Anyone catch the BBC lead item on Today this morning at 8.10am? In a marvellous example of what the BBC sees as balance, we had Roger Harribin and Lord Stern discussing the chances of a “positive outcome” for those “developing nations.” The very idea that these third world kleptocracies are out to get as much of our financial resources as possible is never discussed. The images of Chavez and Mugabe thundering attack and attack on the free market economy is quietly ditched and replaced with pics of those oh-so-cuddly Polar bears. The BBC narrative is all about whether or not this collective of socialists and eco-loons can “do the deal” and so irreparably damage our future. But hey, you can trust the BBC to provide all shades of opinion on this one, can’t you?
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It now looks as though China is blocking any real agreemenrt in Copenhagen. Taking no notice of Obama’s fit of pique.
Good for them – China is acting more like a capitalist country than the rest of the West.
The BBC just had Joan Ruddock spouting on about “the US following Brown’s lead” in throwing our money away – that’s crazy Joan of CND ilk. Britain really is a nation being led by donkeys.
The big hope must be for Copenhagen to utterly fail – there never was much chance of the Chinese doing what they said all along they would not do – and let the whole hockey-stick fraudulent “science” unravel itself.
There are now majorities in the US and the UK who do not believe that there is man-made global warming. The best chance to push all the nonsense aside is to show that there is no real sign of ANY unprecedented global warming, from whatever cause.
Yesterday morning I tuned into Radio Devon to hear part of an interview with a ‘Copenhagen groupie’ from the Council. I was a bit taken aback to hear the presenter ask her what she had to say to ‘grizzly old cynics’, presume that is most of us on this site! Happy Christmas fellow ‘grizzly oldies’.
Can this be possibly true?: The BBC climate fanatics at ‘Newsnight’ are, surprise, surprise, continuing their propaganda tonight –
“Tonight on Newsnight we are ‘going big’ on Copenhagen. ”
(BBC ‘Newsnight’ blog.)
With any luck at all, this Copenhagen summit will crash and burn and then there will be time for the scepticism over Climategate and fraudulent data to spread much further and become downright cynical disbelief! 😉
The Chinese don’t want to be monitored and the small countries want £/$ for compo not mitigation. Obama said zippy worth a damn and the BBC will claim it’s all a Gordon triumph. Meanwhile Newsnight’s Ethical Man has been appointed next Chief Gov Scientist.
Like they say… and not in a good way… we shall be living in ‘interesting’ times.
The BBC had better ignore ‘leftist’ Alexander Cockburn on climate:
“Those CRU emails expose Copenhagen as a farce.”,news-comment,news-politics,those-cru-emails-expose-copenhagen-as-a-farce-climategate-climate-change-sceptic
I want to know why the Police haven’t been called in to investigate the CRU. They have clearly been up to no good, possibly to benefit themselves financially as an organisation.
I’m hoping the Tax Payers alliance may ask for the Police to go in and start going through to see if there have been any illegal practices going on.
Vicky Pope from the met office Hadley centre was given a prime BBC slot to pimp her political masters lies based on wholly made up fraudulant climate models with the jerk off presenter holding up a met office flyer predicting all sorts of massive temperature increases of four odd degrees.
Pope than tried to explain that tempreature increases would vary around the world, what she meant of course that the variations would depend on how much they could manipulate the raw data available.
The met office mirrors the corruption of the newlabour regime, even now when they know we know their corrupt models are worthless they still pimp them to the BBC and the BBC soaks it all up as if they were sacred.
The beeboid could have simply asked Pope, ‘are these predicted temperature increases based on and around the corrupted and massaged HADRUT global temperature series?’ such a simple question to ask isnt it? well apparently the question was too dificult for the beeboid.
Just another small example of BBC dishonesty to add to all the others, these toatally wrong predictions based on faked up models using rigged and manipulated data and given uncritical primetime airing, just another day at the BBC factory of lies.
If it all falls to pieces as it well might this could be the beginning of the end for the fantasy world of the liberal elite, both here in Europe and in the US. Not their Thermopylae more their Stalingrad.
Now we can start to get the state and it’s minions off our backs and let ordinary people get on with their lives
The only way to get thiese vile left wingers off our backs will be using a a large number of lamp posts and several miles of piano wire.
“Much more interesting is Navin Singh Khadka, one of the Beeb’s team covering the slugfest in Copenhagen, earnestly briefing us about the “Fight to control Copenhagen climate change fund”.
Khadka is telling us that, apart from the headline battles in Copenhagen, “behind the scenes an equally big issue is being thrashed out. It’s a fight for control of the massive new fund that will challenge our changing climate.” He has completely, utterly and totally missed one of the biggest scandals of our time.
