From today’s bbc (biased broadcasting corporation)
Mortgage lending in the UK in November was down 10% from the previous month and was at its lowest level since May, according to lenders.
The group said the latest month-on-month fall could not be solely explained by seasonal factors. It said that a modest seasonal decline between October and November was typical, but a 10% drop was larger than normal.
Now people – for those not in the know last november was the worst month pretty much ever for mortgages – and this month is 14% down on that!!!??? – its fallen off a bloody cliff pretty much overnight and quiet as a mouse – despite the fact that you would have thought that it would have increased (like much of this year due to the imminent reintroduction of stamp duty in jan 2010)
The markets dont like it – the FTSE has dropped 105 points already!
Ok – maybe paranoid – but look! whats the next story on bbc??
UK Banks more stable
The UK’s financial system has become “significantly more stable over the past six months”, the Bank of England has reported.
The Bank is spending £200bn under QE to boost lending in the banking sector.
That was good old mervyn king again – strange coincidence that he releases that statement just after the council of mortgage lenders releases theres.
(continued below)
Now call me a cynic but ive found this is the best policy whenever a statement is released by this government or its de facto employees – and thats whatever the liars say – believe the opposite – (global warming = global cooling actually) (saddam has wmds = sadamm doesnt have wmds) (browns saved the world = brown kills the world) (labour promises referendum on EU = labour isnt going to give you a referendum et al ad infinitum {insert your fave govt lie here!}
now lets play this through – keep in the back of your mind that banks have already stopped lending (in effect) – people are this xmas going to go on a spending splurge (a lot most likely on credit cards or using up overdraft) etc or just think “sod it – its xmas tis the season of goodwill ill have a good time and worry about it in the new year) – we’ve all done it and when that credit card bill lands late in january it hits the fan and you realise it might not have been such a good idea after all.
Now around Jan 15th most businesses have to pay their next quarters rent (3 months in advance) this is true of most big businesses such as the all important retailers – a lot of retailers even if they are struggling will be allowed to continue trading in the run up to xmas as its the most lucrative part of the year – many will then use the boxing day and new year sales to rid themselves of stock etc – quite a few wont have enuf left over to be able to pay the high rents in shopping centres etc and will close of their own choice or be liquidated (the banks love doing this – striking at the best time to get as much back as they want) – this in turn will lead to the emergence and popping of that other hidden but very real bubble of the commercial sector – just look at your high street, look at big buildings and I challenge you to note just how many have massive adverts up – this shop for rent – retail space available – office space available – then look at all the closed shops in your town centre – its an accident waiting to happen as all these large landowners like your bruntwoods of the world (top heavy with massive debt) could then fall and you will then find they default to the banks owing billions and the banks lose again – meanwhile you in retail could likely be laid off – cant pay your credit cards and then bingo the banks take another hit as well.
People have told me jan 15th – but I think it will be end of jan mid feb – it will a crisis so large that we wont have an election – but riots in the streets and the breakdown on law and order.
Dont worry folks!!!! – its all been manufactured – my guess is that “money” will be no more after this collapse – they will say its broken we need to start again and oh look! conveniently we have the perfect vehicle for change right here and now – its called “carbon credits”.
Obviously by this time those that are still living and breathing will clutch at this “solution” like a dying man clutches at ANY straw – and we’ll take it an be grateful!
Of course that will mean taking the “chip” but hey tis better than being dead or trying to survive in anarchy isnt it?
of course every new child born will “owe” carbon credits for the co2 he emits with every breath (along with everything he consumes) which by the time its grown up will mean the poor thing will face a lifetime of servitute trying to pay off the “debt”.
Of course you know that say ten twenty years down the line “they” will gloat and pat us on the back and say they and us have “saved the world” (but that it needs to continue) for ever and within a generation the people really will be like cattle while gore and co “masters of the universe” have a good ole time!
for all those nuts out there bleating on about co2 – you expel the stuff you numpties – do you want to pay a tax on breathing? on being alive?? you all moan about taxes but somehow “green” taxes are ok? if they are ok – then ask this government how much of the fuel duty goes towards green issues – not a lot less than 1%!!!!
how much of the air passenger duty (for flying) goes to the green issues? again sweet fa by comparison to the money that flies into the coffers of the government and EU
dont you see – carbon credits etc is ALREADY HERE! right here right now – and as all laws are done by consent and we’ve all meekly just shut up and paid up we ourselves have allowed this to happen – by accepting it, and lining their pockets – you know what they are like – they dont want some – they want it ALL!
Look out for swine flu coming back in jan – as a cover to distract you from the banks – perhaps lots of people will be sick and the banks will say our staff are too ill so were closing for a while – were at the convergence of massive problems than on their own we could probably cope with but at the moment the people are like a boxer punch drunk and reeling from many blows from different sources.
Now – theres a lot of people who smugly think – well i own my own house, have a pension, savings, stock and shares etc – am safe! – nope you are the first target for the robber banksters – all your savings stocks and shares will be worthless or you cant access them, your pension will disappear and well yes you have your house but are you ready to defend and protect your house from the marauders who will roam the streets in gangs?
I urge you all now – spend a little less this xmas on pressies and having a blow out and put that money into some simple supplies – food, water, candles, even bog roll – and whilst long term it will be worthless ensure you have plenty of cash cos initially people will take it – remember xmas is a BANK HOLIDAY – theres no guarantee that they will re-open people.
I could be wrong – but if you sniff there air – theres something not right in the world at the moment – we can all feel it – the convergance of issues is heightening and were being played like fiddles – remember what “they” promised us:
sorry had to get this off my chest – if its rambly – sorry people!
