Johnny Ball was booed off stage last night after questioning man made climate change during his part in a Christmas show celebrating atheism and science. The crowd for ‘Nine Lessons and Carols for Godless People’, organised by BBC regular Robin Ince, was too close-minded to hear him out. Ince has criticised Ball’s views on Twitter and Ball says he won’t be doing the climate change stuff in future shows. More from the Telegraph.
I see also that another rationalist, the flimflam debunker James Randi, has expressed scepticism over claims that the science is settled. Like Johnny Ball, he too has come under attack for his views.
(Full disclosure – I’m an atheist climate change sceptic.)
Obviously the Environmental pro Man Made Climate Change fascists are in control of many parts of the press and anyone daring to tackle the lies they spout is in for a rough ride.
I support Johnny Ball and anyone who questions the MMCC claim their “the science is settled and proven,” false data.
More and more people are finding out that MMCC is a lie and the web is playing its part in this. Long may we have the right and freedom to question and argue with the MMCC bigots, but increasingly it seems the want to shut us up for telling the people the earth is not being killed off by man made CO2 and that they can shout until green in the face, but science does not prove MMCC is a fact.
Interesting that it was a group of atheists. Desperate to believe in something they choose MMCC. I suppose it could be worse- they could believe in trolls and goblins.
This group mind fanaticism is beginning to be alarming. A few steps down the line and they will be burning people at the stake. No sorry that won’t do for obvious reasons. Drowning seems more likely.
Al Gore is quite golbinesque. And Mann et al are always trolling us with their cooked ‘science’. So, in a way, it’s as bad as you say.
The light and space of Johnny Ball’s comedy routine must have really put the zap on their lefty heads. For a split second blank looks. They’re only used to ‘alternative’ comedy that the BBC et al pump out regularly – so the only response is to boo.
The way any dissent is being treated now is really starting to disturb me.
I’m really appalled by the fact he was treated like that.
I used to love his Think of a Number series at a time when the BBC was still worth watching. Can anyone think of a contemporary BBC presenter who is doing anything remotely as interesting?
The reaction of the Nine Lessons and Carols for Godless People audience I find quite chilling. It says you are not allowed to disagree without being jeered, bullied and treated like an outcast in general. This sums up these people: dogmatic, superstitious and tribal.
Anybody who has ever read Arthur Miller’s The Crucible will know exactly the mindset I mean.
This was The Now Show crowd out on the town. The people who booed Johnny Ball don’t go to gigs to have their safe Guardian-reader worldview challenged. They want their comedy Radio 4 6.30pm-style, complete with pseudo-intellectual leftist references to soothe their egos and key phrases such as “Daily Mail” and “Sarah Palin” to trigger their Pavlovian laughter. Johnny Ball of all people dared to disrupt their cosy consensus, and they didn’t like it
Shouting down anybody who disagrees with the agenda and refusing even to hear them out is the order of the day.
“Much of what passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power.”
Bertrand Russel
This sort of display gives a bad name to atheists, but then i guess they were attending an atheist ‘meeting’
What does this have to do with the BBC?
It was all organized by BBC regular Robin Ince.
So? He’s a comedian who occasionally appears on things, and has wirtten a handful of shows, he’s not even an employee – do we judge the BBC by the independent actions of all those who have been casually involved with the organisation?
Yes. It saves time. 😉
Remember Newsnight tonight, Ethical Man is about to prove the whole theory of MMGW – in his fookin’ kitchen!
Good god what a shambles. Snow was falling outside Ethical Man’s kitchen window. A couple of sealed plastic bottles were heated up by lamps, one contained “more CO2” than the other one and hey presto, after a nervous start when the ordinary bottle warmed more (and a hilarious cut in the program which suggested a fiddle) we were treated to the proof that the bottle with more CO2 was a few degrees warmer. It also had more pressure in it too given the exothermic chemical reaction used to generate the gas but hey, this is climate science!
The main scientist was Dr David King, who stated that the CRU emails don’t really mean anything and that people should be more concerned about the sinister and sophisticated operation that got the information out from the East Anglian servers. FFS!
Of course most of the audience were completely convinced of the truth of AGW by the end of the piece with one or two notable doubters remaining.
Right. It was just blatent propaganda. The lack of any debate on whether the contents of the leaked emails were a problem was simply extraordinary.
Nobody was prepared to discuss this.
The “experiment” was laughable.
Panic is setting in. Perhaps they will self destruct .Heating up to an unsustainable temperature and pop!
It is only a matter of time before “denial” is made a criminal offence.
My god! (I’m not an atheist), they’ll be burning us climate change `deniers’ at the stake next!!
Not being a Warmist makes you Nick Griffin, in a self-rightoeus Britain, where the viewpoints of brain-dead celebs, leftoid comedians and Beeboids are the only ones tolerated.
Everyone has an opinion – but no-one has any critcal faculties. Never mind, there’s always X-Factor.
“Full disclosure – I’m an atheist climate change sceptic”
I’m not sure that is allowed. Someone at the BBC once quoted Chesterton (when a man stops believing in God he doesn’t believe in nothing; he believes in anything) and since then they have decided those of us who really do believe in “nothing” don’t exist because they don’t have a pigeonhole for us (just as well really, as I’m not pigeon shaped).
Iv’e always liked Jonny Ball. Not so keen on his daughter but i think the man says what he thinks and he is quite good at science. A little bit more than any Milliband.
I think David Bellamy got the same treatment. Hence, never heared of again.
I was there .
It wasn’t as simple as that – it wasn’t really simply for his scepticism that he was booed – he was initially heard out – for a good 10 mins Eventually he was booed after he started rambling badly (about farting spiders) and becaue he was on stage for 20 minutes (allotted time 7). He was boring us all stupid.
Met Jonny Ball a couple of years back, lovely man. BTW so was his daughter contrary to the comments above.
There is a ecofascist hysteria flowing through the left wing of our society. It really worries me.
It stifles debate and causes bad science and bad decisions.
The scum that booed Ball should be sent to the northwest passage given a boat and be made to row home. As the passsage is now supposed to be navigable it should be no trouble. But if, as I suspect, the navigability is another ecoloon exageration the bastards will get stuck and freeze to death.
‘Good enough for th’m’ as they say where I live.