Like, er … why is this money – our money – being used to build a massive, coal-fired power station in India? Owned by you know who.”
Justin Webb’s segment later on about the “hacked” emails was an utter joke. This is a total smokescreen to hide the real debate about the scientific fraud behind it. Ol’ Justin and David King and all the rest of them (even the Spectator’s court jester, Rod Liddle) can gnash their teeth all they like about who was behind a hack job, their motivations, etc., but that ignores one glaring problem with this scenario: regardless of the motivations of whoever brought these emails to light, in order for them to have gone through all the trouble to obtain them, they’d have to know something was going on.
It’s simply not credible that a hacker or leaker would have gone through all the trouble to obtain the emails simply because they wanted to obstruct the Cophenagen agenda without having any knowledge of what was going on at the CRU. Yet that’s what the BBC and all the rest of them exapect you to believe. This is just a criminal fishing expedition that got lucky, eh, Justin? Yeah, right.
The motivation behind the leaking of these emails is irrelevant to the discussion of the fraud contained therein. Only if somebody knew there was fraud going on would they have made the effort to get these files and leak them. But the BBC won’t dare consider that, because it would mean foscusing on the evidence of fraud in the emails. Can’t have that, can we, BBC?
Speaking of leaking the emails, it’s worth pointing out that Justin Webb failed to mention that Beeboid Paul Hudson had possession of these emails over two months ago, and sat on the story. The BBC is complicit in this fraud, of course, so he can’t bring it up.
Nothing new about the BBC sitting on stories that embarrass the left. They had the Lee Jasper story for ages before the ES broke it.
I see BBC News 24 have the fattest man in the world on giving us HIS expert opinion on climate change. That of course being wife cheating ugly fat slug Prescott, a man whose skid marked arse has probably generated more pollution than all the cows on the planet combined.
The camp male beeboid is sitting next to this piece of thick human vomit is nodding at every dribbled sound bite coming from one end or the other of this fat lying cheating piece of human excrement.
Oh and the one eyed jock mong has sold the UK down the river it appears. We cut CO2 emissions by 40% and the USA does 4%. China does nothing. Well done mong boy, now sod off back to Scotland.
Newsnight and Kirsty – more of a wake than a celebration. Paul Mason – just what is he for? And Prescott. A man so lacking in self awareness that he is unable to see that all he comes across as is the hectoring bully he was always going to be.
Such stunning ignorance of the US constitution. Presidents are not the all powerful tryants the libleft is so fond of. They do not sign treaties without democratic approval. The US is still the best functioning democracy in the world. Democracy being a concept increasingly alien to our elites. Are they not looking forward to the post democratic age? Training for it at their Common purpose meetings. In their NGO committees and think tanks.
I thought Kirsty was going to cry and as for the Beeb girl on the spot in Copenhagen she looked as though her cat had just been run over by a 42 ton artic.
It is all unravelling beautifully. Really rather enjoyable watching it.
The blessed Iowahawk nails the nonsense, as usual :
Richard Black seemed to be fuming tonight on Radio 4 when reporting the thin-as-gruel results of Copenhagen. Just about as weepy as this blogger/activist/loony :
some hilarious comments on the second link above !
Don’t people like Black and Harrabin realise that they are a JOKE ?
Heard some greenie nutjob on R5 earlier claim that the failure to secure a deal at Copenhagen would result in the deaths of “hundreds of miilions” – obviously this went unchallenged by the presenter (somebody standing in for Nolan), fortunately Mark Morano was on hand to laugh at, and generally belittle, the pathetic scaremongering greeno.
Grand Jury Presentments were served upon the FBI in Arizona by Maggie Passaro. PRESS RELEASE [update]: December 18, 2009 by American Grand Jury
See attached a receipt (on FBI FORM) below for the Grand Jury presentments served upon Jeremy Schwartz, Department of the FBI.
The following report was sent to American Grand Jury by Maggie Passaro:
[[ He would not sign on OUR document. Agent Schwartz only had to say to me that “ALL PERSONS UP FOR ELECTION ON BALLOTS ARE CHECKED ON THEIR BACKGROUND BY THE FBI…”
My response was “if the the FBI did indeed do a thorough background check on Obama, did they document the fact that Obama is NOT a “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN?” Agent Schwartz had no comment on this.”
I had to re-affirm to agent Schwartz, several times, as he kept saying “citizen” that Obama is NOT a “NATURAL BORN” citizen and that Obama openly admitted this in public and through his writings. ]]
read the complete story here:
The criminal charges of Eligibility Fraud and Treason (Barack Obama) and Conspiracy of Election Fraud (Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama) are now pending before numerous Courts.