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From today’s bbc (biased broadcasting corporation)
Mortgage lending in the UK in November was down 10% from the previous month and was at its lowest level since May, according to lenders.
The group said the latest month-on-month fall could not be solely explained by seasonal factors. It said that a modest seasonal decline between October and November was typical, but a 10% drop was larger than normal.
Now people – for those not in the know last november was the worst month pretty much ever for mortgages – and this month is 14% down on that!!!??? – its fallen off a bloody cliff pretty much overnight and quiet as a mouse – despite the fact that you would have thought that it would have increased (like much of this year due to the imminent reintroduction of stamp duty in jan 2010)
The markets dont like it – the FTSE has dropped 105 points already!
Ok – maybe paranoid – but look! whats the next story on bbc??
UK Banks more stable
The UK’s financial system has become “significantly more stable over the past six months”, the Bank of England has reported.
The Bank is spending £200bn under QE to boost lending in the banking sector.
That was good old mervyn king again – strange coincidence that he releases that statement just after the council of mortgage lenders releases theres.
(continued below)
Now call me a cynic but ive found this is the best policy whenever a statement is released by this government or its de facto employees – and thats whatever the liars say – believe the opposite – (global warming = global cooling actually) (saddam has wmds = sadamm doesnt have wmds) (browns saved the world = brown kills the world) (labour promises referendum on EU = labour isnt going to give you a referendum et al ad infinitum {insert your fave govt lie here!}
now lets play this through – keep in the back of your mind that banks have already stopped lending (in effect) – people are this xmas going to go on a spending splurge (a lot most likely on credit cards or using up overdraft) etc or just think “sod it – its xmas tis the season of goodwill ill have a good time and worry about it in the new year) – we’ve all done it and when that credit card bill lands late in january it hits the fan and you realise it might not have been such a good idea after all.
Now around Jan 15th most businesses have to pay their next quarters rent (3 months in advance) this is true of most big businesses such as the all important retailers – a lot of retailers even if they are struggling will be allowed to continue trading in the run up to xmas as its the most lucrative part of the year – many will then use the boxing day and new year sales to rid themselves of stock etc – quite a few wont have enuf left over to be able to pay the high rents in shopping centres etc and will close of their own choice or be liquidated (the banks love doing this – striking at the best time to get as much back as they want) – this in turn will lead to the emergence and popping of that other hidden but very real bubble of the commercial sector – just look at your high street, look at big buildings and I challenge you to note just how many have massive adverts up – this shop for rent – retail space available – office space available – then look at all the closed shops in your town centre – its an accident waiting to happen as all these large landowners like your bruntwoods of the world (top heavy with massive debt) could then fall and you will then find they default to the banks owing billions and the banks lose again – meanwhile you in retail could likely be laid off – cant pay your credit cards and then bingo the banks take another hit as well.
People have told me jan 15th – but I think it will be end of jan mid feb – it will a crisis so large that we wont have an election – but riots in the streets and the breakdown on law and order.
Dont worry folks!!!! – its all been manufactured – my guess is that “money” will be no more after this collapse – they will say its broken we need to start again and oh look! conveniently we have the perfect vehicle for change right here and now – its called “carbon credits”.
Obviously by this time those that are still living and breathing will clutch at this “solution” like a dying man clutches at ANY straw – and we’ll take it an be grateful!
Of course that will mean taking the “chip” but hey tis better than being dead or trying to survive in anarchy isnt it?
of course every new child born will “owe” carbon credits for the co2 he emits with every breath (along with everything he consumes) which by the time its grown up will mean the poor thing will face a lifetime of servitute trying to pay off the “debt”.
Of course you know that say ten twenty years down the line “they” will gloat and pat us on the back and say they and us have “saved the world” (but that it needs to continue) for ever and within a generation the people really will be like cattle while gore and co “masters of the universe” have a good ole time!
for all those nuts out there bleating on about co2 – you expel the stuff you numpties – do you want to pay a tax on breathing? on being alive?? you all moan about taxes but somehow “green” taxes are ok? if they are ok – then ask this government how much of the fuel duty goes towards green issues – not a lot less than 1%!!!!
how much of the air passenger duty (for flying) goes to the green issues? again sweet fa by comparison to the money that flies into the coffers of the government and EU
dont you see – carbon credits etc is ALREADY HERE! right here right now – and as all laws are done by consent and we’ve all meekly just shut up and paid up we ourselves have allowed this to happen – by accepting it, and lining their pockets – you know what they are like – they dont want some – they want it ALL!
Look out for swine flu coming back in jan – as a cover to distract you from the banks – perhaps lots of people will be sick and the banks will say our staff are too ill so were closing for a while – were at the convergence of massive problems than on their own we could probably cope with but at the moment the people are like a boxer punch drunk and reeling from many blows from different sources.
Now – theres a lot of people who smugly think – well i own my own house, have a pension, savings, stock and shares etc – am safe! – nope you are the first target for the robber banksters – all your savings stocks and shares will be worthless or you cant access them, your pension will disappear and well yes you have your house but are you ready to defend and protect your house from the marauders who will roam the streets in gangs?
I urge you all now – spend a little less this xmas on pressies and having a blow out and put that money into some simple supplies – food, water, candles, even bog roll – and whilst long term it will be worthless ensure you have plenty of cash cos initially people will take it – remember xmas is a BANK HOLIDAY – theres no guarantee that they will re-open people.
I could be wrong – but if you sniff there air – theres something not right in the world at the moment – we can all feel it – the convergance of issues is heightening and were being played like fiddles – remember what “they” promised us:
sorry had to get this off my chest – if its rambly – sorry people!