evil? Those are some untruths, as you put it, peddled often on this site.
Doesnt that pillock realise that blogs like this exist as a balance to the liberal orthodoxy?
It exists because its generated by people swinging in the opposite direction to the all pervading media / political establishment.
And this is important when we the evidence of the damage done by these dinosaurs all around us.
Plus, Brigstocke is talentless and simply represents the orthodoxy we dont want to be part of. Every time he is on telly / radio is a time when really funny people -who might also just represent a wider, paying audience -are kept off.
Anyway – those people consistently commissioning this garbage shouldnt be in jobs, let alone paid so much.
I like Ian. Can he come to play more often. So much more eager than Scott and you can get a rise out of him quicker than with pingu.
Ian, my fine young fellow.
Heres a few points I’d like to pick up on on just your last paragraph.
Most Muslims are not Terrorists but most terrorists are Muslim. Thus the main focus of our anger on this site is not against all muzzies per se but auntie and her almost complete denial over the rather obvious conection between the religion of peace and most of the terrorists on the planet today.
Most contributors including me are not geat fans of the theory of AGW.
I have a science degree (a desmond but its still a Bsc) from a reasonably good Uni. St Andrews. I understand scientific method and have practice in applying it. One thingyou must always guard against is making your data fit your expectations or prejudices and not analysing them for their own sake to see what they tell us.
I truely believe that anthropomorphic global warming, is a theory based on a conjecture based on supposition based on originally flawed data. I believe that the majority of believers are honest people who have been swept up in a wave of hysteria not unlike the MMR scandal. My life has been lttered with similar ridiculous national obsessions. Firstly I remember in my youth when I was probably about your age (about 15) we were told we were going to go into another ice age this has scince not happened. Then we were told that the ozone hole was caused by cfcs. Now we know that the ozone hole is a natural phenomenon which shrinks and grows with the seasons.
Next we were told that Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease was going to kill hundreds of thousands of people and it was going to be a disaster.
There have been one or two deaths but the dont number nearly 100 in the UK. More people die falling of ladders and yet we slaughtered a huge percentage of the british herd based on a flawed ‘theory’
We had the Y2K bug which was supposed to bring down western civilisation but didnt.
Now AGW is the daddy of them all costing trillions of dollars and probably resulting in many people starving because of misguided economic measures. This theory would be funny if it were not so dangerous. Many eminent scientists have been like the little boy with the emperors new clothes and have told the world that it is a crock of shit and yet they are blamed and called ‘flat earthers’ whereas it is the zealots on the agw side who are’hot earthers’.
Dont dismiss this site so readily you may regret it one day when you are desperate for work and the socialist nirvana propagandised by auntie has failed. Where will you find money for your kids when all manufacturing has left the UK when the banks all move to switzerland and when the trust fund eco warriors trust funds run out.
Then you’ll look back at the ‘reactionary nutters’ on this site and think if only…..
How apt the marriage of conv€ni€nc€ between pompous toff Prigstocke and PC World!
Both flog to death mediocre tat at vastly inflated prices, with a mastery of their respective briefs that is worse than piss-poor.
I say more, not less of the magisterial, self-regarding ass on B-BBC, too!
He is the very exemplar of what it’s here for – an al-BBCeera poster boy for every dumb, keffiyeh-wearing, critical-faculties-lacking, UAF-supporting mummy’s boy in every Marxist-ridden college in the country.
In closing, I’d like to tip my hat to the redoubtable Old Holborn for providing us with what is quite possibly the best blog headline ever.