If acted upon, the Grand Jury Presentments would require that both Obama and Pelosi be criminally prosecuted.
American Grand Jury is actively pursuing decisions in a number of UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS located in multiple jurisdictions: District for Columbia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Kansas, New York, Texas, California, Arizona, Connecticut and others.
More serves will be forth coming. Copyright 2009 by American Grand Jury – all rights reserved.
Not sure what the birth certificate of Barry has to do with global warming ™ BUT people need to keep in mind that McCain was born in Panema.
Bear in mind that the FIRST duty of any elected government is to look after the interests of its own people FIRST.
Questions the BBC will NEVER ask….
How many jobs has the unilateral legal cuts in CO2 emissions cost the UK in total so far and how many will be lost at the end of the cuts?
The amount of UK CO2 emissions cut will be made up by China and India in how many weeks?
The UK is now losing industrial jobs by the thousands, is the cost of taking a ‘moral lead’ too high in terms of future poverty and mass unemployment?
Spain took a lead in switching to a so called green renewable economy and now suffers mass unemployment as a direct result, has the UK government taken on board the results of this experiment?
The major scientific institutions responsible for predicting future climate are heavily implicated in fraud,bad practice,manipulation of data and forgery, when is the government going to launch a full public and legal investigation into the climategate scandal.
The UK government AND the opposition AND the third party are all of one singular mind, a collective mind unwilling or unable to listen to reason and common sense, the three parties are utterly blind to the fraud going on OR they are willing stooges of that fraud, which is it?
We now know that the BBC is a willing and active participant in the fraud.
Chairman Michael Lyons of the misnamed BBC ‘Trust’ being ‘interviewed’ by Ray Snoddy of Newswatch.
First words out of his mouth (regarding balance, posed gently by a fellow employee) ‘No, I think we have it about right.’
Now there is a major surprise. Hardly worth watching any further (in so many ways).
I genuinely thought that some kind of new peak of satire had been reached the other day when Chavez spoke to the UN conference in Copenhagen. The fact that the assembled ranks of fascist, communists, media darlings and opportunists cheered him to the rafters made the whole enterprise beyond parody — and beyond reporting by the BBC. But obviously not. As I switched on the Today programme this morning to hear an even greater piece of satire.
On the 7.30 news headlines, who did the BBC choose to lament the collapse of the corrupt and incompetent attempt to establish the first rung of a world government?
The BBC chose the Sudanese ambassador.
Now, let’s just stop for a moment. The Sudanese ambassador. Roll those words around on your tongue. The SUDANESE Ambassador!
And what did the Sudanese ambassador have to say? Well, he compared the decision of the US and China (to effectively scupper a binding handout) as akin to the Nazis murdering millions of Jews during the Second World War.
It’s really hard to come at that last sentence in any way that doesn’t induce insanity. But obviously the BBC can’t see that.
Sudan, in case anyone at the UN has BBC forgotten, is the only country in the world currently committing genocide.
And what did the Sudanese ambassador have to say? Well, he compared the decision of the US and China (to effectively scupper a binding handout) as akin to the Nazis murdering millions of Jews during the Second World War.
Hang on a second. Surely this must enrage the Mohammedans and Islamists who keep telling us that…
1. The holocaust never happened but is a fiction invented by the Jews; and…
2. That if it did happen, which is didn’t, then the Jews had it coming anyway.
Gosh it’s so confusing to keep up with what the Warm Mongering fruitcakes believe.
Hear hear!
The BBC dont irony do they? If they did they would consider mass murdering genocidal Sudan commenting on morals a tad unjustified.
So I was informed this morning that we can expect colder winters due to climate change (I kid you not).
Oh and why do all these leftie climate nuts look like the sort of people you wouldn’t trust around small children?
But don’t worry.
As soon as we start getting warmer winters, we’ll know that we’ve (by we, I mean the Planet Earth or Gaia) turned the corner and Global Cooling has kicked in.
It’s all so simple: manmade GLOBAL WARMING = Colder weather.
Manmade GLOBAL COOLING = Hotter weather.
Ain’t science wunerful?
Acording to the theory “CO2 generated by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas – traps energy coming originally from the Sun, causing global temperatures to rise.”
This is the theory that AGW is based – it can only cause warming. So if CO2 causes warming and cooling then what is the effect of reducing it? Does it make the temperatures rise or fall?
It seems that these eco-loons can come out with any nonsense and the politicians and the media don’t even question it.
What they claim is that the planet warms, but this can cause weather changes which means in some parts of the world it may get hotter and in others colder.
BUT they can’t provide ANY scientific proof of this.
When is the Sudan going to pay reparations for the Jihadist slaughter of General Gordon?
Hey Sudan — PAY UP.
Fight to control Copenhagen climate change fund
Possibly it needs a world-saving financial genius to run?
So perhaps the fact that nothing is legally binding yet is no bad thing:)
A some were evidently unsure all being discussed was as settled as top scientists like Pres. Obama and PM brown say it was… er… is.
Speaking of whom, on the BBC just saw David King say that Gordon was neither right nor wrong to be pleased at the outcome. Uh-huh.
He does have a different take to most. Wonder why?
This from a BBC blog, which I am sure the authors don’t read to avoid getting anything that might spoil the narrative:
Gordon Brown No Plan B
18th December
Gordon Brown Plan B
I know that man made climate change is a lie and so do the Elite.
They have even admitted that this ‘Copenhagen agreement’ is not legally binding. In other words, it is not worth the paper it is written on. I wonder how long it will be before most people realise that summits like these are just an excuse for our masters to go on a huge jolly, laughing in the face of their slaves (population).
by the way, I have just signed a “not legally binding” treaty to only use CFL lightbulbs for the rest of my life. In reality, I am typing this under the comfortable glow of one of my 850 incandescent bulbs.…nger-deal.html
Richard North again showing up the BBC’s ‘World Class’ (new world order class) news reporters for what they are.
“”Meaningful deal reached at Copenhagen climate summit,” reports the BBC and the rest of the media pack, in more or less the same terms.”
“With almost savage delight, one can always enjoy the BBC’s unerring ability to miss the main story as it continues to pour out its endless propaganda for and on behalf of the warmists.
Thus do we find Navin Singh Khadka, one of the Beeb’s team covering the slugfest in Copenhagen, earnestly briefing us about the “Fight to control Copenhagen climate change fund”, completely, utterly and totally missing one of the biggest scandals of our time.”
But the is NO AGREEMENT. The fudge has merely been “noted” by the Copenhagen conference.
It has all been an epic fail.
Obama ends up looking stupid, as does Brown – no matter how hard the BBC tries to praise them.
As usual the village idiot Brown outdoes himself with his idiocy with his 42% to cut Britain’s Co2 emissions by 2020. Actually he’s probably not an idiot as he really does want to totally destroy Britain which he has been doing a good job of it up till now. After all Labour have done to this country still people are thinking of voting for them.
Brown: “First steps are difficult, but they are also necessary” The only thing necessary is to treat Gordon Brown as an enemy of the state and have him executed for treason.
Marky, actually the one eyed inbred wants to destory England, just like some retreating army Liebour (well the Scottish mafia anyway) is trashing everything it can find in England whilst the few remaining English Liebour MPs simply wait to be slaughtered at the general election.
Mark Mardell has written a blog post in defense of the President, including a little white lie. The whole thing reads like something the White House Press Secretary would say.
He opens with a little white lie in the first sentence:
The weather saved President Barack Obama from witnessing his climate change plan being pulled apart before his eyes.
What climate change plan? All He did was say “It’s time to act.” That’s not a plan, that’s just saying that He wants people to do what somebody else says needs to be done. But Mardell has no idea what he’s doing here. Total sycophant that he is, he thinks the President came with a plan.
Of course it isn’t His fault that the Copenhagen Synod was a disaster,says Mardell. Thank goodness a snow storm prevented Him from losing face.
The BBC North America Editor isn’t trying to inform you, he’s trying to form your opinions for you.
Copenhagen a 2 week jolly up on expenses for useless politicians and their sycophants, the BBC sent 35 reporters and associated crew (why). Like last year and the year before ( in Bali if I remember correctly) these meetings do nothing and achieve even less. They have all flown home for the Christmas break now, looking forward to next years meeting,which will be somewhere warmer than Copenhagen.
The ecowhacko Poritt on the toady show this AM pining about the Arctic ice melting, the usual BBC one sided uncritical no questions asked platform for any old fruitcake just as long as they peddle the correct message.
Just a thought folks, pop over to ‘watts up with that’ scroll down to the side bar and take a butchers at the Arctic sea ice graph half way down and surprise surprise the sea ice extent is a shade under….twelve million sq KM and rising on a trend that could push it to thirteen million sq KM by the new year which would put the recovery back to normal levels, ooooops!
The Artic is melting fast? NO
The Arctic will be ice free within a few years? NO
The Arctic ice pack is getting smaller every year? NO
The Artic ice is only first year thin ice? NO
The polar bears are dying? NO
The eco fanatics are lying through their teeth? YES
Hey BBC you bunch of lying cheating bastards, I hope you choke on your lies.
Lord Monckton says it all in his inimitable way…